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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I would have liked Act 3 if maybe they had you go to certain points in the map. That way when you're replaying the game you can go fast if you want and don't have to wait around.


Unconfirmed Member
i have more problems with act 4 and 5 really. apart from the nostalgia, act 4 is just full of robots which makes it no fun, and act 5 is literally 1 screen and 1 boss, so much wasted potential for an arsenal gear callback or something like that.


Junior Member
i have more problems with act 4 and 5 really. apart from the nostalgia, act 4 is just full of robots which makes it no fun, and act 5 is literally 1 screen and 1 boss, so much wasted potential for an arsenal gear callback or something like that.

YES YES YES. That's my main problem with MGS4, past Act 2 the gameplay is garbage. Act 4 has a good boss fight though.
mgs2 does almost the exact same thing. once you get to shell 2 it's all gimmicky shit, boss fights, and cut scenes that are too long.

that's why i'm forever on team MGS1and3

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
mgs2 does almost the exact same thing. once you get to shell 2 it's all gimmicky shit, boss fights, and cut scenes that are too long.

that's why i'm forever on team MGS1and3

MGS2 is a gawddamn work of Art. Even Especially when the guard pisses on Raiden's your noggin.

That's not to say 1 & 3 aren't utterly amazing in their own right, it's just that 2 has more to say, and it does so far more successfully, I think.
MGS2 is a gawddamn work of Art. Even Especially when the guard pisses on Raiden's your noggin.

That's not to say 1 & 3 aren't utterly amazing in their own right, it's just that 2 has more to say, and it does so far more successfully, I think.

yeah, i've heard this argument quite a bit on here. i don't agree. i appreciate ultimately what mgs2 was trying to do, and it is a great game. but it is ultimately a video game, and it's a worse video game than 1 and 3 IMO. and i don't particularly think the story is better either. is a bit more abstract? worthy of analysis? etc etc? of course. but i'll use the same example i used in another thread about this. i think inglorious basterds is a better movie than schindler's list or requiem for a dream. IB may have less to say, but the dialogue is better, the story and characters are more interesting, etc etc.

so while mgs2 has the crazy meta 4th wall shit going on combined with a amazingly insightful statement about government, technology, etc that are shockingly accurate over 10 years later.....that doesn't make it a better video game to me

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
yeah, i've heard this argument quite a bit on here. i don't agree. i appreciate ultimately what mgs2 was trying to do, and it is a great game. but it is ultimately a video game, and it's a worse video game than 1 and 3 IMO.

You see, I'm going to go out on a really big limb here and say that I think it's a video game second and a message/work of art first.

There are some intentionally unsatisfying elements in that game which could easily be dismissed as bad design (Shell 2), bad decisions (Raiden being the PC) or bad writing (Everyone betraying everyone else to the point of utter meaninglessness), when in fact they (mostly) all tie into the game's themes of disinformation, the nature of reality in the Information Age and it's critique of the player/game relationship in some way. So these were done on purpose.

EDIT: I say this as a point because when you consider a video game, it's meant to be entertainment and offer a kind of instant gratification of sorts (think Destiny). With MGS2, I think Kojima used "video games" and a multi-million dollar budget to primarily use it as a medium to make a point, often at the expense of it's instant gratification. You gotta commend his balls.

(I'd go into more detail but my Big Boss sits right behind me these days!)

....Go on, admit it. You missed me. :p


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
In terms of purely gameplay for me,

MGS2 Extras (Dog tag collecting, Snake Tales, vr/alternative missions, big boss rank) > MGS3 Main game > MGS3 Extras (Snake vs Monkey, Kerotan shooting, markhor rank, foxhound rank) > MGS2 Main game

3 lacks the precision of 2 and makes things a tad too easy. You can peak around corners in fpv without being spotted for cheap shots. Enemies dont do a terrible amount of damage to you and guards are super easy to fight back. The wide open level design gives you ample room to safely headshot guards from afar. There are no more guards checking into hq removing that bit of tension. On the other hand, its definitely the more fun adventure. It feels like a classic rpg adventure going through different environemnts over the course of a few days with Groznjy Grad as the final castle holding the princess. It feels more complete than mgs2 even if the hunting mechanic could largely be ignored on replays. There is also no doubt 3 offers more options in boss batttles with their quality being more consistent overall than 2.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Having said all that about MGS2, if I were to choose my favourite at gunpoint and remove any semblance of objectivity from my decision making process, I'd choose MGS3 simply because it's a big fat love letter to all the films I used to watch as a kid. Nostalgia is a beautiful and powerful thing, and I am it's fickle love slave.

That doesn't take away from the fact that MGS2 is easily the series' magnum opus.

In terms of purely gameplay for me,

MGS2 Extras (Dog tag collecting, Snake Tales, vr/alternative missions, big boss rank) > MGS3 Main game > MGS3 Extras (Snake vs Monkey, Kerotan shooting, markhor rank, foxhound rank) > MGS2 Main game

Man, they are pure gameplay. Quintessential MGS boiled down into beautiful little chunks. Yummy.
The deal breaker for me between 2 and 3 is actually something totally minute. and that is big boss' stancing and overall control feels really stiff and robotic despite the more organic level design. There is a fluidity to 2 that has always felt right to me. big boss can't even turn on an axis in 3. That always bothered me.



Kojima is hiding somewhere behind her of course.


Junior Member
I have utmost respect for MGS2 for the message it tries to convey but like MGS4 it just has way too many cutscenes. For this reason I think 2 is the best and worst MG lol. It will be interesting to see if this game is studied in universities and such like 20 years from now. I don't think video games as of right now are accepted as an art form by many people for this to happen now but I imagine people will be shocked when they realize a video game of all things was warning us of the future we have now back in 2001.

Also I don't like that MGS2 is set in the Big Shell so it makes things really cramped and harder for stealth :p To me at least I don't think MG feels like a true stealth game until MGS3 since the environments are a lot bigger and you have more tools at your disposal.
I have to admit that I played my first Metal Gear game this year and I'm hating myself because I did it so late. Metal Gear Rising (I like Hack n' Slay / Character Action) introduced me into the series and the MGS V Trailers convinced me to give the series a try.
I always though that MGS is just another mediocre shooter game (sry) and lord, I've never been so wrong!

I can't live without Metal Gear anymore!

Edit: lol, grammar
1998. God, I was 8 years old when it came out. I remember this spoiled rich kid who lived at the last house at the end of our neighborhood which was literally just a street with a cul de sac at the end of it. The only reason I hung out with this brat was because there wasn't really anybody else to hang out with.

Anyway, I remember playing a demo disc on his ps1 one day. He subscribed to playstation magazine which came with free demo's every month or so. I remember after playing a few games on the demo I was sifting through a few titles and he looked over and saw metal gear solid and said " you've got to play that one". My feeble 8 year old mind initially though "racing game" when I heard that sequence of words for the first time. "No" he said " trust me, fire it up." Little did I know. We spent the summer playing through the game until the very end. And when I say we, I mean him playing and me watching the majority of the time. There were rare occasions where he let me play.........rare......bitch. Didn't let me play 2 either. :(


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I invited over a friend once in elementary school and I played the entirety of MGS2 in front of him. I only let him play the part where you shoot the semtex with the PSG1. I was a real cunt back then.

But on the other hand, one time in 5th grade I invited a friend over who was as good at MGS1 as I was and we beat the entire VR Missions disc.
Christmas 1999. My brother and I got our first console, the PS1 with a copy of MGS. I was only 7 and we were both shit at games. We spent the entire day trying to get onto the lift up to the helipad. Literally, the entire day. We finally did it but we didn't know how to save the game because we clearly weren't paying attention and we had to go through it all again the next day. Best Christmas ever.
what was everyone's first metal gear memory?

i played MG and snake's revenge on NES, but i don't remember liking them very much. i guess both of those don't truly even count anyway. it wasn't until i saw the previews for MGS that my love for MG started to develop. man the anticipation for that game was huge for me, and it lived up to the hype 100%

as an aside, i was 15 when MGS came out. i feel old as hell on MGS Gaf


I remember reading in EGM, I think, that a game was going to have a use for rumble that replicated the ever increasing heartbeat of a character as they progressively got more and more "nervous" (or something to that affect).

I was sold on that game right then and there.

That game was:
Tactical Espionage Action

That game was Amazing in 1998!
The atmosphere!
The story!
The execution!
The humor!
The bosses!
Metal Gear!

Okay I'm done here...


Unconfirmed Member
My first Metal Gear memory was actually Smash Bros Brawl, Snake looked so fucking cool I just HAD to check out the game he was from, then I got Twin Snakes, then I got a PS3 because there were some MGS2 and 3 rerelease rumors going on and I wasn't going to get MGS4 anywhere, so I got it and MGS1 with my PS3 and then played MGS2 and 3. What a ride.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
You should listen to this. http://youtu.be/-mx4RE3jrTs

Well, well, well. The more you know, eh?

as an aside, i was 15 when MGS came out. i feel old as hell on MGS Gaf

We should know better. I was 18 going on 19.


ScreamingMeatbro <3.

Have you seen El Topo?

Not got around to it quite yet. I stupidly missed a showing a year or two ago at the local college. From what I've heard about it, I'm pretty sure it would be right up my street.
[QUOTE Have you seen El Topo?[/QUOTE]

I've seen half of it. To say that movie is fucked up is an understatement. LSD is a helluva drug dood. Also, that film gave birth to the midnight movie.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
So this is a weird detail brought up on the Uknighted stream.

In MGS2, Emma's parrot seemingly randomly says "Venus in Cancer"

In MGS3, Paramedic seemingly randomly talks about "Venusian Crab"

Venusians are a type of alien from the planet Venus. Cancer is the astronomical sign that looks like a crab.

What the fuck


Unconfirmed Member
It's just bad translation on the MGS2 part, it's supposed to be Venusian Crab too, implying Emma likes cheesy B-movies, where they originate from.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
It's just bad translation on the MGS2 part, it's supposed to be Venusian Crab too, implying Emma likes cheesy B-movies, where they originate from.

"Venus in Cancer" is to do with horoscopes and astrology, isn't it? Something to do with being in love, I think.


Unconfirmed Member
"Venus in Cancer" is to do with horoscopes and astrology, isn't it? Something to do with being in love, I think.

What do crabs have to do with venutians?
Like I said, it's supposed to be a reference to an obscure sci-fi B-flick, which they got in MGS3, but they confused it in MGS2 with the horoscope thing, making the fact that Emma is a weird movie buff something that probably no American is going to get.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Like I said, it's supposed to be a reference to an obscure sci-fi B-flick, which they got in MGS3, but they confused it in MGS2 with the horoscope thing, making the fact that Emma is a weird movie buff something that probably no American is going to get.

I get that 'Venusian Crabs' in MGS3 is to do with a movie, but 'Venus in Cancer' is horoscope babble in it's own right.

Does EE talk a lot about movies during the game?
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