Also, FUCK DAWG, my heart jumped outta my chest!
You missed "Please hold" with this avatar
Also, FUCK DAWG, my heart jumped outta my chest!
That's why you used a mod avatar :smugface:
Jay-EH Kim or Rose?
See what happens when we got no new info or release date?
It was meant to be an ironic post. Didn't you see how I talked about "pls stop impersonating mods" while doing it myself?
guis pls y so srs
It was meant to be an ironic post. Didn't you see how I talked about "pls stop impersonating mods" while doing it myself?
guis pls y so srs
Did those red bubble shirts come in? How was the quality?
Enough with the excuses little man.
Oh yeah, a couple of weeks ago now. Quality is top notch, I'm very satisfied.
Nice. I ordered a couple, just waiting for them to come in.
I'm honestly not worried about getting spoiled. I'm hyped for the game but if I get told the story I wouldn't get angry.
That's it, you shitter. When I get MGS V early, I'll find a way to spoil you. I'll do it when you least expect it. Everything will be as usual. You'll never see it coming. It'll just be a random PM and you'll have forgotten about this message by then.
It'll just be me, saying:j/k sn4ke i could never spoil you <3
You thought it was Kayne, but it was me Jay
Dawg fucked us all
Dawg fucked us all
If mgs doesn't have a sim PC release, whoever finishes it first has to PM me if you were BB all game long so I can finally bm my friend for all the stupid it's not BB theories I have to endure every time MGS talk starts up in our skype chat.
Man I wanted to link that awesome fat guy singing Sono Chi no Sadame but the video is set to private, I got so sad :/
Jesus, I'm still scarred by that site. What sick bastard thought of this?
But he's going even deeper. :smugface:Dawg fucked us all
I am affraid that is not the worst you can see.
Consolation prize.
Is CAPCOM really working on DMC5 (not DmC: Devil May Cry)??? Somehow I missed that..
SolidSnakeFapFace.gif (btw, someone have it?)
I guess you missed this. Please! Say something!And give me please that gif
Dawg fucked us all
Mere speculation. No proof as of now.
tfw changing avatars is inconvenient due to being mobile
Please be true! Please be true! And give me again both Nero and Dante!
Is this how Sniper Wolf was conceived?
The guy who made that Quiet and DD pic is a hack. Eye patch is on wrong eye.
Mere speculation. No proof as of now.
Here's a gif for you though.
You noticed that too huh?The guy who made that Quiet and DD pic is a hack. Eye patch is on wrong eye.
I'm sure you would care how DD looks when you fap to this pic :smugface:
Tell me about it man. Constantly switching between mobile and full site was so annoying.
JoJo avatar incoming?!
Is this how Sniper Wolf was conceived?
you tell me.
once you get to episode 9 come talk to me![]()
You're confusing the hell outta me man.Bruh, I'm gonna binge watch after this ball game is over... or whatever NoctisVsStar does! :-D