Tfw Outer GAF knows tfw the connection with 2D girls is real 💗

Tfw Outer GAF knows tfw the connection with 2D girls is real 💗
Tfw Outer GAF knows tfw the connection with 2D girls is real ��
Chinner going outside to buy MGSV when it comes out.
hellll no, gonma get that shit delivered to me.
this is Sonic running to shop when MGSV is released
Why's kaz always up in Boss' face. Back up.
Kojima said his team were not very happy with how close Kaz gets to Big Boss in this shot, but he stuck with it for one reason which I can't exactly remember. He said something cool.
Thank you PrinceOfWhatever!! This is my favourite scene from the E3 2014 trailer!
Thanks again Prince! <3
The MGS3 title screen is so good. Need an epic one like that in TPP.
Sitting in the chopper is not epic?
Speaking of which, did we not get a pic today?
I believe you Vally and apologize to Dawg.
Kojima is too busy talking about development issues on twitter to post a pic.
It's all right, Sn4ke.
No... It can't be real. I won't believe it.
From Junker's Tweets it sounds like they are at the final push before going gold, trying to crush the bugs and get this game shipped.
Gamestop recently updated their release to 4/1, I talked to the manager there and she said she got that from the retailer but I said that was impossible there's no way they'd release it on April Fool's Day.
There's no way, it's just a place holder, I kept telling her lol. She's a pretty avid MGS fan so we get into it sometimes.
I think the "development issues" are being exaggerated. Why would Kojima say the release date announcement will be "very soon" when they're still having so much issues?
Kojima isn't one to announce a game's release date when it's still so far off. When they announce it, it'll only be a few months off.
I would say it will be released 1 month after the reveal for the release date.
Also "soon" or "very soon" doesn't mean anything.
No new pic?
I'm dead inside.
I think the "development issues" are being exaggerated. Why would Kojima say the release date announcement will be "very soon" when they're still having so much issues?
Kojima isn't one to announce a game's release date when it's still so far off. When they announce it, it'll only be a few months off.
No new pic?
I'm dead inside.
No, but did you read that ND threw in the towel? UC4 won't be 60 fps. They said they will go for the "experience" over 60 FPS.
Again confirming that MGSV > UC4.
Edit: I shaved my beard, you guys like it?
No, but did you read that ND threw in the towel? UC4 won't be 60 fps. They said they will go for the "experience" over 60 FPS.
Again confirming that MGSV > UC4.
Lol yeah I can't even enter this thread UC4 biggest game of the year? give me a fucking break. MGSV will beat it to shit with sales and content.
Oh and congrats to Member dude![]()
They did say they wanted enough time to advertise the hell out of it right? So depending on when the dates announced it'll at least be 3 months. That's why June seems so realistic (insider info or not)
For the record: It was Ken and Kobayashi who said "very soon" and "just a little bit longer"
I meant the Kojima Pro tweet:
Also, at the end of january, the game was just before the bug check phase. I think they were adjusting some of the new elements. I remember reading that.
I think I give up on MGSV now.
If the game does not release in about 1-2 months. I won't be here anymore anyway...
Their advertising plans might have changed since Kojima wants the game flewless. Who knows when his obsession will end.
Hey snake 911. How much would you think it'll cost to ship a box of sneakers from Vienna to Brussels? Preferably by like ups or DHL. The regular post tends to suck
I mentioned it a couple days earlier and this comment contains not able to play it either: