I love Pokken!
Do you like it more than FC3? If you even played that.
FC3 bore me to death. In fact all FC games did. FC4 is the first one i actually managed to finish.
Do you like it more than FC3? If you even played that.
LOL what is this?![]()
FC3 bore me to death. In fact all FC games did. FC4 is the first one i actually managed to finish.
Random question. Does anyone know where I can buy MGS2 Doc., or is willing to sell theirs? (Looking at you IP <3)
I'll have to check the tour cities. I saw them in Philadelphia in 2004. Awesome show. I haven't been to any concert in years. I think Genesis in 2007 was my last concert.
Here are the results of the poll from earlier.
Who do you believe?
1. Batzi: 13 votes (39%)
2. Soon: 8 votes (24%)
3. After Half Life 3: 8 votes (24%)
4. Cipher: 2 votes (6%)
5. Before PSX: 1 vote (3%)
6. After FFXV: 1 vote (3%)
Both, but I'd settle for the latter.Do you just want a copy for collecting or do you want to read it?
Both, but I'd settle for the latter.
In 6th grade when I started getting in to music I was obsessed with Yes.Prog rock fan huh? I actually saw Rush on their last tour. Unfortunately, I got black out drunk and don't remember much of the show, which sucks because I didn't really get to see the string arrangement. I do remember Subdivisions though. GOAT.
Burger King's bringing back the chicken fries again?!?!Here's hoping next week will be the moment we've been all waiting for.
SMTIV's world map is literally the only reason I haven't beaten it yet.
edit: The guy got banned that shareplayed with that kid.
Here's hoping next week will be the moment we've been all waiting for.
No playstation banned his accounthe was a gaf user?
In 6th grade when I started getting in to music I was obsessed with Yes.
Good review.Just the got the platinum so I'd figure I'd write what I thought about that.
Story is very lackluster and super predictable throughout. No character really stands out as they are all very standard. Ending was weak as well. As I said before, the presentation in this game is mind blowing. The setting, the graphics, the voice acting, the architecture, etc. is all top notch. The gameplay though is eh.... The game very much is stop and go with the action like I noted earlier. It's very weird. And what's there isn't very good either to be honest. It's a very standard cover shooter but I was hoping the unique weapons could save it. I was wrong. There aren't many unique weapons, you don't get to use them often, and they're not very...unique. As far as game length goes I think it was fine though I can see not wanting to spend $60 on the game. It wasn't short, wasn't long. Length felt right for what they were accomplishing. The real issue is the lack of any meaningful replay value. No unlock able modes, cool costumes, cheats, etc. Got the platinum real quick and once you d0 that, might as put the disc away for good.
Though the game wasn't great, I still highly enjoyed it. It has its identity figured out with its world building, they just need to find it for gameplay. I will say it is refreshing to play through an 6-10 hr story driven game and not have it filled with upgrade bars and skill trees. I'm so sick of RPG mechanics in every game that this is a breath of fresh air.
Good review.
This game's presentation caught me a bit off guard at first. Everything from Ness waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of police sirens off in the distance is great. It adds a sense of mystery and unexpectedness you don't see from most games. The visuals and the detail in the game are also great as well. The dialogue in the game is also quite unusual as some of the police officers are somewhat strange when Ness talks to them, and your parents begin to talk to you like you're going on an epic journey even though you were only asked to do a simple task. The battle system is standard RPG fair so far, and even that can be unusual as well as some of your party members don't help you in some cases. The music and sound in general is very good and the detail, down to the muffled sound of door knocking changing as you traverse the house is excellent. The story is also a bit bizarre and darker then the usual games you see from nintendo. All in all this game has a unique charm to it, and I look forward to playing more.
I don't normally do things like this at all, but you guys posting your impressions on games motivated me to do this. That and I'm pretty bored at the moment.
I'm the same way the only things I had growing up were the PS1, Gameboy, Game Gear, and some PC games. Last year I actually set out to play old games like this. I recently beat Super Metroid for the first time, and got into Zelda with OoT 3D. With club nintendo discontinuing I saw this and Super Mario World and redeemed them. Same with Metal Gear, I saw TPP, bought the Legacy collection and marathoned the series because I wanted to get into it. People on Gaf hyping up games like this is usually what motivates me to play them. That and I like going back and playing things I've never tried before. I didn't even think about playing Persona until I started to hear people talk about how good it is.I've never played earthbound before but I probably will at some point. Everyone on Gaf wants Mother 3 to come out here so it must have something to it. I have very little experience with games pre PS1 though since the only console I've ever had for that era was a Genesis. I'm not sure I will be able to handle the way games used to be pre PS1 to be honest lol.
I enjoyed it. All of the dungeons were fun except the water temple which felt like a chore, and is still confusing as hell. Link and sheik are now my favorite nintendo characters next to samus now. I like the items like the hookshot and bow esspecially with the 3DS camera control. I also see where Jay's coming from when he says he doesn't think he can play old games because I got stuck in this game several times, Navi is fine, I just tune her out. The final boss fight is easier then some of the previous bosses, but the finale is still great. I ended up buying TP and WW HD because of this game too. Sheik is the shit.What do you think of OoT, Rean?
Got a bit of a dilemma here. EDIT: I guess I don't?
Not sure how many of you saw my prior threads (1st one locked, 2nd one deleted), but my ex and I had a nasty break up which threw me into a spiral of depression. The break up happened on Nov. 20th. My ex hates me now due to shit I did/said after the break up due to my depression/grief. What made it all worse is that she ended up dating some other guy like 2 weeks after said break up and already lives with him. He was clearly the real reason for said break up. She wanted to pursue him. To put things in perspective, we were a very serious couple, totally planning on marriage, etc. To the point that her whole family was waiting on me to propose.
Fast forwards exactly 3 months; Feb. 20th. This girl I met online in 2010 whom I used to like, but kept stringing me along and had some bad habits, ends up texting me out of nowhere. Reason her & I stopped talking is because when my ex and I first got together in the summer of 2013, she knew I liked this other girl and saw how pretty she is (she really is super hot) and made me quit talking to her. I didn't mind, because I was tired of this hot girl's shit.
Anyway, she (hot girl) texts me, wondering how I'm doing, etc. We both catch up and she is understanding. I also explain to her about how I'm not naive to her games anymore. She acknowledges that she was a total cunt and was in a bad place years ago, but has grown up. Keep in mind I only met this girl once in person. She's only 2-3 hours drive away from me.
On the flip side, there is a girl I've been talking to from okcupid. We ended up exchanging numbers. However, she doesn't text me very much. I threw around the idea of hanging out in person. She seemed to think that'd be cool, but hasn't responded beyond that (been hours).
Anyway, this is the first time in a long time that I'm too distracted to torture myself with thoughts of my ex. I think I'm slowly getting over her thanks to talking to several pretty ladies, having finally sold my other car (pain in the ass it was), and a possible job prospect.
I don't really know what my question is, if I even ever had one. I just had to get this shit off my chest.
That chick my ex got all insecure about seriously is hot as fuck.
I enjoyed it. All of the dungeons were fun except the water temple which felt like a chore, and is still confusing as hell. Link and sheik are now my favorite nintendo characters next to samus now. I like the items like the hookshot and bow esspecially with the 3DS camera control. I also see where Jay's coming from when he says he doesn't think he can play old games because I got stuck in this game several times, Navi is fine, I just tune her out. The final boss fight is easier then some of the previous bosses, but the finale is still great. I ended up buying TP and WW HD because of this game too. Sheik is the shit.
Anyway, this is the first time in a long time that I'm too distracted to torture myself with thoughts of my ex. I think I'm slowly getting over her thanks to talking to several pretty ladies, having finally sold my other car (pain in the ass it was), and a possible job prospect.
Got a bit of a dilemma here. EDIT: I guess I don't?
Not sure how many of you saw my prior threads (1st one locked, 2nd one deleted), but my ex and I had a nasty break up which threw me into a spiral of depression. The break up happened on Nov. 20th. My ex hates me now due to shit I did/said after the break up due to my depression/grief. What made it all worse is that she ended up dating some other guy like 2 weeks after said break up and already lives with him. He was clearly the real reason for said break up. She wanted to pursue him. To put things in perspective, we were a very serious couple, totally planning on marriage, etc. To the point that her whole family was waiting on me to propose.
Fast forwards exactly 3 months; Feb. 20th. This girl I met online in 2010 whom I used to like, but kept stringing me along and had some bad habits, ends up texting me out of nowhere. Reason her & I stopped talking is because when my ex and I first got together in the summer of 2013, she knew I liked this other girl and saw how pretty she is (she really is super hot) and made me quit talking to her. I didn't mind, because I was tired of this hot girl's shit.
Anyway, she (hot girl) texts me, wondering how I'm doing, etc. We both catch up and she is understanding. I also explain to her about how I'm not naive to her games anymore. She acknowledges that she was a total cunt and was in a bad place years ago, but has grown up. Keep in mind I only met this girl once in person. She's only 2-3 hours drive away from me.
On the flip side, there is a girl I've been talking to from okcupid. We ended up exchanging numbers. However, she doesn't text me very much. I threw around the idea of hanging out in person. She seemed to think that'd be cool, but hasn't responded beyond that (been hours).
Anyway, this is the first time in a long time that I'm too distracted to torture myself with thoughts of my ex. I think I'm slowly getting over her thanks to talking to several pretty ladies, having finally sold my other car (pain in the ass it was), and a possible job prospect.
I don't really know what my question is, if I even ever had one. I just had to get this shit off my chest.
That chick my ex got all insecure about seriously is hot as fuck.
Got a bit of a dilemma here. EDIT: I guess I don't?
Not sure how many of you saw my prior threads (1st one locked, 2nd one deleted), but my ex and I had a nasty break up which threw me into a spiral of depression. The break up happened on Nov. 20th. My ex hates me now due to shit I did/said after the break up due to my depression/grief. What made it all worse is that she ended up dating some other guy like 2 weeks after said break up and already lives with him. He was clearly the real reason for said break up. She wanted to pursue him. To put things in perspective, we were a very serious couple, totally planning on marriage, etc. To the point that her whole family was waiting on me to propose.
Fast forwards exactly 3 months; Feb. 20th. This girl I met online in 2010 whom I used to like, but kept stringing me along and had some bad habits, ends up texting me out of nowhere. Reason her & I stopped talking is because when my ex and I first got together in the summer of 2013, she knew I liked this other girl and saw how pretty she is (she really is super hot) and made me quit talking to her. I didn't mind, because I was tired of this hot girl's shit.
Anyway, she (hot girl) texts me, wondering how I'm doing, etc. We both catch up and she is understanding. I also explain to her about how I'm not naive to her games anymore. She acknowledges that she was a total cunt and was in a bad place years ago, but has grown up. Keep in mind I only met this girl once in person. She's only 2-3 hours drive away from me.
On the flip side, there is a girl I've been talking to from okcupid. We ended up exchanging numbers. However, she doesn't text me very much. I threw around the idea of hanging out in person. She seemed to think that'd be cool, but hasn't responded beyond that (been hours).
Anyway, this is the first time in a long time that I'm too distracted to torture myself with thoughts of my ex. I think I'm slowly getting over her thanks to talking to several pretty ladies, having finally sold my other car (pain in the ass it was), and a possible job prospect.
I don't really know what my question is, if I even ever had one. I just had to get this shit off my chest.
That chick my ex got all insecure about seriously is hot as fuck.
Also @ Infinity Patriot: It's standard practice that the best way to get over a lost love is getting another. Same with doges, sadly.
Reboot your life and you'll feel better, just don't let any chick's craziness, no matter how hot she is, get you on a downward spiral now that you're still fragile.
You enjoy too.
Pretty funny you said Resident Evil because I also got into that recently. The only one I've played before was 5, but I bought REmaster, RE4, Code Veronica, and RE6 from that sale recently. After playing RE1 it 's probably one of my favorite games ever and that's coming from someone that doesn't like scary games. I know Code Veronica and RE6 aren't the best of the series, but I wanted to give them a chance either way.I'm glad you liked it. There are three game series i got myself chin-deep all those years of gaming, they are the most important series in gaming for me and i hoard everything about them.
One is obviously Metal Gear, another one is Resident Evil.
The one that remains is Legend of Zelda.
You did good getting WWHD, it has its own special charm, and most days I'd tell you it's my favorite 3D Zelda.
Also @ Infinity Patriot: It's standard practice that the best way to get over a lost love is getting another. Same with doges, sadly.
Reboot your life and you'll feel better, just don't let any chick's craziness, no matter how hot she is, get you on a downward spiral now that you're still fragile.
You enjoy too.
I know Code Veronica and RE6 aren't the best of the series, but I wanted to give them a chance either way.
My dog is turning 7 this year. He has about a 10-12 year life expectancy. Nobody close in my family has died yet and he will most likely be the first. I've been thinking about how I will deal with him dying a lot lately. It's super weird.
Pretty funny you said Resident Evil because I also got into that recently. The only one I've played before was 5, but I bought REmaster, RE4, Code Veronica, and RE6 from that sale recently. After playing RE1 it 's probably one of my favorite games ever and that's coming from someone that doesn't like scary games. I know Code Veronica and RE6 aren't the best of the series, but I wanted to give them a chance either way.
FC3 bore me to death. In fact all FC games did. FC4 is the first one i actually managed to finish.
You are both wrong. FC 2 is by far the best game in the series.Was the same way. Story is suprisingly very good.
Just pre ordered Revelations 2. I've played 4,5, and Revelations 1 so far. I bought REmake but haven't got very deep I think. I've tried getting into RE6 but can't for some reason. I'll try again but something wasn't jiving with me. I'll definitely start RE2 one of these days but hopefully by the time I get around to seriously considering playing it, Capcom will have already announced a remake.
Ooh? Paint me curious. Arent REs clunky as hell though?For anyone trying to get into RE6, this post is essential. Don't even try playing it without reading and understanding this first, I'm serious.
Simplest piece of advice? RE6 does not play like a cover shooter, it plays like Vanquish.
For anyone trying to get into RE6, this post is essential. Don't even try playing it without reading and understanding this first, I'm serious.
Simplest piece of advice? RE6 does not play like a cover shooter, it plays like Vanquish.
You are both wrong. FC 2 is by far the best game in the series.
Ooh? Paint me curious. Arent REs clunky as hell though?
My dog is turning 7 this year. He has about a 10-12 year life expectancy. Nobody close in my family has died yet and he will most likely be the first. I've been thinking about how I will deal with him dying a lot lately. It's super weird.
You are both wrong. FC 2 is by far the best game in the series.
Ooh? Paint me curious. Arent REs clunky as hell though?
Holy shit. Didn't know half these things existed. Da fuck is Capcom is doing?
Here's hoping next week will be the moment we've been all waiting for.
only GAF would turn this thread into a RE love thread