Hype has changed. It's no longer about gameplay, resolution or frames per second. It's an
endless series of insane comments posted by fucked up NeoGAF users. Hype - and its consumpiton of life - has become a well-rusted machine. Hype has changed. IP-tagged
users post IP-tagged posts, use IP-tagged username. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their fucked up abilities. Mod control. Information control. Ban
control. Thread control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. Hype has changed. The age of bans has become the age of control... All in the name of averting
trolls from users of mass bullshit. And he who controls the thread... Controls search history. Hype has changed. When the thread is under total control... ...Shit posting becomes routine.
You people are insane!!!!!
No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking acid.
You're welcome, brother. You're welcome!No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking AC!D.
No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking acid.
No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking acid.
There was a source to this. Let me search again.
Here from the official website
let me look where the thing was about the best time..
Edit 2: Don't know where I have read that. Probably some theory about the best time in a represent mission I've read. And since it's not easy to find anything about it, it is most likely wrong.
If you really think about it Leon and Ken are basically Dante for different genres.No, i mean RE6 Leon looks like uncle Dante.
Is it Mistral x Bayonetta Futanari?
Uhh.. Sorry.. but no..
But I actually meant this:
so i was out getting some snacks and stuff for the oscars and this woman was staring at me...like...the seductive look...I want you look
I was like...yeah...
No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking acid.
Has anyone here played Snake's Revenge?
Has anyone here played Snake's Revenge?
Cipher Cat is my Junior of the year so far
No seriously, I love MGS but this thread makes me feel like I am taking acid.
This is all we know as far as i've seen. You're about to make this poor guy start a new account and spend hours chopper-ing soldiers out, haha
Is it canon?
If you really think about it Leon and Ken are basically Dante for different genres.
I know everytime I hear Ken's english voice I just think of dante.That's funny, because Ken's VA is Reuben Langdon(DMC3/4 Dante's VA and mocapper).
OK the decision has been made!
It's the box!
I used to always turn it off, but I just keep it on rest now. It doesn't do background downloads if it isn't in rest.Curious to know do you guys keep your ps4 on rest mode always or complete shut it down ?
Curious to know do you guys keep your ps4 on rest mode always or complete shut it down ?
Has anyone here played Snake's Revenge?
Okay guys for everyone that made a telegram account my name is ReanGAF. Character limit sucks and I can't even use my same avatar so I changed it.
Noctis doesn't like Final Fantasy Cipher. :smugface:Noctis you are getting Type-0?
Curious to know do you guys keep your ps4 on rest mode always or complete shut it down ?
Noctis you are getting Type-0?
Yup, I'll retrieve the FFXV golden willy wonka ticket and go to gamestop the same day and get credit for bloodborne which releases the following Tuesday XD
Fuck! I wanted to ask you if you want to gameshare with me. I plan on buying bloodborne digital. So, I can share my bloodborne and someone else his FFXV demo.
Well I'm just trading in type-0, I just want the demo I wonder if SE will allow share play tho.
Noctis doesn't like Final Fantasy Cipher. :smugface:
Yup, I'll retrieve the FFXV golden willy wonka ticket and go to gamestop the same day and get credit for bloodborne which releases the following Tuesday XD
Edit: jimmy how do you defrag?
DO NOT CLICK ON 3 , 4, 6 and 7. You will lose your data. Only choose option 5 if your PS4 becomes slow and unresponsive. It is best to do this every few weeks no data will be lost
To be honest I only care about this game... I've only played final fantasy 8 , Crisis Core and I didn't complete 7 ( one of these days I will Dangaronpa first!) >.>
I'm more of a MGS,SF,DMC kinda guy, not to mention a new found persona fanboy.
What is this place I've stumbled into? Kojima has to be the only game designer to attract this amount of crazy!
Final Fantasy 8 is my favorite of all time! I love it because it is different than the others. As you level up, your enemies level up also. It's more challenging than the others.
Will do! Safe mode is entered by holding the power button until you hear 2 beeps right?
What is this place I've stumbled into? Kojima has to be the only game designer to attract this amount of crazy!
Kojima was listening to the Metal Gear Music Collection and it made him cry.
What a man. *salutes*
Gun blade > buster sword.