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Metal Gear Community Thread |OT3| The Best is Yet to Come

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
So he finds his military outfit in the hospital after 9 years? Sounds reasonable....but wait.. what about the horse chase with the whale? what about that eh? running around the grounds of the hosp?

Didn't one of the previews say
he views himself differently to how others see him
? Maybe Cipher runs the hospital? Who says he was there for 9 years? Who says he ever woke up? MAYBE ITS ALL IN HIS HEEEED?! KOOOOOOJIIIIIIMAAAAAAAA!
It looks like a basement [edit: could be mother base after all.

I think it'll just be somewhere on a mission, but I'm open to it being some weird flash-forward premonition during the intro.


who knows?
My Thoughts on Dr. Sergio Canavero, Head Transplants and the Marketing of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

- Dr. Sergio Canavero's proposed Heaven-Gemini head transplant procedure was created as a marketing hoax for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. All of Canavero's Heaven-Gemini related work has not only been designed to let Metal Gear Solid fans in on the fact that the procedure is a hoax, but also to give clues to the story of The Phantom Pain.

The most obvious clue is fact that the fact that The Phantom Pain's trailers feature that bares an uncanny resemblence, in both looks and voice, with Dr. Canavero.

- Dr. Canavero is a real doctor, but while Hideo Kojima, the director of the Metal Gear Solid series, was researching phantoms pains, he came across Canavero's work. Kojima contacted Canavero for advice and they eventually became allies, leading to them to hatch the Heaven-Gemini stunt together.

- Kojima's reason for using using a hoax marketing campaign is that the game will now get more attention through mainstream media outlets than a video-game usually would. This means that non-gamers and casual-gamers will be more aware of The Phantom Pain than they would usually be given a more traditional marketing approach.

- Marketing hoaxes have been also used countless times in recent history to promote media content, with the most famous example being The Blair Witch Project. For the marketing of The Blair Witch Project, the filmmakers actually pretended that the three students in movie had gone missing and that the film was the "real footage" that was found by police after they gone missing:


Because of this the Blair Witch Project remains one of the most profitable films ever made and is also held in very high-esteem, not only because of it's impact on the film industry, but also it's innovative approach to media-marketing.

- Dr. Canavero's reason for taking part in the hoax is that he feels that the media and academic journals promote "junk" science because they don't properly fact check articles they publish. This in turn does not lead to any real progress in important areas that should be covered, such a incurable diseases. Canavero details his potential reasons for wanting to be in on a mass media hoax in the article "Where Fall the Titans", in his book "Head Transplantation: and the QUEST for IMMORTALITY":


- Canavero taking part in the head transplant hoax will in turn prove that he is right, as the Heaven-Gemini procedure has been falsely reported across the world. This will not only allow him to keep his reputation as a doctor, but his stature will also grow in in the medical community because of his involvement in the hoax.

- Hoaxes have also been used previously to prove the inadequacy of a system or organisation, with a well-known recent example being a journalist on the website io9:


The journalist in question fooled scientific journals and media outlets around the world by submitting a bogus article on how chocolate can help weight loss.

- Valery Spirodonov, the first supposed first patient for Canavero’s head-transplant procedure, is also in on the hoax. Spirodonov is using the hoax as an opportunity to challenge and subvert the established stereotypes that the mainstream media put on disabled people.

- TEDxLimassol was organised by Kojima Productions and Canavero was inserted amongst the other speakers. Kojima purposely organised the event in the Rialto Theatre in Cyprus, because it’s the closest possible public presentation venue in the world to The Princess Mary’s Hospital in RAF Aktoriki. This is the same hospital where Canavero’s look-a-like doctor appears in The Phantom Pain’s trailers.

- Anyone can set up at TEDx event, if they have enough funding to license the branding from TED:


Therefore, Kojima Productions would be able to choose what the theme of TEDxLimassol 2014 was ("Everything you know is wrong"), as well as the theme’s logo (a check symbol with a with line through it, which can be reconstructed to from a perfect "V").

This was done order to give fans further clues that TEDxLimassol 2014 was organised primarily to promote The Phantom Pain.

- Dr. Canavero filed a police report after learning of his look-a-like doctor in The Phantom Pain’s trailers:


However, at no point in the police report does Canavero declare any intention to take legal action against anyone. As the report was only distributed to two video-game websites (Kotaku and VICE Motherboard) it appears that it was only made to stop people in the gaming community e-mailing and calling Canavero.

Police reports can also be withdrawn by the applicant anytime after they've been submitted. Additionally, no action appears to have been taken by the Italian police against anyone so far.

10 Major Clues That Dr. Canavero's Head Transplant Procedure is a Marketing Campaign for The Phantom Pain.

1. The doctor that appears in the first The Phantom Pain's trailers bares an uncanny resemblence, in both looks and voice, with Dr. Canavero.

2. Dr. Canavero has previously written on phantom pain syndrome in widely recognised medical journals.

3. The first patient for Dr. Canavero's potential head-transplant procedure, Valery Spiridonov, is a computer graphics artist. Spirodonov has also prominently posted a picture of himself with Nigel Ackland, a man with an artificial arm similar to Big Boss', on several of his social media profiles.

4. Dr. Canavero's lookalike in The Phantom Pain appears in a hospital in Cyprus, which appears to The Princess Mary's Hospital in RAF Aktoriki. Dr. Canavero gave his first public presentation on his Heaven-Gemini head transplant procedure at the Rialto Theatre for TEDxLimassol 2104 in Cyprus. The Rialto Theatre is the closest possible public presentation venue to The Princess Mary's Hospital in the entire world.

5. The TEDx Limassol 2014 logo, a check symbol with a line through it, can also be reconstructed to form a perfect V. V is the Roman numeral for 5, which is used in the official title of the The Phantom Pain.

6. The TEDx Limmasol 2014 theme was "Everything you know is a wrong". The official announcement trailer for The Phantom Pain features "We Are Not Your Kind" by Garbage, which prominently uses the line "Everything's a lie" twice.

7. Dr. Canavero's head transplant procedure, Heaven-Gemini, uses two terms that have links to the themes and locations of the Metal Gear Solid Series. Outer Heaven is the name of Big Boss' military fortress, while "Heaven's Divide" by Donna Burke featured prominently in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Gemini is the "twin" star sign; Metal Gear Solid features twin clones as two of the main characters.

8. The chapters in the Dr. Canavero's book "Immortal: Why CONSCIOUSNESS is NOT in the BRAIN" again echo Metal Gear Solid related themes, such as Gemini, heaven, clone and frontiers. Big Boss' private military company in Peace Walker is called Militaires Son Frontieres.

9. Dr. Canavero's initial Heaven-Gemini proposal was submitted on 29th March 2013, just two days after The Phantom Pain was officially announced on March 27th.

10. A little over a week after these connections became known in the wider video-gaming community Hideo Kojima also promoted The New Divisions' "Gemini" album on Twitter.

Kojima Productions would be able to control all of these elements, with the exception of clue two. In regards to this clue, Kojima chose to collaborate with Canavero because of the doctor's knowledge of phantom pain syndrome, rather than creating a fake doctor.

The Curator of TEDXLimmasol 2014

Lydia Zannettou, the Curator or TED Limassol 2014, is a huge video-gamer; even to point where she somehow has access to promotional copies of Playstation 3 and 4 games:




So, Zannettou would also have a personal interest in organising TEDxLimassol on behalf of Kojima Productions.

How The Hoax Will Be Revealed

Dr. Canavero will be delivering the Keynote Presentation at the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons on 12th June in Annapolis, Marlyland. Canavero's Presentation will start at 1:30pm (EDT) and will once again outline his Heaven-Gemini head transplant procedure. Valery Spiridonov will also be present.

During his presentation, Canavero will give a very large hint that his head transplant is a marketing campaign for The Phantom Pain. He will talk about The Phantom Pain controversy and announce that's he releasing a new Heaven-Gemini book in early in September.

Canavero will also talk about the Frontiers in Neurology journal rejecting his first Heaven-Gemini article, which is particularly interesting when considered alongside Canavero's previously mentioned "Where Fall the Titans" article.

Canavero may also use a computer-generated video to show his head transplant procedure, which will look suspiciously like it was made using the Fox Engine. Spiridonov's head may have also been scanned and could appear on the computer-generated version of himself in Canavero's video.

Canvavero's speech will be filmed and uploaded to YouTube or a similar video hosting service a few hours after it happens.

The hoax will then be fully revealed during the Electronic Entrainment Expo 2015 (E3) press conference coverage on 15th June, with Kojima, Canavero and Spiridonov all in attendance.


My Thoughts on Dr. Sergio Canavero, Head Transplants and the Marketing of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

People are STILL on about this? Get the fuck outta here! That small bit of the new trailer though. Oh man. It's going to be spoiled filled. Ahhhhhhhhhh. What do I do?


What in the hell......so all those men getting shot up in that hallway by troops never happened? It was.....a possessed Snake?

He's hallucinating.
Whenever BB experiences a head injury the shrapnel in his head causes him to have a hallucination. So far he's had one in Africa, and now the Hospital twice?
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