Big Boss, real name John, also known as Jack, and formerly known as Vic Boss, Naked Snake, or simply Snake, was a renowned special forces operative and mercenary commander.
He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND, along with the mercenary companies Militaires Sans Frontières and Diamond Dogs, and was one of the founding members of the
Patriots. Big Boss later established the military states of Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land as bases for his companies, in order to realize his ambitions of creating a nation for soldiers. He
was considered by many to be "The Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" and a brilliant military leader, hailed as a hero by his admirers and feared as a tyrant by his enemies.
During the Cold War, Big Boss was an apprentice to The Boss, the so-called "Mother of Special Forces," and later served as a black ops field agent for the CIA's FOX Unit, under Major Zero.
In February 1975, Big Boss and Miller received a request by the IAEA to inspect Mother Base. Although the official reason given was because they had purchased nuclear fuel from
Uzbekistani officials, they both knew that the real reason was because Cipher influenced them as revenge for their earlier defeat. Big Boss stated that they send the IAEA an official letter of
refusal due to their status as a private company, not a nation under the NPT. However, Huey, the only MSF member who supported the inspection, ended up sending another letter that
indicated that they changed their minds, forcing Big Boss to allow the inspection to happen because it would have otherwise drawn too much suspicion. In preparation various AFVs save for
ZEKE were relocated to shore as well as various troublemaking personnel ordered to take mandatory R&R.[29] All civilians save for Huey, including Cécile, were given papers to travel back
to their home countries. The remaining members of the FSLN group made rendezvous with Amanda who was already at Cuba. Big Boss also learned that Strangelove had resigned from MSF
and left Mother Base a week earlier (he had been away on an assignment at the time and thus had been unaware before then).
Ten days later, Big Boss' suspicions about Paz's survival were eventually confirmed, when he learned that she had been rescued by a Belizean fisherman while she lay adrift in the ocean.
Cipher suspected Paz was compromised as a double agent, and was being interrogated and imprisoned within Camp Omega, a maximum security military prison facility located on the southern
tip of Cuba. Big Boss suggested to kill her due to her knowledge of MSF but Kaz opted to instead rescue her as she was their only viable link to Cipher. They decided to retrieve her later, as
they had the inspection to worry about. Unfortunately, after Chico ended up sneaking off a supply ship that was refueling at Santiago de Cuba en route to Amanda in Havana, as well
as his being captured, Big Boss and Miller were forced to revise their plan to do a solo rescue op, after Chico confirmed their locations in a SOS transmission. Big Boss volunteered to be the
one to undergo the operation, thereby missing the inspection.
On March 16, forty hours since Chico's last contact, Big Boss had arrived and scaled the cliff. During the infiltration, U.N. inspection teams departed from Mother Base, with Miller holding
down the fort. When nearing Chico's cell, Miller radioed in telling him that they notified Amanda about Chico's current status, and expressed some disturbance regarding her oddly being elated
about being "ready for the worst" regarding her brother. Big Boss eventually located Chico, although he was later forced to strangle him into unconsciousness due to the latter panicking at the
sight of him, and thus risking his getting caught by the guards. He later carried Chico all the way back to the chopper, due to his ankles being pierced with a nut and bolt.
Afterwards, Big Boss inquired Chico about Paz's status. He was then supplied with a cassette tape containing Paz being tortured by various personnel, with Chico claiming that she had died.
Big Boss managed to deduce after further inspection of the tape Paz's location, and managed to retrieve her, who was alive, albeit unconscious, and took her back to the chopper. Shortly after
boarding, however, emergency surgery was carried out to remove a bomb implanted in her abdomen. Finding the bomb, Snake immediately tossed it out of the chopper.
Their return to Mother Base occurred in the middle of an attack by XOF forces. Miller and Big Boss provided support and covering fire for MSF soldiers attempting to evacuate the base via
chopper, narrowly escaping before the strut collapsed. After telling Big Boss that the inspection was actually a smokescreen, Kaz tried to interrogate Paz irritably, only to be restrained. Big Boss
eventually witnessed Paz's death when she exploded after jumping out, learning that she had in fact been implanted with two bombs rather than one as earlier believed. The explosion sent the MSF
chopper into a collision course with a pursuing XOF chopper.
"We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight
because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in."
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller (カズヒラ・ミラー Kazuhira Mirā?), also known as McDonell Benedict Miller and Master Miller, was the second-in-command of the Militaires Sans Frontières and
Diamond Dogs, and the survival trainer of FOXHOUND. He was well-read and possessed a vast array of scientific knowledge.
After mother base was destroyed, Miller and the other survivors of MSF eventually reformed as the Diamond Dogs. During the nine years Big Boss was in a coma, Miller spent his time
training various dissident soldiers. In 1984, Miller led a unit in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, but he and his unit were ambushed, which eventually resulted in his capture and
torture by the Soviets, and the rest of his unit was killed. While in captivity, he lost his right arm and left leg. Miller was later found in a prison by Big Boss, who helped him to escape
the country.
The attempts to destroy MSF, combined with the suffering endured during captivity, made Miller extremely vengeful towards Cipher and obsessed with its destruction. He later attended
the funeral for all those who had died in battle, believing that their cremated remains would be buried at sea, although Big Boss instead ordered that they be formed into diamonds, which
Miller felt would give the soldiers a "light" even after death.
Revolver Ocelot, real name Adamska (Russian: Адамска

, and also known as ADAM, Shalashaska (Russian: Шалашаска

, or simply Ocelot (Russian: Оцелот

, was an operative of
FOXHOUND and an agent of the Patriots. A master of interrogation and a formidable gunfighter, he was often referred to as a "ricochet genius" in regards to his gun fighting skills. A fanatic,
he was known for his affinity of Spaghetti Westerns, as evidenced by his choice of weapon and his clothing, duster and spurs, the traditional garb of cowboys. His weapon of choice was the
Colt Single Action Army Revolver, which he described as "the greatest handgun ever made."
At some point during the 1980s, he discovered the survivors of the Militaires Sans Frontières, who had renamed themselves as the Diamond Dogs, and allied with them due to Big Boss's
ties to the group, also leading the group in Big Boss's absence due to his status of being in a coma and Kazuhira Miller ended up captured in Afghanistan.
As a puppy, D.D. became orphaned after his parent was killed by an apparent sniper round. The puppy was found near his dead parent by Big Boss during a mission, sometime after the latter's
recovery from a coma in 1984. D.D. was later taken by Fulton Recovery to Diamond Dogs' Mother Base, his new home.
The puppy was present with Ocelot upon Big Boss's return to Mother Base, licking the latter's face as he picked him up. Ocelot explained that the puppy had been a troublemaker after it had
arrived, and that he was unsure of its specific breed. Believing that the pup may be useful in the future, Ocelot intended to train him, comparing him to a diamond in the rough that required some
polishing. Big Boss agreed, noting the irony of an ocelot raising hounds.
After D.D. had fully grown and been trained for a combat support role, Big Boss had the dog accompany him on his missions, at the suggestion of Ocelot.
Quiet (Russian: ТИХИЙ[1]) was a mute female sniper who was active during the 1980s, and was feared by the Afghanistan-occupying Soviet forces. In 1984, she managed to save Big Boss, and
later effectively surrendered herself into Diamond Dogs custody. Because of this, despite Kazuhira Miller's insistence that they kill her due to her being too much of a liability because of her
discovering the location of Mother Base, Ocelot and Big Boss instead suggested that they lock her up, although Big Boss agreed that she might have to be killed if she proved to be too much of
a threat to Diamond Dogs' existence, adding that he would be the one to kill her.
Quiet's weapons include a lethal sniper rifle nicknamed Wicked Butterfly as well as a non-lethal one nicknamed Guilty Butterfly.
The man who became Skull Face was born to two rural factory workers in a small village in Hungary. His childhood was interrupted when the factory was bombed, under the (correct)
suspicion that it was a weapons manufacturing site. He was trampled in the aftermath by a mob of civilians rushing to escape, and sustained significant injuries during the chaos,
including being doused in boiling oil. His medical condition was critical; a nurse treating his wounds in an infirmary remarked that he ought to be euthanized. He was left with dramatic
deformities and nerve damage that rendered him unable to feel pain, both conditions which were exacerbated when he was tortured by foreign hands later in life.
He later was nominated commander of XOF by Zero, and was tasked with ensuring Big Boss fulfilled certain mission objectives. One of these missions was Operation Snake Eater. He
also served alongside Big Boss as well. Although he hated both men, he nonetheless enjoyed his position in XOF immensely.
"I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers: foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders I was made to speak their language.
With each new post, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and
wrong... words... can kill."
Zero (real name David Oh, and formerly known as "O", Major Tom, Major Zero and Cipher) was the original commander of CIA Special Forces Unit FOX (Force Operation X). After Zero became
a founding member of the Patriots along with Big Boss, the two friends would later develop a bitter enmity. He also nominated a deformed Hungarian man known only as Skull Face to be commander
of the XOF unit, which was charged with ensuring one of his operatives, Jack, succeeded in certain missions. Unbeknownst to Zero at the time, however, Skull Face harbored a deep-seated hatred
for both him and Jack.
Ishmael was a hospital patient whom Big Boss met in 1984. During this time, he wore bandages over his face, obscuring all but his mouth and eyes.
An elderly man.