This is hilarious
Looks pretty practical to me tbh.
This is hilarious
I would pay money for this as DLC. Just saying
MGO2 also started with 5 maps. eventually it had: AA, BB, CC, FF, GG, HH, II, MM, OO, RR, SS, TT, UU, VV, WW
Yeah, as DLC though, which is BS and the first DLC I ever bought because it was worth it. But 5 maps is ridiculous, yet it'l get away with it because it's metal gear.
did pc mgo just get pushed up
please say yes
why cant i japanese
Year of dreams.
There was an SP stream that showed new costumes? Is it archived somewhere?
Also, I assume the EVA and Boss skins are for Quiet?
I think it is safe to assume they are for female custom characters in singleplayer.
There's not female custom characters in SP? Huh?
There's not female custom characters in SP? Huh?
This is hilarious
They are adding that as a feature.
Oh really? In what way, as a new buddy or just taking a female solider you have and customizing her?
Didn't MGO2 already have music selection from previous games?
Yo the loud death screams are back