Was just about to say this. It's pretty much ground zeroesthat map looks huge!
Wow this looks.....pretty damn awful
Yeah, this looks waaaaaaaay more chaotic than I thought it would be.
Yeah, this looks waaaaaaaay more chaotic than I thought it would be.
Yeah, this looks waaaaaaaay more chaotic than I thought it would be.
Man this looks so chaotic. It's a million times faster than MGO2. I guess thats what happens when the controls are better?
Man this looks so chaotic. It's a million times faster than MGO2. I guess thats what happens when the controls are better?
welcome to MGO.
lol at people saying this looks chaotic. they haven't seen how chaotic actual mgo plays yet.
Well it's not the objective-based mode... what do you expect? lol
welcome to MGO.
What level killstreak is the walker gear
It was there at the start of the match.
Seems more like a problem of stealth being completely pointless which makes half of the mechnics useless to the player. It's basically run, dive or shoot from what I've seen. Certainly nowhere near as tactical as MGO2.
I've played MGO, this looks significantly faster faced doesn't it?
Too much kikongo??i only watched a few seconds of this stream, honestly, i couldn't stand the commentators.
but i remember TDM in MGO2 being pretty fast paced. but MGO3 has sprint, which ruined Uncharted's multiplayer.
i only watched a few seconds of this stream, honestly, i couldn't stand the commentators.
but i remember TDM in MGO2 being pretty fast paced. but MGO3 has sprint, which ruined Uncharted's multiplayer.
I think sprinting is what makes this so much faster.
Unlimited sprint at that.
Don't know why people are surprised at TDM being chaotic when people are running towards the most open spaces on the map.
TTK was even lower in MGO2 aka headshot city.
It looks good/interesting. I want to see the other modes and maps.
this looks like sped up uncharted mp in a metal gear skin
mgo2 had a host of problems but it was definitely doing its own thing mp wise with cool modes like team sneaking and capture mission