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Metal Gear Online Official Thread -- NeoGAF clan now up!


DunpealD said:
As Ilparazzo said: Tell us from which region you're from and MGO character name, we can direct you to the corresponding clan. With so many inactive members in the EU clan I'm a little picky about the members so if I know you're definitely from GAF I'll accept you.

MGO name: -viper-


-viper- said:

MGO name: -viper-

Done. I hope you'll be a little bit more active than the rest of our members, excluding our 6-8 main members. It's quite depressing to see that nearly nobody of them is playing. Also if you haven't graduated yet and want to, just tell me when you have 30 minutes and we can pull that thing through.

After yesterdays session I agree partly with News that playing non-survival is at times very tedious if you're playing with random people and unbalanced teams, e.g. one side is full of FH and Eagles while the other team is full of Sloths, hence MGO is missing a team auto balancer or something like that to make it a little bit more enjoyable, especially for beginners(beginner servers doesn't work well as far as I can see :/).


DunpealD said:
Done. I hope you'll be a little bit more active than the rest of our members, excluding our 6-8 main members. It's quite depressing to see that nearly nobody of them is playing. Also if you haven't graduated yet and want to, just tell me when you have 30 minutes and we can pull that thing through.

After yesterdays session I agree partly with News that playing non-survival is at times very tedious if you're playing with random people and unbalanced teams, e.g. one side is full of FH and Eagles while the other team is full of Sloths, hence MGO is missing a team auto balancer or something like that to make it a little bit more enjoyable, especially for beginners(beginner servers doesn't work well as far as I can see :/).

Oh snap! You're the clan leader now? When did that happen?

At least got to update the list again XD.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Bleh, I'll get back in to it sooner or later, really, I've just been swamped, games-wise and MGO took a massive backseat to that.



Ilparazzo said:
Oh snap! You're the clan leader now? When did that happen?

At least got to update the list again XD.

About the time when the EU Tournament has started. Indeed sent me some of his Ninjas to give me the the leader badge.

Haha I think you can look forward to the Tsuchinoko emblem, the next time you're going to log into MGO.

Anyway it would be great if we could have enough active members to do a clan skirmish or a second Survival team though.


DunpealD said:
About the time when the EU Tournament has started. Indeed sent me some of his Ninjas to give me the the leader badge.

Haha I think you can look forward to the Tsuchinoko emblem, the next time you're going to log into MGO.

Anyway it would be great if we could have enough active members to do a clan skirmish or a second Survival team though.

Man, I wish I had ninjas... I only have those goddamn giant robots.


Ilparazzo said:
Man, I wish I had ninjas... I only have those goddamn giant robots.

btw. dude I haven't seen you in MSN(most of the time online but not necessarily available) at all, lately... In case you guys are doing a session I'd appreciate if you could inform me so I can join when I have the time.


DunpealD said:
Anyway it would be great if we could have enough active members to do a clan skirmish or a second Survival team though.

2nd survival team would be great as playing with randoms put me right off.
I'll be getting back to regular play once I sort some work probs out and g/f stops being sick all the time - being a 24hour nurse leaves no gametime!


Now that I can enter, I'll deal with the tournament tonight. All we need is one win, and we can stand a chance :lol


I had started playing quite regularly until Survival/Tournament started and everyone started to get serious.

I can't play before 8 or 9pm, which is useless when survival is 6-10pm, and even then can't guarantee how long I'll be able to play for, so I kind of lost interest after that.

I guess I'm too old...


bovo said:
I had started playing quite regularly until Survival/Tournament started and everyone started to get serious.

I can't play before 8 or 9pm, which is useless when survival is 6-10pm, and even then can't guarantee how long I'll be able to play for, so I kind of lost interest after that.

I guess I'm too old...

We're not always playing survival you know? And even if for a bit, the more the merrier.


Ilparazzo said:
We're not always playing survival you know? And even if for a bit, the more the merrier.

Listen to this man, we're not always in survival. First and foremost our clan is here to (should) provide you an adequate roster of reliable people who you can play with, i.e. people you can have fun playing with.

And the serious thing... that's probably because we're currently under MGO EU Tournament tension :lol and are trying to build up some experience as a team in Survival, because it's probably the only time where we can get together as a team to play against other people since nobody wants to fight us in Free Battle.


DunpealD said:
Listen to this man, we're not always in survival. First and foremost our clan is here to (should) provide you an adequate roster of reliable people who you can play with, i.e. people you can have fun playing with.

And the serious thing... that's probably because we're currently under MGO EU Tournament tension :lol and are trying to build up some experience as a team in Survival, because it's probably the only time where we can get together as a team to play against other people since nobody wants to fight us in Free Battle.

the Truth (tm).

We got less than 2 weeks till the EU finals tournament. Currently, i'm pretty shit compared to a month ago. I don't know what's happening, i can't aim for shit anymore. I did some crosshair tests and found that my FPS view was always off-centre from where the 3rdPV was looking. It's a pain in the ass.

Anyone noticed that there are more people playing MGO now? I remember at launch when on Raiden would fill up. Now Rosemary is always full too, the Vamp beginner lobby is half full and the others have 30-40 idling in them all times.

Good to see it's growing.

News Bot

Raging_Snake91 is a jerk-off. Fuck him. He's a clear example of the scum that inhabites MGO right now. A stat boosting, team stacking tool that loves to spawn camp at every opportunity (because his games have NO RULEZ LOL). He forces every FH in the game to join his team, then they just run down and start setting up tents in the other team's spawn point. And his games are always TDM - MM which is probably the worst mode where spawn camping occurs.

He also registered his MGO team for the tournament twice, with one or two members changed. Ass. -_-


rikichi said:
^ so are we still in this tournament or what?

haven't heard about it in a while after we won that first game.
well they deleted the team so I guess not, what you guys could do is make a new one. Since hardly no1 is entering, if you win 1 match by thursday next week, you guys would qualify for the tournament


DunpealD said:
Done. I hope you'll be a little bit more active than the rest of our members, excluding our 6-8 main members. It's quite depressing to see that nearly nobody of them is playing. Also if you haven't graduated yet and want to, just tell me when you have 30 minutes and we can pull that thing through.

Is this something that must be done in MGO? I can do that at Friday.


Guled said:
well they deleted the team so I guess not, what you guys could do is make a new one. Since hardly no1 is entering, if you win 1 match by thursday next week, you guys would qualify for the tournament
if we can get enough people, ill give it another shot.


News Bot said:
Raging_Snake91 is a jerk-off. Fuck him. He's a clear example of the scum that inhabites MGO right now. A stat boosting, team stacking tool that loves to spawn camp at every opportunity (because his games have NO RULEZ LOL). He forces every FH in the game to join his team, then they just run down and start setting up tents in the other team's spawn point. And his games are always TDM - MM which is probably the worst mode where spawn camping occurs.

He also registered his MGO team for the tournament twice, with one or two members changed. Ass. -_-

send the tournament guys an email. I'm sure they'll be happy to whittle those 2 teams down to 1 or even 0. Bet they haven't checked.


-viper- said:

Is this something that must be done in MGO? I can do that at Friday.

Nah it mustn't be done, you'll get the instructor skill when you've graduated and you'll be able to host Combat Trainings.


-viper- said:

Is this something that must be done in MGO? I can do that at Friday.

That's not even something you need to do, it just means you had a player show you the ropes and then you can train other people. Dun is just looking to get another notch on his training belt, he's crazy like that.

Edit: Gah! beaten...


DunpealD said:
And the serious thing... that's probably because we're currently under MGO EU Tournament tension :lol and are trying to build up some experience as a team in Survival, because it's probably the only time where we can get together as a team to play against other people since nobody wants to fight us in Free Battle.

Oh, I completely understand why there is a need for 'serious play' - I was just responding to the comment about WaspUnit members not playing anymore.

I would have joined in with Survival etc, I just can never be relied on being there and not having to leave half way through - that and I suck, of course :lol


McBradders said:
Is WaspUnit no more? :/

not at all.

Around 8 of us are regular players. The 26 -something others are people who either used to play and got bored, or jumped on the GAF clan bandwagon :p

Usually you'll find us dicking about emptying servers around 12am GMT ;p


Facism said:
not at all.

Around 8 of us are regular players. The 26 -something others are people who either used to play and got bored, or jumped on the GAF clan bandwagon :p

Usually you'll find us dicking about emptying servers around 12am GMT ;p

Isn't 12 AM midday?


-COOLIO- said:
hows the mgo EU tournament going? i thought it was over @____@

currently there are a few more brackets to finish up. 5 i think. Last 16 team bracket plays out on the 10th.

September 14th is EU tourney finals. two brackets of 16, winners go to TGS.

[edit] Newsbot: i was going to mail the MGO tourney admin about that guy you talked about, but it looks like both his teams got beaten 1st and second round respetively.


The Everyman
Facism said:
currently there are a few more brackets to finish up. 5 i think. Last 16 team bracket plays out on the 10th.

September 14th is EU tourney finals. two brackets of 16, winners go to TGS.
and wasp is still goin strong?

nice! keep it up! im rooting for you guys and PBO in EU


-COOLIO- said:
and wasp is still goin strong?

nice! keep it up! im rooting for you guys and PBO in EU

Strong enough. Got a handful of solid, some even exceptional players. good enough to clear servers occasionally, at least :D

Nobody in the group talks themselves up, all very humble players. All very skilled and a joy to play with. Unless of course, Newsbot's 'Heat Gauge' fills up and he goes on a rampage. We all hide and the other team dies -_-


Facism said:
Strong enough. Got a handful of solid, some even exceptional players. good enough to clear servers occasionally, at least :D

Nobody in the group talks themselves up, all very humble players. All very skilled and a joy to play with. Unless of course, Newsbot's 'Heat Gauge' fills up and he goes on a rampage. We all hide and the other team dies -_-

Ah, News. I love his comments when we're losing. Some timeless classics:
"WHO GOT SPOTTED FFS" (a traditional reply for TSNE)
When his rush tactics don't work we get something like this:
"Fall back!" x 20
This is also awesome. When bot loses he likes to write:
"Where's my backup ffs" when he's knee deep in enemy territory and the rest of the team is trying to keep their assigned positions on a map. Go figure.
This contrasts itself to his comments when someone actually decides to follow as his backup.
"Stay away from me. Stay away! STAY AWAAAAAAAAY!!!111!ONE!!1
Priceless, really.

Fun fact: we get variations of these comments every week on Survival.
Don't worry, though. We still love you, News.


Dave1988 said:
Ah, News. I love his comments when we're losing. Some timeless classics:
"WHO GOT SPOTTED FFS" (a traditional reply for TSNE)
When his rush tactics don't work we get something like this:
"Fall back!" x 20
This is also awesome. When bot loses he likes to write:
"Where's my backup ffs" when he's knee deep in enemy territory and the rest of the team is trying to keep their assigned positions on a map. Go figure.
This contrasts itself to his comments when someone actually decides to follow as his backup.
"Stay away from me. Stay away! STAY AWAAAAAAAAY!!!111!ONE!!1
Priceless, really.

Fun fact: we get variations of these comments every week on Survival.
Don't worry, though. We still love you, News.

Haha yeah, but I can understand the Stay away comment on certain occasions since as a follow up backup you can blow his cover and don't forget MGO is still Metal Gear which means sneaking is still a part of this game even though we may not notice it.

Thank you for your support, as Facism said we'll go into the EU Finals and will have win 4 consecutive times to get to TGS, so EU GAF don't idle too much we've got to prepare. But it's sad that the US GAF may have given up :( it'd have been great to have the chance to floor play against you guys.

Now onto the usual topic as everybody knows today is Friday and this means it's again Survival time. So who's going to join today?


Yes but no but yes.

My router is currently screwing me over, I'll most likely get it sorted by tonight but there's always that 1% chance it won't.


It would seem I cannot play today, I've been having problems with my electronics in general around the house, maybe it's got something to do with me getting home and being knee-deep in water (which is even stranger since I live in the 1st floor). Sigh.


Ilparazzo said:
It would seem I cannot play today, I've been having problems with my electronics in general around the house, maybe it's got something to do with me getting home and being knee-deep in water (which is even stranger since I live in the 1st floor). Sigh.

You live in Atlantis or something? I know you've recently got the urge to go swimming, but filling up your home with water as a solution isn't very smart, especially so short before Survival :p


DunpealD said:
You live in Atlantis or something? I know you've recently got the urge to go swimming, but filling up your home with water as a solution isn't very smart, especially so short before Survival :p

Ah, always the comedian A ruptured pipe my friend tends to screw up your plans, at least my consoles and pc came out unscathed, the problem is my modem that unfortunately met with an untimely end, the ISP guys say they'll give me a new one tomorrow or something but until then I only have nets through the public library...


Ilparazzo said:
Ah, always the comedian A ruptured pipe my friend tends to screw up your plans, at least my consoles and pc came out unscathed, the problem is my modem that unfortunately met with an untimely end, the ISP guys say they'll give me a new one tomorrow or something but until then I only have nets through the public library...

That sucks :(, but good the hear that the essentials are unscathed. Btw. you're not using this as an excuse just because there's a beautiful librarian or regular, do you?

We haven't heard anything from Goncalo either.

News Bot

I'm in for today and Saturday. I'll be late on Sunday (say, 8PM).

When his rush tactics don't work we get something like this:
"Fall back!" x 20

I only do that towards the end of say, a TDM when it's a close call (like 5 tickets each).

This contrasts itself to his comments when someone actually decides to follow as his backup.
"Stay away from me. Stay away! STAY AWAAAAAAAAY!!!111!ONE!!1

Hey, I can't help it when you especially have a habit of sitting right next to me. And when I say right next, I mean shoulder to shoulder. Infact, it's only you who ever does that. And it's pretty annoying considering you actually push me out into the open because of it.

"Where's my backup ffs" when he's knee deep in enemy territory and the rest of the team is trying to keep their assigned positions on a map. Go figure.

I only say that in a TSNE or a CAP. You don't keep positions in those modes. I don't think I've ever actually had any backup in a CAP before. I normally don't even see any of you on the radar anywhere remotely close to whatever target I have. Which begs the question of whether you guys are even trying to get the other target. =p


News Bot said:
Hey, I can't help it when you especially have a habit of sitting right next to me. And when I say right next, I mean shoulder to shoulder. Infact, it's only you who ever does that. And it's pretty annoying considering you actually push me out into the open because of it.

Haha yeah I can relate to it. I hate it when people get so close to me that I can feel the breath on my neck and even more when they push me out of my cover.

So till now the current roster is:


...as Dave said I guess we'll be going into 893 mode since we currently lack the manpower to make it into a WaspUnit.

News Bot

Fuck randoms.

I am not playing unless we have a full NeoGAF team or playing with people we know. Fuck that noise.

Also screw Konami. Shitty lagfest servers. LOL IMMA WARPIN ALL OVA YOUR SCREEN
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