Try going into third person instead of panning and try using the E locater grenades to get a better sense of where your enemy is. Also open up the camera options and boost up the speed for all the cameras (Third person and Over the Shoulder to at least 7; First person to 10).
You can check your stats at
MGO Community Site or in game under personal stats.
You level up your character by playing more and getting better (don't know what else to say : P). You level up your skills by equipping them and using them. Some skills require you to do specific things to increase them (Runner needs you to run at full speed to level it up, the "weapon"+ gains points every time you have a successful shot against an enemy [more points if you kill them] using the same type of weapon that's in the "weapon" part of "weapon"+ [assault rifles need assault rifle+, snipers needs sniper+, etc.], Quarterback needs you throw grenades, etc.). The mid far left side of the screen shows you what skills you currently have equipped, if it's bright yellow you have the potential to increase their points (you still need to do whatever the skill requires), if it's grayed out, you don't meet the criteria to gain points (can't gain points for Knife+ when you have a assault rifle equipped). If it has a star next to the level number, you have enough points for the next level. You need to equip the level 2 version of a skill if you want get points towards level 3 (not 100% sure on this, but it seems to be the case). You can check your skill progress by going into the personal menu and selecting skill. The red bar represents your points, the line 2/3's into the bar represents level 2, and the end of the bar represents level 3.