Jason here. Had some good games with you all tonight. I was relieved to win when I got to play as Snake in the first round (it was really close), and the damn server made me Snake again in the second. :lol I kept rushing in the beginning but calmed down, hunted my fellow gaffers and secured the win.
The Fox Unit vs GAF battles were awesome. And for the record
archnemesis said:
"Changes salute pose and preset
Codec messages. In addition, position
and Codec messages are broadcast
to all characters.
- Intimidation ***
- Attitude ***"
This is the only skill which comes with its own ranking chart on the community support page. I wonder how intimidation and attitude affect other players. Is the skill only available to clan leaders? If it acts like a buff/debuff to all other players, then it's probably restricted in some way.
It's for "combat instructors". Haven't seen any so far in the US server, but the Japan one just got them recently.
It's viral. One guy can train up to 16 people. Then, if he allows them all to graduate, those 16 then become instructors and can train 16 more, etc etc.
you have the attention of all your students and can demonstrate techniques for them in person.Everyone has infinite health and psyche in lecture mode.
Practice mode
Practice mode is just what it sounds like, the students try to use what you have been telling them to defeat the other team. during this mode the instructor is a invisible ghost with the ability to spectate and of the players and type/voicechat/codec all players at once.
after a minimum of 30 minutes after your class starts people will be ably to qualify to be graduated.it takes 30 minutes from the time a player enters the room to qualify. You as the instructor have the final say on if they pass or not. during this stage the instructor will automatically address the students and they will salute. people who passed will be standing,those who didn't make the cut....