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Metal Gear Online Official Thread -- NeoGAF clan now up!


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Ilparazzo said:
I still need to master the last skill : Hawkeye! SO I just use an assault rifle and go around the fighting to catch people with their backs to me since I can't aim worth a crap with the FP view (and it levels slowly too...) so the traps have gone almost Teamsneak-only...
Trap then shoot for a win-win? :lol

Any tips for leveling shotgun? I pretty much trap/cqc/tranq people and then blast them, not really the most efficient way of doing things.


Ilparazzo said:
My brother used to play with kilik, my mitsurugi kicked his ass 70% of the time :p
Tira is a crazy lady but she has some nice attacks. I'm looking forward to rumbling with you XD.

Yes! Now that's the kind of talk I like to hear! :lol


Anybody got a list of the abilities and the best ways to level them? I get that weapons are just taking those weapons and killing with them, but for example the ones of sharing info by SOP how do they update? I always press /_\ at the start to link with my team and share those passive abilities but do they level automatically or should I do something?

Also, CQC and Knife will grow if if throw people with CQC and knife them in the floor or should I grab them and knife them while grabbed?



Nozdeuce said:
Trap then shoot for a win-win? :lol

Any tips for leveling shotgun? I pretty much trap/cqc/tranq people and then blast them, not really the most efficient way of doing things.

Cant really help you there, What I did was just wait in maps that had lots of corners to catch people unawares (AA is the best one IMO) then activate auto-aim and blast away, another way i used was the "knife stun -> shoot while down movement", that always worked.

The way you are saying itxaka works (throwing them down and knifing them) to level both but,I can tell you this, the best way to level cqc is to open up a room with decent people (like the one indeed and I spent a lot of time in) and grab a guy then throw him down, then let him get up and do the same to you, it's boring but it works.

The best way to level blades is blades + runner and a knives only match (worked for me).

The SOP ones just level automatically.

Now surveyor and hawkeye are the disgusting ones, you have to kill people by using lock-on ( which is bad unless you use a shot-gun since it doesnt level up with the knife) and by using FP view, respectively. And they take forever.

For the sniper if you are a bludgeon type guy like me and Noz just use the M14EBR as a assault rifle, for a normal sniper I guess the DSR is king (for anyone really XD). The shotgun use the m870 (with slugs, the saiga isn't really worth it), the SMG is easy since the p90 is awesome and the assault is easy too since the m4 is awesome.

Trickster is just about laying down traps, so you can do as indeed did during the sony conference and open up a room with a password and ask someone to stick around chatting while you put down Mags, that way you can level sixth sense too :p

Don't remember anymore skills...

Finally finished my exam, gonna play MGO now!


itxaka said:
Anybody got a list of the abilities and the best ways to level them? I get that weapons are just taking those weapons and killing with them, but for example the ones of sharing info by SOP how do they update? I always press /_\ at the start to link with my team and share those passive abilities but do they level automatically or should I do something?

Also, CQC and Knife will grow if if throw people with CQC and knife them in the floor or should I grab them and knife them while grabbed?


Okay lets see:


Probably the second worst Gunskill to level. Depending on your aiming you can simply play a normal game and use guns only. This will probably be a test for your nerves since handguns just suck. Took me ages to get them to level 3. Use the Operator if you dont have enough money for the Uzi (forgot the name i think its 1250 drebinpoints). Forget the Deagle or GSR.
Alternativly you can put down magazines and then shoot the porned enemy. Its easy but cant do it on every map since for example BB or AA suck for magazines. Do it on MM in the house.
Lastly you can get a friend who doesnt care about his stuns received count, open up a 99 lives deathmatch or something, tell him to go afk and then shoot him repeatedly with the Mk22. If hes stunned -> wake him up -> repeat.


The worst part of leveling these suckers is getting the P90. Its no problem in nonDB games but if they are enabled you have to stick with the god damn vz83 for one kill. God i hate that weapon. Many people say you should switch to singleshot fire with the P90 for easy headshots but in my experience simply leave it at automatic fire and fire in bursts. That way you can conserve ammo realtivly easy and still fire enough shots if your first hit didnt penetrate your enemy's skull. Shouldnt take you long to get SMGs to level3. Id say about 200-250kills.

Assault Rifle+

No problem here, get the M4 with a scope and grip and rock away. This weapon is probably one of the best in the game. If your aim sucks wait behind a corner then jump out and fire 2-3 shots at his upper torso / head. You should get a headshot 99% of the time. The AK is nice too but in my opinion lacks the oomph the M4 has. Depending on your playstyle you may have already maxed this skill so swoosh. Should take you around 250kills as well.


lol. I cant wait until shotguns are buffed. Im at around 2 third of level 1 and i cant be motivated to continue leveling them. But lets see. You have two weapons at your disposal. 90% of the time (ok 99%) you will be using the M870 since the Saiga is too expensive. Plus if you hit an enemy with shotguns hes invulnerable for around half a second (i think its because the stun animation the enemy does if you were close enough while shooting). This means the automatic fire of the saiga is useless. Let me show you what I mean:

M870: You lockon an enemy -> shoot (hit 1/2 of enemys hp is down) enemy is invulnerable -> pumping the next shell into the M870 (still invulnerable) -> shoot (enemy down since invulnerability just wore off).

Saiga: Lockon -> shoot -> hit 1/2 down invul -> shoot (still invul) -> shoot (enemy down)
Youre wasting one shoot.
Note: i may be talking total bullshit here but this is my experience with shotguns :O

Also: You NEED autoaim for shotguns. There is no other way around. Enable it in the optionsmenu, equip your shotgun and turn it on with Square. Then run around the battlefield, if you see someone turn your character in his direction and hit L1. Youll be lockedon. Now start shooting.
Also2: Shotguns are vastly inferior to normal weapons in "normal" games. Meaning in a normal 1on1 situation a smg or assault rifle will destroy your shotgunwielding ass. This means if you really want to max shotguns search for a shotgun only server.

You can use Slugs too as Ilparazzo said. The only real difference to normal ammo is that you can headshot with slugs. But since youre using auto aim anyway your shouldnt care about headshots.
Lastly there are Stunrounds but they are so expensive that you shouldnt really care.

(buff shotguns!!)

(no seriously buff them)

Sniper Rifle+

Aaah sniper rifles. These are fun. If youre sneaky enough these should be fun to level. Search for a GG TDM server. Doesnt matter of DB or not. Get a SVD or M14 if youre feeling cheap (yes im using it too) and start picking off enemies. Always stay in the hangar or on the skywalks (is this the right term?). Aim for the head obviously. A little hint: try to avoid using double zoom. Reason, if youre double zooming and then quit looking through the scope, the game will remember double zoom. That means if you have to aim your weapon quickly and youll switch to zoommode, youll be zoomed in too much and most likly be headshottet already. (or maybe this only happens to me). As Ilparazzo said you can use the M14 as a assault rifle too but the recoil of the M14 is much much bigger than of the M4. That means you pretty much have to burstfire in closequarters or else your shots will be all over the place. Still try to avoid direct one on one situations and just skulk around the battlefield looking for stillstanding prey. This skill shouldnt take long as well.
As a matter of fact this was my first skill ive maxed :D.
I personally dont use the DSR-1 since 7000 is a bit much but some people swear by it. You only have to hit the upper torso to kill someone but honestly if youre using sniper rifles 80% of your hits should be headshots anyway.


This skill only levels if you kill someone using first person mode. (probably levels too if you stun someone). This means you have to use first person mode. And who uses 1st person mode except snipers? Noone. This is why this skill sucks. Dont max it unless youre crazy like Ilparazzo or a OCDgamer like me. (i havent maxed it yet but the empty bar is very annoying).
If you really want to use hawkeye then use magazines with it for easy kills.


Oh god another one of those. As hawkeye this skill only levels if you kill or stun someone using autoaim. This means couple it with shotguns run to a shotgun only server and level away. Of course you could also try using it with assault rifles or smgs but i guarantee you that youll be headshottet faster than you can kill someone.


This is a fun and sometimes very usefull skill. Leveling it should be very fast. Just equip grenades elocators or anything and quarterback away. The skill will level very fast especially if you camp around your spawnpoint and rearm your grenades every 30 seconds. Also this skill only takes one slot even at level 2 and 3.


This skill took me ages and a sony press conference to max. Unless youre a trapper anyway i recommend taking a friend to an empty server (or just create one). Use opposing teams and then just magazine away. Rearm -> magazines -> rearm -> magazines and so on. Dont forget that you can only put down around 9 magazines at once so shoot them from time to time. This skill only takes up one spot too.


Another annoying skill to level. If you like using CQC you probably already know how to level it but if you want to take the cheap route, get a mate, open up a server and then just use cqc on each other. Only throw your enemy to the ground since its much faster than choking and waking him up. Im not a fan of cqc so i dont use it but i guess stealing weapons at level 3 is fun.
BUT HOW DO YOU DO THAT? I tried EVERYthing (ok only releaseing R1 and tapping it again but damn!).
Also this skill takes up 3 slots at level 3.


Awesome. Again if you are the sneaky type of gamer this will be a fun skill to level. You cant slash while walking at level one so in the beginning, wait around a corner for an unsuspecting enemy, then stun him with your knife (L2) (autoaim) and then just kill him. At level 2 and 3 you can slash while walking that means you can flank your enemy, run in slash him to death and quickly roll out. This is dangerous but very fun. This skill doesnt take that long to level too. But it takes 3 slots at level 3.

Also at level 3 you can slit someones throat if you combine blades3 with cqc1. This may look awesome and it can piss some people off but its not worth it. Do it 10 times and then stick to level 1 or 2.
Also combine leveling this skill with runner.


Well run around and level it. Takes ages. But at level 3 youll be extremely fast. Very good for TSneak or Rescue. (or capture or base). Combine it with leveling blades. Also note that you can only level this skill to level 3 if you use level 2. That means you can equip runner1
and stick with it until youre done with it.
Also did i mention this skill takes ages? (takes up 3 slots at level 3)


This skill levels if you hit someone. Shouldnt take you long to max it. Also this skill is very helpful in teamgames so use it! Only takes one slot at level3.

Sixth Sense

If really have no idea what the problem with this skill is. While leveling it sometimes it jumped a great deal and sometimes it didnt level at all. You should combine leveling this skill with Trickster.
Well nothing else but only takes up one spot.


Im currently working on this one. I think you have to be hit with lockon to level this skill. That means you should use it on shotguns only servers. This skill is useful in Tsneak if a stealthed enemy locks onto you to stun you. He will light up and is therefor easy prey.

MAYBE this skill also levels or activates if the enemy just hits you and isnt locked on.
Can someone confirm / deny this?


Bah, weird skill. Combine it with CQCleveling. Dont forget to equip your scanningplug via L2. According to the MGO site you have to have atleast 10 hours played to use this skill?
Takes up only 1 spot.

So im done.

Disclaimer: If someone doesnt agree with my opinions .... then thats pretty cool.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Guled said:
anyone know what time the expansion is going up tomorrow? Also, what happen to the world tournament?
Expansion should be up at the conclusion of
Please be informed that Emergency Maintenance will be held between the hours of 18:00 07/16/2008 - 01:00 7/172008 (PDT).
During maintenance both the game server as well as the Community Support Page will be unavailable, so please make sure to log out beforehand.
* Maintenance may be extended if necessary.

No new details on the world tourny :(


I disagree with what you said about the shotgun indeed, m870 does not have the invuln period and the slug rounds aren't only for headshots, the slug rounds make it so that even if you are using auto-aim you always take 1/2 hp at any lockon range because sometimes it only takes like 1/4 with the 00 buck.


Indeed said:
Okay lets see:


I´ll start sniper+hawkeye tonigth

I have now, run+assault rifle+narc+monomania and they go sloooooow as fuck but I found that team skills are great. They could save your ass if a teammate is near and see the enemy you just attacked or that attacked you :)


itxaka said:

I´ll start sniper+hawkeye tonigth

I have now, run+assault rifle+narc+monomania and they go sloooooow as fuck but I found that team skills are great. They could save your ass if a teammate is near and see the enemy you just attacked or that attacked you :)

Hawkeye doesnt level while using SniperRifles.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Indeed said:
Indeed, im waiting for your sever by the way :D
Wow, I just noticed how racist EuroGAF is against NAGAF from reading your tips above.

Way to totally discount the heroic tales of my GSR and Tranq pistoling people until they cry :lol

They aren't the be all/end all, clearly, but they do fine at any range (though tranq rounds take forever to travel) and are a great stepping stone for learning the other weapons. M4 and P90, among others, are deadly effective on single fire.


So, I put up a server, there are two people in it , when I come back BAM I've been left alone in the dark... I am sad now...
EDIT: Strangely hawkeye took a decent leap in just two handfuls of tranqs in indeed, just a 3 quarters more for COMPLETE SKILL DOMINATION!


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
From the Konami press conference: world tourny to take place at TGS in October

Edit: first live tournament at comic con next week


1.10 update tomorrow
there will be massive changes!

for all players!not only the expansion ones:

Für alle Spieler:

- Rewardshop opens
- Clanrooms
you can create clan rooms for your clan

- SOP changes
own traps will be shown to all of your team via sop

- new skills
2 new skills
box move which lets you move faster when youre in a box
quick recovery which let your teammates recover faster

-weapon changes
for M870 is a scope available
capacity of p90 got less from 300 to 250
Autoaim of pistols got less
Autoaim of assaults got less.
Autoaim of shotguns got better.
Costs of MK17 from 3000DP to 2500DP .
Costs of XM8' from 4000DP to 3500DP .
Costs of G3A3's from 4000DP to 5000DP
Costs of M14 EBR's freom 750DP to 3000DP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Costs of M870 from 1000DP to 750DP.
SLUG from 5000DP to 2000DP .
V.RING from 3000DP to 2000DP .
E.LOCATER from 750DP to 1500DP .
Change of the range of the stunknife(less)?

Mailbox can now have 32 instead of 16

results screen changed

you can setup the volume of the background music


- SOP changes
own traps will be shown to all of your team via sop

bout time!

Costs of G3A3's from 4000DP to 5000DP
Costs of M14 EBR's freom 750DP to 3000DP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Costs of M870 from 1000DP to 750DP.
SLUG from 5000DP to 2000DP .
V.RING from 3000DP to 2000DP .

Are G3's that good that they needed a price increase?

M14 price increase is welcome, too many people use it as an assault rifle (including me!)

YAY SLUG IS MUCH CHEAPER! That means training for shotgun will get easier!


The Everyman
Zyzyxxz said:
- SOP changes
own traps will be shown to all of your team via sop

bout time!

Costs of G3A3's from 4000DP to 5000DP
Costs of M14 EBR's freom 750DP to 3000DP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Costs of M870 from 1000DP to 750DP.
SLUG from 5000DP to 2000DP .
V.RING from 3000DP to 2000DP .

Are G3's that good that they needed a price increase?

M14 price increase is welcome, too many people use it as an assault rifle (including me!)

YAY SLUG IS MUCH CHEAPER! That means training for shotgun will get easier!
g3 was the best long distance rifle and i used to use it quite a bit so the nerf is reasonable.


-COOLIO- said:
g3 was the best long distance rifle and i used to use it quite a bit so the nerf is reasonable.

Ahh, well I rarely use assault rifles since I did that alot during the Beta so I have been concentrating on knife / sniper rifles


lads when are we going to do another training sesh like that spontaneous one a bunch of days ago? sunday afternoon/night? what do you reckon?


Thanks to the wasp unit for taking me under his wings tonigh (even when i sucked donkey balls :D )

I´ll see you guys tomorrow.

Ilparazzo said:
EDIT: Strangely hawkeye took a decent leap in just two handfuls of tranqs in indeed, just a 3 quarters more for COMPLETE SKILL DOMINATION!

new update said:
- new skills
2 new skills

just in time :lol


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
whoa, my NA link to MGO community page took me to the japanese english page? Do we know if our community page is going to be updated to be snazzy? Or am I just slow and missing something obvious?
aside from the fact the mgo servers are currently offline
Nozdeuce said:
whoa, my NA link to MGO community page took me to the japanese english page? Do we know if our community page is going to be updated to be snazzy? Or am I just slow and missing something obvious?
aside from the fact the mgo servers are currently offline

Have a question regarding IDs.

How do you recover your Konami ID? ..I can't remember it and I assume it is necessary to make purchases from the MGO shop.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Assembly Required said:
Can't access my email account usiing PS3 browser. But thanks abunch for the link.
No prob, I'll eventually add it to the OP, seems like it comes up occasionally. Howd it work out?



- SOP changes
own traps will be shown to all of your team via sop <--- YES! :D Now if you - random teamate - are stuck, TOUGH LUCK. I'M NOT SAVING YOU.

- new skills
2 new skills
box move which lets you move faster when youre in a box <-- I bet the name of this skill is "Nozdeucery"

-weapon changes
Costs of MK17 from 3000DP to 2500DP . <-- Alright I suppose. Not a fan of this rifle.
Costs of XM8' from 4000DP to 3500DP . <-- Used to love the XM8 alot but then I moved to..
Costs of G3A3's from 4000DP to 5000DP <--... the G3A3. : ( Now it's more expensive.
Costs of M14 EBR's freom 750DP to 3000DP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-- Good I suppose..? 3000 isn't that expensive to be honest.
Costs of M870 from 1000DP to 750DP.
SLUG from 5000DP to 2000DP .
V.RING from 3000DP to 2000DP . <-- Guess I'll be trying out shotguns more
E.LOCATER from 750DP to 1500DP . <-- *sadface*
Change of the range of the stunknife(less)? <-- Time will reveal if this is a good or bad thing.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Ephemeris said:
- new skills
2 new skills
box move which lets you move faster when youre in a box <-- I bet the name of this skill is "Nozdeucery"
I can't fucking wait. Was always so lame trying to follow people who have the runner skill while I fall behind in my box.

"Nozdouchery" would also have been accepted


Ephemeris said:
Change of the range of the stunknife(less)? <-- Time will reveal if this is a good or bad thing.

Probably a good thing. Right now its too hard to roll away if you get thrown on the ground. 4 times outta 5 im getting stunknifed.


Nozdeuce said:
I can't fucking wait. Was always so lame trying to follow people who have the runner skill while I fall behind in my box.

"Nozdouchery" would also have been accepted

Indeed said:
Probably a good thing. Right now its too hard to roll away if you get thrown on the ground. 4 times outta 5 im getting stunknifed.

There's also the attempt-to-stun-knife-from-three-feet-away-but-I-still-got-you thing that I despise at times.

So wait. It's $15 instead of $10? :/


itxaka said:
just in time :lol

DO NOT LAUGH! My complete skill domination was destroyed! The humanities!

Even so, all the other tweaks (especially price tweaks) are nice. Just wished the shotgun price lowering/Auto-aim empowering had come faster, oh well.

EDIT: What's all this mean:

"Snake" "Metal Gear Mk.II", "Meryl" and "Jonny" have been added
*"Meryl" and "Jonny" can only be found in the "GENE EXPANSION"
*If you train using "Metal Gear Mk.II" or "Jonny", traps will have been set in the stage.


Ilparazzo said:
EDIT: What's all this mean:

"Snake" "Metal Gear Mk.II", "Meryl" and "Jonny" have been added
*"Meryl" and "Jonny" can only be found in the "GENE EXPANSION"
*If you train using "Metal Gear Mk.II" or "Jonny", traps will have been set in the stage.

My interpretation:
1) A list of the playable special-characters from the game.
2) Self explanatory
3) I guess that last one means that if you play as either MK.II or "Jonny" in the game, you'll be able to see the traps that have been laid/set in the map/stage.


Nozdeuce said:
Where'd you get 10? Isn't it 1700 yen? Which translates to like 17'ish freedom dollars?

My mistake.

I naturally assumed they were trying to screw over Euro-Gaf with the 10 Euro price-tag by saying $10 in NA and 10 Euros for the region! :lol But yeah, 10 euros is around $15 or so.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Ephemeris said:
My mistake.

I naturally assumed they were trying to screw over Euro-Gaf with the 10 Euro price-tag by saying $10 in NA and 10 Euros for the region! :lol But yeah, 10 euros is around $15 or so.
Well I'm satisfied


Ephemeris said:
My interpretation:
1) A list of the playable special-characters from the game.
2) Self explanatory
3) I guess that last one means that if you play as either MK.II or "Jonny" in the game, you'll be able to see the traps that have been laid/set in the map/stage.

Maybe, their english is even worse than mine at times... I guess the best way to know is wait a few hours. Thank god that by sleeping you don't know the passage of time XD


soooooo....when's this out in the uk ;p

Decided i'll get it. Hope a Maestro is enough. No Credit Card wankerage in my house, ever.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Facism said:
soooooo....when's this out in the uk ;p

Decided i'll get it. Hope a Maestro is enough. No Credit Card wankerage in my house, ever.
The emergency maintenance is scheduled to end in ~3 hours and 35 minutes from now.
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