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Metal Gear Solid 3 Demo Quirks


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Which console games are you talking about that blow away MGS3 while rendering similar environments?
The glow lighting and aesthetic design of Metal Gear Solid 3 look great, but there are some proficient games with wilderness environments such as Ghost Squad (missions 1 and 3 are outdoors and in jungles), Resident Evil 4 (the wilderness surrounding the village), and parts of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for Xbox.

Here are some videos of Ghost Squad:


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lazy8s said:

The glow lighting and aesthetic design of Metal Gear Solid 3 look great, but there are some proficient games with wilderness environments such as Ghost Squad (missions 1 and 3 are outdoors and in jungles), Resident Evil 4 (the wilderness surrounding the village), and parts of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for Xbox.

Here are some videos of Ghost Squad:

Wow, Ghost Squad looks really impressive. I'll have to keep an eye on that one.

RE4 is a great choice and PT looks pretty good as well.

Hopefully MGS3 will be able to run in progressive scan without a problem. Some games (Silent Hill 3) can run in 480p, but their FMV libraries crash the system when forcing it...
I only have two problems really with the demo...

1. In MGS1/2/TTS when you drew your weapon in the 3rd person, didn't it automatically aim towards the nearest enemy or something? Or atleast some kind of aiming mechanic for the 3rd person shooting?

For some reason I am having difficulty shooting people in the 3rd person (don't recall having any problems in MGS1/2/TTS). It might be due to the camera angle and the wide open areas since most of the time the enemies are off screen, so I have to switch to First Person (which is fine, but it delays reaction time for engaging in combat...sometimes I want to be able to quickly shoot a couple shots than dash for cover) in order to see them and shoot at them. I seem to remember being able to pull your gun, and do some kind of aiming in the 3rd person in the previous MGS.

2. The camera...well, the camera isn't too bad. I understand the challenges that the outdoor/forest environment force upon the design of the camera. I like being able to change it (and then making it stick with the R3 button), but it still seems a tad too limited.

Though, now that I think about it, I would be fine with the camera if you could go into the 1st-Person view while you were still pressed up against the wall. I hate being in 95% camo, pressed up against a wall, and see a guard walk past me but I cant tell where he went cause the camera won't pan over far enough, or out far enough. If I go into the 1st person viewpoint, I stop being pressed against the wall, my camo drops to 45% (or whatever), and I get spotted by some other guard off screen.

The demo looks good...or it would if my tv wasn't a piece of crap. Can't wait for the full version of this game to come out. Don't know why, but shooting people in MGS3 with the sniper is so much more fun than it was in any of the other Metal Gears. Very satisfying.

Oh yeah....anyone find any secret conversations by using the D-Mic? I assume its in the demo for a reason?

edit: I was reading elsewhere that L1 does the auto-aiming in the 3rd person. I coulda sworn I tried that, but maybe I didn't. I'll have to remember to try that the next time I play.
Trust me when I say I LOVE the MGS franchise. In fact, my love for the MGS3 demo has increased significantly since I last posted because I gave it another run through. Let me put it this way, I loved MGS2 with a passion when it came out. In fact I played through it five times that first week. But about a year later all the comments and perspectives from other players towards MGS2 really started to settle within my mind and my opinion changed. I think more than anything the hype pushed me through the game so many times. MGS1 for the PSone still stands as the best in the series, and I love the GBC MGS with all my heart so don't think I'm trying to play a troll card here. I'm trying to be as sincere as possible. And I must admit I'm warming up to MGS3 today. I think I was just a little scared from the whole MGS2 thing that I went into this demo VERY sceptical.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Qadriphonic, your first issue is something that has puzzled me as well. Yes, there is indeed an auto aim in MGS2 (auto aim that targets at the center of the enemy's body, and taht you can further adjust using the stick, if you want to shoot his head, for example) that you activate with L1. However, in MGS2, I think that auto aim becomes disabled once you switch to a hard or extreme difficulty mode. Perhaps MGS3 demo is running in hard mode? Although, I really doubt that, as once you knock the enemies off, for example, they don't wake up at all. That's like in 'very easy' mode in MGS2...

In any case, I wasn't much of a fan of that auto aim anyways, and I feel like they actually improved manual aiming in FP mode, the gun moves a bit slower, and it's moving speed seems easier to control.
The manual aiming in MGS3 is MUCH improved over any previous attempts in the other games. It seems intuitive and natural.


go eat paint
I'd just like for the demo on the damn OPM disc to work. Picked the mag up at the grocery store and every time I pick something from the menu, the screen goes blank and nada happens. Figured OK, bad disc, so I got a friend who works at GameStop to gimmie another copy of the mag. Same thing.

Do OPM discs hate 50000 model PS2's or does God just hate me?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
God hates you. OPM discs are such shit. I think I've had to replace those discs four times now, and one time I had to replace it twice, till I got one that worked. Thank heavens I have that friendly conveniece store guy willing to do such thing for me. The weirdest thing is that in all those cases, the OPM front end would load, but then some of the demos would refuse to work or would take forever to load.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ha, reminds me of the Dreamcast days...

Demo discs almost NEVER works right out of the package (some would never work) and retail game discs were hit or miss (they usually worked, but occasionally they wouldn't boot).

I always remember worrying when I brought home a new DC title. After looking forward to Skies of Arcadia for so long only to find that the damn thing wouldn't boot on my DC, I was just about to throw the system at the wall. Thankfully, disc 2 DID boot...and after that disc 1 never had a problem again. Go figure. :\

I've never had a problem with a PS2 disc, though. XBOX, yes; PS2 and GC, nope.
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