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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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A customer service associate at work almost sold me a copy. It was initially a joke. Figured it wouldn't scan through, but it did. And she didn't care and was going to let me purchase it anyway. But I said.. "no".

And I walked away.

Shall proceed to feel stupid?.. ashamed maybe?
Why is it that pixel counting is such a big deal now? It drives me nuts!
It isn't like back in the day with 16 bit systems they were all: "ZOMG SONIC HAS 16 PIXELS ON HIS HEAD MULTIPLY THAT BY 480 AND OMGGGG ALL OVER MAH FACE!"


Assembly Required said:
A customer service associate at work almost sold me a copy. It was initially a joke. Figured it wouldn't scan through, but it did. And she didn't care and was going to let me purchase it anyway. But I said.. "no".

And I walked away.

Shall proceed to feel stupid?.. ashamed maybe?


You've passed the test.

*showers you with Kojima-dollars*
Who cares, the game looks stunning.
This is GAF.. not RAF!

Since when did how much resolution a game has mattered when the game itself looks stunning.


just got my game guide back from EBgame, tried to convince them to sell the game to me but failed, have to wait till midnight........


The Everyman
Assembly Required said:
A customer service associate at work almost sold me a copy. It was initially a joke. Figured it wouldn't scan through, but it did. And she didn't care and was going to let me purchase it anyway. But I said.. "no".

And I walked away.

Shall proceed to feel stupid?.. ashamed maybe?


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You using HDMI or component?

My HDTV has great sharpness on PS3 output(HDMI),and I was very impressed on MGS 4 visual quailty.

FYI,I even think BF:Bad Company has sharp visual,I do not understand why some gamers say it is fuzzy...:lol

Some photo from the function in the game is a little soft,you could find it yourself:)
Assembly Required said:
A customer service associate at work almost sold me a copy. It was initially a joke. Figured it wouldn't scan through, but it did. And she didn't care and was going to let me purchase it anyway. But I said.. "no".

And I walked away.

Shall proceed to feel stupid?.. ashamed maybe?
you should feel stupid, we get to be ashamed of you. Kojima would be proud

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
wowfactor said:
Where does it say no AA? Quaz has no word on it yet. It's just simply not defined yet.
I was thinking the same. Dunno what the norm there is, but all games that have no AA actually have that stated in the brackets. MGS4 doesn't have that yet.


Can anyone confirm 1080i support? This game is deserves more then the horrid 480p picture my TV will throw out if there is a lack of 1080i support :(


Marconelly said:
I was thinking the same. Dunno what the norm there is, but all games that have no AA actually have that stated in the brackets. MGS4 doesn't have that yet.
I just noticed that myself. In that case it probably DOES have temporal 2xAA.


Marconelly said:
I was thinking the same. Dunno what the norm there is, but all games that have no AA actually have that stated in the brackets. MGS4 doesn't have that yet.

The list has not been updated for a while. I saw that list a long time ago. Quaz said MGS4 was at 1024x768 based on screenshots back in May.
Can we have a nick name for Deepblue: Mr Made-stuff-up


wowfactor said:
The list has not been updated for a while. I saw that list a long time ago. Quaz said MGS4 was at 1024x768 based on screenshots back in May.
Can we have a nick name for Deepblue: Mr Made-stuff-up
That was MGO, he was waiting for more shots on MGS4. Yes, I just pull this outta my ass! Anyway, from what I've seen thanks to Dabookerman, the game looks really, really, fricken amazing. While the last cutscene may dissapoint, the stuff leading up will please you guys a lot.
wowfactor said:
The list has not been updated for a while. I saw that list a long time ago. Quaz said MGS4 was at 1024x768 based on screenshots back in May.
Can we have a nick name for Deepblue: Mr Made-stuff-up
Well, that has been listed since they pixel counted MGO, but I haven't seen anything to indicate the regular game would be different. I am presuming there is AA however.

TTP said:
Dunno. It still looks 7280x3768 with 64xAA to me.
It been proven conclusively that 75% percent of people can't tell the difference between 63AA and 64AA, fail lol


Oh no.Ruliweb has some MGS 4 screenshots,apparently from video grab device.

I wouldn't post here,but I am sure the analysis would be coming soon if someone post in B3D.


Not Wario
BobTheFork said:
How about you keep that out of here until we can at least play it ourselves? ffs

Quality comments, without specifics, should be welcome here. We've had plenty of positive criticisms that don't spoil the game; I see no reason why we can't have negative ones as well.


LOL yeah I guess I could of explained better. I'm going to a Jazz festival this weekend with my girlfriend, my parents, and my girlfriends parents. It's awesome, I'm finally going to propose to her. I bought her ring a couple of weeks ago. So I will be gone all weekend and no time to playh MGS, but its for a good reason.

Sorry man wasn't trying to be mean. It's just your reason for not playing MGS the nano second it comes out is by far the most elaborate one I've heard.
traveler said:
Quality comments, without specifics, should be welcome here. We've had plenty of positive criticisms that don't spoil the game; I see no reason why we can't have negative ones as well.
I'm all for it, after I have a chance to play it. I just don't want to be told I'm not going to like the ending before I start it is all. Wait like, 7 hours then go for it,
If someone told me the game was 2,343,200p with 16,000 AA

I would believe them.

And yes, the game looks gorgeous. Again. Even the bloom and so forth are juuuuust right.
When you're in the Middle East, and you see grains of dust land on the camera, and you move it about to shake it off, details wow.


BobTheFork said:
I'm all for it, after I have a chance to play it. I just don't want to be told I'm not going to like the ending before I start it is all. Wait like, 7 hours then go for it,
You very well may like it. I can however, guarantee universal awesome before the last cutscene.
h3ro said:
We knew this already with MGO. Non-issue considering how gorgeous the MGO Beta was...

Is there any art on the inside cover?

No. It's plain white... :( But at least I'll have my JP LE version to console me...
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