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Metal Gear Solid 5 Peace Walker |OT| Peace Walking & Ad-HOC Partying

ExtraKr1spy said:
Extra OP 21 is the ones with the cargo trucks passing by I think. I used the LAW and RPG to blow up the trucks. They eventually come in bunches but when 1 explodes anything nearby also explode so some waves you gotta place a rocket strategically.

wtf at Extra ops 128. S-ranked that bitch the previous times but now its seems like it moves fast and does the charge attack even when not in rage mode.

Haven't used Snake since I found out I had a soldier with S-rank in guns and A ranks in set and thrown weapons, reloading and S-rank everything else. His fucking name is Gerbil though .

Cool, I think I'll go that route with the rockets. Something humorous happened after about 5 or 6 fails in that stage. Instead of Miller telling me I failed, Huey sang the failure song :lol


Just read the review in EGMi. Wow, their complaints were just so off. First, they said the game wasn't portable enough because the missions were too long. Second, they said the game was too hard and didn't have checkpoints. Third, they said Portable Ops was a better game.

I sometimes wonder if I play the same game that reviewers do. The missions are like 10 minutes long. If you don't have time to play for ten minutes, then use the sleep mode. I don't see the problem. And since the missions are ten minutes long, do you really need checkpoints?

And Portable Ops being a better game? WOW. I don't know what to say to that, because if you believe that you are obviously living in a different world than I.


soldat7 said:
I'm about half-way through the game and I haven't had a single problem playing solo. In fact, it's kinda easy. Maybe it gets impossible during the latter-half of the game, but I haven't seen difficult yet.

I'm almost done the game and I've had very few instances of dying. The game is actually pretty easy provided you do stop from time to time and think about the tools at your disposal, one of my friends is well over halfway through the game and just got the Walkman, (to give you an idea of how little time he has spent growing mother base) and he hasn't had a lot of problems with the difficulty. I guess the game gives you plenty of ways to make the experience harder on yourself without really realizing it, but that sort of stance that says 'you get out what you put in' can also give the player a very rewarding feeling for the progress they are making throughout the game.

Even when the game is easy it's still a lot of fun.

autobzooty said:
unleash a payload of rockets on it while it's trying to launch the nuke and eventually you'll distract it from its job. continue beating the shit out of it. it's a long and grueling battle and it doesn't really have a weak point. just do your best!


personally i wish it was harder, especially the stealth. the boss battles provide a decent challenge, especially in the end game, but sneaking just becomes a joke once you get the stealth suit and learn how to abuse hold-ups. i dont even have to try anymore.

It would be nice if enemies became slightly less absurdly near sighted further into the game. I think it's also because most of the area in the game are fairly simple, and it's not until later areas that you start getting more consistent concerns like watching patrol routes and that sort of thing.
autobzooty said:
any tips on taking out the commander of the assault transports? i can easily take care of all the soldiers with fulton mines and smoke grenades without being seen, but once the commander pops out, i can't tranq him without being seen and i usually die, losing all that painstaking progress. is there a good way to eliminate him without being spotted? preferably non-lethally so i can get the S rank and add him to my combat unit.

If you already can develop AT mines, I love to use them in tank battles.

Just put one on the path of the tank and when it step to it, it will stop for like 15 seconds, plenty of time to Mk22 to sleep it.
sotodefonk said:
If you already can develop AT mines, I love to use them in tank battles.

Just put one on the path of the tank and when it step to it, it will stop for like 15 seconds, plenty of time to Mk22 to sleep it.

Thats cool to hear.

I really need to experiment more with these things :lol

Just defeated
Crysalis and i'm here grinding some parts off it


I just finished the boss mission with the helicopter. At first I thought it was really hard, and I failed 3 times, but then I followed the advice they game me in the briefing about aiming for the the helicopter's tail, and I could do it easily. A rank, twice in a row. If you listen carefully to the briefings and codec dialogues, and you use the right equipment for the right boss, the game is not difficult at all. You just need to use your brain. I don't understand reviewers...


Question: How do I get
Metal Gear ZEKE to sing in Outer Ops? I can only seem to set voice commands for various actions.
sotodefonk said:
If you already can develop AT mines, I love to use them in tank battles.

Just put one on the path of the tank and when it step to it, it will stop for like 15 seconds, plenty of time to Mk22 to sleep it.

do they work on the armored transport vehicles, too? i've had bad luck with AT mines in the past, but maybe i'm doing it wrong.
mehdi_san said:
I just finished the boss mission with the helicopter. At first I thought it was really hard, and I failed 3 times, but then I followed the advice they game me in the briefing about aiming for the the helicopter's tail, and I could do it easily. A rank, twice in a row. If you listen carefully to the briefings and codec dialogues, and you use the right equipment for the right boss, the game is not difficult at all. You just need to use your brain. I don't understand reviewers...

I really wished I had listened to the Birefs when I was going through the game. To bad I discovered them late but they still help when replaying missions. They give great advice and tips.
Well, I still think there is some argument for difficulty; some of the late game bosses break the way Metal Gear used to work in that they can drain multiple rations in damage on a single hit. But apart from that there is usually a way through all of the battles.

Phatcorns said:
Was the product placement removed for the US version or something? I thought there were gonna be Doritos, axe and mountain dew but apparently not?

Yeah. Mountain Dew is now Lime Soda, Doritos are now Tortilla Chips, etc.
five skull helicopter kicked my ass a couple of times. he wasn't the most annoying part, but those 30+ soldiers were. and now another stack of vehicles appeared, fuuuuuuuuuu.


Forgive me if this has already been asked/answered (this thread is massive), or can be easily found elsewhere (I haven't had any luck), but are there any specific "rewards" for S-ranking specific missions, or even all of them? If so, could someone tell me, or at least point me in the direction of where I can find out?

I've completed most of the extra ops, which was kind of exhausting, and I'm not exactly dying to make perfect runs of all of them so soon. I'll probably do it eventually, but for now I'd just like to reap some intriguing rewards, if there are any.
Slime said:
Forgive me if this has already been asked/answered (this thread is massive), or can be easily found elsewhere (I haven't had any luck), but are there any specific "rewards" for S-ranking specific missions, or even all of them? If so, could someone tell me, or at least point me in the direction of where I can find out?

I've completed most of the extra ops, which was kind of exhausting, and I'm not exactly dying to make perfect runs of all of them so soon. I'll probably do it eventually, but for now I'd just like to reap some intriguing rewards, if there are any.

you can get extra items for S ranking specific missions. link might contain spoilers:

Do I understand correctly one should be able to use the Gustav to fire Fulton rounds? I think I've already made both the ammo and the weapon, but my Gustav just fires explosives. Anyone know how to do this, if at all possible?
autobzooty said:
do they work on the armored transport vehicles, too? i've had bad luck with AT mines in the past, but maybe i'm doing it wrong.

yes they work on amored vehicles and tanks, Dont know if it works with AI's

Shin_Kojima said:
Do I understand correctly one should be able to use the Gustav to fire Fulton rounds? I think I've already made both the ammo and the weapon, but my Gustav just fires explosives. Anyone know how to do this, if at all possible?

You have to get the doc for the Gustav weapon that uses fulton rounds. You get this in extra Op 98


Fuck Cancer
Got my Walkman today. Is it ok to use the provided unique character download code right away or should I wait until I have a higher number of Heroism/Hero Points?


Reached the credits, time for rankings!

MGS3 > MGS1 > MGS:pW > MGS2 > MGS:pO > MGS4

Pretty awesome game, finished in around 15 hours I think. I knew about the briefing files but they were so long and boring I never bothered listening to them. The story is probably my biggest issue with the game. I honestly think PO has a better story than this game. PW just felt very unimportant in the grand scheme of the MGS overall story and most of the story elements felt like they have been done before. At least it was better than MGS4 because it managed to avoid shitting on the entire series :lol


TTP said:
lol wut?

MGS:pO is clearly the worse of all.

Not to me.

I remember enjoying it a lot more than MGS4. I haven't played it in a while so maybe if I do the rankings might change. I absolutely despise MGS4 though.
hamchan said:
Reached the credits, time for rankings!

MGS3 > MGS1 > MGS:pW > MGS2 > MGS:pO > MGS4
I think this is pretty much how I'd rank it, though I haven't finished PW just yet.
I don't hate MGS4 at all, but I did enjoy PO more.


Yeah MGS4 isn't so bad, you know thinking about it a lot recently. It's actually really awesome, but there are so many elements that hold it back (excluding it's storyline), yet it could have been so much more.

I'd probably rank the games MGS 1 > MGS 2 > MGS 3 > MGS 4 > MGS PW.

The series follows a pretty linear progression in terms of quality for me, although i replay the games often and tend to change my rankings every now then.:lol a while back i used to think MGS 1 > MGS 3 > MGS 4 > MGS2.:lol

PW just felt very unimportant in the grand scheme of the MGS overall story and most of the story elements felt like they have been done before. At least it was better than MGS4 because it managed to avoid shitting on the entire series
Yeah it pretty much used every MGS cliche in the book, nothing that happened in the game surprised me. I think starting with MGS4 kojima has lost the ability to write / create a compelling MGS storyline. But with MGS PW he probably didn't put much effort in the storyline to begin with, it's clearly a very gameplay-focused title compared to the others in the series.

Also, there's some extra story content post-ending!


KTallguy said:
God forbid!
I like how it almost feels like a response to the criticism MGS4 got for having little gameplay. He follows it up with a title that has the most game play content in the series!
Lafiel said:
I like how it almost feels like a response to the criticism MGS4 got for having little gameplay. He follows it up with a title that has the most game play content in the series!
I really don't understand people criticizing mgs4 for lack of gameplay. I'm doing a bunch of missions in Chapter 5 in PW now and I absolutely love it, but it doesn't even come close to the amount of stuff I've seen in MGS4 on my way to the Big Boss emblem. MGS4 took me 5 complete runs before i could say I had explored and tried absolutely everything the game had to offer.

Now, PW is the best PSP game I've ever played. It is way way better than portable op in my opinion.


semiconscious said:
as you're grabbing boards from an ai, when you move between the 4 banks, you'll sometimes see a triangle button notification appear in the lower right part of the screen. hit triangle when you see it, & you'll grab a tape...

I'm guessing its rare when it does show up. I just have to keep farming the AIs?
NinjaCodah said:
I really don't understand people criticizing mgs4 for lack of gameplay. I'm doing a bunch of missions in Chapter 5 in PW now and I absolutely love it, but it doesn't even come close to the amount of stuff I've seen in MGS4 on my way to the Big Boss emblem. MGS4 took me 5 complete runs before i could say I had explored and tried absolutely everything the game had to offer.

Now, PW is the best PSP game I've ever played. It is way way better than portable op in my opinion.
MGS4 was 10 hours gameplay, 10 hours cutscenes, and the gameplay was heavily weighted towards the start of the game. And I think most people are talking about a single normal first playthrough. Most people do not do speed runs or repeated plays of these types of games.
infinityBCRT said:
MGS4 was 10 hours gameplay, 10 hours cutscenes, and the gameplay was heavily weighted towards the start of the game. And I think most people are talking about a single normal first playthrough. Most people do not do speed runs or repeated plays of these types of games.

what is a normal playthrough anyway? unfortunately, MGS4 had multiple difficulty settings. if you play on easiest and run through with your stupid weapons you'll get different impressions from people, they play a different game. that's why the lone pure sneaking mission got so much flak, they never played the game properly.

my first MGS4 playthrough was 30 hours long.
kiryogi said:
I'm guessing its rare when it does show up. I just have to keep farming the AIs?

might also have to do with how far you've gotten. pretty sure i didn't even notice it till chapter 5, but once i did, it showed up repeatedly...


This game. THIS GAME.



infinityBCRT said:
MGS4 was 10 hours gameplay, 10 hours cutscenes, and the gameplay was heavily weighted towards the start of the game. And I think most people are talking about a single normal first playthrough. Most people do not do speed runs or repeated plays of these types of games.
Not really accurate it's more like 7-8 hours of cutscenes not 10.:p

I really don't understand people criticizing mgs4 for lack of gameplay. I'm doing a bunch of missions in Chapter 5 in PW now and I absolutely love it, but it doesn't even come close to the amount of stuff I've seen in MGS4 on my way to the Big Boss emblem. MGS4 took me 5 complete runs before i could say I had explored and tried absolutely everything the game had to offer.

Now, PW is the best PSP game I've ever played. It is way way better than portable op in my opinion.
More to due with the pacing then anything else.
infinityBCRT said:
MGS4 was 10 hours gameplay, 10 hours cutscenes, and the gameplay was heavily weighted towards the start of the game. And I think most people are talking about a single normal first playthrough. Most people do not do speed runs or repeated plays of these types of games.
Well if you don't spend the effort trying different things, that's your problem, not the game's. You can gun your way through PW and miss on all the gameplay just as easily as you could in mgs4.
It's possible to ignore most of the motherbase stuff(weapon research, captures, side missions, outer ops) if you want.
Does it mean PW also has no gameplay? no, not at all.

Anyway, yes or no, is there a reward for completing chapter 5 in PW? can it even be completed?


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
depward said:
Man, how you guys beating the game in ~15 hours?! I'm at around 14 hours and in the middle of the 2nd chapter :lol

ya im at ~20 hrs and almost at the end - have not been doing to many extra ops stuff either


So, um...
battle against Peacewalker as it is about to launch nukes
. After twenty minutes I ran out of ammo and supply drops. I had to quit the game. For a minute I tried throwing smoke grenades at it and zapping its leg with my stun rod, but that did nothing. I can't remember the last time I actually run out of ammo on a boss fight and had to quit the mission. What. The. Fudge?


lawblob said:
So, um...
battle against Peacewalker as it is about to launch nukes
. After twenty minutes I ran out of ammo and supply drops. I had to quit the game. For a minute I tried throwing smoke grenades at it and zapping its leg with my stun rod, but that did nothing. I can't remember the last time I actually run out of ammo on a boss fight and had to quit the mission. What. The. Fudge?

I brought the F1M and the Carl Gustav with me and then whatever machine gun was my best. The only time I ever called in for supplies was when my missle count was zero. I was still running low at the end but pulled it off.


Salaadin said:
I brought the F1M and the Carl Gustav with me and then whatever machine gun was my best. The only time I ever called in for supplies was when my missle count was zero. I was still running low at the end but pulled it off.

I didn't even think a machine gun would do damage. I'll have to bring one with me when I try again this afternoon.
Damn, Tried to solo ex ops 98 and got whiped out FAST! :lol Damn missions are really hard :S Anyone have passed this mission alone? some tips?


lawblob said:
I didn't even think a machine gun would do damage. I'll have to bring one with me when I try again this afternoon.

It doesnt do much but when he uses that move that deflects missles (The orb on his head has a bluish glow in the center), you can get rid of it by shooting the orb with a machine gun. My brother told me chaff grenades also get rid of it but this was after I already beat it and I never went back to try.

With the battle dress and chaff grenades, you can probably fill up your other 3 weapon slots with rocket launchers and go crazy


Salaadin said:
It doesnt do much but when he uses that move that deflects missles (The orb on his head has a bluish glow in the center), you can get rid of it by shooting the orb with a machine gun. My brother told me chaff grenades also get rid of it but this was after I already beat it and I never went back to try.

With the battle dress and chaff grenades, you can probably fill up your other 3 weapon slots with rocket launchers and go crazy

Ok, cool.
That's what I suspected after about 22 minutes of the battle. It seemed I had screwed myself by only bringing missiles and no rifle.
NinjaCodah said:
Well if you don't spend the effort trying different things, that's your problem, not the game's. You can gun your way through PW and miss on all the gameplay just as easily as you could in mgs4.
I said most people *don't* do speed runs, especially on their first playthrough. Meaning they'll explore the game to their hearts content the first time. So most people's lasting impressions of their first (and possibly only) playthrough of MGS4 include sitting through chunks of cutscenes interspersed with minimum amounts of gameplay over the second half of the game.


There are some really amazing moments in this game so far and I think I'm only about 30% into it right now.
when Snake saves Chico, post-pupa discussion with huey

This game has the deepest characterization of any of the Metal Gear games, and the way they set it up really lets you avoid a situation where you regularly had 20+ minute cutscenes in other games. David Hayter steals the show with his performance, and the writing for Big Boss is just a zillion times more interesting than it was for Solid Snake in MGS4, and dare I say perhaps even MGS1.

Wish they didn't cut out dragging bodies, crawling or sticking to walls. I guess those functions more or less are rendered useless in this game but would be nice to still have them anyway for nostalgia's sake. Guards are also a little nearsighted in this game compared to Snake Eater, but I'm guessing they did that because its a portable. Maybe my memory is failing me but I remember in Snake Eater if you were 50 feet away guards would be able to see you unless you were camoflauged really well.

Still an amazing game so far. This game also has some of the best music/sound out of any Metal Gear game. Some of the review scores are ridiculously low, don't believe 'em. I just came off playing Portable Ops and I can't believe the metacritic score of Portable Ops is even close to this game. If Portable Ops is 87, this game is a 99 in my book (realistically Portable Ops should have been a 70 at BEST).
I'm having a problem on the 4 and 5 skull bosses in extra ops. I've gathered that the best/only way to beat them solo is through stealth, and that worked well so far, but I don't have enough fulton balloons to take care of everyone quietly. I've managed to make use of the fulton mines, but I don't think that will be possible for bosses where the enemies don't all pop out in the same place, since the fulton mine's area of effect wouldn't be large enough.

Without the knife, I feel kind of screwed as far as stealth eliminations go. I got so desperate that I tried just shooting dudes in the back of the head with a silenced weapon, but no dice. :lol
autobzooty said:
I'm having a problem on the 4 and 5 skull bosses in extra ops. I've gathered that the best/only way to beat them solo is through stealth, and that worked well so far, but I don't have enough fulton balloons to take care of everyone quietly. I've managed to make use of the fulton mines, but I don't think that will be possible for bosses where the enemies don't all pop out in the same place, since the fulton mine's area of effect wouldn't be large enough.

Without the knife, I feel kind of screwed as far as stealth eliminations go. I got so desperate that I tried just shooting dudes in the back of the head with a silenced weapon, but no dice. :lol

Bring fully upgraded fulton system and mines. When you've used all of them use the support strike gun and they stop and you kill 2-4 enemies easily(hard to do full stealth on bosses since they have up to 28(most I've seen so far) backups. You can hold up the enemies and place C4 in between them so you can blow it up while hiding. Only other way I can think of doing a kill run without the fulton gustav is holding up/tranq the enemies and hope they get run over.

Finally S-ranked Ex ops 128, Took around 16 minutes(previous ex ops against that bastard took around 7). Reward item is fucking useless :/ since I've S-ranked the other Monster Hunter ops. Would have been useful if it was the reward for the first monster hunter ops but useless for the last.
Damn outer ops S++ misions keeps destroying my tanks/choppers...

What vehicles are easy to get and hold up in those missions?

Also, my Zeke is slow, it attacks every 2 turns... does getting AI's improve that? If so, which one? Movement? Attack?
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