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Metal Gear Solid 5 Peace Walker |OT| Peace Walking & Ad-HOC Partying


Very near end game:

Can anyone explain
the whole system with getting parts and AI memory boards for Metal Gear Zeke?

If I want certain main parts or optional parts, what exactly do I do? Should I attack the parts that I want at all? If I attack only the AI pod 100%, does that mean I get all the parts of the boss?

If I want certain AI memory boards, what exactly do I do? Does attacking the corresponding parts unlock the boards in the AI pod? Does destroying parts lock the boards in the AI pod?
I'm confused yet, enjoying it. :lol
Haven't even touched CO-OPs too. I bet that will be fun. :D
ptown said:
Very near end game:

Can anyone explain
the whole system with getting parts and AI memory boards for Metal Gear Zeke?

If I want certain main parts or optional parts, what exactly do I do? Should I attack the parts that I want at all? If I attack only the AI pod 100%, does that mean I get all the parts of the boss?

If I want certain AI memory boards, what exactly do I do? Does attacking the corresponding parts unlock the boards in the AI pod? Does destroying parts lock the boards in the AI pod?
I'm confused yet, enjoying it. :lol
Haven't even touched CO-OPs too. I bet that will be fun. :D

If you want a part then don't attack that part of the machine.

If you want the AI boards then attack that part. Destroying parts of the machine unlock those AI boards.

I'm not sure the chances of a piece dropping tho, seems kinda random.

That's my understanding of it anyways :lol


Thanks for your take.

I was going about it "randomly" by just playing and replaying some of the missions
peppering bullets/explosive thingys and getting parts "by chance". I just got some final missing parts for a Zeke and will test it out on some final Outer Ops.
ptown said:
Thanks for your take.

I was going about it "randomly" by just playing and replaying some of the missions
peppering bullets/explosive thingys and getting parts "by chance". I just got some final missing parts for a Zeke and will test it out on some final Outer Ops.

Unfortunately the game doesn't do a great job explaining this part of the game, good luck and happy hunting :D
DualShadow said:
What do you guys do when you run out of Fulton options?

At the harder Extra Op's the soldiers seem to wake up pretty quickly from being put to sleep and relying on the vehicle to run them over isn't that good.

Only option is to put a few bullets into them? But then i cant take a launcher?

Unless i don't take my Hush Puppy.........whaaaaa so many options :lol

Or I could not wear my stealth suit but then its makes it much harder to hold them up :S

Are you trying to S rank it?

I got tired of trying to do it non-lethally, too tedious and I still don't have a Fulton Launcher, but I still always try to do it stealthily. I take a stock of smoke grenades with night vision, an armor piercing sniper rifle to snipe dozens of heads, a stun-box to hide if they're closing in on me while the smoke is clearing, a mosin-nagant to capture the captain, and I am become death.


Dot Hacked
TheSeks said:
OPs yes. Considering fan backlash. AC!D, no.

"Tactical Espionage Operations" goes with CO-OPS, Co-operative OPerationS.

Isn't the cooperative stuff just extras? That stuff should effect the title just the main game ~_~

xKilltheMx said:
Oh I see you picked it up! Did you get Portable Ops yet?

Nooo I didn't even start lookign for PO yet. I'm still highly committed and addicted to PS:p an that umd isn't leaving my PSP until I finish it all the way and then I have so many other games blah~ I may got PW now but I'll prolly show up in a LTTP thread for it sometime early next year lol.
Lindsay said:
Isn't the cooperative stuff just extras? That stuff should effect the title just the main game ~_~

Nooo I didn't even start lookign for PO yet. I'm still highly committed and addicted to PS:p an that umd isn't leaving my PSP until I finish it all the way and then I have so many other games blah~ I may got PW now but I'll prolly show up in a LTTP thread for it sometime early next year lol.

Phantasy Star is actually better than I thought it would be, well the demo at least. Is it kind of comparable to Kingdom Hearts later on? And do the weapons get considerably better later on? If i pick it up it wouldnt be till later though haha.


Dot Hacked
xKilltheMx said:
Phantasy Star is actually better than I thought it would be, well the demo at least. Is it kind of comparable to Kingdom Hearts later on? And do the weapons get considerably better later on? If i pick it up it wouldnt be till later though haha.

The story modes really short but sweet. There is no online but neither is there in PW (lotsa people playing that on adhoc but not ps:p ;.;)! Its pretty easy but fun and ya loot does get better and cooler and some of the best stuff you can only get once via title unlock for collecting 80% of a weapon type! The 300 item storage limit is painful though! But the sequel is coming out soon thats why I'm in a rush to get all 100 titles!

I really do wanna play PW maybe even before I get PO but sheesh its gonna be tough to squeeze it in before Valkyria 2 then 2 weeks later PS:p2... and on the DS side I still really wanna start DQIX x_x Poor Snake came out at a bad time!

btw this game only has like 700 or so ratings on the US psn store did it really sell that badly? Thats more of a bomb then the retail version!
revolverjgw said:
Are you trying to S rank it?

I got tired of trying to do it non-lethally, too tedious and I still don't have a Fulton Launcher, but I still always try to do it stealthily. I take a stock of smoke grenades with night vision, an armor piercing sniper rifle to snipe dozens of heads, a stun-box to hide if they're closing in on me while the smoke is clearing, a mosin-nagant to capture the captain, and I am become death.

Not really S rank but doing it stealthy is the only way at higher extra op missions, cause the vehicles are deadly.

Is your snipe rifle silenced? If not doesn't that alert everyone?

Currently i'm using smoke grenades, run in place fulton mine, move back and shot it once to capture all 4 at once. Repeat till out of mines then start holding people up and fultoning them.

Problem is when i run outta fulton gear :lol

Guess I can take a silenced rifle to hold them up and shoot them in the head a few times to get rid of them, after I have all 4 laying on the floor at once of course :lol

picked up a new volunteer, S in all combat stats except attack which has basically a max A
Channeler, swat and decoy. Shit was so cash. And shes a blonde :3
she compliments stag beetle, who is exactly the same except has swat and wrestling freak. Basically just depends on what mood i'm in. She is useful for all the regular extra ops, but he is good for the down and dirty missions. Snake needs a break anyways, so its all good

edit: her name is lates, which is apparently a bad ass fresh water carnivore fish, helllls yeah
I finally finished Chapter 5 last night - 92 hours into the game! :lol Ya, I took my time... did a lot of micro-management and a lot of AI farming and WiFi recruiting, so there's probably 25 hours just in that!
I don't know why everyone has so much trouble handling Paz as a triple agent, though - seemed perfectly in line with what I'd expect from a Metal Gear title in terms of plotting...
And now I've got eight or ten new Extra Ops opened up to me including a bunch of Custom vehicle battles I can't wait to take on... and I still have only played through a couple of the Monster Hunter missions... I think it's safe to say I'll get my money's worth with this one, even though I bought both the special edition UMD and the digital download (for my PSPgo!) :lol
DualShadow said:
Not really S rank but doing it stealthy is the only way at higher extra op missions, cause the vehicles are deadly.

Is your snipe rifle silenced? If not doesn't that alert everyone?

Currently i'm using smoke grenades, run in place fulton mine, move back and shot it once to capture all 4 at once. Repeat till out of mines then start holding people up and fultoning them.

Problem is when i run outta fulton gear :lol

Guess I can take a silenced rifle to hold them up and shoot them in the head a few times to get rid of them, after I have all 4 laying on the floor at once of course :lol

If you use all your mines and Fulton Recoveries and still haven't captured everyone, I'd say leave it until you develop the Fulton Launcher.
been busy, so i just reached chapter 2 last night. did my first co-op and spent a lot of time doing extra ops and re-doing missions trying to s rank them. i just opened up another boss fight..i may grind a little more before i do it or just dive in and try to get some help...such a deeply satisfying game, this one


For the life of me I can't beat that stupid
T-72U tank battle
. I've tried it dozens of times and each time the end result is the same... I never get any further. I haven't played the game in weeks because I know that I'm just gonna waste a half hour trying to get passed this part and it won't happen so I don't bother anymore.

I was having such a blast with the game up until this point, and I'm still so early on. I can't believe I'm having this much trouble with such an early stage. Ugh. I keep thinking that going co-op will help, but I don't want to have to rely on that to get through the game. Maybe I'll give it another go this weekend, but it's really starting to get infuriating. :(


Carlisle said:
For the life of me I can't beat that stupid
T-72U tank battle
. I've tried it dozens of times and each time the end result is the same... I never get any further. I haven't played the game in weeks because I know that I'm just gonna waste a half hour trying to get passed this part and it won't happen so I don't bother anymore.

I was having such a blast with the game up until this point, and I'm still so early on. I can't believe I'm having this much trouble with such an early stage. Ugh. I keep thinking that going co-op will help, but I don't want to have to rely on that to get through the game. Maybe I'll give it another go this weekend, but it's really starting to get infuriating. :(

"Let's worry about those soldiers first."

DualShadow said:
Not really S rank but doing it stealthy is the only way at higher extra op missions, cause the vehicles are deadly.

Is your snipe rifle silenced? If not doesn't that alert everyone?

Currently i'm using smoke grenades, run in place fulton mine, move back and shot it once to capture all 4 at once. Repeat till out of mines then start holding people up and fultoning them.

Problem is when i run outta fulton gear :lol

Guess I can take a silenced rifle to hold them up and shoot them in the head a few times to get rid of them, after I have all 4 laying on the floor at once of course :lol

I use the WA2000 sniper rifle, and it's not silenced. As long as you're inside the smoke, the vehicles don't care how many heads you blow off or how loudly you do it. They don't even care if your armor piercing rounds go through dudes and hits them. Soldiers will come up and investigate the curious cloud of death while you're sniping them, and obediently stop directly in front of you so that they may also die. Once 20 seconds are up, I put on the box and slink away to a corner, just have to be careful to not exit the cloud into the vehicle's line of sight. The vehicles take seconds to go back to their regular patrols after the smoke clears and reinforcements arrive.

It's not very heroic, but I've found this is the easiest way for me to just get the really hard battles out of the way. I used to hold guys up and then use the pistol with the infinite silencer to kill them, but I found myself getting surprised by spawning enemies while I was cleaning up.


revolverjgw said:
I used to hold guys up and then use the pistol with the infinite silencer to kill them, but I found myself getting surprised by spawning enemies while I was cleaning up.

This is my biggest problem. I usually duck inside a warehouse between enemy waves but sometimes they spawn right in the warehouse and youre left staring them right in the face.


I am finally going through this now that I have some free time, question about the Walkman. Can you skip songs on it? It pisses me off that the music stops every time I go to the next screen.


Synless said:
I am finally going through this now that I have some free time, question about the Walkman. Can you skip songs on it? It pisses me off that the music stops every time I go to the next screen.

You have to develop it like you would an item. You will get a message once you can.

I just beat red peace walker twice in a row without touching his head or legs, fuck it.

Anyways. I am officially done the single player. 110 Hours, basically non stop because the game is intense. S rank every single player mission, Retrieved just about every piece of equipment. Double Star Butterfly. Shit was so worth the cash. Ill break out the ad hoc later
Synless said:
I am finally going through this now that I have some free time, question about the Walkman. Can you skip songs on it? It pisses me off that the music stops every time I go to the next screen.

The walkman is pretty obtuse with regards to screening and such. It doesnt get any better like that other poster would seem to imply. No repeat function either. How can I play inori-no-uta 800 times in a row kojima? Also, why was heavens divide and the "peace deterrent" song not put on the walkman? I like them T_T
Onion_Relish said:
The walkman is pretty obtuse with regards to screening and such. It doesnt get any better like that other poster would seem to imply. No repeat function either. How can I play inori-no-uta 800 times in a row kojima? Also, why was heavens divide and the "peace deterrent" song not put on the walkman? I like them T_T

because they want to sell some PW OSTs too :)
Ninja Kn1ght said:
If you use all your mines and Fulton Recoveries and still haven't captured everyone, I'd say leave it until you develop the Fulton Launcher.

Yea but the missions i'm trying to do this on are the missions to unlock the Launcher :lol

Though i am getting closer, i think only a handful of missions to go until i can develop it (hope my levels are high enough tho).

Also does anyone know the level requirements to develop stealth? I know i need to S rank extra op 50.

Anyways this game is so addicting and is taking all my free time :D


Sheesh, the M134 is ridiculous. Ridiculous fire rate and it's absurdly strong, to boot. No wonder they made it so hard to unlock. :lol



I beat Cocoon, twice and had begun to advance on the story mode and outter ops, and one night (while the PSPgo was in the case) I dropped it on the ground (not too far).

Attempted to play Peace Walker the next day, and the system wouldn't turn on. Couldn't figure out what was wrong, since there was absolutely no damage to the go. So I called Sony, and had to pay $100 to get it fixed :-/

Since the go wouldn't turn on, I couldn't back up my game... and well, when it came back, it wasn't my go.

When I finally dl the game again from the store and attempt to play, seems that the go they gave me had a problem with the analog stick, forcing Snake to continuously run to the upper left corner of the screen (plus there's a battery problem with the go).

Now I have to send it back to Sony.


I miss this game sooooooo much.


Neo Member
Onion_Relish said:
The walkman is pretty obtuse with regards to screening and such. It doesnt get any better like that other poster would seem to imply. No repeat function either. How can I play inori-no-uta 800 times in a row kojima? Also, why was heavens divide and the "peace deterrent" song not put on the walkman? I like them T_T
You unlock them later on the game.


ANyone who manages to beat the 4 or 5 skull boss missions stealth solo is using gameshark. Im convinced of it! :D

I just barely got thru a 3 skull chopper. I fultoned about 20 guys before being spotted and had to tranq and CQC the rest while they fired missles at me. Then I had to pound away at the chopper with a machine gun until the commander popped his head out.

Im terrible at positioning fulton mines. On lucky occasions, Ill swipe all 4 soldiers at once but I mostly get away with 1 or 2. Sometimes I have to spam empty magazines towards a mine to lure the soldiers and then set them off from a distance.

Oddly enough, Im still having fun.
Salaadin said:
ANyone who manages to beat the 4 or 5 skull boss missions stealth solo is using gameshark. Im convinced of it! :D

I just barely got thru a 3 skull chopper. I fultoned about 20 guys before being spotted and had to tranq and CQC the rest while they fired missles at me. Then I had to pound away at the chopper with a machine gun until the commander popped his head out.

Im terrible at positioning fulton mines. On lucky occasions, Ill swipe all 4 soldiers at once but I mostly get away with 1 or 2. Sometimes I have to spam empty magazines towards a mine to lure the soldiers and then set them off from a distance.

Oddly enough, Im still having fun.

Protip: Lay down a magazine or two, place the fulton right behind it. If there are 4 people they will usually run right past it and trigger it, or you can just shoot the mine with the hush puppy and they all fly away :)

edit: MGSPW OST doesnt have inori no uta or love deterrance: PASS
Onion_Relish said:
Protip: Lay down a magazine or two, place the fulton right behind it. If there are 4 people they will usually run right past it and trigger it, or you can just shoot the mine with the hush puppy and they all fly away :)

edit: MGSPW OST doesnt have inori no uta or love deterrance: PASS

I haven't tried a magazine yet but I did try a new way last night on the 5 star custom tank (the random spawning soldiers are so annoying). Anyways i would hold all 4 up and fulton/kill 2 and place a mine between the other 2 and shoot it when the new soldiers came to inspect it :lol

Once you learn the pattern it gets easier to do the missions solo. I don't take them on by force at all, that's crazy imo. Using stealth is the only way I can beat them, I really wanna S rank extra op 50 though so I can get stealth :D
DualShadow said:
I haven't tried a magazine yet but I did try a new way last night on the 5 star custom tank (the random spawning soldiers are so annoying). Anyways i would hold all 4 up and fulton/kill 2 and place a mine between the other 2 and shoot it when the new soldiers came to inspect it :lol

Once you learn the pattern it gets easier to do the missions solo. I don't take them on by force at all, that's crazy imo. Using stealth is the only way I can beat them, I really wanna S rank extra op 50 though so I can get stealth :D

Keep in mind, you cant get S ranks while using the stealth camo ;)

As for something you keep mentioning, the spawns arent as random as you think. Yes the amount of people that come out is up in the air, but in the bananal, they NEVER spawn up on the hill, so you can use that as a refuge of sorts.

I just throw a smoke grenade to incapacitate a few of the guards, then shoot near the feet of any remaining guards. They will run into the smoke and not be able to see them. Drop a fulton, run out of the smoke and send them packing by shooting the mine. Dont be scared. I never thought I would be able to S rank all the single player missions, but learning the patterns and getting the tools makes some of the easier missions more palatable, and as you progress through those, you get more tools to deal with harder ones :)


I'm 2 hours in, and it's excellent.

But where is the intro movie I saw in Giant Bombs Quick look? My game jumps straight to the main menu, and I don't see anything in the menues.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Lindsay said:
Isn't the cooperative stuff just extras? That stuff should effect the title just the main game ~_~

No. CO-OP(S) has always been the main focus in Peace Walker. See Kojima's twitter during the development process. It's only LATER he balanced the game for single-player, because he knows not everyone can ad-hoc party/local ad-hoc in the US/EU.
Majine said:
I'm 2 hours in, and it's excellent.

But where is the intro movie I saw in Giant Bombs Quick look? My game jumps straight to the main menu, and I don't see anything in the menues.
Which one? The one that shows off all the characters?


Neo Member
Peff said:
Heavens Divide is a free DLC, I'm not sure about Love Deterrence.
Yes, thats right, sorry for the misunderstanding.
The free dlc of this week includes the pw main theme for the walkman.
Are there any plans to have Paid for DLC for PW? Like meaty extra game modes or extra ops or anything? Because im sure I'll pay for them.

edit: S-Ranked Extra Ops 88 on my first time! yayyyyy i feel like snake.


Finally got that infernal Tigrex to drop its Claw, which allowed me to develop the Slingshot Post. Using it as a melee weapon more than makes up for the dozens of attempts at nabbing it. :lol :lol :lol

That wraps it up for all of the weapons and items for my save file; I wonder what I'll be attempting to go after next.


xKilltheMx said:
Are there any plans to have Paid for DLC for PW? Like meaty extra game modes or extra ops or anything? Because im sure I'll pay for them.

I definitely would. It seems like it was almost made for it too.

I really hope that PW sets the standard for all MGS titles from here on out. A single player game that a lot of us love and then a bunch of unlockable missions with varying difficulties and co-op modes.

Playing an MGS game from here on out that isnt packed to the brim with gameplay like this one will feel like a step backward.
Augemitbutter said:
no thanks, i'm happy PW shipped as a complete game.
Extra content not included in the game that was produced after its shipping or something would be appreciated. (even though im not done with what i've been given)
Ridley327 said:
Well, whatever it could be, it better not be another vehicle battle variant. :lol

Different vehicles thought up (previous Metal Gears we've fought, more Monster Hunter, maybe something from snatcher).
The monster hunt battles make me want to slap a bitch. Get hit by fireball, fall down. Get swiped by tail, fall down. Get roared at, freeze in place. Bump into a raptor, fall down. Get caught in an area-of-effect move, freeze in place.

Did I manage to reload the Gustav in tiFUUUUCKKKK


xKilltheMx said:
Different vehicles thought up (previous Metal Gears we've fought, more Monster Hunter, maybe something from snatcher).
I wouldn't mind RAY, but REX is already very similar to ZEKE and the Shagohod is practically in the game already. I would be so down for some more MH bosses, especially if they could pull from MH3 and throw Deviljho at you.

"Oh, this guy is Gear REX without the laser OH GOD I'M ALREADY DEAD"
They clearly got to do MH version of Metal Gear Ray and Gekkos next, though. Think how awesome Gear Ray would look...big amphibious motherfucker.:D
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