Yeah there are a bunch. Am I suppose to complete them all?Graphics Horse said:^ Are there any outer ops missions you haven't completed yet?
Yeah there are a bunch. Am I suppose to complete them all?Graphics Horse said:^ Are there any outer ops missions you haven't completed yet?
But they do count as 'missions completed' when working towards unlocked the next Main Ops mission, right? Also, is there a way to tell if my base is upgraded enough?Ridley327 said:Outer Ops has absolutely no bearing on the conditions.
But they worked when unlocking all theRidley327 said:Outer Ops don't count towards your mission count because they're not missions.
Go into the information page (bottom middle icon) and then go into the first option you see. That will bring up all five sections of the Motherbase and what level they're at.
So basically what you're saying is thatRidley327 said:Those have really, really, really low requirements for unlocking, though.
Blu_LED said:Ahh, I got Outer Ops and Extra Ops mixed up. I've been doing Extra Ops to try to unlock the final mission, and even after doing around 7-10 of them since beating mission 32, still nothing.
Blu_LED said:Ahh, I got Outer Ops and Extra Ops mixed up
Do tell.onken said:Sooo, I've beaten all the ops in my list (PW2 was a bitch) and Zadornov 6, but no new ops have come up, even though there's loads of ex-ops clearly missing. What do I do next?
e~ never mind, figured it out
5 chapters totalmehdi_san said:I just finished chapter 3! Great boss battle at the end(), and I unlocked a new suit (Peace Walker). So is chapter 4 the last one?battle suit with 3 weapon slots
OK. I think it's time for me that I start doing the extra ops, looking for secrets, etc... I've been focusing on story missions only so far (and a few outer ops), and I feel like I'm ready for some more challenging missions now. BTW, I hope everyone listens to the briefing tapes, some of them are really awesome.Salaadin said:5 chapters total
Blu_LED said:He's not....
Beatjimid2 said:Okay, so after like 130+ hours of play, I finally have the C. Gustav Fulton launcher! (yes, I'm meticulous, anal, and S-L-O-W!) :lol Anyway, this ought to make S-Ranking those vehicle battles a little easier...
Can anyone tell me what mission I need to S-Rank for the bandana? I can't remember and can't seem to find it here...
TheSeks said:Woo-hoo! I got my "Naked Enthusiast" emblem today. 202 naked missions later, I can finally wear other things. :lol
Going through trying to S-rank all the stuff I'm A/B in before getting back on the co-op horse.
You just need to kill it in under 20 minutes, bring the Carl Gustav and the M47 (if you have it, LAW if you don't) and an heavy machine gun with armor piercing abilities for the EMP parts and you should have no problems.Salaadin said:S rank Peace Walker Custom? I should just forget about the bandana :lol
Paznos said:Just finished Chapter 4! but now it seems I have some more missions to do before Chapter 5 starts?
Cool ThanksInfinite Justice said:yea just do some extra ops until Miller gives you a specific objective. Once you start that objective you will officially be in chapter 5.
What is this valuable camo? Btw this is much earlier in the thread.Erigu said:There are three uniforms you can only get in Outer Ops (including one that is quite valuable indeed... but SS difficulty, so good luck! ^^; ), and eight schematics.
Yenrot said:Man i'm so bad at S ranking the missions that give me the stuff I need like the Fulton Rocket.
I love the art book too, but I do wish they'd included a page or two devoted to Gear Rex - that's such a cool Monster! Regardless, the special edition package was well worth the extra $10 it cost!Blu_LED said:Flipped through the art book today. Holy shit does KojiPro put together great artbooks. It also got me thinking of how pointless. It was basicallyCecile was as a character.'oh hey look, a hot girl. She in MSF now'. I think it would have been much better if it was her instead of Paz that was working for the KGB
This game is also very weird with weapons. I unlock tons and tons of awesome weapons, but really have no place to use them. I don't want to use them in regular missions, because killing people brings down my Heroism. You can only really use them during boss battles, and during those I only really use my best stuff. There's stuff like shotguns that really have no use at all.
On the start menu, there is an option called "Extras". Select that then go to "Network" and Downloadable Content should be an option there.Hydrogen Bluebird said:Will DLC for the Japanese version of PW work on the EU version? I want to get the DLC which has some cool shirt camos for snake. Any of you guys know where I can download the DLC packs for these (Not on PSN)?
I played a few missions through co-op with my son, but actually prefered going it solo (co-op makes it too easy :lol ) You won't be able to get the completion insignias though, unless you complete every mission in both solo and co-op mode... There are also some weapons you might come across later on that are only of use in co-op mode (like theEternal Sleeper said:Just started, currently on chapter 2.
Game is eating into my bfbc2 addiction:lol
Anyway, just wondering....am I missing out much by not playing this game co-op?
(PS3 is wireless, and i'm too lazy to setup wires just for ad-hoc party.)
Helmholtz said:I have basically zero knowledge of the MGS storyline, would I be able to follow this and enjoy it regardless? Thinking of getting it for my upcoming vacation.
Helmholtz said:I have basically zero knowledge of the MGS storyline, would I be able to follow this and enjoy it regardless? Thinking of getting it for my upcoming vacation.
Also: I bought portable ops a couple years back, but never really got into it. Didn't really like the whole recruiting thing I guess. Should I give that one another try, or can I just jump into Peace Walker?
TheSeks said:Play MGS3: Best game in the series.
After that, try Peace Walkers demo. If you don't like the recruitment of Port Ops, you probably won't like it here (but it's LESS tedious than it was in Port Ops).
Yenrot said:I don't see how anyone can have problems with recruitment in this game. Knock them out, shoot them into the sky with a balloon.
Like Seks said, you really have to play MGS3 first, as it's heavily referenced. He's also right about it being the best game in the series.Helmholtz said:I have basically zero knowledge of the MGS storyline, would I be able to follow this and enjoy it regardless? Thinking of getting it for my upcoming vacation.
Also: I bought portable ops a couple years back, but never really got into it. Didn't really like the whole recruiting thing I guess. Should I give that one another try, or can I just jump into Peace Walker?