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Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes |OT| Kaz, I'm already a demo


Why the hell would they change the radio thing? That was my favourite part of MGS2. MGS FREAKIN' TWO.

I hate having omniscient enemies in stealth games, it really just ruins things for me and forces the whole 'quick save/checkpoint' abuse as penalties for getting spotted always outweigh the 'fun' of disappearing again.

I really wish a stealth game could make being spotted/escape an integral part of the game and circumvent the whole perfectionist nature without making you feel incompetent as the hero. Dishonored tried and failed and I'm kind of getting bored of having to trial and error my way through every major stealth release.
? I've been spotted plenty of times, creating a diversion and escaped. Or are you referring to being penalized for being seen? Everything they've thrown into this series now is a way for you to get by no matter what happens. There's plenty of ways to keep going.


One thing that bugs me, why don't the guards speak, they mumble and we get subtitles but they don't speak, it was like that in PW, but they did in MGS3 so this seems like a step backwards to me
Also the guards don't seem threatened by where you point the gun anymore, disappointing
And Solid Snake seems to be more advanced in CQC then Big Boss in this.
Also as people have pointed out, the alert system is fucked
One guy sees you and the whole base knows, in MGS2 and 3 they had to radio it in, and you could stop them by taking them or the radio out before they get a chance or taking out the radio before hand.

Though it would belong in the OT, I think at some point we should make a thread centered around constructive criticisms as to what we do not like about Ground Zeroes.

  • Alert System - Like people have said, the entire base being on alert the second someone spots you.
  • Idroid Map - Specifically how it handles objective. You can end up overwhelmed with identical looking mission symbols on your map if you have interrogated a enough guards. You should be able to filter them by type on your map. Low on ammo? Filter by resource. You should also be able to record points of interest (like armory depots) as you encounter them, not just AA guns.
  • Lack of lockers etc - While the large scale environments are great, I would love it if they did passes on maps after the fact where they just throw in more density to the maps. Lockers for hiding bodies, and some small areas that more closely mimicking the MGS gameplay of old. Giving players slightly more controlled environments to use all the toys.
  • Lack of toys/equipment - Granted this is a prologue and I am only at 11% completion, but I do hope we see a ton on toys to play with, on par with Peace Walker or Snake Eater, without unnecessary redundancy.
  • Redundant intel popups - For instance when you are looking at a soldier through your binoculars, hitting L2 repeatedly should bring out additional info, but it seems like the game just pulls from a huge list, repeating previous comments and even throwing in comments that are meant for your first L2 query if you keep clicking it. It should pose the introductory query, allow you to ask for more detailed information and disable further prompts.
Already put in about 2 hours into the game, and haven't even beat the main mission. And I paid a total of $28 for the game. So honestly, I'm pretty fucking happy with it so far. The only thing I noticed is the draw distance is horrible on the PS4 version...there's pop in all over the place for bushes, shrubs etc. What gives? Other than that, beautiful and fun game that has me incredibly hyped for Phantom Pain.


Already put in about 2 hours into the game, and haven't even beat the main mission. And I paid a total of $28 for the game. So honestly, I'm pretty fucking happy with it so far. The only thing I noticed is the draw distance is horrible on the PS4 version...there's pop in all over the place for bushes, shrubs etc. What gives? Other than that, beautiful and fun game that has me incredibly hyped for Phantom Pain.
I think the draw distance is pretty good. Only time I notice pop in is mid range when running fast.


Gold Member

Great picks, Microwave Hallway was insane when I first experienced it.

My favourite scene is actually the codec conversation between the haywire Colonel AI and Raiden, right before the Solidus fight. The AI talks about censorship, context and how much garbage humans produce through [social] media in terms of half-truths. How we are raised with lies and how we are soft and deceptive to not only each other but to ourselves most of all. The concept of "self" and how it is complete nonsense.

MGS2 came out in 2001, long before Facebook and Twitter but that conversation is now more relevant than ever.


Whew. Finished first two S's on hard yesterday. For anyone that needs help with them, I'll share how I did it.

Classified Intel Recovery is a piece of cake if you know the trick (you don't need both tapes)
Stay in the truck until you reach the admin building. Jump out but leave the driver be. Go left, crawl under the stuff and over the boxes, tranq the guard around the corner. Unlock the gate ahead and cut the power. Turn around, go up the later and crouch walk the catwalk. Be wary of the driver who could spot you from below. Grab the tape, go back to the truck, hop in and wait for the guard to get back in and drive off. Easy S

For the AA Emplacements one, it's a lot harder, but I have a pretty decent strategy (it gets a little hairy in the end):
Immediately drop down over the fence and tranq the guard to the right. Go towards the closest AA and tranq the guard near here. Place C4. Wait to detonate until the end. Continue forward on the left path. There should be a guard behind a chain link fence. Best to crawl towards him and tranq him (sometimes he sees you through the fence).

Continue on the path until you get to the first building. There should be a guard between this building and the next one. Hug the wall and wait. Around this time Kaz should tell you about the alert. This guy will turn around and run away, so continue on. There should be a piece of cover in front of you and a fence in front of that. Go to cover. Soon, they'll be a rocket launcher guy run past the fence. You need to get his attention. I just stand up briefly for him to see something "suspicious" and then crouch back down. He'll run over (probably with a friend). CQC him and his friend and steal his rocket launcher. Crawl towards the fence but go right before you get to the asphalt and start crawling towards the watchtower. Tranq the guard on the ground, slowly move up the tower and take the guard out by any means. Careful, the guards at the AA are alert, so wait till they turn around. Go back down slowly and crawl out to the open towards the nearest AA gun, tranq those guards and C4 it. Crawl over to the next AA and tranq the guards. Set the C4 and drop down to the road. Hide in the bushes and blow them up.

Now the fun part. Set the rest of your c4 (you should have 2 more) under the bridge. Move far away and hide in the bushes. Blow them when the armored vehicle gets under the bridge. It should still be alive. Bring out your rocket and blast it. Now GTFO and you should be good.

The problem with this strategy is there are a lot of opportunities to get spotted, and you really need No Reflex to get the S. However, even if you mess up once you'll still get an A, which unlocked the Rocket Launcher from the get go. If you don't know, the Rocket can net you an easy S by just staying put at the beginning of the mission and blowing all the AA's up and the armored vehicle from cover. Really, really easy S.

Anyway, on to GZ mission to S on hard. I'm scared. Haha.
Great picks, Microwave Hallway was insane when I first experienced it.

My favourite scene is actually the codec conversation between the haywire Colonel AI and Raiden, right before the Solidus fight. The AI talks about censorship, context and how much garbage humans produce through [social] media in terms of half-truths. How we are raised with lies and how we are soft and deceptive to not only each other but to ourselves most of all. The concept of "self" and how it is complete nonsense.

MGS2 came out in 2001, long before Facebook and Twitter but that conversation is now more relevant than ever.

He warned us.


I did not realize that a cutscene in ground zeroes can play out differently depending on what you have done.


The Chico one. In an interview with Kojima he stated that the cutscene will play out differently if you have cleared out the other prisoners in the area before getting Chico out. Also if you go and grab Paz first instead of Chico.

Fucks sake. I skipped the cutscene on the times I did this.
The Chico one. In an interview with Kojima he stated that the cutscene will play out differently if you have cleared out the other prisoners in the area before getting Chico out. Also if you go and grab Paz first instead of Chico.

Also if you don't put Chico down his tape just rattles out of the chopper as it takes off.


I actually threw every prisoner overboard to see if the cutscene actually changed. And obviously, it did, since there was nobody around to scream. :p


Do we have a Metal Gear community thread? I couldn't find one. Anyway, I'm going to start a replay of the series soon. Just wondering if I should take the time to play MG1 and MG2 (MSX versions on the HD collection) or if I should just skip them and read wikis.

On second thought, MG2 looks pretty awesome. I think I'll read a wiki for MG1 and play MG2.


I actually threw every prisoner overboard to see if the cutscene actually changed. And obviously, it did, since there was nobody around to scream. :p
Yeah, after seeing that cutscene I was wondering if it would change if I rescued all the prisoners first. So on a replay I got all the other guys out before talking to Chico.

If anyone is curious, this is what happens:

Instead of the other prisoners yelling, you hear a truck approaching and then stopping right in front of the gate. The door of the truck opens and you hear a guard coming out. BB panicks and tries to calm down Chico who is making a lot of noise (like in the normal cutscene), and eventually knocks him out. I think the guard gets back into the truck again and drives off.

Might not be entirely accurate because it's been a while since I saw it, but that's the gist of it. Is there a 3rd version though? The Kojima interview seems to imply it going by some earlier posts.


Yeah, after seeing that cutscene I was wondering if it would change if I rescued all the prisoners first. So on a replay I got all the other guys out before talking to Chico.

If anyone is curious, this is what happens:

Instead of the other prisoners yelling, you hear a truck approaching and then stopping right in front of the gate. The door of the truck opens and you hear a guard coming out. BB panicks and tries to calm down Chico who is making a lot of noise (like in the normal cutscene), and eventually knocks him out. I think the guard gets back into the truck again and drives off.

Might not be entirely accurate because it's been a while since I saw it, but that's the gist of it. Is there a 3rd version though? The Kojima interview seems to imply it going by some earlier posts.

I got absolutely none of that. It was just Chico and Snake.


Woooooo finally got the S rank all missions Trophy. All that's left is to get/do (?) all the trials and get all the cassettes. Any tips before I dig up stuff online?


I'm in fucking love with this game. I've already put more hours into it than most full games. The open world concept is going to do wonders to this series. Being able to tackle your objectives anyway you want, wherever and whenever, and the emergent gameplay that results from your actions, is simply amazing in Ground Zeroes, so I can't even imagine how utterly amazing The Phantom Pain will feel. It's like every time I play any given mission, it unfolds in a different way. Sometimes when I get caught I am tempted to retry from the last checkpoint, but then I just say fuck it to my score and either go on a rampage in order to make my over the top, guns-blazing escape from the base after accomplishing the objective, or I play the cat and mouse game after being able to hide from my pursuers.

Lately I've been taking pleasure in employing guerrilla-like tactics. I place C4 in strategic parts of the map (lookout towers are great for this), I move on to my objectives, and whenever I need a distraction, be it to save my ass or to divert enemy soldiers from my actual objective, I blow the charges up. The base enters into caution mode, but the initial chaos and confusion has saved my ass on numerous occasions already. Plus, it feels so damn satisfying.

The Phantom Pain sure as hell can't come soon enough.
So I just did my S run on the Ground Zeroes mission and didn't get the achievement. When I got to the results screen I got some network error and it said something about not being able to upload my rank results. I did get the gun unlock for the S ranking. Will I get the achievement when the network problem is fixed or am I going to have to do it again?


The only thing I truly don't like about this game is the indicator for when an enemy has seen you. It mostly only applies to when the military base is during the day, the bloody indicator blends into the sky's color or hell, when it's under any light source that isn't shade. It's really bad because I can think I'm safe and then not notice I've been spotted because the indicator has blended in with the environment.

Why is it white? Why? I can understand it for the night time, but daytime it can be hard to see in certain areas. And by the time I do notice I've been spotted, the guard alerts everyone anyway... -_-

And I can't imagine this is intended by Kojima, it's a bad color choice. It should change to some other color during the day if things are going to be as bright as they are on this military base -- imagine what the desert area is going to be like during the day with that indicator...


The more I play this, the more fun I have and the more frustration and worry I have for the full Phantom Pain game.

I just did the chopper side op and died like 6 times throughout one on-rails chopper session. Reminded me of shitty frustrating Call of Duty sections. And then there's all those times in the sneaking missions where I'm spotted by some guy behind something partially obscured and I can't do anything and the alarm goes off and it.never.stops so I pretty much have to give up and retry from checkpoint and it's frustrating.

I know a lot of people are finding it easy, but as an MGS veteran whose played all the games and enjoyed the hell out of them, I find myself constantly dying and losing progress because of stupid 1 second mistakes that cost 10 mins of progress. The game is really unforgiving and that makes me worry about PP.

Even if PP is a great game, I feel like if every other section is going to be me hitting retry over and over and learning mistakes through trial & error, it's really going to kill my enjoyment of the game and the story. MGS has always been about a fun adventure of making your own way through sandbox environments. I think part of the reason this really worked is the games were pretty forgiving. If you raised an alarm, you just went and hid, or took the guys in the area out really fast and then hid for a few mins. Then it's back to normal like nothing happened. Not realistic, but fun. Kept the game flow and made first runs fun. Then latter on you could go for the no alert, high-rank runs to challenge yourself. But that first run of just having a good time and enjoying the story...I'm really worried it's going to be missing here as the trial & error and frustrating sections remind me too much of bad splinter cell or CoD parts. I get pretty easily frustrated playing games, so definitely worried about PP now.

I think on normal (or maybe an "easy" difficulty) they should make the alarm system more like the old games, where it's easy to escape and have the alarm die out quickly to get back to playing. Also on-rail sections like the chopper here, should have fewer insta-death trial & error moments and more checkpoints because that's just annoying. Just my two cents.
Guys I've never played Peace Walker and am not in position to play it right now, but I can play this one on PS4 (friends copy). Should I bother with this one without Peace Walker or should I wait until I somehow get my hands on Peace Walker? Is it ok to play Peace Walker later on perhaps?
I'd love if they added the option to play the main mission at different times of day. We already saw the GZ intro at daytime during the GDC Fox Engine demo. Would be great to play the actual mission, too.


Doesn't apply to the chopper mission, but when you are spotted, just run. Don't walk, run like the wind, and you can easily escape and hide. They cannot match your pace by even half. Leg it and hide for timeout, and you won't need to restart.

Of course, being Metal Gear, you will want to restart, and get a perfect run. The end score screen will break you.


Guys I've never played Peace Walker and am not in position to play it right now, but I can play this one on PS4 (friends copy). Should I bother with this one without Peace Walker or should I wait until I somehow get my hands on Peace Walker? Is it ok to play Peace Walker later on perhaps?

Playing Peace Walker is something every Metal Gear fan must do. But if cannot do it, Ground Zeroes has a nice briefing of the events of PW and some of the audio tapes.
I'm in fucking love with this game. I've already put more hours into it than most full games. The open world concept is going to do wonders to this series. Being able to tackle your objectives anyway you want, wherever and whenever, and the emergent gameplay that results from your actions, is simply amazing in Ground Zeroes, so I can't even imagine how utterly amazing The Phantom Pain will feel. It's like every time I play any given mission, it unfolds in a different way. Sometimes when I get caught I am tempted to retry from the last checkpoint, but then I just say fuck it to my score and either go on a rampage in order to make my over the top, guns-blazing escape from the base after accomplishing the objective, or I play the cat and mouse game after being able to hide from my pursuers.

Lately I've been taking pleasure in employing guerrilla-like tactics. I place C4 in strategic parts of the map (lookout towers are great for this), I move on to my objectives, and whenever I need a distraction, be it to save my ass or to divert enemy soldiers from my actual objective, I blow the charges up. The base enters into caution mode, but the initial chaos and confusion has saved my ass on numerous occasions already. Plus, it feels so damn satisfying.

The Phantom Pain sure as hell can't come soon enough.

Great idea. I'm going to have to give this a go on one of my numerous upcoming playthroughs. Absolutely love this game as well!
I'd love if they added the option to play the main mission at different times of day. We already saw the GZ intro at daytime during the GDC Fox Engine demo. Would be great to play the actual mission, too.

Yeah, unfortunately this feature is exclusive to The Phantom Pain... But one could hope that they add something in down the road! I doubt that'd be the case, though, as this game is set up as more of a tutorial that teaches you how to play in those different conditions (sort of in a controlled setting).


I'd say play Ground Zeroes but skip the briefing section on how Peace Walker played it. Inherently, you'll know what happens at the tail end of it and such as well as playing the game in a different perspective than if you played it first, but it'll still be a very enjoyable and surprising experience.


The more I play this, the more fun I have and the more frustration and worry I have for the full Phantom Pain game.

I just did the chopper side op and died like 6 times throughout one on-rails chopper session. Reminded me of shitty frustrating Call of Duty sections. And then there's all those times in the sneaking missions where I'm spotted by some guy behind something partially obscured and I can't do anything and the alarm goes off and it.never.stops so I pretty much have to give up and retry from checkpoint and it's frustrating.

I know a lot of people are finding it easy, but as an MGS veteran whose played all the games and enjoyed the hell out of them, I find myself constantly dying and losing progress because of stupid 1 second mistakes that cost 10 mins of progress. The game is really unforgiving and that makes me worry about PP.

Even if PP is a great game, I feel like if every other section is going to be me hitting retry over and over and learning mistakes through trial & error, it's really going to kill my enjoyment of the game and the story. MGS has always been about a fun adventure of making your own way through sandbox environments. I think part of the reason this really worked is the games were pretty forgiving. If you raised an alarm, you just went and hid, or took the guys in the area out really fast and then hid for a few mins. Then it's back to normal like nothing happened. Not realistic, but fun. Kept the game flow and made first runs fun. Then latter on you could go for the no alert, high-rank runs to challenge yourself. But that first run of just having a good time and enjoying the story...I'm really worried it's going to be missing here as the trial & error and frustrating sections remind me too much of bad splinter cell or CoD parts. I get pretty easily frustrated playing games, so definitely worried about PP now.

I think on normal (or maybe an "easy" difficulty) they should make the alarm system more like the old games, where it's easy to escape and have the alarm die out quickly to get back to playing. Also on-rail sections like the chopper here, should have fewer insta-death trial & error moments and more checkpoints because that's just annoying. Just my two cents.

I wouldn't worry too much, Kojima has already said that Ground Zeroes is more densely populated with soldiers than TPP will be for the most part because it's essentially a concentration camp. If you rewatch the E3 trailer you'll see that while there is more or less scripted GZ-esque sequence, the open world sections seem rather sparse as far as soldiers go. Undoubtedly as the game goes on it'll get worse, but I think they'll tone down enemy sight and places where the camera goes bonker (like that area with the many tents, it's basically impossible to navigate the camera there).


Doing Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements "Mark all Enemies" trial... Can't find the last guy. I've been running around like crazy and I can't find him. Everyone is dead (after carefully checking I already marked him) or tranqed. Already made the tank appear because I thought that might've been the last enemy but nope. That just upped the total number of enemies.

I'm in plain sight toying around with this tank hoping the last dude shows up but no luck. I even called in Morpho to make some noise and he was shot down lol. Didn't even know that was possible.

Anyone have a clue where this last guy can be? Could I have accidently killed him without tagging? I haven't failed the trial according to the log :/

Edit: yay finally found him! I suddenly remembered I was hiding in a watchtower when suddenly a guy climbed up and caught me by surprise. I reflex tranqed him in the head and jumped out. Just returned and saw him knocked out on the ground. Checked him with the binoculars and voila! 43/43 enemies tagged :D. Now off to blow up a tank.
Anybody knows where the MGS2 & Ac!d 2 logo in Jamais vu? I've been searching everywhere. They are not at the same place as in Déjà Vu.


Doing Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements "Mark all Enemies" trial... Can't find the last guy. I've been running around like crazy and I can't find him. Everyone is dead (after carefully checking I already marked him) or tranqed. Already made the tank appear because I thought that might've been the last enemy but nope. That just upped the total number of enemies.

I'm in plain sight toying around with this tank hoping the last dude shows up but no luck. I even called in Morpho to make some noise and he was shot down lol. Didn't even know that was possible.

Anyone have a clue where this last guy can be? Could I have accidently killed him without tagging? I haven't failed the trial according to the log :/

This EXACT same thing happened to me

I didnt get a resolution until I literally helicopter evac'd EVERYONE on the map

So I extracted all 25 soldiers, and all 3 POW's, and started firing my rifle in frustration, then, salvation

CP, this is Delta 9, Unidentified gun fire

Idk where hes been the past hour, but I grabbed him, and we extracted
never playing that mission again

best of luck my friend
Guys I've never played Peace Walker and am not in position to play it right now, but I can play this one on PS4 (friends copy). Should I bother with this one without Peace Walker or should I wait until I somehow get my hands on Peace Walker? Is it ok to play Peace Walker later on perhaps?

I'd say it's preferable to wait but if you really want to play this then at least read up on the story. This is a direct sequel and you'd be lost if you aren't familiar with PW's story and the characters it introduced.
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