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Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes |OT| Kaz, I'm already a demo


Am I the only one hoping they add some base building like in Peace Walker? Hell, it could be like Saints Row or GTA where you fight for territory/control, Extra ops + Main Story operations.
Am I the only one hoping they add some base building like in Peace Walker? Hell, it could be like Saints Row or GTA where you fight for territory/control, Extra ops + Main Story operations.

There will be some form of base building like in Peace Walker in TPP. You will even be able to walk around your base this time.
So I picked this up last week. I was trying to make my way through Thief on PS4, but the horribly broken positional audio kept leading me into cheap deaths. I figured Ground Zeroes was woefully overpriced, but that I'd take the jump among my friends and see if the promise of replayability here was actually worth a damn.

And now, a week later and a little over 11 hours into the game I'm really impressed. Outside of a niggle with how touchy it can be to crawl prone into a vent, everything about this game is pure polish, emergent gameplay and full on Kojima-ness production values, cinematic stylings, and crazy layers of systems interacting with systems. Just to be sure I've been p[laying on normal (MGS4 was the only other MGS I've played, but I loved it), but with reflex mode and target tracking disabled. Most of the time my heart is pounding as I make my way across the base - doubly so when doing the same in broad daylight. Holy shit nothing else I've played is quite like this.

I still think its overpriced - and that a $20 launch price followed by a drop to $15 soon thereafter would have been the best way to go here. But what is here is fucking golden, and if you love stealth its a fantastic, hard as nails, often surprising good time, several times over.

So yeah, while I do think its overpriced, I don't actually feel ripped off. But I can't blame those who do, because not everybody enjoys replayability or finding alternative ways to achieve an objective.


I am doing a run right now that is hilarious. Getting everyone to lay down (haven't messed it up yet). Some bodies are disappearing.
And shutting off the power in the admin building is OP. Guys are running from across the map over and over and over again.

Have rescued everyone except for the prisoner. I watched them execute him.
Then an hour later I shot a guard with the tranq and missed his head. Achievement unlocked for rescue..then the guard dropped a minute later. LOL.
Can you rescue all the guards..what happens?

Welp. Why do games do this cheap stuff:
Put everyone down. Pick up Paz and naturally guards appear out of thin air and kill me. There goes a perfect run.


A friend let me borrow this on the X1 the other day and I gotta say, I think I'm in love. I;ve always been a MGS fan but I feel like this is the first time in a long time where I'm excited to just play the game. I love going around the base and just causing shit up.

Christ, I even went out and bought my own copy yesterday on the PS4 as I was planning to check out the Phantom Pain and skip GZ. This game has gotten me back into Metal Gear in a big way and I put in Peace Walker on my psp to try and fill in some story beats.

Some thoughts:
-Diving is awesome
-The whole ending cutscene with that 'scene' was something where I had to turn my head away. So, mission accomplished Kojima? Yessh
-I;m getting used to Reefer Sutherland. Hayter sounds straight up bad in Peace Walker, like he really has to struggle to even sound like Snake.
-Game has lost it's quirkiness in a lotta ways. Don't know how I feel about it.

Question though, how do I unlock the last two missions? Couldn't figure out how to do it on the X1 version either.


So I picked this up last week. I was trying to make my way through Thief on PS4, but the horribly broken positional audio kept leading me into cheap deaths. I figured Ground Zeroes was woefully overpriced, but that I'd take the jump among my friends and see if the promise of replayability here was actually worth a damn.

And now, a week later and a little over 11 hours into the game I'm really impressed. Outside of a niggle with how touchy it can be to crawl prone into a vent, everything about this game is pure polish, emergent gameplay and full on Kojima-ness production values, cinematic stylings, and crazy layers of systems interacting with systems. Just to be sure I've been p[laying on normal (MGS4 was the only other MGS I've played, but I loved it), but with reflex mode and target tracking disabled. Most of the time my heart is pounding as I make my way across the base - doubly so when doing the same in broad daylight. Holy shit nothing else I've played is quite like this.

I still think its overpriced - and that a $20 launch price followed by a drop to $15 soon thereafter would have been the best way to go here. But what is here is fucking golden, and if you love stealth its a fantastic, hard as nails, often surprising good time, several times over.

So yeah, while I do think its overpriced, I don't actually feel ripped off. But I can't blame those who do, because not everybody enjoys replayability or finding alternative ways to achieve an objective.

What I like is that you can play it "ghost" style (where no one knows your there), or go balls out CQC/run n gun/death machine if you feel like it.

Nothing better than rushing a dude and taking his gun away and shooting him in the chest. Or better yet, do that with the guys that have Recoilless Rifles.
I hit 91%. I think I am finally done, as I have no interest in trying to S rank the Helicopter mission and some of the trials are dumber than shit. Total playtime: ~26 hours.

I'll replay all the missions again and listen to all the tapes a week before TPP hits.

Great game.

Nice vid benzy-- diving into enemies?! awesome.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I've now played this game for easily 20-30 hours just messing around with stuff.

My first impressions were pretty negative, and I'd shelved it for quite a while. But after giving it another shot, I've come away rather impressed. It kind of clicked. That said, I have some issues:

I think the prone system feels underdeveloped. Which is somewhat crazy, because there's quite a bit there. They built all the systems, they're just kind of buried under a lot of contextual requirements before you can really take advantage of them.

For example, the prone aiming system from Max Payne 3 is here in full effect, and under the right circumstances, you can even do more... being allowed to move around on your back while aiming, shimmying this way and that.

The issue is that the game always want to "reset" BB's position if you do something it doesn't like. Accidentally "aim" while crawling and moving the camera in a direction it doesn't like, the game will reset your body's position, often exposing you, and it's pretty darn annoying. Seems like the threshold for resetting your orientation is smack in the middle of where I want to put the camera while crawling. So I always have to keep the camera just out reach of where I actually want it.

Same thing with using gadgets... game resets your orientation. The system is built in the game to let you aim your weapon while on your back, whatever, why can't I use the codec or binoculars from this position?

You also have to stand up (at least crouch) to get down off things... why can't I hang down from prone? You could in MGS4.

These are small complaints in the grand scheme of things, but they are nagging me while I play.

My only other issues are that I wish the animation was a little less rigid while aiming a weapon. Their sneaking animation is pretty great. You have a nice range of movement speeds that blend real well. But moving while aiming is pure static. Would add a ton to the game if they took the same philosophy of sneaking control/animation and applied it to moving while aiming. Where you could have a range of speeds on the analog.

Either way... pretty awesome systems they've built here.
Either way... pretty awesome systems they've built here.
Prone was my big problem with the game too. That and trying to use binoculars from behind cover. But it was mostly the touchy prone stuff that got me exposed more often than not.

Still, I'm really impressed by whats here.

I can only hope the full game will also come with these side missions - because half of the fun has been getting to know the base and having a variety of objectives to tackle within it, and under different times of day and circumstances.


This game has a lot of pop-in.
The worst offender is soldiers. Both conscious and in other states.
Just lost a prisoner off the cliff side because I laid a guard down and started running the pow back and forth. I stopped to look for the guard I placed. Snake slipped off the cliff and dropped the pow, and then the guard popped in.

Hope little things like this are ironed out in the full TPP release.


This game has a lot of pop-in.
The worst offender is soldiers. Both conscious and in other states.
Just lost a prisoner off the cliff side because I laid a guard down and started running the pow back and forth. I stopped to look for the guard I placed. Snake slipped off the cliff and dropped the pow, and then the guard popped in.

Hope little things like this are ironed out in the full TPP release.
Agreed soooo much..

Pop in and clipping REALLY hurt this game as far as presentation goes.

And I mean it REALLY hurts it.

There is tons of pop in in the -not so distant- background. Objects literally appear just a few meters ahead of you. Thats just bad. I dont have such an issue with soldiers, it happens, but not that often. But the whole object pop in is plain ugly.

Then there is clipping. I am baffled how nobody tried to even moderately address this at Kojima productions. Sometimes when you are prone, your entire body is clipped in the ground. Just go up in one of those metallic roofs with the uneven ground and go prone... its just... well... UGLY. Not to mention your hand going through the body of people you carry, your weapons constantly clipping when moving (try to laid down on your back and laugh at the weapon going through the ground..)

These 2 technical issues, are my most wanted when it comes to Phantom Pain in hope that they will be resolved.

Kojima really needs to focus on next gen systems... even sales indicate that most people want to play in next gen.

Everything else is perfect. I wont mind if the graphic fidelity stays the same, as long as 60 frames are guarranteed and that ugly pop in and clipping gets fixed. If not completely eliminated, atleast they should try to mask it better.


Argh hoping this hard run will get an S. I had to use a reflex, because while telling a guard to lay down he went alert some how. And I still don't understand the chopper evacs.
And I still think it's cheap to have scripted soldiers appear out of thin air. :p

Go to a low danger zone. Shot out all of the towers and make half the base lay down. It takes off and they start firing at Morpho.

Oh well, got my S.
Now for the rest of the missions. :D

I really like the music that plays when you carry Chico and Paz. It really sets a tone while carrying Paz.
And that atmosphere while operating adds to the cringe factor.

The more I play GZ the more I am finding it to be my favorite. May just be the gameplay and controls feel so good.
I still really do not like how it is just one short story mission however. The side ops are fun and all..but I need more!

The aftermath teaser is chilling.


Tried out the PS4 version after finally getting a PS4, looks great! I loved the XB1 version, but it looks cleaner on here. I think I liked the XB1 controller better though.

Gonna slowly do the rest of the missions again, what a great game.
Played the game on PS4 today.
I liked it a LOT!
Looks pretty great for a crossgen game. Nice and clean too. Awesome engine. And damn! At the final animations...
Will try sidemissions later on.

Got it for 20€ and well worth it imo.


Got a PS4 on Monday so I used the Update Program on the game... And daaaaaamn, it's like night and day.
My only complaints are the dithering and view distance, they're still pretty noticeable...

I only re-played the GZ mission, grabbing all the XOF patches along the way. I'll try to unlock every tape again and will get around to play Jamais Vu... I won't do the challenges but I'll likely spend a few more hours playing this!

Really can't wait for TPP on PS4 now.


Just picked this up today for something to tide me over until Wolfenstein on Tuesday.

I haven't played a Metal Gear since Sons of Liberty. I dabbled a bit with Substinence and Guns of the Patriots, but I just couldnt get into them (probably just wrong timing on my part). Hopefully this experience will be a bit different. Glad to see pretty much everyone in here has been enjoying it. I really don't know what to expect besides the usual surreal Kojima-ness.


am I the only one who thinks the latest patch fucked this game technically? I never saw one single thing pop-in prior to the patch and now, i can't help but notice it every few steps I take.
am I the only one who thinks the latest patch fucked this game technically? I never saw one single thing pop-in prior to the patch and now, i can't help but notice it every few steps I take.

Maybe. The pop-up is definitely more noticeable now, but there was always pop-up in the game.

I really don't know what to expect besides the usual surreal Kojima-ness.

Check your expectations... the game is phenomenal without all the silliness. Though there is some of that in the game.

Also, just finished the "no weapon run" in GZ. (Yeah, I know...I thought I was done too. Looks like no.) Really fun as I just grabbed the jeep, ran people over, threw them off cliffs, and caused massive bloodstains on the road with the tank... and none of it counts as using a weapon. LOL.


So I romped through it last night and fuckin LOVED it! Really really liked the voice acting, direction and Sutherland as Snake. I must say it was quite a change to see him with children and being seemingly a little more warm hearted and not so cold as he becomes in the future. I never played Peace Walker so i appreciated the back story section which allowed me to get somewhat caught up.

Took me 99 minutes and I ended with a C rating =/ Going to be replaying tonight doing a full Commando run just pumpin everyone full of lead and collecting the patches.

Im definitely going to be replaying to collect all the tapes. I started the one side op to take care of those two Marine dudes but had to stop for the night. Definitely jumping back into it this weekend.

And man, that ending. Wasnt expecting that "surgical" procedure at the end. My friend and I were both looking away practically the whole time. That was some serious hardcore shit. Never seen anything like it in a game.

And then that full on teaser/trailer for Phantom Pain at the end? Ugh, why do we have to wait a year and a half for this?! I got chills watching it and then totally groaned when I realized how long I gotta wait to continure this journey.

Question though, who was supposed to be the guy in hospital bed at the end
with his arm missing? Im assuming that isn't Snake/Big Boss?

And what year exactly will Phantom Pain take place? 1984 or post 2008? I got confused with that timeline at the end and then the doctor telling whoever is in that hospital bed that they've been out for nine years.

And can someone fill me in on Chico? Is he even human? That whole earbuds-plugged-into-the-chest thing was somethin else...

Also, the bolts that were shot through his achilles tendons(?). Jesus christ.
And man, that ending. Wasnt expecting that "surgical" procedure at the end. My friend and I were both looking away practically the whole time. That was some serious hardcore shit. Never seen anything like it in a game.

Just want until you listen to "Chico's Tape #4" Ugh...

No idea about your final questions, but glad you liked the game. I think I have around 30 hours into it right now.


The Elimination mission is pissing me off.
I have both targets marked, and then one always disappears because they walk 2 feet farther away or the game doesn't like you having both marked.

Got my S.
It's strange because sometimes you kill one of the targets and the base goes nuts and the other flees.
This time I missed a shot, took him down and then was able to find the other one. His buddy never attempted to leave.


Neo Member
Yesterday I got a 100% completion ratio but when I look at the play records under record totals it says cassette tape acquisition ratio 18/19. I Googled a bit but couldn't really find a clear answer. Does someone here have 19/19? Maybe that person could make a list of the audio files shown in the cassette tapes menu, I'm pretty curious!


The most reliable and fast way for me to get that one was to to take the right path seen from the old prison area. Use your tranq-gun to take out the guards in the vicinity of the first guardtower that you encounter when you take this route. Also pick up the sniperrifle that is in the back of the truck that is parked near the bridge to your right when the road opens up that you took. Go into the tower and spot both targets, the black guy with the glasses is in the CP high tower and the other dude can just be seen near the barracks area close to one of the AA guns. You can use the sniper to headshot both guys. If you have taken out the guards close to your shooting position you will not get spotted and have just enough time to take a shot at both dudes. If you are confident you can even call in the chopper to the old prison area spot for a super fast retreat. Getting the headshot on the bald white guy did go wrong several times for me by the way.


How many points required for this Renegade mission? I got S on Normal, but can't get above B on Hard. Even with a 3 minute completion.


Neo Member
How many points required for this Renegade mission? I got S on Normal, but can't get above B on Hard. Even with a 3 minute completion.

I got it with the following stats:



I better have got it this time. Whoohoo!
Found a much better route. But there is a lot of randomness or scripting that makes a run work or not.
Was doing it all wrong for hours and hours today. Tried something new (needed a Sniper) and got it.

6:06 time
50458 score


(Eliminate the Renegade Threat on Hard)

It took a while. Now, if I could only do the same for the Kojima rescue mission...

Wow. Sub 3?
I have got close on the Hideo mission. But will have to look up how to do it non-lethal too.
There is that concussion cannon, but the range is so poor.


On the Intel retrieval, I know there is a second tape..and I have looked up to know where it is..how am I supposed to know? Some people say Kaz tells you, but that's never happened for me.


On the Intel retrieval, I know there is a second tape..and I have looked up to know where it is..how am I supposed to know? Some people say Kaz tells you, but that's never happened for me.
After you get the first tape go find the guy that told you where it was and he will tell you where the second real tape is. The guy who has that tape is a bald guard in the basement area of the admin building. You can just go straight for either tape at the beginning of the mission, you don't need to talk to the spy or do the events in order.
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