Anyone got an opinion on this? I was hoping that maybe something like this is actually possible later on...?
Anyone got an opinion on this? I was hoping that maybe something like this is actually possible later on...?
Is it possible to "finish" the game without doing the [Extreme] missions?
Because I've just got to [Extreme]Metallic Archaea
And frankly I absolutely refuse to go through what is truly one of the worst encounters I've ever played in a videogame, for a second time, for whatever horseshit arbitrary reason Kojima and/or Konami decided I need to to complete their game.
Will be watching the remaining cutscenes on YouTube if this is the barrier to completion.
Anyone got an opinion on this? I was hoping that maybe something like this is actually possible later on...?
Fuck Konami and their cheap asses. Started the game, opened up the idroid, it forced me into purchasing my first FOB, and now it's just stuck there because their servers suck ass.
Yes, you can.Generally just do side ops instead, that's what I did, and return to MB a few times.
I'm battling that by just doing the main ops. If I go through all the side ops and wasting time, kll never want to finish itFully agreed.
On Wednesday I totally burned out on the game. I was off work and I must have played it for 7 hours throughout the day. By the end of the day I just wasn't enjoying it. This happens with basically any game, imo.
However last night I played for about 3-4 hours and had an amazing time. I stayed focused, completed missions, and used 'Return to ACC' whenever I could to cut out fluff. It was totally brilliant.
Really?! Shit! I guess do a Staff Management auto-shuffle to prompt a checkpoint before leaving.
Oh, also what are the icons in Dispatch Missions about? Helmet, camera, gun ect.
I did. But after hearing it 20 times within a day I switched it to the cure. So good.I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who put this on their chopper music.
How many areas are there in total? I just left the first one and ive already put a good 20 or so hours into the game. Please spoiler the answer.
Mission 10
I feel incredibly stupid : (
I spent the last 2 days on this mission. I could get the 2 prisoners out of their building but I could never find the guy you are supposed to get for the mission (Malak).
I spent hours and hours on this mission, just trying to get the location from an enemy and I kept dying like an idiot.
I eventually got pissed and just restart and realized I had been going the wrong way.
prisoner location spoilerThe guy is right where you start and IN THE BACK OF A FUCKING JEEP! ARRRRGH.
I just sprinted right there in a sandstorm, ran away and did the whole mission in maybe 5 minutes.
2. Afghanistan and Africa.
I had it as my chopper music for the first 25 hours and I only recently switched to She Blinded Me With Science, and honestly I'll probably go back to Take On Me eventually. Pequod arrives right when the song picks up and if he stays to gun people down the song fits perfectly.I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who put this on their chopper music.
Although I normally play as stealthy as possible, but even when things go wrong I haven't seen it.Do they utilize the injury thing later in the game? I haven't experienced it yet outside of the prologue.
To skip outposts I would have simply preferred that every single outpost has a cardboard box fast-travel post. This would mean no matter where you are you can quite quickly travel anywhere else in the map.
Oh, also what are the icons in Dispatch Missions about? Helmet, camera, gun ect.
I did. But after hearing it 20 times within a day I switched it to the cure. So good.
This is probably ancient, but did anyone notice that if you're in the helicopter on a clear sky if you press R3 while looking at the window you?see the reflection of the avatar you created in the intro
Although I normally play as stealthy as possible, but even when things go wrong I haven't seen it.Do they utilize the injury thing later in the game? I haven't experienced it yet outside of the prologue.
I'll be vague since I don't remember the mission number but I won't spoil any details.Where can I find the tape ? The Cure is one of my favourite bands and I would rock the shit out of that music (no return to CCA option, only helicopter extraction lol).
Spoiler for mission 12 :It was quite funny to have "TAAAAKE ON MEEEEE" while escaping from Sahelanthropusa
Anyone know where I can find the tape for the song Spin Me Round? Been waiting see my chopper go on the attack to that but I've still not found it anywhere.
You could disconnect at any time you want so that's good.
Has anyone beaten the game yet? If so, I'm interested in impressions about if the games story wrapped up beautifully like we would all expect a final MGS game to (considering the complaints about how sparse and subdued the story is in the beginning).
No details, just PM me if you're hesitant to post here, I just want to know if this game ends up doing the series a justice with regards to storytelling, or if the storytelling is just a wet candle the whole way through.
Is it possible to "finish" the game without doing the [Extreme] missions?
Because I've just got to [Extreme]Metallic Archaea
And frankly I absolutely refuse to go through what is truly one of the worst encounters I've ever played in a videogame, for a second time, for whatever horseshit arbitrary reason Kojima and/or Konami decided I need to to complete their game.
Will be watching the remaining cutscenes on YouTube if this is the barrier to completion.