losing points cause I got kicked offline, I was right at the victory point nice!
The final level for R&D platform requires 50k of fuel and common metal.
How the fuck am I supposed to get that.
What does deploying soldiers to combat missions actually get you? I don't think I even touched that mode in peace walker
Oh boy, thesure have good eyesAfricans
Been spotting me from 60+ meters at the middle of the night
I posted this a few pages back but no one replied so I'll try again. Is there any way to request an air pick up while on a free roaming side op and get the chopper to drop you off at another landing zone without going back to the ACC?
I just don't know how people who got the game on the 1st are so far into it. I have been setting aside more time for this game (around 4 hours a day) than any other in years. It's simply not possible for me to play any longer due to work, eating and not pissing family off. On top of that I think I'd run into fatigue playing it so much. It could be the best game ever, but I'm going to get burnt out playing it for such long sessions.
Doesn't it hamper your enjoyment? I'm at the stage where I can't wait to play it again, I'm so eager to dive back in, but when I was a teen playing Final Fantasy games for 9-10 hours at a time it just started feeling like a chore in the end, it felt like work. It must have an effect on your enjoyment, and your experience of it will probably not align with the majority of people that have a drip feed approach.
losing points cause I got kicked offline, I was right at the victory point nice!
What does deploying soldiers to combat missions actually get you? I don't think I even touched that mode in peace walker
hmm seems you can open up more landing zones by destroying aa radar at bases
Oh boy, thesure have good eyesAfricans
Been spotting me from 60+ meters at the middle of the night
The final level for R&D platform requires 50k of fuel and common metal.
How the fuck am I supposed to get that.
I can't see anything?
It's becoming very difficult now with multiple enemies concentrated in one area with full body armour, shields and helmets. I can't do this anymore...even combat deployment to cut supplies off isn't really working.
Side ops 146 is tough as fuck because of where the prisoner is located and that the only way to get there is full of guards that spot you.
I just don't know how people who got the game on the 1st are so far into it. I have been setting aside more time for this game (around 4 hours a day) than any other in years. It's simply not possible for me to play any longer due to work, eating and not pissing family off. On top of that I think I'd run into fatigue playing it so much. It could be the best game ever, but I'm going to get burnt out playing it for such long sessions.
The answer to your question/mid-20s episode spoilers:
Quarantine everyone who speaks Kikongo.
Yeah, I'm finding the length a bit of a nightmare at this stage.
Having said that, once you commit to using the 'Return to ACC' button, you start clearing through missions much faster and it gets much more fun. Cuts most of the faffing about. If each mission takes on average 10-20 minutes it's pretty easy to progress quickly.
Having said that, once you commit to using the 'Return to ACC' button, you start clearing through missions much faster and it gets much more fun. Cuts most of the faffing about. If each mission takes on average 10-20 minutes it's pretty easy to progress quickly.
Even getting the game three days early, so a week ago, and booking a few days off work, I've only just got the true ending. I got a little burnt out yesterday, before hitting the final run of story missions, but a break to watch Mad Max Fury Road refreshed me.
I feel bad for the critics who had to power through this at the Konami events. I almost feel exhausted burning through it in a week, and if I'm not mistaken, they had less than that, right?
I just don't know how people who got the game on the 1st are so far into it. I have been setting aside more time for this game (around 4 hours a day) than any other in years. It's simply not possible for me to play any longer due to work, eating and not pissing family off. On top of that I think I'd run into fatigue playing it so much. It could be the best game ever, but I'm going to get burnt out playing it for such long sessions.
Doesn't it hamper your enjoyment? I'm at the stage where I can't wait to play it again, I'm so eager to dive back in, but when I was a teen playing Final Fantasy games for 9-10 hours at a time it just started feeling like a chore in the end, it felt like work. It must have an effect on your enjoyment, and your experience of it will probably not align with the majority of people that have a drip feed approach.
Enemies are now shooting down my Fultons, have full body armor so tranq shots don't work at all unless I aim for the legs, have night vision goggles, have absurdly good vision at all times of the day/night, and now always running to my suspected position instead of walking over, and there are a ton more.
Game is now seriously challenging me.
I guess just try to get smart with the tools you're using to do the job. If you keep using the same tactics and toolset, the AI will be wise to you by now, so mix it up
ive clocked in about 20 hours over the last 3 days but i'm now in the 2 hour a night phase, the game structure combined with addictive gameplay makes it ripe for a burnout, which i think is happening with a couple of the game's detractors.
I don't think so, but you can go back to the ACC at any time in the pause menu, so you don't always have to go find a landing zone and get extracted first
her bond goes up extremly fast, just have her scout areas etcAny tips on how to raise Quiets buddy meter fast? I'd love to use D-dog 100% of the time but I figured I might as well grind her to max as well.
can't watch videos but they absolutely use flares on me all the time. And mortars, but they've never actually hit me.
Any tips on how to raise Quiets buddy meter fast? I'd love to use D-dog 100% of the time but I figured I might as well grind her to max as well.
Buddy system for all in general and Quiet. Let me know if you need more.
Defeat Quiet with nonlethal weapons during mission 11 (first time only) +2
Visit Quiet in her cell (Once per stay in Motherbase) +0.5
Quiet is critically wounded -2
Retrieve a Supply drop ordered by Quiet (up to 5 times per mission/roam free sequence) +0.5
Quiet deals damage to an enemy who is about to detect you during Reflex Mode, or who shoots you (up to five times per mission free roaming sequence) +0.5
Quiet fires following a "Fire" or "Take Aim" command (up to 10 times per mission/roam free sequence) +0.5
Use the command "Cover Me"/"Cease Cover" (up to five times) +0.5
Use the command "Quiet" and Quiet has a reaction (up to five times) +0.5
Quiet completes the reconnaissance of an outpost (up to 3 times) +1
Quiet completed the reconnsaissance of a guard post (up to 5 times) +0.5
Stare at Quiet in First Person view for at least 5 seconds while aboard the ACC (one per visit) +0.5
ALL applies
One of your thrown weapons hits a buddy -0.5
You deal nonlethal damage to a buddy -1
You deal damage to a buddy -1.5
You deal lethal damage to a buddy with an explosion -2
You take a buddy when you deploy +2
You dismiss or replace a buddy -0.5
You inflict lethal damage to a buddy -10
You exfiltrate a mission with your buddy in the helicopter (except D Horse) +1
You develop a piece of equipment for a buddy +2
DHORSE you ride d horse +1 every 36 seconds
Any tips on how to raise Quiets buddy meter fast? I'd love to use D-dog 100% of the time but I figured I might as well grind her to max as well.
can't watch videos but they absolutely use flares on me all the time. And mortars, but they've never actually hit me.
Flares that they shoot into the sky?
ive clocked in about 20 hours over the last 3 days but i'm now in the 2 hour a night phase, the game structure combined with addictive gameplay makes it ripe for a burnout, which i think is happening with a couple of the game's detractors.
Gotta be a little careful with that though. I used it right after finishing a side-op and it didn't save. Make sure you see a saving icon in the corner before you click it.
Every side op:
Infiltrate base in true metal gear fashion -> lay c4 -> locate objective -> detonate c4 -> PEQUOD COMING IN HOT
What they should have done is when you take over a outpost, have the ability to install your mb guys there so it becomes "yours" so you don't have to constantly retake the same outposts.