I am on mission 5 (and quite loving the game; I also loved all the other numbered entries, each in their own way). I understand this thread is not for spoilers. Therefore I understand the following questions are going to be hard to answer here, but let's see what happens. There are no spoilers in the post.
I just read the Kotaku review. The review says there are two endings; the first ending and the "true" ending, achieving the latter of which requires replaying earlier missions with more difficulty.
The review then states, repeatedly and strongly, that even after that ending is seen, the game feels unfinished, its plot unsatisfying. It even states that the player might not be aware the game is finished at that point. The review is rather unequivocal about this.
Questions (again, no spoilers if possible....):
1. Is the Kotaku review's assessment correct, or is the guy just missing some insight?
2. Is this going to be the Mass Effect 3 fiasco again? I only ask because that was a tough one to swallow last time... I needed, like, a gaming support group to get through the pain that ending caused. Is there about to be a huge Internet backlash, as people finish the game over the next couple of weeks?
3. If it's true, how the fuck will this be "resolved" given that Kojima is done with MGS? Is this some huge troll on his part?
I guess I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself. Should I steel myself for the worst, or is everything going to be all right?