At the risk of making the thread go off on a tangent, the lack of branching was far from ME3 ending's only sin. There was also its brevity, vagueness, lack of logic, and lack of conclusiveness.
I plan to enjoy it, absolutely. I guess my aim is to be mentally prepared for anything that might hamper that enjoyment in a big way; that's why I am asking. It's only due to the ME3 experience; I wasn't ready for that at the time, and it seriously knocked me on my ass (not in a good way).
Hmm... Ok.
I'll mark it as spoiler just in case... but i am not adding any details.
The whole conclusion is very retconed. Feels kinda rushed and the plot is not weaved all the way together. I would not be surprised if Kojima was indeed cut down all the way because he was spending way too much money on TPP. Because from the presentation to the introduction and conclusion... it just doesn't make any sense, even if that is what they will try to convince you of.
Overall tho.. still pretty happy and look forward to how the game unfolds itself.