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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| [EXTREME]


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So um the worm hole generator is in the game

These are some insane development requirements
Playing online (as in, just connected to the server) the requirements have never been trouble for me. I sell the vehicles brought in/rewarded for challenges and sometimes sell materials or herbs if I have great excess of them. My current trump card is precious metals. Somehow one dispatch mission brought back 38k of them, so now I have over 50k, which can be sold for 50 million. I shouldn't need it as I've easily been bouncing around 5-10 million, but it's there if anything crazy comes up. As far as I can tell, though, I'm almost done developing everything that isn't an online item.

As for the team level requirements, you can get them just expanding your central command and a FOB. As you play more and finish story and side op missions, your heroism increases, so the soldiers out on the field and the ones you recruit are higher quality. You'll pull in S and A++ class by the dozens and level up those departments pretty easily.
This is not gonna cut it and GMP is not the problem. I have 2 FOBS so 2100 soldiers (80% S soldiers with very few A++ or below) and I'm nowhere near the requirements...

Development requirements :
- 8077000 GMP
- lv 94 R&D
- lv 105 base development
- 88700 precious metal
- 19700 golden crescent

1100 precious metal for DEPLOYMENT.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Okay I must not know what wormhole generator means. I thought you meant wormhole extraction.
the ambush camo is kinda cool. finally unlocked it, and I was using it last night in Angola in the rain at night, and it looks really nice.

don't think I'm ever going to unlock a lot of the lv8+ items though, I can't bring myself to buy a FOB2. actually, I don't even mind the RMT price per se.... my bigger wall is my headcanon thinks it's just kinda silly how big Venom's army is becoming =p

I kinda wish I kept (and put under more Direct Contract) more of the early story Diamond Dogs (e.g. the 8 or so that every new game starts with that always have the same name) because they sort of add a bit more flavour to how little personality or story the soldiers have :( I've managed to keep and remember most of the story characters (e.g. all the assassination targets, prisoners to rescue, etc) but kinda wish I had a smaller more story-centric army than 1400 generic S rank volunteers hehehe

Actually, I was looking at my 10 or so oldest recruits, and was kinda inspired to make a new XCOM playthrough based on them :D
This is kind of an odd question to ask, but are there any glitches or exploits I can take advantage of when doing the tougher extreme, subsistence and total stealth missions?
This is kind of an odd question to ask, but are there any glitches or exploits I can take advantage of when doing the tougher extreme, subsistence and total stealth missions?

all of these missions can be beaten quite easily depending on your strategy and knowledge of the missions. if you're just trying to s-rank them and don't care to figure it out on your own. just youtube an s-rank run and follow it exactly


This is kind of an odd question to ask, but are there any glitches or exploits I can take advantage of when doing the tougher extreme, subsistence and total stealth missions?

Not the best tip in the world, but any base I wanted to sneak into, i'd set C4 outside of, get as close as I could to the base, and then blow up the C4. It catches all of the nearby soldiers attention, and gives you an easy way in as they all move out of position.


So, I have 24000 event points, I'm trying to get a S+ soldier from the FOB reward, but the game tells me I reached the maximum capacity. What does that mean? I have 199/200 soldiers for that platform.


So, I have 24000 event points, I'm trying to get a S+ soldier from the FOB reward, but the game tells me I reached the maximum capacity. What does that mean? I have 199/200 soldiers for that platform.
It's not just one S+ soldier that you get, but three or six (depending on the unit).


It's not just one S+ soldier that you get, but three or six (depending on the unit).

Yeah, but the fact is, I didn't take a single soldier, only the camo, colors and emblem. And when I try to get a soldier, I get that message.
I even moved four soldiers in another platform, but I can't take the reward. I guess it's just another bug.


Yeah, but the fact is, I didn't take a single soldier, only the camo, colors and emblem. And when I try to get a soldier, I get that message.
Not following you, sorry... I was saying that you can't get just one S+ soldier: it's at least three (or six, for fighters).

I even moved four soldiers in another platform, but I can't take the reward.
If you were trying to get fighters, the reward is six S+ soldiers, so you'd need at least six free slots.

EDIT: ... Then again, 24000 event points wouldn't be enough for six S+ fighters (I believe you need 28620 points), so if you were trying to get three S+ soldiers (15900 points) and had enough free slots... well, I don't know what to tell you. It should work (unless they somehow borked something with today's update? I haven't tried since then).


Not following you, sorry... I was saying that you can't get just one S+ soldier: it's at least three (or six, for fighters).

If you were trying to get fighters, the reward is six S+ soldiers, so you'd need at least six free slots.
Ah, I'll try later to free other slots and I'll report back.
Do I have to S-Rank the extreme, subsistence, and total stealth missions to unlock the
Raiden costume
, or do I have to S-Rank just the normal missions? I noticed I got the
Cyborg Ninja costume
without having finished all of the extra difficult missions.

Another quick question. Which is better, the sleep M-2000 sniper or the semi-automatic sleep sniper (the one that comes from the AM MRS-71)? I have both and now I want to know which one to main.

Also, I tried out the Stun Grenade Launcher for the first time yesterday and my R&D just finished the Sleep Grenade Launcher. Where have these been all my life?! These things are so overpowered!

EDIT: I found the answer to my first question. I don't have to S-Rank the extra hard missions.


Ah, I'll try later to free other slots and I'll report back.

Fire some useless low grade soldiers from the waiting room.

I've started making a habit of quickly scanning all "new" (white dots by their names) folks added to the waiting room after missions to get rid of anyone who is below the minimum ranked soldier on each platform.

I wish there were more universal (platform specific skill agnostic) sort options for the waiting room to make this easier.


Fire some useless low grade soldiers from the waiting room.

I've started making a habit of quickly scanning all "new" (white dots by their names) folks added to the waiting room after missions to get rid of anyone who is below the minimum ranked soldier on each platform.

I wish there were more universal (platform specific skill agnostic) sort options for the waiting room to make this easier.

Tried now, it doesn't work. I want to take 3 S+ soldiers, I reached the maximum capacity of dunno what :|


Tried now, it doesn't work. I want to take 3 S+ soldiers, I reached the maximum capacity of dunno what :|

Strange, I got that message quite a lot when I was buying 20 S rank (combat) soldiers at a time on the last FOB event and firing at least 20 soldiers from the waiting room resolved it each time.

The only other thing I could suggest is that there is a limited amount of times you can claim FOB rewards (I think it was once for each category of S++ soldiers for example) but when that has happened to me the item has been greyed out in the FOB rewards list despite having the correct amount of points.

Good luck fixing it Ludens!


Strange, I got that message quite a lot when I was buying 20 S rank (combat) soldiers at a time on the last FOB event and firing at least 20 soldiers from the waiting room resolved it each time.

The only other thing I could suggest is that there is a limited amount of times you can claim FOB rewards (I think it was once for each category of S++ soldiers for example) but when that has happened to me the item has been greyed out in the FOB rewards list despite having the correct amount of points.

Good luck fixing it Ludens!

Eh, as I wrote I never claimed soldiers, usually I just claimed camo, colors and emblem.
Today I tried to claim soldiers because I farmed event points, went to purchase the MB color, but I already owned it, so I tried to take some soldiers, but I receive that message.
They are not greyed out :S
EDIT: I solved it. I fired a lot of staff members even in other platforms, and finally I was able to take some soldiers.
Yeah, but the fact is, I didn't take a single soldier, only the camo, colors and emblem. And when I try to get a soldier, I get that message.
I even moved four soldiers in another platform, but I can't take the reward. I guess it's just another bug.

this is a population bug. go to your waiting room, and dismiss 1 more soldier than the amount that you're trying to get. By dismiss i mean FIRE. yes, you need to do that, sorry.
EDIT: I solved it. I fired a lot of staff members even in other platforms, and finally I was able to take some soldiers.
Just as an addition for further reference, were you at the overall limit? Just because you're at 190/200 doesn't mean you're not maxed out. There's a total base limit, too. E.g. Fully upgraded MB and FOB is 1400. Even at 1400 you're usually never at 200/200 for every platform because you'll likely always have a few in the brig, sickbay, etc.


Just as an addition for further reference, were you at the overall limit? Just because you're at 190/200 doesn't mean you're not maxed out. There's a total base limit, too. E.g. Fully upgraded MB and FOB is 1400. Even at 1400 you're usually never at 200/200 for every platform because you'll likely always have a few in the brig, sickbay, etc.

Yes I'm at 1400 (fully completed the game months ago), one FOB only.


Eh, as I wrote I never claimed soldiers, usually I just claimed camo, colors and emblem.
Today I tried to claim soldiers because I farmed event points, went to purchase the MB color, but I already owned it, so I tried to take some soldiers, but I receive that message.
They are not greyed out :S
EDIT: I solved it. I fired a lot of staff members even in other platforms, and finally I was able to take some soldiers.

Sorry, missed the first part. Glad you got it resolved and managed to get your new soldiers though.


New Fob event is Easy mode. All you need is a Stun shotgun, Serval Sniper and some C4

Plant C4 on machine gun and Anti Air
Shotgun and fulton 3 soldiers
Then just snipe the Skulls

Easy 20k Event points. Its effectively 60 S rank combat soldiers each run

The only issue is if you get hit by there special attack you die instantly
Yeah, it's the same one from last month only they changed one of the tasks from blowing up soldier with a rocket launcher to extracting three of them.


Shotgun and fulton 3 soldiers

I don't even bother with that unless the zombie soldiers happen to be on my way to the heli platform.

I use the base development platform, C4 the little machine gun right where I land, go up the stairs, turn left and C4 the big machine gun. Then I run to the heli platform and lay all of the rest of my C4 roughly along the painted line between deck and heli platform in two rows and walk out to the edge of the heli deck. When the skulls first appear I shoot something unsilenced into the air so they all warp to the front of the heli deck and then C4 all four of them at once.

Seems like the easiest way to min/max with virtually no risk as long as you're quick enough.
I need to go back to not invading FOBs, I needed fuel so I did a few and encountered a defender on one who for one reason or another didn't go down from sleeping gas and was bouncing around from either legit lag or lag switching, that was not fun. Then on another, a rank E, shotgun equipped staff spotting me sniping with a silencer from two platforms away before there was even an alert and the timer on that one ends while the alarm is about to go off and I could swear I had 20 seconds left. >_<

I still really suck at FOB shit.



I've progressed enough to where a gun takes 5 in-game days to finish developing. You can probably do all the main missions 3 or 4 times by then. That's fucking ridiculous. It makes no sense.
I assume there's no glitch or workarounds to this outside of paying money or just leaving the game on all week?

I also developed a nuclear weapon a few days ago and now it just disappeared. All those resources just gone. Fuck.
Completely random but something that has bothered me about the game for a long time. A very small insignificant thing which just rubs me the wrong way.

So in the intro, there's a section when you
and Ishmael have to play dead. It looks stupid and unnatural but then later on the in the game you find out you can press triangle to lie to flatter into the ground and become even less visible. They never teach you this and it would have been perfect if they put a tutorial for this in the the hospital section. It would've looked less dumb overall.
Just a nitckpick but cant help but wonder why that never happened.


Completely random but something that has bothered me about the game for a long time. A very small insignificant thing which just rubs me the wrong way.

Thought the lie prone-er indicator appeared for that mission when you waited a few seconds, but I'd have to re-check. Barely a few seconds later the
XOF guys skip shooting both you and Ishmael, giving the thumbs up
so the game was already poking at the player's suspension of disbelief with some humor.
It's a pretty odd omission. I wondered if it was simply because they designed the sequence before they decided to add the 'stealth mode' (stupid name), which was missing in Ground Zeroes.


Has anyone else been getting invaded at a ridiculous rate lately? It's been crazy for me the last week. Every time I log on I get multiple alerts of FOB invasions. I just logged on and had 7 people invade me according to the FOB log. Before this I probably got invaded 3 to 4 times in the span of 4 months. This has been going on daily now. Most sections of Mother Base have take significant loses, especially my security. It's at level 1 every time I log on. Almost all my security staff are sitting in the med bay. Wtf is going on!?
Has anyone else been getting invaded at a ridiculous rate lately? It's been crazy for me the last week. Every time I log on I get multiple alerts of FOB invasions. I just logged on and had 7 people invade me according to the FOB log. Before this I probably got invaded 3 to 4 times in the span of 4 months. This has been going on daily now. Most sections of Mother Base have take significant loses, especially my security. It's at level 1 every time I log on. Almost all my security staff are sitting in the med bay. Wtf is going on!?

Check the FOB menu and see if you have Security Challenge enabled in the right most tab.
I'll have to check the next time I log on. I only noticed the Security Challenge recently and thought nothing of it. What exactly is it for?

If you enable it, it puts your FOB on the Security Challenge list which allows players to freely invade without the risk of their on FOB being found for retaliation (but you and whatever supporters you might have get notified immediately) and no barricades get put up so people can invade your FOB repeatedly. The list, at least on PC, is also fairly short so the same people come up very frequently. It's a quick and easy way for someone's FOB to get gutted, especially if they're not high level.
So again, been doing Security Challenge FOBs, easyish ones, for fuel since with the double resource reward that was in effect this week. Was rushing to do a few more up until around 35 minutes before the servers were to go down for maintenance when I lost internet just before going down stairs on the last support platform. Good times.
How do you up your R&D level?

Get more or better staff.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
For some reason there are no more diamonds to be found on my Mother Base @___@
When i try to interrogate my soldiers they give me gameplay tips instead of Rough Diamonds positions.

Has anyone else encountered this? Or did Konami removed them from the game?


Jesus Mission 16 is some major bullshit. My grenade launcher does only puny damage to the Skulls and Quiet just spends time pissing around with her pointer not doing anything. I feel like I have throw away 1.5 hours of progress because I'm better off starting again with a missile launcher or just hijacking the tanks.
Jesus Mission 16 is some major bullshit. My grenade launcher does only puny damage to the Skulls and Quiet just spends time pissing around with her pointer not doing anything. I feel like I have throw away 1.5 hours of progress because I'm better off starting again with a missile launcher or just hijacking the tanks.

Yeah, grenades are pretty much useless. Use a machine gun or the Brennan LRS-46 sniper rife if you have it, going to guess you probably wouldn't have the Serval AMR-7 yet, actually the Brennan is probably stretching it too at that point unless you were a grinding fool like me.


I guess it's the penetration stat. Nope, only the first sniper rifle, and the machine gun is not in my loadout. I guess I'll restart the mission :/.

Thanks anyway!


I guess it's the penetration stat. Nope, only the first sniper rifle, and the machine gun is not in my loadout. I guess I'll restart the mission :/.
I guess you are trying to get all the objectives done? If not, you do know you can just outrun them and leave the hot zone and finish the mission without defeating them?

hahaha, very nice, I don't usually like videos like this.
But this one and the one "MGSV by Wes Anderson" are really good.

Jesus Mission 16 is some major bullshit. My grenade launcher does only puny damage to the Skulls and Quiet just spends time pissing around with her pointer not doing anything. I feel like I have throw away 1.5 hours of progress because I'm better off starting again with a missile launcher or just hijacking the tanks.

If you don't want to kill them just sneak around, and make a distraction, like toss a grenade as far as posible to the other side and steal the truck.
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