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Metro 2033 |OT| Fear the Future

AgentOtaku said:

Can't read at work, is it the 360 or PC version reviewed?

Or if someone could copy/paste and PM the review, I'd appreciate it :D

It's the 360 version reviewed, and I've just sent the PM.


Gold Member
So its official. Crysis has been dethroned as the rig killer.

So glad I waited to jump on DX11, especially seen as ATI's new cards are struggling to max this out in DX11 with decent framerates. Seems like my decision to wait and see what fall brings for DX11 was a wise one.


GHG said:
So its official. Crysis has been dethroned as the rig killer.

So glad I waited to jump on DX11, especially seen as ATI's new cards are struggling to max this out in DX11 with decent framerates. Seems like my decision to wait and see what fall brings for DX11 was a wise one.

if tessellation is the new big thing i'd expect massive efforts by red and green to improve the handling of the task in future :D yay high poly models ftw


The atmosphere in this game is REALLY REALLY great. There is one segment in particular where you're following a character and his dialog is just awesome and the stuff you experience with him is just a cool moment. If your character spoke, it'd be like a really awesome quiet segment of a film.


Loves Robotech S1
Here are all of my accumulated pics from the PC thread (DX10, all max):


Game is fantastic. The way it looks and feels, the way the characters move and react to bullet hits and how the weapons handle really reminds me of Killzone 2. It's got a similar aesthetic and everything feels similarly weighty and smooth.


Is there no way to disable AA? I'd like to run at my native res (2560x1600) but it is currently around 20fps @ dx10 very high. I'd obviously like better frames and at this resolution I find AA unnecessary.

Disabling my 2nd monitor and running the game, then quitting out and enabling it again fixed my black screen problem.
I'm not one to get annoyed at reviews, but some of the ones I've read are a little silly. 'No replayability' and 'poor shooting' are just examples of lazy reviewing. I'm just waiting for the 'no multiplayer' negatives to come up and we'll be a about done for this.

It's impossible to release an immersive single-player experience these days.It's as though this game would've been absolutely groundbreaking and had a sequel that released with an additional multi-player mode had it been released in 2007...
MarshMellow96 said:
I'm not one to get annoyed at reviews, but some of the ones I've read are a little silly. 'No replayability' and 'poor shooting' are just examples of lazy reviewing. I'm just waiting for the 'no multiplayer' negatives to come up and we'll be a about done for this.

It's impossible to release an immersive single-player experience these days.It's as though this game would've been absolutely groundbreaking and had a sequel that released with an additional multi-player mode had it been released in 2007...

Okay, sure, but the 'poor shooting' thing, if people genuinely think that's a complaint, is fair enough. If the shooting mechanic is a bit flawed, then a good reviewer will point that out. I agree that replayability and no MP modes would be idiotic things to poke at, but some people seem to find the shooting a bit janky, and that's their right, surely?


MarshMellow96 said:
I'm not one to get annoyed at reviews, but some of the ones I've read are a little silly. 'No replayability' and 'poor shooting' are just examples of lazy reviewing. I'm just waiting for the 'no multiplayer' negatives to come up and we'll be a about done for this.

It's impossible to release an immersive single-player experience these days.It's as though this game would've been absolutely groundbreaking and had a sequel that released with an additional multi-player mode had it been released in 2007...
this man speaks the truth
I always have to wonder if these heavily graphics focused, PC destroying games are even worth playing on my GTX 260. I keep putting off buying them to some hypothetical future where I have a better graphics card.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
luka said:
Here are all of my accumulated pics from the PC thread (DX10, all max):


Game is fantastic. The way it looks and feels, the way the characters move and react to bullet hits and how the weapons handle really reminds me of Killzone 2. It's got a similar aesthetic and everything feels similarly weighty and smooth.

We playing the same game here? Because currently, it's taking numerous shots (4-5 unless a lucky headshot and enemy isn't wearing headgear) to take down a foe. And when they do, they just lump down on the ground like any ol' ragdoll.

The guns feel way too light, which is probably one of the complaints that reviewers are talking about. Luckily, that hasn't really hurt my very enjoyable experience that I've had with this game so far. Voice acting is really hit or miss too.

Anyhow, going to the doc later in the day, so I'll put more time into this later. Aside from the gunplay issue, I've really fucking enjoyed the setting and atmosphere of this game, and am eager to play it some more. Here's hoping someone figures out how to work the configs on this game so I can get some better performance out of this beast.


Loves Robotech S1
I simply don't understand how people could complain about the weapon mechanics. It feels great to me.
luka said:
Game is fantastic. The way it looks and feels, the way the characters move and react to bullet hits and how the weapons handle really reminds me of Killzone 2. It's got a similar aesthetic and everything feels similarly weighty and smooth.

This is exactly what I was thinking. Love it...


Couldn't help but get more tense when you're on your own, gas mask on and Artyom starts breathing heavy. It's a really cool effect when your filter is getting worse.


IGN UK 7.5/10
IGN said:
There's no doubt that Metro 2033 will attract a strong following among those who take the time to explore its nuances, but it's a game that never quite lives up to its obvious potential. Despite delivering malevolent intensity in spades, its eccentric blend of stealth, survival horror and flawed gunplay is simply lacking the all-important polish required to challenge the genre's A-list.

8.0 Presentation
Slick, concise menuing system and innovative removal of many HUD elements give the game an uncluttered minimalism.
7.5 Graphics
An uneven mixture of inspired and ragged.
9.0 Sound
An array of chilling effects create a resolutely unsettling ambience throughout.
7.5 Gameplay
A lack of conviction in the gunplay is a serious oversight, but stealth options add a pleasing degree of choice.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
At around eight hours, it's a classic weekend rental, though the ability to play the game different ways adds a welcome degree of replayability. No multiplayer, though.
I think what I'm trying to get at more is that (at least to me) it looks like it plays more like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. than Call of Duty. It feels as though it getting docked points for using mechanics that don't imitate that franchise. Many people complained about S.T.A.L.K.E.R's mechanics when the actual problem was that they didn't like the feel of a 'realistic' system.

Of course what I'm trying to say is purely subjective. One man's flawed is another man's realistic, one man's difficult is my challenge. :p
I got a 5850 and im playing the game on very high dx10 1280x1024

DX11 was killing my FPS i could just feel like but DX10 is much smoother.
Trent Strong said:
I always have to wonder if these heavily graphics focused, PC destroying games are even worth playing on my GTX 260. I keep putting off buying them to some hypothetical future where I have a better graphics card.

Serious? The 260 should handle every game you throw at it - sure, not on extremely high, but medium to high. Unless your gaming at an insane resoultion...

I got excited today, because I bought the game from the US steam store so I thought it'd unlock for me when I got home from work, but nope, I got to wait for the sucky Australian unlocking.

More time to finish GTA IV I guess.


My Newegg copy is out for delivery! :D

I haven't dealt with retail -> Steam games in a while, am I able to install from the CD after registering instead of downloading it from Steam? If not, I'll just play more FFXIII to pass the time while downloading :lol
Volcynika said:
My Newegg copy is out for delivery! :D

I haven't dealt with retail -> Steam games in a while, am I able to install from the CD after registering instead of downloading it from Steam? If not, I'll just play more FFXIII to pass the time while downloading :lol

You should be able to install from DVD.
EviLore said:
20fps on a 5850 @ 1680x1050 with dx11 maxed out and no AA? So probably not 30fps on my 5870 at 1080p, then, eh. Ah well. Will wait for some more detailed benchmarks.

When its only competition in DX10 mode is Crysis and Shattered Horizon, I don't think its much of an issue. Simply removing the DX11 depth of field apparently claws back a ton of performance, as does using the analytical AA instead of standard MSAA.

Here's a comparison of some of the graphics settings:


Edit: A 7.5 for graphics from IGN? :lol

I'll never begin to criticise any other part of the review, but that's just completely ridicuous. Graphics can be objectively judged and objectively speaking its simply the most technically impressive title released on the 360 and yet apparently Halo 3 looks better? What!? Even if for some reason the aesthetic isn't pleasing to the individual reviewer, you can't go and mark it down by that much, but then, he doesn't even state its "art style" is the issue.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
A question for those using the DX11 mode...

It sounds like the framerate just takes a massive dive when maxed out, but I'm wondering, could someone try this at 1280x720 (or a similarly low resolution)? I'd be more than willing to drop my resolution if it meant smoother play with higher detail settings.

In some games, such as Crysis, the difference between 1080p and 720p is night and day. 1080p, on my 5870, is very playable now...but still hangs around 30 fps most of the time (in very high DX10) while 720p is nearly a solid 60 fps with drops into the mid 40s at its worst.

Perhaps the fillrate and memory requirements would lower significantly with a lower resolution.

I always have to wonder if these heavily graphics focused, PC destroying games are even worth playing on my GTX 260. I keep putting off buying them to some hypothetical future where I have a better graphics card.
The 260 is a great card. There is nothing it won't run well. You simply can't crank up the details to their highest levels in some games (such as Metro).


luka said:
I simply don't understand how people could complain about the weapon mechanics. It feels great to me.

Are you playing on PC? The EG reviewer felt the economy and enemy design didn't take into account the inaccuracies and slow movement of the gamepad.

Master race and all that, but THQ did send out the 360 version for review.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
squicken said:
Are you playing on PC? The EG reviewer felt the economy and enemy design didn't take into account the inaccuracies and slow movement of the gamepad.

Master race and all that, but THQ did send out the 360 version for review.
Heh, well, I plan to play on the PC with my 360 pad. :D


Volcynika said:
My Newegg copy is out for delivery! :D

I haven't dealt with retail -> Steam games in a while, am I able to install from the CD after registering instead of downloading it from Steam? If not, I'll just play more FFXIII to pass the time while downloading :lol

That's why the disc is there. :)


Nowgamer 8/10
Nowgamer said:
Final Verdict

It’s refreshing to play a game in which we’re shooting as the Russians rather than shooting at them, and it’s one that explores the nation’s checkered history to boot. Shaky combat lets Metro 2033 down, but as an overall experience this narrative-rich shooter is memorable, unique and terrifying in equal measure.

kitch9 said:
I've cancelled my pre-order and I'll wait for a patch or two, my back log is massive anyways.

Smh. The "must max every setting or I can't play!" attitude is completely ridiculous. Crysis on high settings looked better than anything else released at the time but because you couldn't play it on very high at the time people claimed it was unoptimised and not worth playing. Seems that same silly attitude is going to be rife here again, all it leads to is developers arbitrarily limiting the settings and capabilities of their engines, and yet somehow people associate that with an optimised engine?

It really pisses me off tbh because you guys spoil it for the rest of us. All this despite the fact all the screenshots posted before your post were from DX10 mode which apparently runs great on last years hardware and has been commented on many times as looking as good as anything available atm from people actually playing the game at those settings. Rant over but just be aware its because of people like you that we get shit like Bioshock 2 which barely passes the standards of a 2004 PC game in most technical aspects.


brain_stew said:
Smh. The "must max every setting or I can't play!" attitude is completely ridiculous. Crysis on high settings looked better than anything else released at the time but because you couldn't play it on very high at the time people claimed it was unoptimised and not worth playing. Seems that same silly attitude is going to be rife here again, all it leads to is developers arbitrarily limiting the settings and capabilities of their engines, and yet somehow people associate that with an optimised engine?

It really pisses me off tbh because you guys spoil it for the rest of us. All this despite the fact all the screenshots posted before your post were from DX10 mode which apparently runs great on last years hardware and has been commented on many times as looking as good as anything available atm from people actually playing the game at those settings. Rant over but just be aware its because of people like you that we get shit like Bioshock 2 which barely passes the standards of a 2004 PC game in most technical aspects.
Sorry, but when you go out and buy a state-of-the-art graphics card that costs around $650, you really EXPECT it to perform well at the maximum settings with any game to date.

This shit is getting ridiculous, I though it would end with Crysis but oh boy, how wrong I was.
Releasing a game that you can't max with ANY card without FPS issues is just lame.

PS.: it's also obvious that they have to limit their engines to fit the current generation of graphics cards. Would you be willing to play an Avatar-like game with fantastic graphics at 10 FPM (frames per minute)?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
felipepl said:
Sorry, but when you go out and buy a state-of-the-art graphics card that costs around $650, you really EXPECT it to perform well at the maximum settings with any game to date.

This shit is getting ridiculous, I though it would end with Crysis but oh boy, how wrong I was.
Releasing that you can't max with ANY card without FPS issues is just lame.

PS.: it's also obvious that they have to limit their engines to fit the current generation of graphics cards. Would you be willing to play an Avatar-like game with fantastic graphics at 10 FPM (frames per minute)?
You thought it would end with Crysis? Do you realize how RARE that situation is? It is now 2010, Crysis was released in 2007. We haven't seen a game that pushed the limits of the platform for almost 3 years now!!!!! To suggest that this has somehow become the norm is just ridiculous to the extreme.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
felipepl said:
Sorry, but when you go out and buy a state-of-the-art graphics card that costs around $650, you really EXPECT it to perform well at the maximum settings with any game to date.

This shit is getting ridiculous, I though it would end with Crysis but oh boy, how wrong I was.
Releasing that you can't max with ANY card without FPS issues is just lame.

PS.: it's also obvious that they have to limit their engines to fit the current generation of graphics cards. Would you be willing to play an Avatar-like game with fantastic graphics at 10 FPM (frames per minute)?
Dude, I'm pretty sure this game was HEAVILY geared towards NVIDIA. It's probably like Cryostasis where it runs like shit on ATI cards just because they're ATI cards. I don't think it's the power of your card so much as the brand of it.

So chill out, and hopefully ATI will release new drivers to improve performance or 4A will release a performance patch.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BobsRevenge said:
Dude, I'm pretty sure this game was HEAVILY geared towards NVIDIA. It's probably like Cryostasis where it runs like shit on ATI cards just because they're ATI cards. I don't think it's the power of your card so much as the brand of it.

So chill out, and hopefully ATI will release new drivers to improve performance or 4A will release a performance patch.
Where did you get this idea? That's ridiculous.

The few benchmarks available show that the 5870 is producing framerates that are more than double the GTX285. When Fermi finally shows up, we'll see where it stands, but at this point, there is no evidence that the game is geared towards nVidia.


dark10x said:
You thought it would end with Crysis? Do you realize how RARE that situation is? It is now 2010, Crysis was released in 2007. We haven't seen a game that pushed the limits of the platform for almost 3 years now!!!!! To suggest that this has somehow become the norm is just ridiculous to the extreme.
Never said it would end. Just that Crysis could be used as an example of how they shouldn't launch a game in this way.

Hell, this game runs on the 360, and I know, obviously looks better on PC but it shouldn't be this system hog.

Anyway, here's hoping that new drivers releases from NVIDIA/ATI + some patches will make it run better.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
dark10x said:
Where did you get this idea? That's ridiculous.

The few benchmarks available show that the 5870 is producing framerates that are more than double the GTX285. When Fermi finally shows up, we'll see where it stands, but at this point, there is no evidence that the game is geared towards nVidia.
The developers have said that NVIDIA helped them out a lot while never mentioning ATI, and all of their hardware recommendations were NVIDIA products to the point where they picked out unreleased NVIDIA cards over ATI's current releases.

It seems to be one of those games. But if the 5870 is really doubling the GTX285, I guess I don't know...

Pretty crazy. I wonder what they tested the game on.

edit: @felipepl: I can almost guarantee you that settings where a 5870 PC is getting 60 fps at 1080p with 4xMSAA still looks better than what the 360 is putting out at 720p, without regard for resolution and IQ.
felipepl said:
Sorry, but when you go out and buy a state-of-the-art graphics card that costs around $650, you really EXPECT it to perform well at the maximum settings with any game to date.

This shit is getting ridiculous, I though it would end with Crysis but oh boy, how wrong I was.
Releasing a game that you can't max with ANY card without FPS issues is just lame.

PS.: it's also obvious that they have to limit their engines to fit the current generation of graphics cards. Would you be willing to play an Avatar-like game with fantastic graphics at 10 FPM (frames per minute)?

So no game can ever look better than Crysis or is allowed to push the medium forward? What a complete crock of shit. If 4A hadn't spent the extra time adding in the DX11 bonus effects you'd have been coming out of all this happy then? Because you could "max out" the game? Do you realise how fucking stupid that is? How the fuck does arbitrarily disabling how far a user can crank the detail of a game help any one?

Sorry if it hurts your epeen standing but game's making hardware out dated is what PC gaming is all about, it doesn't restrict the experience you can have on your current hardware in any way at all. They're extra options available for people that have the hardware for them, they don't make the game look or perform any worse for people that don't have the hardware to enable them.
felipepl said:
Sorry, but when you go out and buy a state-of-the-art graphics card that costs around $650, you really EXPECT it to perform well at the maximum settings with any game to date.

This shit is getting ridiculous, I though it would end with Crysis but oh boy, how wrong I was.
Releasing a game that you can't max with ANY card without FPS issues is just lame.

PS.: it's also obvious that they have to limit their engines to fit the current generation of graphics cards. Would you be willing to play an Avatar-like game with fantastic graphics at 10 FPM (frames per minute)?

brain_stew does have a point. If you're that bothered about graphics, you'll probably have realised they've improved during your time as a gamer. The ends justify the means.


felipepl said:
Never said it would end. Just that Crysis could be used as an example of how they shouldn't launch a game in this way.

Hell, this game runs on the 360, and I know, obviously looks better on PC but it shouldn't be this system hog.

Anyway, here's hoping that new drivers releases from NVIDIA/ATI + some patches will make it run better.
I am used to this as a PC gamer to be honest. And I have not a single problem with it. There were and will always be games that do not run good on release.


brain_stew said:
So no game can ever look better than Crysis or is allowed to push the medium forward? What a complete crock of shit. If 4A hadn't spent the extra time adding in the DX11 bonus effects you'd have been coming out of all this happy then? Because you could "max out" the game? Do you realise how fucking stupid that is? How the fuck does arbitrarily disabling how far a user can crank the detail of a game help any one?

Sorry if it hurts your epeen standing but game's making hardware out dated is what PC gaming is all about, it doesn't restrict the experience you can have on your current hardware in any way at all. They're extra options available for people that have the hardware for them, they don't make the game look or perform any worse for people that don't have the hardware to enable them.
Never said that they can't push things forward with new technologies, they just have to do it RIGHT. I mean, why the eff does my card supports tessellation when in the end, when I turn the shit on, it makes the game barely playable?

But you do have a point, I lose.

Sorry, but it just hurts my heart looking at the box of my 5970 and just by my side my TV screen with the FRAPS counter below "30" :lol
felipepl said:
Never said it would end. Just that Crysis could be used as an example of how they shouldn't launch a game in this way.

Hell, this game runs on the 360, and I know, obviously looks better on PC but it shouldn't be this system hog.

Anyway, here's hoping that new drivers releases from NVIDIA/ATI + some patches will make it run better.

Yes it runs on the 360 but it runs with what are the equivalent of low/medium settings. If that level of graphics is fine for you then your "$650 videocard" will deliver you something like 200fps assuming your CPU is up to it.

Thankfully 4A isn't filled with fucktards that believe gimping graphics = optimisation.
The game delivers a level of graphics for the performance it gives you that is very competitive with other games, if you want it to look like a console game then you can have it look like a console game and run it on a 3 year old GPU just fine but thankfully they've offered options above and beyond that. Remember that word, options, that means you don't have to use them, they don't make the game look any worse on lower settings, they just make it look better if you have the hardware to manage them.

Crysis was the perfect example how to do it right. At "high" settings it obliterated anything else on the market (and still does) and those were perfectly achievable on a $200 videocard (8800GT). There was the option to push the graphics further than that and hardware released after its launched took full advantage of that fact, its a game that keeps on looking better as time goes by, but its "high" settings were still more impressive than the "max" settings of any other game released at the time. Yet, clueless people like you came out and said it was a sluggish unoptimised piece of junk, without having a single fucking clue what the hell they were talking about. It was pathetic frankly, and I will call out anyone who spurts the same shit with regards to Metro.


people complaining about not being able to max PC games anger and confuse me. Its not like it looks bad on current hardware - they are just giving you the option of having it look better in the future.
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