Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State
METRO: LAST LIGHT LIVE STREAM - Early game stuff/potential spoilers.
METRO: LAST LIGHT LIVE STREAM - Early game stuff/potential spoilers.
So much footage and streams and etc out there now.... the game is out tomorrow. I can resist.
Hope you aren't playing on Ranger Hardcore so I still have something to attract people with so many others doing the sameWould watch, but given I'll be playing myself soon I'll wait.
Hope you aren't playing on Ranger Hardcore so I still have something to attract people with so many others doing the sameWould watch, but given I'll be playing myself soon I'll wait.
I was just trying ranger mode and holy crap, it is hard. I don't know if I will bother. Call me a sissy but I felt so gimped in that mode.
when is the game set to release on STEAM?
I beat the orignal game on the mode so I'm hoping I'll manage all right. And it's confirmed there are no amoebas which should help considerably. Am worried about some of the bug creatures though, they look to take a lot of ammo I won't have.
At midnight it looks like.
Well my problem is since there is no UI HUD, I have no idea how to switch from knives, to dynamite, to flame grenades. Also I was playing on the uber hardcore ranger mode. Def wouldn't want to do that on a first time play through. I wouldn't know when to hit x on certain quick time events and would have been screwed at those parts.
Heh, hopefully it'll go well for me. It must still use the 1-whatever keys for quick swaps. And I have to imagine that it'll still show the qtes during cutscenes? Would be immensely unfair otherwise, if not I suppose I'll have to manage through it like I did Tomb Raider's broken visual cue system on pc.
No when they say no hints, or hud, they mean it. Luckily its always the X button and simple as that. Yeah if you figure out how to switch to knifes or grenades on ranger, let me know. Since you don't actually see your character ever carrying them, use used the menu interface to switch, without it. I have no idea how your supposed to tell.
24 minutes until I try and it says I still can't play it lol
After the opening my FPS is in the teens .So, according to a set of benchmarks, apparently the game runs like dog-ship on AMD cards.
As if I needed another reason to boycott this game, after the "Pay for Hard Mode" debacle.
What, it keeps crashing now. And it crashed mid game :/ Was running at 40 FPS with everything at max*excepting SSAA) or so.
Edit: Can't even start the game now, what.
That very disapponting. But I plan on leaning back with a 360 pad while pulling my chair away from the monitor a bit so 70 degrees horizontal should be fine I think.
Alright, I preordered on Steam and its not showing Ranger mode, and when I look for DLC it says there's no DLC available for the game?
are these benchmarks a joke?
Alright, new question. How do I get Russian voices? There's only a text language option here.
are these benchmarks a joke?
LMAO that smoke effect, they can't be serious right?
Apparently It's cold smoke so it stays closer to the ground on purpose?
Running at 60fps with a 570 and i5-2500k. I'm running it on high, 1920, no AA, 4x filtering, and everything else normal. It's the best I can do to have it run at 60fps.