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Metro: Redux |OT| Once more into the Metro, with feeling!

The Day 1 patch changed a number of options in Metro 2033 also. For example, greatly altering the tesselation options in the game.

Not sure what it did to LL.

Games needs a few more patches though still.


Just finished Metro 2033 on XB1(digital,no issues with mine) and I have to say I very much enjoyed the game. Played Last Light on 360 so this was my first time playing 2033. I love the atmosphere in this series. Down in the tunnels in the Metro makes these games great. That's where these games shine.

Only downside is the bugs and glitches found throughout the game and the wonky mutant animations. But with these I still enjoyed it.

I will buy Last Light at some point to play through again and to play the DLC included. Awaiting Metro 2034 or whatever it will be called!

Dr Dogg

Urgh well finally unlocked but I'm not sure if I'm knackered or going crazy but are both of these releases missing Physx?

I mean the toggle is there in the options but at no point are any Physx effect present where it was in both 2033 or Last Light. I thought I was going mad when checking out if it was running and it was showing CPU (I'm using unreleased 9.14 Physx drivers) but doing a clean install didn't sort that. Though every other Physx capable game I've got installed shows up as GPU so going by what I recall of the vanilla versions it does appear that Physx isn't present at all.

I'll have a proper look in the morning as it's way to late here, I don't have vanilla Last Light installed and I'm certainly not waiting 6+ hours to download but I'll throw some comparison shots up if it looks like the case.
Urgh well finally unlocked but I'm not sure if I'm knackered or going crazy but are both of these releases missing Physx?

I mean the toggle is there in the options but at no point is any Physx effect present where it was in both 2033 or Last Light. I thought I was going mad when checking out if it was running and it was showing CPU (I'm using unreleased 9.14 Physx drivers) but doing a clean install didn't sort that. Though every other Physx capable game I've got installed shows up as GPU so going by what I recall of the vanilla versions it does appear that Physx isn't present at all.

I'll have a proper look in the morning as it's way to late here, I don't have vanilla Last Light installed and I'm certainly not waiting 6+ hours to download but I'll throw some comparison shots up if it looks like the case.

There is basically only the phsx from weapon effects. A lot of the original ones from Metro 2033 are missing actualy.


Finally got my Microsoft Credit redeemed and I'm downloading now... really looking forward to getting to some of 2033 tonight!

Additionally, I sent off the best questions from the 'GAF Asks 4A' thread tonight, so hopefully by the start of next week we'll have some answers to those questions!

Dr Dogg

There is basically only the phsx from weapon effects. A lot of the original ones from Metro 2033 are missing actualy.

Hahaha well that puts me slightly at ease, cheers. I wonder why these got released with quite a few effects missing? Well I don't really but I'm not going to speculate about 4A's position but fingers crossed the missing bits and bobs are in the pipeline soon.


An blind dancing ho
Did the fixed the broken hidden morality system in LL? ( which wasn't really morality system since it gives you the bad ending if you don't even if you do the obvious good things to do but just a way to force you exploring the hidden notes and areas and then give you the good ending )


I don't know if this strays into off topic territory, but does anyone who has redux on xbox one notice a weird pattern that only appears in dark parts of the screen? The best way I can describe it is columns of short, horizontal, black bars. I think it may be something wrong with the scaler on xbox one as I noticed the same type of thing occuring (although not the same pattern) in titanfall. Also, when I change settings so the xbox outputs at 720p instead of 1080p, the pattern is different, but there still is a pattern.

Here is a horrible phone pic of the bottom right corner of my screen, which shows the pattern I am talking about: http://abload.de/image.php?img=20140827_200334fcjzu.jpg


4A Games said this:

Look, we shipped a rock-solid 60fps game with the quality right in the middle between the high and very high preset of the PC version

Metro 2033 Redux with a 770 OC 4Gb run this game between 60 and 38fps with this settings:

Very high tessellation
Texture 16xQA
Motion blur normal
No Advanced Physx

So...if they accomplished with PS4 solid 60fps between HQ and VHQ...i have a question? Where's the superiority of the PC version? I mean, PC in general...

Yea i'm moving the game with almost ALL settings on ultra but if a console wich is more than 50% less powerfull than my PC, and is moving this game with those setting i don't see that superiority...in fact, the consoles are moving this games with almost the same quality in comparison and with a minor hardware.

I expect new drivers or a patch that increases the optimization of this PC version because for now i don't see that superiority from PC in perfomance with a better (much better in fact) hardware...that sucks.

btw, i don't have PS4/XBone.

btw 2: Metro Last Light Redux perfomance is SHIT compared to Original Last Light. (around 10-15 less fps from vanilla)


That's so weird how if you buy this game physically, it's listed as one game for 2000 gamerscore. Yet if you buy it digitally, it's listed as two separate games each for only 1000.

My friend bought it physical and I went digital (thanks to that Gamestop money).

TK Turk

That's so weird how if you buy this game physically, it's listed as one game for 2000 gamerscore. Yet if you buy it digitally, it's listed as two separate games each for only 1000.

My friend bought it physical and I went digital (thanks to that Gamestop money).

Yup, and it's making it very hard to track things on trueachievments.com.


I'd be in the dick
I thought this screen wound up looking pretty cool.



Good interview with the devs on Eurogamer

Do other sites still carry out interviews?

I though this quote was pretty interesting. Especially considering some in here think the settings for the console version are lower.

Look, we shipped a rock-solid 60fps game with the quality right in the middle between the high and very high preset of the PC version.

This was interesting as well considering how often low level optimizations are dismissed.

And let's not forget that programming close to the metal will usually mean that we can get 2x performance gain over the equivalent PC spec.


That's so weird how if you buy this game physically, it's listed as one game for 2000 gamerscore. Yet if you buy it digitally, it's listed as two separate games each for only 1000.

My friend bought it physical and I went digital (thanks to that Gamestop money).

Why wouldn't they just make the physical copy as two separate games as well like they did digital? It just seems really weird to me.
I have the physical game on PS4 and it does in fact have each game separate in trophy lists.


This game is intense. Just started chapter 3. LOL @ getting grabbed by the
flying mutants my first try at the end of chapter 2

ps: I still don't get how filters work. Do I always wait for the prompt or be proactive?
This game is intense. Just started chapter 3. LOL @ getting grabbed by the
flying mutants my first try at the end of chapter 2

They're somewhat glitchy. Have been times where I've landed somewhere where the game shouldn't let me go, and then I either die or get warped halfway across the map.


Urgh well finally unlocked but I'm not sure if I'm knackered or going crazy but are both of these releases missing Physx?

I mean the toggle is there in the options but at no point are any Physx effect present where it was in both 2033 or Last Light. I thought I was going mad when checking out if it was running and it was showing CPU (I'm using unreleased 9.14 Physx drivers) but doing a clean install didn't sort that. Though every other Physx capable game I've got installed shows up as GPU so going by what I recall of the vanilla versions it does appear that Physx isn't present at all.

I'll have a proper look in the morning as it's way to late here, I don't have vanilla Last Light installed and I'm certainly not waiting 6+ hours to download but I'll throw some comparison shots up if it looks like the case.

I am seeing a lot of PhysX. The benchmark especially shows a lot.
So is this running at a consistent 60fps on PS4?

Yes it is. But it's also not using. A.) PhsyX, B.) Tesellation to the same degree, C.) No SSAA , D.) Is somewhere between the "High" and "Very High" preset as confirmed by one of the developers.

But also

Regarding Metro Redux though (2033/LL)

Can anyone who has both Last Light and Last Light Redux compare the SSAA between the two? (Without disabling the FXAA/AAA) I only have LL:Redux so I can't see for myself.

But testing 2033 Redux, 4xSSAA seems pretty comparable to 2x2 Bilinear Driver downsampling though slightly better in some ways, performance is similar too


I'm just trying to see if the SSAA in 2033 is the same as the SSAA in the original LL for comparison

Personally from everything i've seen so far, 2033 redux is so much better in every way possible from the original. Visually and gameplay wise.


I have the physical game on PS4 and it does in fact have each game separate in trophy lists.

Yeah strangely enough, on PSN theres the two Individual titles for $25 each, and a bundle for $50... but the bundle isnt the two separate games, its a single launcher and you choose your game after launch, similar to what the physical release would be. Kind of annoying for me, since I didnt realize this beforehand and would have prefered them separate, but like you said luckily the trophy lists are still separate (omfg I would have flipped if the lists were stuck together on the bundle/disc)


4A Games said this:

Metro 2033 Redux with a 770 OC 4Gb run this game between 60 and 38fps with this settings:

Very high tessellation
Texture 16xQA
Motion blur normal
No Advanced Physx

So...if they accomplished with PS4 solid 60fps between HQ and VHQ...i have a question? Where's the superiority of the PC version? I mean, PC in general...

Yea i'm moving the game with almost ALL settings on ultra but if a console wich is more than 50% less powerfull than my PC, and is moving this game with those setting i don't see that superiority...in fact, the consoles are moving this games with almost the same quality in comparison and with a minor hardware.

I expect new drivers or a patch that increases the optimization of this PC version because for now i don't see that superiority from PC in perfomance with a better (much better in fact) hardware...that sucks.

btw, i don't have PS4/XBone.

btw 2: Metro Last Light Redux perfomance is SHIT compared to Original Last Light. (around 10-15 less fps from vanilla)

The difference being just what their amazing programmers were able to achieve in optimization for a closed platform. (They themselves the performance difference they can get from that can be quite a bit)

FWIW, on a GTX 570 with everything on max except for SSAA, PhysX disabled and no Tessellation at 1600x900 I get between 40-80FPS.

With PhysX enabled and Tesllellation enabled in the benchmark that drops to an average between 20-30FPS
The game has absolutely no tessellation, volumetric lighting, or physx effects on the consoles. All of which are by far the most intensive features in the game. Turning them off will get your better performance if you need it.

Huh? The Redux DoF, lighting, and models are considerably better.
There is no depth of field in that shot, only terrible banding. Which I haven't seen anywhere else.


The game has absolutely no tessellation, volumetric lighting, or physx effects on the consoles. All of which are by far the most intensive features in the game. Turning them off will get your better performance if you need it.

There is no depth of field in that shot, only terrible banding. Which I haven't seen anywhere else.

You serious? I don't see any banding at all in that shot (At least not from the game. If anything from the JPG compression which is the only issue I see), and there IS DoF. It's just more subtle (Based on the character's point of view, hence the hand is out of focus when his eyes are focused on what's in front of him and stuff to the rear and left are slightly out of focus)and not so shitty looking like it did in the original game.

The old character models and the DoF are inferior IMO.
This game is intense. Just started chapter 3. LOL @ getting grabbed by the
flying mutants my first try at the end of chapter 2

ps: I still don't get how filters work. Do I always wait for the prompt or be proactive?

I usually just wait for the prompt. I think the time you see underneath the filters in the menu is the total amount of time you have with all the filters you're carrying, and each filter has a small amount of time on them. Once the watch goes off you've reached zero on your current filter. Artyom also breathes heavier when the filter is almost used up, so sometimes I switch it out when he sounds like he's struggling for air.
You serious? I don't see any banding at all in that shot (At least not from the game. If anything from the JPG compression which is the only issue I see), and there IS DoF. It's just more subtle (Based on the character's point of view, hence the hand is out of focus when his eyes are focused on what's in front of him and stuff to the rear and left are slightly out of focus)and not so shitty looking like it did in the original game.

The old character models and the DoF are inferior IMO.

No, you're right. There's something up with my surface pro 2's screen calibration. Looked at the screenshot via my calibrated monitor and it looks much better. Weird.

Keep in mind though that they're obviously taken in very different moments of the scene so it's not exact. Was to show the character models/lighting. Think Metro 2033 Redux looks much better in general, especially in regards to the character models in the town sequences. One major flaw that is very noticeable is the heavily reduced to non-existent smoke effects from guns and present in the environment. And of course there are many volumetric lights that are still not present for whatever reason.


No, you're right. There's something up with my surface pro 2's screen calibration. Looked at the screenshot via my calibrated monitor and it looks much better. Weird.

Keep in mind though that they're obviously taken in very different moments of the scene so it's not exact. Was to show the character models/lighting.

Understandable. I almost thought myself if something was off with my monitor if there was banding I couldn't see. Which is usually not the case.

But still, I prefer Redux by far for the most part.

It'd be interesting though if they offered to let people simply change the color of the lights that were orangish before back to that color rather than the newer blue hue.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
I thought this screen wound up looking pretty cool.


Dat Mask doe

This game is intense. Just started chapter 3. LOL @ getting grabbed by the
flying mutants my first try at the end of chapter 2

ps: I still don't get how filters work. Do I always wait for the prompt or be proactive?

Are you on the no Hud thing? I'm on normal so I don't know if it changes. Basically when your guy is breathing really really heavy is when you know you gotta change soon. Once you've only got 1 minute left of air, you'll hear a beep sound. That's usually when I change, if not just to get the breathing to stop lol. You can also look at your watch which should give you an exact time.

Are the
flying mutants
killable in the
dead city
in 2033? Put a decent amount of shots into one cause I was scared but he kept swooping me :(. Eventually just sprinted through that whole bit.

I meant to buy Metro 2033 Redux on PS4 but accidentally bought Last Light.

Is it crazy to play Last Light before 2033? I played a couple of hours of 2033 on PC way back when


Are you on the no Hud thing? I'm on normal so I don't know if it changes. Basically when your guy is breathing really really heavy is when you know you gotta change soon. Once you've only got 1 minute left of air, you'll hear a beep sound. That's usually when I change, if not just to get the breathing to stop lol. You can also look at your watch which should give you an exact time.

Nah, there's a message that pops up which I've been using


4A Games said this:

Metro 2033 Redux with a 770 OC 4Gb run this game between 60 and 38fps with this settings:

Very high tessellation
Texture 16xQA
Motion blur normal
No Advanced Physx

So...if they accomplished with PS4 solid 60fps between HQ and VHQ...i have a question? Where's the superiority of the PC version? I mean, PC in general...

Yea i'm moving the game with almost ALL settings on ultra but if a console wich is more than 50% less powerfull than my PC, and is moving this game with those setting i don't see that superiority...in fact, the consoles are moving this games with almost the same quality in comparison and with a minor hardware.

IGN's review mentioned that they think the game looks below High settings of the original Last Light.

"Already a great-looking game, this Last Light is visually a step up from the previous PS3/360 iteration, although Redux's PlayStation 4 and Xbox One editions still aren’t on par with the 2013 PC version running at high settings – which is disappointing, if not surprising. Actually, both Last Light and Metro 2033 look notably sharper on PC, while PS4 feels like a small visual step down; things like floating particles might not have the same crisp definition, but otherwise I wouldn’t notice the difference unless you’re looking at them side by side. "

I imagine that Digital Foundry's in-depth analysis is going to be an interesting one.


I loved Last Light on PS3, finishing multiple playthroughs on the higher difficulties. I'm a few hours into my much anticipated 2033 experience and my impression after a couple hours: "This is fucking terrible." Everything just feels so slow and clunky. I can't get aiming to feel right regardless of what settings I use. Every fight with the beasts is fucking miserable. Shotgun blasts to the face at point blank range only seem to kill them half the time. Their animations and attacks are so glitched out it feels like they're just teleporting around or something. I'm considering just canning this and moving right onto another Last Light run. Pretty disappointed so far. I'll probably give it another shot this weekend and hope for an improvement.


Made it to Dead City in 2033. Looks great and runs smoothly on XO, really impressed with the visuals... one of the better looking games I've played on the console so far.

Revisitng 2033 has been great, and I'm already noticing little things, touches, supernatural events/sequences that I had missed during my playthroughs with the original. I really like the addition of the dynamic lighting in the Dead City level.
I can't remember if it was in the original but I love how the day progresses towards sundown as you make your way through the buildings...really nice touch. Additionally, the supernatural segments in this level are really well done. The playground flashback, TV screen fuzz, hanging man shadow, busy office noises, Dark One on the other side of that gate where you find Hunter...all very subtle touches that just add to the whole thing.
I also forgot how "on-edge" I am when playing these games, more so than most other games and it makes it all the more intense when you are uneasy about what's coming next.

I'm still struggling with the console controls and will agree that gameplay just feels clunky at times. The shooting feels great but fighting nosalies is almost too hectic and random, thanks to their weird and glitchy animations/poor hit reg/reactions. It's always been a complaint of mine in the Metro games and I hope it's something they look at in the future.

Other thing I'm bummed out about are the glitches... there's quite a few. The most prominent on my end thus far are sound glitches, which really pull you out of the moment. (i.e. the "you just nudged a barrel" noise looping over and over and over until you turn around) Glitches have always been Metro's achilles heel so it's a bummer that more weren't sorted out in Redux.

All in all 4A has done a great job with the remastered versions and I am loving my time revisiting 2033... can't wait to play more tomorrow.
Just picked it up on PS4. I had last light on PC but it ran like ass on my 7850/core2. CPU especially bad I know. Looking forward to diving into an atmospheric fps.

Also admit to wanting to support great Ukrainian artists.
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