My god this is the worst First Person Shooter I've played since....I honestly can't remember
You must be a CoD camper fan eh?
- unskippable ingame cutscenes
- characters talking all time (not interesting)
- characters blocking your way (you're not allowed to progress until you've heard boring dialogue)
- 90 % you're folllowing some person you've just met (hello Call of Duty), so there's no tension at all
- doors locked until friendly A.I. opens them
- enemy design is just bad
- enemy hordes... fuck this.
- "Trial and Error"
1. Yes, You can skip cut scenes. but you'd clearly miss the story. People like you are why good games get bad ratings. Metro is not a game for console kiddos who only want mindless button mashing machine-gunning.
2. See answer #1
3. I haven't had problems with characters blocking my way.
4. The longest you follow someone is just a few sections, and thats Pavel.
5. Do people just normally leave their lockers unlocked?
6. Your subjective opinion. Not necessarily factual.
7. But i thought you wanted "no-story" and "machine gun rampage"?
8. If you don't want to have to figure things out, go watch a movie.