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Metroid Dread |OT| Prime Hour


Gold Member


Video footage from an unknown source indicates that the deadly X parasite—thought to have been eradicated—may still live.
The Galactic Federation dispatches a special unit consisting of seven E.M.M.I. robots to the remote planet ZDR, believed to be the source of the transmission. Soon after arriving on ZDR, the whole unit vanishes.
As the only one immune to the X parasite, intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran is sent in to find out what happened.
Shortly after landing, a mysterious foe traps Samus deep below the surface of this dangerous world.
Now, Samus must hunt or be hunted as she makes her way through a labyrinth of enemies to reach the surface.


Metroid Dread is an action-adventure game in which players control bounty hunter Samus Aran as she explores the planet ZDR. It retains the side-scrolling gameplay of previous Metroid games, alongside the free aim and melee attacks added in Samus Returns (2017). Samus can also slide and cling to blue surfaces.[2] Dread also adds stealth elements, with Samus avoiding the almost indestructible EMMI robots by hiding, reducing her noise, and using the Phantom Cloak, camouflage that reduces her noise but slows her movement. If an EMMI robot catches Samus, the player has a brief chance to perform a melee counter and escape; if they fail, Samus is killed.[2]





87: Top Critic Average
91%: Critics Recommend
89%: Metascore
Click here for overview trailer.
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Reviews are promising. I wasn't a huge fan of Samus Returns, but it looks like a huge step forward from that, which it needed to be.

Time is passing so slowly knowing other people have their hands on it. Literally every other game I've ever installed has worked just fine! Gah.
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Gold Member
Reviews are promising. I wasn't a huge fan of Samus Returns, but it looks like a huge step forward from that, which it needed to be.

Time is passing so slowly knowing other people have their hands on it. Literally every other game I've ever installed has worked just fine! Gah.
I hear you. I was expecting MediaMarkt to notify me that the pre-order was already available to collect here in The Netherlands. Nada. Zero.

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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Pre-ordered a 2nd time for store pickup because Amazon Canada dropped the ball and delayed shipping by a whole freaking week! Unacceptable, I must play this game ASAP!!

I can’t believe it’s so well received, I had a feeling it would be good, but to be a challenger as one of the top Metroid games!?

Excited Ric Flair GIF


One of the green rats
I wasn’t excited but now I’m super hyped!
I need a good Nintendo game with all the crap I’ve bore through this year.


I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.


One of the green rats
I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.
I hope it is 10 hours or less which would mean they gave greater focused to what’s there and not some paint by numbers auto filled areas like most AAA games doing the same buggy shit over and over.


I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.
There are people taking 6 hours to beat the final boss alone. This game will kill you everywhere and time will add up. There is no padding here either just meat.

For your average gamer this is a 20 plus hour game and one of the longest 2D metroids. Then you have a hard mode to unlock with more content.

Like, you can beat Returnal in 2 hours if you master it.
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I get to play an early copy and the game is sooo fucking good. It does get me frustrated at times, especially when I'm just on breeze mode and not trying much. You get lost quite a lot too, even in the early game. I do feel a bit worried that casuals wouldn't like the game as much, hope they take the time to learn the mechanics and patterns.


Gold Member
I get to play an early copy and the game is sooo fucking good. It does get me frustrated at times, especially when I'm just on breeze mode and not trying much. You get lost quite a lot too, even in the early game. I do feel a bit worried that casuals wouldn't like the game as much, hope they take the time to learn the mechanics and patterns.
My favourite feeling playing video games.

Dr. Claus

I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.

Metroid games are supposed to be short and sweet, not long and padding. That was Samus Returns biggest problems was that it lasted way too long.


Gold Member
There are people taking 6 hours to beat the final boss alone. This game will kill you everywhere and time will add up. There is no padding here either just meat.

For your average gamer this is a 20 plus hour game and one of the longest 2D metroids. Then you have a hard mode to unlock with more content.

Like, you can beat Returnal in 2 hours if you master it.
6 hours? No way. I mean, not to make someone look bad, but seriously? I beat Super Metroid as a kid and that wasn’t as hard as those Special levels in Super Mario World. I know not everyone has the NES/SNES enjoyment of live, die, repeat.


An hour in. This game is fantastic. (No spoiler post)

My biggest concern is that it would just be more Samus Returns - which was slick for a 3ds game but ultimately really mediocre. But it's not like that at all - it's a huge step forward. It very much feels like a sequel to Fusion, like a true Metroid 5.

Biggest changes? In Samus Returns you spent a lot of time standing in one place preparing for the melee counter. In this game, the melee counter returns but it's barely used, and doesn't interrupt your momentum. It's just another tool rather than the focus of most combat. Next biggest change is that the backgrounds in Samus Returns were bland an unmemorable but the backgrounds here are awesome and atmospheric.

First real boss was great, and actually managed to kill me once. The EMMI zones, which I was worried would be really gimmicky, are actually good. The pace of the game is super-quiick right now, you make progress quickly. The map appears really well designed, far more interesting than Samus Returns.

Nitpicks? The music is really poor by Metroid standards, and the computer talks too much and it's voice is boring. Shame about the music in a series with legendary tunes.
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My new home.

I didn't play the original Metroid until the mid 90s after I played Super.

As far as I can recall I really didn't know much about Metroid going into Super when I was 8. I remember having some Metroid 1 poster on my wall when I was like 5 or 6 which came from a magazine but I still never played the game or knew what it was about. I'm not sure what it was; TV ads or magazine previews, but I knew I wanted that damn game so I was able to get it with allowance money along with Super Street Fighter on the same day. Oh what a day that was. The funniest thing is I remember my older brothers fighting me (not physically, I mean they gave me shit for it) for choosing Super Metroid. I assume previews in game magazines had me all PRIMED up.

Needless to say Super is one of my favorite games of all time and I fire it up at least every few years and make any excuse to play it.

Then Prime came along and I was hyped but also unsure about it until I got my hands on it and Holy fuck it was amazing. Prime 2 and 3 were also awesome experiences.

I only dabbled in ZM and Fusion briefly since I've never been a handheld fan until the tech started to improve. First played those two properly on Wii U and they were great.

I fucking loved Returns even on the 3DS but always wanted a console port.

And now it's time for Dread. I've been waiting for 2D Metroid to return to consoles since
19 90 fucking 4.

This will be a religious experience. I will shed many a tear. Gonna soak it all in, take my time, blast my headphones, and enjoy this game on either a Sony 4k, an LG CX, or my brand new Switch OLED.

Every inch of Dread will be special to me. Been waiting for this for a long time.

Metroid 5. Sequel to Metroid, Super, and Fusion. First 2D console Metroid since 1994. First HD Metroid. The current end of the timeline. End of the main arc.


Gold Member
Now the question is: should I try to upgrade my lite for an OLED? If I found one…

I love my lite though. But the idea of OLED Metroid is getting me hard.


Now the question is: should I try to upgrade my lite for an OLED? If I found one…

I love my lite though. But the idea of OLED Metroid is getting me hard.

Lite to OLED would be a massive upgrade. If you can afford it I say go for it.

OLED ain't not fucking joke. OLED is fucking legit, it's a game changer. Hardcore gamers would definitely notice the difference. There is no substitute for the contrast and perfect blacks OLED can display.


I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.

Depends how you play. People who run from point A to point B will surely beat it quick but I sure as shit do not play games like that. I like to chew before I swallow.

My playtime will probably be at least 20 hours and I'm definitely not gonna 100% it the first time either.

I haven't waited for a 2D console Metroid since 1994 to finish this fucking game in one day or one weekend. Taking my time with this.
I do not play games in one ear and out the other.


Gold Member
Have you played Control? It's essentially a Metroid game and Holy hell is it mazey but man do I love it for being so!

Control is fucking amazing. Such a great game. Excellent atmosphere and awesome abilities and gunplay. I'm willing to bet Dread took at least a bit of inspiration from Control.
Yes I did and it’s great. And yes, it’s a total maze and I love it for that.


Yes I did and it’s great. And yes, it’s a total maze and I love it for that.

I also got that same feeling when I played the RE2 remake. It was awesome.

I very much agree the feeling of being overwhelmed can be an awesome one in games.

Dread not holding your hand in any way and apparently being pretty difficult are music to my ears. Can't fucking wait to get lost.


Do I need to have played the previous 3/4 games to play this?

Define need?

The game apparently opens with a story recap for the main entries in the series.

Super Metroid is definitely worth playing for any gamer. If you were to get one finished before playing Dread it should definitely be Super as that's overall the most perfect game in the series aside from Prime 1 - though that's considered more of a side story. Fusion is solid and precedes Dread but Super definitely has its number.


Gold Member
I also got that same feeling when I played the RE2 remake. It was awesome.

I very much agree the feeling of being overwhelmed can be an awesome one in games.

Dread not holding your hand in any way and apparently being pretty difficult are music to my ears. Can't fucking wait to get lost.
Having said that, I’m not into open worlds. I like to be lost but in restrictive maps. I like environmental puzzles that you need to solve to proceed. Tomb Raider 1996 is a masterclass in this.


I read one report of somebody finishing the game in roughly 10 hours. Any game that's charging full-Nintendo price and giving you 10 hours is criminal, hope it's not true but I'll be watching this versus playing it based on boss difficulty, I've had my self esteem crushed by this franchise enough to know better. I'm probably as excited to enjoy watching a play through as some of you are to play it.
I can 100% Super Metroid in about 90 minutes and it took me around 10 hours to beat the first time as a 9 year old. It’s the greatest game ever made
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