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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


Played it for about an hour and a half yesterday. So far I really dig it. The voice acting actually isn't that bad outside of Samus's inner monologues and even then I see what they were trying to do but failed. Anyway I haven't really been bothered by the D-pad but one issue I have with the controls is that it seems that the configuration to recognize pointing to the screen seems to be too sensitive as I am constantly going into first person when my wrist moves just a little bit.

Anyway I hope the story isn't as predictable as what I think is about to go down less than 2 hours into it.


MadOdorMachine said:
I don't think the Other M is as bad about telling you where to go as Zero Mission. There were plenty of times when I had the dot on the map, but it took me quite a while to figure out how to get there. I like how they extended the game and let you get more power ups, but I don't like that they're pretty much pointless in the game. It does kind of make it feel unrewarding. Regardless I did start having fun with it eventually, but if it's not your bag I completely understand. There's a lot about this game that will turn people off.

Well as I said I'm very far, so I can only speak about my experience so far,
I'm pretty sure I'll warm up to it by the end of the game when I'll have access to the whole world of the game and appreciate the way the levels are designed (in Fusion for example the 6 sectors are really well woven together, there is rarely only 1 way to get from a sector to another.)
Now in Other M, I totally never expected the game to be Metroid Prime but better, even in term of design choice, dynamic and all I can recognise that the game is trying to be its own thing unlike some other vanilla experience that tries to be the Theme park version of the real thing...

Seriously even the 1rst person switch is not THAT bad of an idea (would have been better if you could move but heh), the autoaim seriously amper my experience (especially since dpad movement adds nothing against a tightly integrated analog stick with the wiimote to aim, heck it would probably have meant that we got more out of the game since they would have had to find more use for the 1rst person mode).

What I like however is the action feel of the game, where a split second makes a world of difference. That's something I nearly got out of the Prime games and find it even better made, the sense of agility is really awesome.

So maybe the game pull a Prime 3 : corruption on me and become way more open next but so far it ain't.

And the story parts would have been bearable without the fucking monologues and a better sense of storytelling, guess I'm too demanding out of my games :lol.
All I can say is FFXIII does it way better (I'm playing both at the same time) and the power of the cell is certainly not the reason why.

About Zero Mission :

And I'm not even a big fan of Metroid 1, I just hate how the game basically destroy any impact Super Metroid tries to have.
The whole 2 Kraids with mini Kraid being a fake boss for example is a total waste now since she always knew Kraid was fucking big!
The game being piss easy is a big punch in the face of how unforgiving Metroid was (and I'm not even speaking of the 30 energy continue either). The super missiles and power bombs were useless too, I wonder why they bothered with the post original game content seeing how happy they were in destroying the original game...
I mean when the game isn't even half as difficult as the original game in anything but hard mode-low percentage :/
I've said it before I'll say it again, Romancing Saga was the competent remake of a hard unforgiving game, it didn't shat on it by making it something it was never meant to be.
At least it didn't shat on Metroid 2, now you would have seen hate.


burgerdog said:
What am I supposed to do in sector 1 when I reach a door that's green on my map, but reflects missiles?

Try to scan it Prime style, they usually tell you if you can destroy it with your weapons.
If you don't have the required weapon try to find another way, via morphball usually.
Look up vents everywhere that should help.
I know not exactly the most useful advices but it helped me :/


No additional functions
Mael said:
Well as I said I'm very far, so I can only speak about my experience so far,
I'm pretty sure I'll warm up to it by the end of the game when I'll have access to the whole world of the game and appreciate the way the levels are designed (in Fusion for example the 6 sectors are really well woven together, there is rarely only 1 way to get from a sector to another.)
Now in Other M, I totally never expected the game to be Metroid Prime but better, even in term of design choice, dynamic and all I can recognise that the game is trying to be its own thing unlike some other vanilla experience that tries to be the Theme park version of the real thing...

Seriously even the 1rst person switch is not THAT bad of an idea (would have been better if you could move but heh), the autoaim seriously amper my experience (especially since dpad movement adds nothing against a tightly integrated analog stick with the wiimote to aim, heck it would probably have meant that we got more out of the game since they would have had to find more use for the 1rst person mode).

What I like however is the action feel of the game, where a split second makes a world of difference. That's something I nearly got out of the Prime games and find it even better made, the sense of agility is really awesome.

So maybe the game pull a Prime 3 : corruption on me and become way more open next but so far it ain't.

And the story parts would have been bearable without the fucking monologues and a better sense of storytelling, guess I'm too demanding out of my games :lol.
All I can say is FFXIII does it way better (I'm playing both at the same time) and the power of the cell is certainly not the reason why.

About Zero Mission :

And I'm not even a big fan of Metroid 1, I just hate how the game basically destroy any impact Super Metroid tries to have.
The whole 2 Kraids with mini Kraid being a fake boss for example is a total waste now since she always knew Kraid was fucking big!
The game being piss easy is a big punch in the face of how unforgiving Metroid was (and I'm not even speaking of the 30 energy continue either). The super missiles and power bombs were useless too, I wonder why they bothered with the post original game content seeing how happy they were in destroying the original game...
I mean when the game isn't even half as difficult as the original game in anything but hard mode-low percentage :/
I've said it before I'll say it again, Romancing Saga was the competent remake of a hard unforgiving game, it didn't shat on it by making it something it was never meant to be.
At least it didn't shat on Metroid 2, now you would have seen hate.
The Metroid Prime games were great, but this one's a lot different. They had a hard time making Metroid Prime in 3rd person and decided to leave it in 1st person. This pissed a lot of people off at first, but once they played it, they understood the design choice. In a lot of ways, Retro was more true to the character, but Other M is the real deal. This is the official sequel to Super Metroid. There's a lot of pressure there and some parts absolutely nail it imo. The action is great - I don't mind the auto aim for the most part in 3rd person. Other parts are just not fully developed. I think that's probably a nice way to put it. There are some great ideas, and you can see the potential, but it could have been so much better. That is where the enjoyment will be found. It's pretty clear to me that Other M is always going to have a love/hate relationship. We will always ask the question of what could have been about it, but I guess that's how games evolve. I just hope they don't throw everything out the window by all of the criticism because there's no way they can fix something unless people tell them what's wrong. The way I look at is this: They fucked up. I'll give a freebie because it's Sakamoto's first game in 3D, but don't make me wait 16 years to play another "true" Metroid game on a console. Learn from this, fix the mistakes and give the fans the game they want.


MadOdorMachine said:
The Metroid Prime games were great, but this one's a lot different. They had a hard time making Metroid Prime in 3rd person and decided to leave it in 1st person. This pissed a lot of people off at first, but once they played it, they understood the design choice. In a lot of ways, Retro was more true to the character,

I usually don't care what they're trying to do with a game as long as it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of the game.
I liked the Prime games a lot, because of what they did more than what they missed, it could have been better but without some kind of super interface using the wiimote + leg attachement and 6 screens...

MadOdorMachine said:
but Other M is the real deal. This is the official sequel to Super Metroid.

Yeah no, I bought Metroid 4 : Metroid Fusion, the official sequel of Metroid 3 : Super Metroid for that. I don't need 2 officlal sequel to the same game, especially since the context is the fucking same (and the premise is better in Fusion anyway)

MadOdorMachine said:
There's a lot of pressure there and some parts absolutely nail it imo. The action is great - I don't mind the auto aim for the most part in 3rd person. Other parts are just not fully developed. I think that's probably a nice way to put it. There are some great ideas, and you can see the potential, but it could have been so much better.

auto aim removes control from me, meaning that I have absolutely no choice in how I dispacth the foes, seeing how they went through the trouble of making the rays reflects on stuffs, that could have led to some awesome situation. As a rule I hate to be removed from the action for no good reason, auto aim do that.

MadOdorMachine said:
That is where the enjoyment will be found. It's pretty clear to me that Other M is always going to have a love/hate relationship. We will always ask the question of what could have been about it, but I guess that's how games evolve. I just hope they don't throw everything out the window by all of the criticism because there's no way they can fix something unless people tell them what's wrong. The way I look at is this: They fucked up.

I'm not done with, I'll see how I like it. So far it's not great then again I didn't like 4Sword+ that much at first either...

MadOdorMachine said:
I'll give a freebie because it's Sakamoto's first game in 3D, but don't make me wait 16 years to play another "true" Metroid game on a console. Learn from this, fix the mistakes and give the fans the game they want.

I won't and I don't see why I should, all the problems I have with the gmae are problems that have their roots in other Metroid games he worked on OR could have been avoided if he was less stuborn on some things and actually followed how things were done outside of his desk.
He obviously didn't give that much of a shit what fan thoughts when Prime became more popular than his pet projects, hence why the 3 Primes takes place on 6 to 7 new planets while his metroid games from the last 10 years are either holodecks or fucking Zebes.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Mael said:
auto aim removes control from me, meaning that I have absolutely no choice in how I dispacth the foes, seeing how they went through the trouble of making the rays reflects on stuffs, that could have led to some awesome situation. As a rule I hate to be removed from the action for no good reason, auto aim do that.

when you're facing a crowd of enemies, you can alter who you're aiming at with slight dpad inputs, if that's what you mean.
I'm really trying to love this game, but it works so hard to piss me off!

The sequences where the camera moves to a close over the shoulder angle and I can't shoot or morph and Samus walks with baby steps are such a poor design decision that I want to quit playing every time they happen. Game designer," Hey guys I have a great idea, let's make the player walk awkwardly and slowly with a d-pad in 3-d around the next couple of hallways for no reason at all!"

I think the default running and jumping mechanics are great, but I want to punch things when I see that camera angle kick in.


levious said:
when you're facing a crowd of enemies, you can alter who you're aiming at with slight dpad inputs, if that's what you mean.

that's not even close to anywhere near the level of control I expect to have with something as precise as the wiimote.
heck you can't even aim the weak points without going 1rst person...
seriously auto aim is never the solution (except for rpg and even then that's debatable :lol)


I've been playing Metroid M the last couple of nights, and didnt think the story was all that bad. Even the voice acting didnt bother me, and I liked the cut scenes. Then I started getting a little annoyed at small things, like the constant switch from 3D to 2D planes, or lack of any real music. (That ambient stuff I dont count, even the SNES version had more of a musical presence)

Then I stopped playing, ejected Other M, and put in MP3, just to compare. Then its like somebody put the lights on. Everything was clear, I wasnt squinting, I could hear music, and my smile came back.

I came away with the thought that after the whole 'Newness' wore off of Other M, its something that I wont go back to.


now that i finally got Metroid working on my friend's Wii, i can't help but feel let down by this installment. The graphics are extremely bland, i even compared them to the MP series and Other M looks washed out and first generation. What happened to the music? MP1&2 had a kick ass eerie soundtrack, which seems to be absent from "other M". controls are fine, but the aiming is random and the fighting mechanics feel very muted and also samus fires extremely slow in comparison to the MP series.

i feel extremely disappointed, of course i will play the game and finish it since I'm a huge Metroid fan, but from the looks of it i won't be missing Other M once I'm done with it.


No additional functions
Mael said:
I usually don't care what they're trying to do with a game as long as it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of the game.
I liked the Prime games a lot, because of what they did more than what they missed, it could have been better but without some kind of super interface using the wiimote + leg attachement and 6 screens...
Speed boost was a pretty big omission in MP, but I think they did a good job at recreating the feeling of the original Metroid on NES.

Mael said:
Yeah no, I bought Metroid 4 : Metroid Fusion, the official sequel of Metroid 3 : Super Metroid for that. I don't need 2 officlal sequel to the same game, especially since the context is the fucking same (and the premise is better in Fusion anyway)
Okay, I'll give you that. There was a lot rehashed here.

Mael said:
auto aim removes control from me, meaning that I have absolutely no choice in how I dispacth the foes, seeing how they went through the trouble of making the rays reflects on stuffs, that could have led to some awesome situation. As a rule I hate to be removed from the action for no good reason, auto aim do that.
We'll have to agree to disagree here. I like the auto aim for the most part when you're running and gunning through levels. Where I think a more traditional "lock on" mechanic would have improved the game is in tougher foes like bosses and mini bosses. I need to replay the game again, but so far I would say this has the weakest boss fights I've ever experienced in both a Metroid and Team Ninja game.

Mael said:
I'm not done with, I'll see how I like it. So far it's not great then again I didn't like 4Sword+ that much at first either...
I can only speak for myself, but I think the game opens up a lot more at the end unfortunately and finally starts to feel like a Metroid game. This is the redeeming factor of the game. Bastards.

Mael said:
I won't and I don't see why I should, all the problems I have with the gmae are problems that have their roots in other Metroid games he worked on OR could have been avoided if he was less stuborn on some things and actually followed how things were done outside of his desk.
He obviously didn't give that much of a shit what fan thoughts when Prime became more popular than his pet projects, hence why the 3 Primes takes place on 6 to 7 new planets while his metroid games from the last 10 years are either holodecks or fucking Zebes.
You misinterpreted what I was trying to say. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "Freebie." I'm not saying that people don't have a right to complain and that there aren't legitimate problems that need to be addressed. I'm saying that creating games are a process. Zelda is a perfect example. After two sequels, Nintendo finally game fans the Zelda game they were asking for with Twilight Princess. People can complain all they want to about it, but after seeing Skyward Sword, I want a hi-def OoT/TP sequel. They gave me exactly what I wanted in those games and I want more. I've beat them both 3-4 times easily. I hope they do the same thing with Metroid and learn from their mistakes and make the sequel fans want and deserve, but I recognize that sometimes you have to take a step backward to move forward.


I am still full of complaints, but I can't deny how much damn fun I have every time I turn the game on. I'm assuming I'm near the end of the game since
Adam exploditized.

Also I'm going to guess that
MB is Madeline Bergman. And that Samus is really slow for not picking up on that. "My name is Madeline.... Bergman." Plus the robot eyes.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Mael said:
that's not even close to anywhere near the level of control I expect to have with something as precise as the wiimote.
heck you can't even aim the weak points without going 1rst person...
seriously auto aim is never the solution (except for rpg and even then that's debatable :lol)

eh, I like it. And the fact that you can aim precisely anyway makes me not understand the level of your frustration.


MadOdorMachine said:
Speed boost was a pretty big omission in MP, but I think they did a good job at recreating the feeling of the original Metroid on NES.

Ironically they couldn't have put in the speed boost even if they tried, it's kind of a catch 22, nobody have managed to make something like a first person game as fast as it's 2d brethen. If EAD couldn't do it with Mario :/...
Paradoxally they managed just that in Other M :lol

MadOdorMachine said:
Okay, I'll give you that. There was a lot rehashed here.
Which is surprising considering the twist in Fusion, you could expect something new from especially since they just did that with the X parasites!

MadOdorMachine said:
We'll have to agree to disagree here. I like the auto aim for the most part when you're running and gunning through levels. Where I think a more traditional "lock on" mechanic would have improved the game is in tougher foes like bosses and mini bosses. I need to replay the game again, but so far I would say this has the weakest boss fights I've ever experienced in both a Metroid and Team Ninja game.

I don't play many Team Ninja games, simply because most of the time I don't find them that interesting to begin with and my time is limited anyway. But what I can say is that with the nuchuck attachement providing the movement and the aiming on the wiimote it owuld play like many 2d games on Wiiware and would be really awesome to play.

MadOdorMachine said:
I can only speak for myself, but I think the game opens up a lot more at the end unfortunately and finally starts to feel like a Metroid game. This is the redeeming factor of the game. Bastards.

Well as expected I guess, that's why I feel like I'll like it a lot better by the time the game is over...

MadOdorMachine said:
You misinterpreted what I was trying to say. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "Freebie." I'm not saying that people don't have a right to complain and that there aren't legitimate problems that need to be addressed. I'm saying that creating games are a process. Zelda is a perfect example. After two sequels, Nintendo finally game fans the Zelda game they were asking for with Twilight Princess. People can complain all they want to about it, but after seeing Skyward Sword, I want a hi-def OoT/TP sequel. They gave me exactly what I wanted in those games and I want more. I've beat them both 3-4 times easily. I hope they do the same thing with Metroid and learn from their mistakes and make the sequel fans want and deserve, but I recognize that sometimes you have to take a step backward to move forward.

Well in regards to what the general populace think I know that we don't have a better metric than sales anyway.
Zelda TP sold more than WW, people want more TP and less WW.
They also didn't like MM THAT much, we won't get another one like that. As it is people like PH way more than ST, I prefer the latter but heh.
regarding Metroid, people clearly rejected Fusion and Zero Mission over the Prime games and even the NES collection which if memory doesn't fail me too hard (don't quote me on it) manage to outsold it DESPITE the NES collection game being IN Zero Mission.
If you ask me, Fusion should have fared better but I won't complain that I got 3 Prime games :lol. I bought a Cube for that and it was well worth it.
Heck the Prime formula is so well like people actually bought systems to experience it (well for Prime 1 and Prime 3 at least), I doubt Other M is going to have any impact at all
=> that's probably another slumber for Metroid, heck Super Metroid wasn't that much of a big thing at the time of its release. Donkey Kong Country actually did, hence why we got DKC2, 3 & 64 and no other Metroid until Fusion + Prime (Fusion actually proves that it's not becuase they didn't have Yokoi they didn't do another Metroid but because they couldn't do it, kinda like Mother 64 until gba came that is).

Funny how things turns out, they announce Golden Sun DS, a new 2d Mario, a new 3d Mario and a Metroid game. I get excited for the 3d Mario and the Golden Sun game while cautiously optimistic for Metroid and disregarding the 2dMario game.
And now I love the 2d Mario like no other game since a long time, I'm upset about how safe 3d Mario feels, still waiting on GS and don't care that much for the new Metroid.
If you told me that 2 years ago I would have treated you like a madman :lol
time makes a fool out of us all....

levious said:
eh, I like it. And the fact that you can aim precisely anyway makes me not understand the level of your frustration.

That's outside of my control and an unnecessary assist to cover a problem that could have been easily solved another way.
At least it's not like Dual Analog shooters where auto aim is there to cover the absolute worst control scheme I've seen for a genre since civilisation for console came out.

In short I don't like it, as a consequence the foes that you fight that way don't have differents hit box to spice up a little how to hit them.


No additional functions

I just watched this G4 feedback which was posted earlier and I agree with them 100%. People have legitimate complaints about this game and although there are some elements in the game that deserve praise, any site that would give it an 8.5 or above in a review I seriously bring into question their objectivity. They obviously have blinders on and aren't looking at the facts. It's becoming a lot clearer now that every Metroid game Sakamoto has worked on has progressively gotten worse since Super Metroid which is the last game Gunpei Yokoi worked on. They go from Fusion to Zero Mission to Other M. There are too many flaws in Other M that can no longer be over looked. I think at this point it's probably for the best that Sakamoto look onto the Metroid series from an advisory position. It's very sad and I hate to admit it, but it's the same thing as Iga with Castlevania. They both know the general direction the end point should be at, but they have no idea how to get there or implement it.


MadOdorMachine said:

I just watched this G4 feedback which was posted earlier and I agree with them 100%. People have legitimate complaints about this game and although there are some elements in the game that deserve praise, any site that would give it an 8.5 or above in a review I seriously bring into question their objectivity. They obviously have blinders on and aren't looking at the facts. It's becoming a lot clearer now that every Metroid game Sakamoto has worked on has progressively gotten worse since Super Metroid which is the last game Gunpei Yokoi worked on. They go from Fusion to Zero Mission to Other M. There are too many flaws in Other M that can no longer be over looked. I think at this point it's probably for the best that Sakamoto look onto the Metroid series from an advisory position. It's very sad and I hate to admit it, but it's the same thing as Iga with Castlevania. They both know the general direction the end point should be at, but they have no idea how to get there or implement it.

Now, now I hope you're not dissing Order of Ecclesia...
Sales aren't a good metric for what gamers think of games, or even what gamers want from them. They're just a good metric for how well marketed the games were and at a push - how good the subsequent word of mouth is. Plenty of good games have not had the sales momentum to create word of mouth in the first place, and plenty of critically acclaimed games have failed.

Conversely, plenty of arguably shit games do great business!


Gabriel Knight
Having fun with it - controls are great , cutscenes are fine , everything is fine except there is hardly any real exploration and most importantly music - the music has been real disappointing - the game would be so much better with a real
Metroid soundtrack - heck just give me the item obtained jingle geez - this really frustrates me

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
It's becoming a lot clearer now that every Metroid game Sakamoto has worked on has progressively gotten worse since Super Metroid which is the last game Gunpei Yokoi worked on.

Yokoi really wasn't involved in Super Metroid. Yokoi wasn't a game designer in the same capacity other guys at Nintendo were. Why do you think it took Shigeru Miyamoto to make his most famous game, Donkey Kong. Just like Miyamoto designed his early arcade games, other designers came in to design his Game & Watch and NES games. Yokoi was an inventor and engineer. His concern was always creating the platforms. Not necessarily the software for the platform.

I think Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission are as awesome. You can argue they aren't as good as Super Metroid, but they are leaps and bounds better than Metroid (NES) and Metroid 2 (GB) either way. Truthfully, though if you want to make an argument. You should argue Makoto Kanoh, Hiroji Kiyotake, Hiroyuki Kimura, Toru Osawa, Hirofumi Matsuoka are not involved in Metroid like they were for the first three. Not Gunpei Yokoi.


Mael said:
Samus handles mighty fine, that's not even close to being the problem.
The problem is how the game constantly tries to be Super Metroid and failing miserable.
It basically manage to shit on 2 masterpiece in the process.
Too boot, for a remake of a game that is so reliant on navigating, getting lost and all. They mange to completely remove the whole isolation and give you a map in case you're too bad to make your own.
And even if you take it in isolation it's basically a game that can safely be ignored as it brings nearly nothing of worth to the serie.
I mean 1 new power up? give me a break.

And hillariously the Metroids are not even a threat in that game >.>

Words cannot even begin to describe how pathological this post really is.

The Yokoi statements are hilarious. How can people be so misinformed.


radioheadrule83 said:
Sales aren't a good metric for what gamers think of games, or even what gamers want from them. They're just a good metric for how well marketed the games were and at a push - how good the subsequent word of mouth is. Plenty of good games have not had the sales momentum to create word of mouth in the first place, and plenty of critically acclaimed games have failed.

Conversely, plenty of arguably shit games do great business!

That's the only consistent metric we have though,
so either you make plans using some astrologers or you use the tools already there.
Sales actually provide a good way of knowing :
- people didn't like it enough to keep it? returned copies will flood the market place, making the sales of additional shipments harder if not impossible.
- people really like it and want more? nearly no returned copies on the market place, additional shipments will be asked by the retailers.

I'm not even talking of the final sales data LTD/YTD but simply the kind of data the sales department have. I don't expect that kind of data to ever be public (seriously do you expect to know how much copies said games will sell in your town? in every town of your region? in how much time? after how many shipments?)
I'm pretty sure the sales departments are well aware if people like the games they sell or not, or they're really more incompetent than I've been led to believe and the house of cards should have fallen a long time ago.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
Yokoi really wasn't involved in Super Metroid. Yokoi wasn't a game designer in the same capacity other guys at Nintendo were. Why do you think it took Shigeru Miyamoto to make his most famous game, Donkey Kong. Just like Miyamoto designed his early arcade games, other designers came in to design his Game & Watch and NES games. Yokoi was an inventor and engineer. His concern was always creating the platforms. Not necessarily the software for the platform.

I think Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission are as awesome. You can argue they aren't as good as Super Metroid, but they are leaps and bounds better than Metroid (NES) and Metroid 2 (GB) either way. Truthfully, though if you want to make an argument. You should argue Makoto Kanoh, Hiroji Kiyotake, Hiroyuki Kimura, Toru Osawa, Hirofumi Matsuoka are not involved in Metroid like they were for the first three. Not Gunpei Yokoi.

Thank God for someone who knows what they're talking about. Sick of hearing about how terrible Sakamoto's Metroid is without Yokoi...
Yep, Other M is really dividing the fanbase.
Those that love it despite the
flaws and those that think it's the worst thing ever
/where dropped on their head as a child


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Yokoi really wasn't involved in Super Metroid. Yokoi wasn't a game designer in the same capacity other guys at Nintendo were. Why do you think it took Shigeru Miyamoto to make his most famous game, Donkey Kong. Just like Miyamoto designed his early arcade games, other designers came in to design his Game & Watch and NES games. Yokoi was an inventor and engineer. His concern was always creating the platforms. Not necessarily the software for the platform.

I thought this was quite clear when the credits rolled up and Yokoi was credited in upper management or something.
Heck most people consider some games to be Miyamoto's babies but really it's doubtful he had his hands on the level designs and inner working of the games.
I mean it's a joint effort after all, similarly I doubt Sakamoto is alone to blame for Other M, Fusion or even Zero Mission.
I feel like everybody blaming an individual for a game is actually blaming that individual's team more than anything.
Heck despite all the accollade Super Metroid got it's not exactly the best to be expected out of the series that could never be topped either, it's far from being perfect like every game.
For what each Metroid game tried to do, it's not as competently made as Metroid or Metroid 2 for example. Heck Fusion was pretty well made at what it tried to do in some places, Zero Mission on the other hand...


No additional functions
Mael said:
Now, now I hope you're not dissing Order of Ecclesia...
I've played every Castlevania game since SOTN and by the time this was released I pretty much gave up. Keep in mind that I bought both PS2 games and the Dracula X chronicles on PSP. I'll be there on day one of LoS, but it's time for a reboot and I don't think LoS will be it either. I really think Konami should team up with Treasure on this. They would have been better off going with Kamiya (Platinum Games) on LoS because that's exactly the type of game you're getting and he would have done it better. I'm just calling it as it is, but I do think Igarashi should be kept for story. The same thing applies to Sakamoto. It's his baby, but it's clear now that he needs to be there on a more limited basis. Here's a good example. Imagine if instead of him saying, "Make me a 3D Metroid with NES controls." He said, "Make me a new 3D Metroid experience in third person with simple, NES like controls."


MadOdorMachine said:

I just watched this G4 feedback which was posted earlier and I agree with them 100%. People have legitimate complaints about this game and although there are some elements in the game that deserve praise, any site that would give it an 8.5 or above in a review I seriously bring into question their objectivity. They obviously have blinders on and aren't looking at the facts. It's becoming a lot clearer now that every Metroid game Sakamoto has worked on has progressively gotten worse since Super Metroid which is the last game Gunpei Yokoi worked on. They go from Fusion to Zero Mission to Other M. There are too many flaws in Other M that can no longer be over looked. I think at this point it's probably for the best that Sakamoto look onto the Metroid series from an advisory position. It's very sad and I hate to admit it, but it's the same thing as Iga with Castlevania. They both know the general direction the end point should be at, but they have no idea how to get there or implement it.

Isn't it a two way street though, from the G4 review I read and listen to, some of their problems deal with the fact that it is a Metroid game and they mark it down accordingly for being a part of the franchise.

And even your argument stems from the fact that the quality of the game doesn't match up to the lineage of the franchise.

So how can anyone be objective of this game without calling into question the quality of the previous game?


MadOdorMachine said:
I've played every Castlevania game since SOTN and by the time this was released I pretty much gave up. Keep in mind that I bought both PS2 games and the Dracula X chronicles on PSP. I'll be there on day one of LoS, but it's time for a reboot and I don't think LoS will be it either. I really think Konami should team up with Treasure on this. They would have been better off going with Kamiya (Platinum Games) on LoS because that's exactly the type of game you're getting and he would have done it better. I'm just calling it as it is, but I do think Igarashi should be kept for story. The same thing applies to Sakamoto. It's his baby, but it's clear now that he needs to be there on a more limited basis. Here's a good example. Imagine if instead of him saying, "Make me a 3D Metroid with NES controls." He said, "Make me a new 3D Metroid experience in third person with simple, NES like controls."

I didn't follow much of 3d Castlevania, heck the last I tried was actually worse than the n64 games that were not considered very good to begin with.
in both cases, they should have made a big Bible with all the relevant info there and go from there to make sure the lore never get incoherent or something.
Who cares if Sakamoto or someone else is behind it, it's not like people cared much when they didn't know who was behind the story of OoT or even DQ5, so for action game #98754 I doubt we should care if someone leave or not.
Seriously the games have always been about playing the thing more than the stories anyway.

robor said:
Words cannot even begin to describe how pathological this post really is.

The Yokoi statements are hilarious. How can people be so misinformed.

Dialectic is not my thing, so I'll acknowledge you even post when you'll actually debate.
Or we can actually recall this thread :
Metroid Other M |OT| Hall of Sycophants - prayer to Lord Sakamoto on Monday/Thursday/Sunday


Metroid Other M |OT| Yo dawg we heard you like Super Metroid, so we put our perceived Samus in your perceived Samus so you can bitch while you bitch.


robor said:
Metroid Other M |OT| Yo dawg we heard you like Super Metroid, so we put our perceived Samus in your perceived Samus so you can bitch while you bitch.

Kinda works since that's what they actually made her now :lol
works better with wimps though


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Shikamaru Ninja said:
Yokoi really wasn't involved in Super Metroid. Yokoi wasn't a game designer in the same capacity other guys at Nintendo were. Why do you think it took Shigeru Miyamoto to make his most famous game, Donkey Kong. Just like Miyamoto designed his early arcade games, other designers came in to design his Game & Watch and NES games. Yokoi was an inventor and engineer. His concern was always creating the platforms. Not necessarily the software for the platform.

I think Metroid Fusion and Metroid: Zero Mission are as awesome. You can argue they aren't as good as Super Metroid, but they are leaps and bounds better than Metroid (NES) and Metroid 2 (GB) either way. Truthfully, though if you want to make an argument. You should argue Makoto Kanoh, Hiroji Kiyotake, Hiroyuki Kimura, Toru Osawa, Hirofumi Matsuoka are not involved in Metroid like they were for the first three. Not Gunpei Yokoi.
EAD Ninja - I'm not an expert, but it seems pretty apparent that Gunpei influenced the early games. Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission are two very different games. It's easy to see how one would be upset about the re-imagining of it. Is it just a coincidence or was Yokoi's hand instrumental in making the early games as good as they were?
MadOdorMachine said:
EAD Ninja - I'm not an expert, but it seems pretty apparent that Gunpei influenced the early games. Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission are two very different games. It's easy to see how one would be upset about the re-imagining of it. Is it just a coincidence or was Yokoi's hand instrumental in making the early games as good as they were?

I don't see how... considering ZM is so much better than the original.


MadOdorMachine said:
EAD Ninja - I'm not an expert, but it seems pretty apparent that Gunpei influenced the early games. Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission are two very different games. It's easy to see how one would be upset about the re-imagining of it. Is it just a coincidence or was Yokoi's hand instrumental in making the early games as good as they were?

which is basicallyhis point, it's not Yokoi it's the other guys on the team that also left that make the whole difference.
And they're not dead (I hope) so they could be made to work on a new Metroid way more easily than Yokoi...


Mael said:
Dialectic is not my thing, so I'll acknowledge you even post when you'll actually debate.
Or we can actually recall this thread :
Metroid Other M |OT| Hall of Sycophants - prayer to Lord Sakamoto on Monday/Thursday/Sunday

Nothing to do with dialect. Everything to do with lack of understanding of what you're criticizing.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Gunpei, Sakamoto, rar rar bla bla. Prime proves neither are necessary to make 'Metroid'.


I thought your post about the image of Samus was spot on EatChildren. Everybody is bitching about all this shit after the fact. If you were to ask the guys behind SM, you'd get an answer for what has been the main mission right from the first Metroid: experimentation. It has, and will always be that way.


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Penguin said:
Isn't it a two way street though, from the G4 review I read and listen to, some of their problems deal with the fact that it is a Metroid game and they mark it down accordingly for being a part of the franchise.

And even your argument stems from the fact that the quality of the game doesn't match up to the lineage of the franchise.

So how can anyone be objective of this game without calling into question the quality of the previous game?
You're absolutely right. I do have my own blinders on but I have questioned how appealing this will be to new comers of the series. I personally think that most people would stop playing the game pretty early on if they weren't fans of Metroid or Team Ninja. For now, it's time for me to turn it in though. I'll try the game again soon on hard mode and give more impressions later.


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AceBandage said:
I don't see how... considering ZM is so much better than the original.
Zero Mission pretty much told you exactly where to go thru out the whole game. It completely took out any sense of exploration the first game had. The graphics were better and they added in a neat stealth section, but purists will find the original superior.
AceBandage said:
I don't see how... considering ZM is so much better than the original.

Better? Yes. But the original Metroid is still a good game that contains some elements that were rather poorly replicated in Zero Mission.

For instance, whilst the original Metroid is perhaps overly confusing, Zero Mission was far too kind to the player in letting them know their next objective. Gone was the element of surprise and satisfaction when coming across a new item after considerable exploring. Though of course in Zero Mission you still have to find your way through Zebes to get to the marked item, there's no doubt that the approach that the earlier 2D Metroids took is more satisfying, even if ZM's method is more approachable.

The original Metroid also had a considerably more hostile environment than Zero Mission - a lot of this can be placed on the fact that Zero Mission is too easy. Hard Mode is another matter entirely, but I'm talking about the default mode here.

Like I said, Zero Mission is a better game (and a fantastic remake) but it is not perfect nor does it render the original as irrelevant.


MadOdorMachine said:
Zero Mission pretty much told you exactly where to go thru out the whole game. It completely took out any sense of exploration the first game had. The graphics were better and they added in a neat stealth section, but purists will find the original superior.

Except for the level design and map navigation, of which I consider superior even to SM.
MadOdorMachine said:
Zero Mission pretty much told you exactly where to go thru out the whole game. It completely took out any sense of exploration the first game had. The graphics were better and they added in a neat stealth section, but purists will find the original superior.

The same purists that raged on Wind Waker when it came out and the same purists that hated the idea of Metroid going first person.
Sorry, but purists aren't real fans of the games, they're just people that hate change.


AceBandage said:
The same purists that raged on Wind Waker when it came out and the same purists that hated the idea of Metroid going first person.
Sorry, but purists aren't real fans of the games, they're just people that hate change.

Pretty much this.
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