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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


DavidDayton said:
Finished the game yesterday, about 8.5 hours with about 40% of the items.

The story was surprisingly less annoying that everyone was whining that it would be; to be honest, the only thing that really bugged me was the silly "thumbs down" scene.

The game was fun and rarely let up on Metroid-esque action; I never felt like I was fighting the controls, and so I must assume the controls were perfect for the game. The game design seemed perfect for using just a joypad -- it would be far clumsier and more awkward if you used an analog joystick, as you wouldn't have such precise placement of Samus.

High points of the game:
Queen Metroid
reveal (I really wasn't expecting that)
* Frantically refilling energy in the middle of a boss fight
* Killing dozens of bad guys on screen at the same time
* Samus's artistic little flips when jumping from place to place.

Low points of the game . . . well, there are only two, really.
1) "Thumbs down" -- it was such a silly looking, awkward scene.
2) Too short -- yeah, I know, it's a Metroid game. It still feels like it ended halfway through the game.
3) Tied to point 2, the game ends on a weird note.
The extended story and mini-battle sequence after the Queen made me think the game was still going, and left me confused/annoyed/frustrated when it was revealed to be the end. If the game had sharply ended after the Queen's death, OR if I had been given one more boss fight, I'd be more satisfied. The game hints at a battle with MB, but then SHOWS IT TO YOU instead of letting you fight... that's really annoying. The credits roll as I sat in a state of frustration at being "cheated" of a real final sequence.
4) I know it's a Metroid game, but there seem to be too many "unfair"/obscure sequences in the game. It sounds like nearly everyone struggled with at least ONE of the "find the item" scenes, and I was really annoyed by
power bombing of the Queen Metroid
. It seems inexcusable to require the player to use an attack that the player should have NO IDEA is either possible or required at the moment. I mean, I knew what to do because of playing
Metroid II
, and couldn't figure out why nothing was working. How am I supposed to know that
I can suddenly use a power that had been locked off the entire game

Even if my "problems" section seems long, I enjoyed Metroid: Other M . . . I can see it being a solid "B" game.

so you know there's more to the game after the credits right? Still a boss fight in your future.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Kard8p3 said:
so you know there's more to the game after the credits right? Still a boss fight in your future.


But yeah, the end of the main game was pretty underwhelming. I didn't even realize I had beaten it until I was halfway through the ending.


DavidDayton said:
3) Tied to point 2, the game ends on a weird note.
The extended story and mini-battle sequence after the Queen made me think the game was still going, and left me confused/annoyed/frustrated when it was revealed to be the end. If the game had sharply ended after the Queen's death, OR if I had been given one more boss fight, I'd be more satisfied. The game hints at a battle with MB, but then SHOWS IT TO YOU instead of letting you fight... that's really annoying. The credits roll as I sat in a state of frustration at being "cheated" of a real final sequence.
No, you haven't finished the game yet. Keep playing.
There actually is one more boss fight.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Kard8p3 said:
so you know there's more to the game after the credits right? Still a boss fight in your future.

Oh, yes, I've already done that... the problem is even with that little extra, there's really not much more to the game.
Yes, I fought Phantoon (?) and got the special helmet ending
. However, the game still seems to end far too abruptly after
the Queen Metroid
. The whole final plot resolution was essentially a pile of CGI film - it really needed to either end far before that, or have SOME player involvement in the ending
and the resolution of MB


Lost Fragment said:

But yeah, the end of the main game was pretty underwhelming. I didn't even realize I had beaten it until I was halfway through the ending.
Same here, but I think it's mostly because it seemingly comes out of nowhere. It made more sense and felt better during my second play through.


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DavidDayton said:
The game design seemed perfect for using just a joypad -- it would be far clumsier and more awkward if you used an analog joystick, as you wouldn't have such precise placement of Samus.
How would analog be less precise? I use the nun-chuck for NSMB and I don't see how the controls for the d-pad can't be replicated on the analog stick. A lot of last gen 3D games (DMC, Castlevania:LOI, Ninja Gaiden) could only use 8 way control and you didn't hear people complaining about it. In no way would analog have detracted from the controls.


Wren said:
Wait what? When did this happen?

Some PR was put out a day or two ago and in it they say the Prime games are a separate series of games. I found it on the site you GO to for Nintendo news.


(more a nerd than a geek)
MadOdorMachine said:
How would analog be less precise? I use the nun-chuck for NSMB and I don't see how the controls for the d-pad can't be replicated on the analog stick. A lot of last gen 3D games (DMC, Castlevania:LOI, Ninja Gaiden) could only use 8 way control and you didn't hear people complaining about it. In no way would analog have detracted from the controls.

You used the nunchuck for NSMB? Ugggh... just... uggggh. Digital 2D platforming with an analog thumbstick?

However, getting back to your point, given that the vast majority of Metroid: Other M essentially uses two dimensional gameplay, a digital joypad makes it easier to stay along the same horizontal planes. Moving from room to room rarely, if ever, requires repositioning or diagonal movement. You wouldn't have the same ease of movement with analog controls.

I'm not saying you couldn't make a side scrolling Metroid with analog controls -- I just don't think it would have meshed well with Metroid: Other M's gameplay. I never had to reposition myself or adjust the camera in M:OM, which is something I've had to do in every other 3D movement game.
Finished the game

- Controls were pretty good, and action was great.
- Story is ok, and despite people's complaints I imagined Samus'es internal monologues to be pretty flat she's supposed to be kind of stoic.
- Recharging missles/health in battle is exciting.
- Villain wasn't predictable
Who's the deleter?

- Very little to no indication on what would trigger Samus to dodge, countless times i'd get grabbed or hit waiting for the dodge. Later doding is almost required to fight (jumping doesn't work), looks kind of ugly when I have to run in circles to try and get the dodge to execute.
- Morph-ball instead of FPS mode or Concentration is really annoying
- Cheap ninja gaiden bosses
- Quite a few areas where you're completely stuck, scanning doesn't give hits sometimes when it should
- Switching view modes/calibration is still weird I have a tendency to aim up as the enemy is airborne maybe wii motion plus support should've been added.

I don't see why people are complaining about authorization of abilities people are really overblown. First off if it is authorized before any threat is shown you will not be grateful for getting it; same as older Metroids you don't get the power-up immediately. Secondly the damage isn't that much designers obviously took that into consideration and unless you are just standing around it takes less than 40% of your life to pass the larger sections, if anything it gives you a sense of urgency.

Post game help
How do I get into the room yellow marker on the map?


anotheriori said:
I don't see why people are complaining about authorization of abilities people are really overblown.

There's this one section after shortly after you get the shinespark move,
where you're dropped down into a hallway with a glass window, a gap, another glass window, and one of those buttons that needs a charged blast to activate. This is the first Metroid I've played for more than ten minutes, so I didn't know there was some beam that goes through glass. So, I thought, hey, I'll just back up and shinespark bust through these windows. Of course, you can't, since the distance is just a bit too short, so ten minutes ensues of me inching backwards, accidentally sliding down the hill, rolling through the sections back up, and trying again. Finally I give up, go back a screen or two, and out of nowhere enemies appear behind walled off glass. Now you decide to authorize this super duper beam, Malkovich? Goddamn that was annoying. Forcing you to bang your head against the wall, give up, and then just give you the solution is bad game design. /rant
dwebo said:
There's this one section after shortly after you get the shinespark move
This isn't unique to Other M though, there's always been areas just slightly out of reach without the right powerup.

Find this random quote about the Ridley cutscene on 4chan:
Sure, it's painfully stupid and she's very weakly portrayed, but seconds later, you are FUCKING HIS SHIT UP


anotheriori said:
This isn't unique to Other M though, there's always been areas just slightly out of reach without the right powerup.

Yeah, I know, but you had to find the powerup, which could've been down another hallway or whatnot. You were never put into a complete dead end and then just given the thing you needed?


Stuck in Sector 1. Having a lot of fun so far though, I'm thinking I missed the part where I get the super missiles or something because as far as I can tell I need them to progress further.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ridley battle.

Oh my god.

So good.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yes, the rationale behind the authorization stuff is mind-bendingly dumb.

But that's not even my problem with it. My problem with it is that sucks a lot of the fun out of exploration. Yes, it functions exactly like previous games in that you get an item when you reach a certain point. But the only things you get to find on your own are missle/energy upgrades, and occasionally those things that let you charge faster. I died like twice during the main game and ran out of missiles exactly 0 times. Why am I supposed to feel excited about finding an upgrade that increases my missile cacpacity by 1?


Well thanks to some shops here in break-the-street-date-for-anything-Halo, Nintendo allowed the game to be sold before the actual release date :lol.

So my impressions are kinda what I expected sadly and worse in some case...
Being in the middle of Sector 1, I'm not very far into it so maybe the game will 'click' on the Metroid part cause so far it's not exactly what I expected of a Metroid game AT ALL.
I'm following dots on the maps, they actually give me the extremely detailed map which actually suck in comparison to any Prime game maps (seriously was that so hard to make a 3d map?).
The controls are disappointment town : indeed a nunchuck would have proved a vast improvement as the autoaim feels like a cheap trick on something that would have made the game actually more interesting.
the way you fight is actually not so bad, not withstanding crappy autoaim.

Now the game is technically good but not really up to Retro's standard, especially in term of atmosphere (and I thought we did the holodeck space station before? I mean again? I'm in the camp that generally doesn't mind going into a game to see something similar but seriously the holodeck was not exactly the best thing to keep from Fusion....) and music (barely audible for what it is).
The power suit feels indeed really like a cheap costume instead of the powerful armor of athe most badass heroine this side of gaming (i.e it sucks, and I mean I prefer some of the worst design by Retro(PED suits)).
the story is too tightly woven into the game and the constant exposition StarWars prequel style doesn't help AT ALL. I mean when I'm having a flashback from attack of the clone during a flashback in M:OM that's not a good sign.
so far Samus is a wimp, like a total wimp...Not exactly what I expected after the whole way Super Metroid played out or even after she did basically went genocide happy on a whole planet...
the difficulty of the game now feels like it stems more from the bosses than the ennemies which is ...nice but not exactly great either, I had a harder time in some places of SM which is already fucking easy.
I mean they kept saying they went oldschool style (like a modern NES metroid, well NES Metroid is ruthless and doesn't give any indication AT ALL. M:OM is not nearly close to it, it stray even farther than bloody Zero Mission).

The good point is that if I hate the game I'll have no problem ignoring it as it doesn't have any of the signature music you expect from a Metroid game :lol

So far it's still my early impression, I feel like they went kinda like for Crystal Bearer and FFXIII in streamlining the game except this time I can't fucking stand it.
Let's hope the game actually feels like a Metroid game soon.

It's not horrible by any and I don't expect to sell it at all, it's still so far the worst game with the Metroid name on it that I played

Oh and that doesn't mean that if you like it you're a moron either, it just means it's not my cup of tea.
And story is not an issue I'm actually playing and loving my time with FFXIII, of all games :/.

so to sum up, some issue I take with the game :
fucking auto aim,
obvious and blattant linearity-town like no tomorrow,
actually making Samus-the-character a wimp instead of making Samus-the-one-you're-playing a wimp like in all the others,
confession time : it is no surprise that I'm not a fan of this type of story telling, still every time I heard a monologue about how young, naive and wimpy Samus is, I feel like someone explains to me that actually BAtman is not badass at all : he's just a wimpy crybaby who just want a few cuddles,
fucking horrible level design : sorry but in a 3d game about exploration (and especially Metroid) if I can see a place I expect to be able to get there or interact with it, in short : FUCKING INVISIBLE WALLS. By that alone it's reason enough for me to not consider it as a proper metroid game, I already hated how the infinite drops where handled in Prime 2/3 but this...this is making me see red!(I hate them too in 3d Mario btw)
And I supposed I'm not a fan of being a sitting duck when I want to use a missile, although it's nice to be able to aim while in freefall.
Oh and I forgot : I 'm no fan either of the whole kill-all-foes-to-get-the-hidden-item-clue, way to transform the whole item-seeking into an unfun formula


Instro said:
Stuck in Sector 1. Having a lot of fun so far though, I'm thinking I missed the part where I get the super missiles or something because as far as I can tell I need them to progress further.

i think you need to enter a hole near that door.

super missiles can't be missed because you get them right before Plasma and the ridley battle.


Osuwari said:
i think you need to enter a hole near that door.

super missiles can't be missed because you get them right before Plasma and the ridley battle.

Hm, Ill have to canvas the area again tomorrow.
Socreges said:
Dude, you are so confused. Read your original post. Then re-read my reply. There is no such thing as objective analysis. That was my point. Because you were trying to suggest that anyone saying this was a bad design choice is meaningless because it's subjective. EVERYTHING is subjective. But if we follow your logic to its natural conclusion, then we are unable to have opinions... on anything.

Metroid Other M has several bad design choices.


"Well. That's just, like... your opinion, man."

OBVIOUSLY. But I believe it to be true.

It's not like you're new to arguments and dissenting opinions, so don't act like it.

Where did I say that subjectivity was meaningless? If anything, I'm stressing the importance of it. I'm not saying this was a bad design choice is meaningless, or that we can't have opinions etc.. I'm merely saying that some of people seem to be dressing their opinions up as facts (not to mention clinging to them as if they are so). Of course, having an opinion isn't a bad thing, but when it's clung to like an objective truth with a certain incorrigibility, it's disappointing and dangerous. How many people will have come into this thread with a little interest only to see 'Worst Metroid ever' and 'full of bad design choices' and left thinking that there is something universally and fundamentally wrong with the game, when that just isn't so. I'm guessing not very many, but we'll never know.

So I suppose you could say "well that's your strong opinion, man."

I totally agree with what Threi said, in that people on here are trying to make the game something it isn't. They want the game that they wanted rather than what they've been given, and seem so against even giving it a chance that it's not even fair. I suppose it is the internet after all, where opinions are polarised more often than not. It just seems a shame that GAF of all places can't civil about.

It seems a shame to break the lull with walls of text. It's been nice reading peoples' opinions without them verging on the vitriolic.


MarshMellow96 said:
Where did I say that subjectivity was meaningless? If anything, I'm stressing the importance of it. I'm not saying this was a bad design choice is meaningless, or that we can't have opinions etc.. I'm merely saying that some of people seem to be dressing their opinions up as facts (not to mention clinging to them as if they are so). Of course, having an opinion isn't a bad thing, but when it's clung to like an objective truth with a certain incorrigibility, it's disappointing and dangerous. How many people will have come into this thread with a little interest only to see 'Worst Metroid ever' and 'full of bad design choices' and left thinking that there is something universally and fundamentally wrong with the game, when that just isn't so. I'm guessing not very many, but we'll never know.

So I suppose you could say "well that's your strong opinion, man."

I totally agree with what Threi said, in that people on here are trying to make the game something it isn't. They want the game that they wanted rather than what they've been given, and seem so against even giving it a chance that it's not even fair. I suppose it is the internet after all, where opinions are polarised more often than not. It just seems a shame that GAF of all places can't civil about.

It seems a shame to break the lull with walls of text. It's been nice reading peoples' opinions without them verging on the vitriolic.

Well to be fair THEY were the one who promised that this game is for the oldschool Metroid fan and all.
And by that I mean people whole loved M1&M2, seriously there's no denying that this game is more Metroid Fusion IN 3D than a new Metroid game that everybody was holding their breath for.
I don't think it's doing a disservice to anyone to say that the game is actually different to what the promo from the game expect us to believe.


Mael said:
Well to be fair THEY were the one who promised that this game is for the oldschool Metroid fan and all.
And by that I mean people whole loved M1&M2, seriously there's no denying that this game is more Metroid Fusion IN 3D than a new Metroid game that everybody was holding their breath for.
I don't think it's doing a disservice to anyone to say that the game is actually different to what the promo from the game expect us to believe.

From the beginning Sakamoto said the game would be more like Fusion.
Mael said:
Well to be fair THEY were the one who promised that this game is for the oldschool Metroid fan and all.
And by that I mean people whole loved M1&M2, seriously there's no denying that this game is more Metroid Fusion IN 3D than a new Metroid game that everybody was holding their breath for.
I don't think it's doing a disservice to anyone to say that the game is actually different to what the promo from the game expect us to believe.

Granted, but I think that it's probably in line with ZM and Fusion in that it's closer to 'retro' Metroidvania than say, Prime, so he's half right (if that makes any sense). I suppose that's what he gets for calling it a NES game with today's tech. :p


Kard8p3 said:
From the beginning Sakamoto said the game would be more like Fusion.

He said a lot of things, heck apparently according to him samus isn't even a bounty hunter (hence the reason why Prime 3 ended up the way it did)!
Heck if you're expecting a game where you'd collect bounty with Samus and all, perish the thought.
Still he also said that this game was like NES Metroid made with the means we have now, considering he's also responsible for the second remake of Metroid (that turned out to be quite horrible to boot compared to the original), I'm not sure he's THAT reliable either.

MarshMellow96 said:
Granted, but I think that it's probably in line with ZM and Fusion in that it's closer to 'retro' Metroidvania than say, Prime, so he's half right (if that makes any sense). I suppose that's what he gets for calling it a NES game with today's tech. :p

huh actually I played all the Metroidvania and I don't remember being shown a point and all the access on how to get there.
It's close to Fusion and ZM to an extent but it strays very far from the other Metroids and even the metroidvanias.
The story wasn't so prevalent either in the metroidvania games.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
As much as I'm loving this game, I really gotta give props to the Prime series, particuarly Echoes and Corruption, for adding new suits and items to Samus. If there's one thing I really hope they do after Other M, its explore new ideas, items and weapons.


EatChildren said:
As much as I'm loving this game, I really gotta give props to the Prime series, particuarly Echoes and Corruption, for adding new suits and items to Samus. If there's one thing I really hope they do after Other M, its explore new ideas, items and weapons.

You better not be implying that they took the lazy root again and forget to put new powerups in this game!
Mael said:
huh actually I played all the Metroidvania and I don't remember being shown a point and all the access on how to get there.
It's close to Fusion and ZM to an extent but it strays very far from the other Metroids and even the metroidvanias.
The story wasn't so prevalent either in the metroidvania games.

I give up. :lol


MarshMellow96 said:
Where did I say that subjectivity was meaningless?
Your original post that I replied to was trying to invalidate individual evaluation because it's subjective. You said that saying something is a bad design choice is "an easy way out for people who dislike the game or certain design aspects". Bullshit.

Concerning this and the rest of your post,

This is your problem, as I see it. Because certain opinions don't align with yours, you have created a deluded litany of bullshit around such dissent:

"People are dressing their opinions up as facts"
"GAF can't be civil"
"What about the (retarded?) people that will see opinions and assume that they are universal facts?"
"People won't give it a chance because they didn't get what they wanted"

Gah. Get over it already.


MarshMellow96 said:
I give up. :lol
"Give up"? What exactly is your mission? It seems like you're committed to indiscriminately and uncritically defending the game and, when you can't reply with sound arguments, you try to de-legitimize people's opinions.


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MarshMellow96 said:
I totally agree with what Threi said, in that people on here are trying to make the game something it isn't. They want the game that they wanted rather than what they've been given, and seem so against even giving it a chance that it's not even fair. I suppose it is the internet after all, where opinions are polarised more often than not. It just seems a shame that GAF of all places can't civil about.
This is such a cop out excuse for what the developers have confirmed by their own admission. It isn't that people don't realize what the game is. We want to know wtf the developers were thinking especially given the fact this started development in 2006. That's over 3 years. This shit should have been ironed out! The controls should have been there. The story should have been properly conducted and there should have been music. There is none! And don't even get me started on issues like "Where's Waldo." They basically made a game that's inaccessable for a lot of people. There are a ton of people that have brought up all kinds of poor design choices in this game, and people want to defend it. Are there good things about the game? Yes, but there are some pretty massive problems with it as well.


MarshMellow96 said:
I give up. :lol
He even hates on Zero Mission what the hell. ZM was near perfection. I almost want to put it over Super Metroid because Samus handles so goddamn good. Worse than the original? What the heck are you on?! The original is pretty unplayable today.


Gouken said:
about 6-9 months after the official launch.

i'm gonna send the game back and get a refund :(

Keep putting the disk in and out. It will probably read eventually. The disk cleaning kit helps.


kiryogi said:
He even hates on Zero Mission what the hell. ZM was near perfection. I almost want to put it over Super Metroid because Samus handles so goddamn good.

Samus handles mighty fine, that's not even close to being the problem.
The problem is how the game constantly tries to be Super Metroid and failing miserable.
It basically manage to shit on 2 masterpiece in the process.
Too boot, for a remake of a game that is so reliant on navigating, getting lost and all. They mange to completely remove the whole isolation and give you a map in case you're too bad to make your own.
And even if you take it in isolation it's basically a game that can safely be ignored as it brings nearly nothing of worth to the serie.
I mean 1 new power up? give me a break.

And hillariously the Metroids are not even a threat in that game >.>


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Mael said:
Samus handles mighty fine, that's not even close to being the problem.
The problem is how the game constantly tries to be Super Metroid and failing miserable.
It basically manage to shit on 2 masterpiece in the process.
Too boot, for a remake of a game that is so reliant on navigating, getting lost and all. They mange to completely remove the whole isolation and give you a map in case you're too bad to make your own.
And even if you take it in isolation it's basically a game that can safely be ignored as it brings nearly nothing of worth to the serie.
I mean 1 new power up? give me a break.

And hillariously the Metroids are not even a threat in that game >.>
I don't think the Other M is as bad about telling you where to go as Zero Mission. There were plenty of times when I had the dot on the map, but it took me quite a while to figure out how to get there. I like how they extended the game and let you get more power ups, but I don't like that they're pretty much pointless in the game. It does kind of make it feel unrewarding. Regardless I did start having fun with it eventually, but if it's not your bag I completely understand. There's a lot about this game that will turn people off.
I'm not in agreement with the nitpicking about the story, nor the first person stuff... the latter in fact is quite satisfying at times, particularly now I've realised I can still dodge in that mode! The combat is amazing and felt particularly so as soon as
space pirates
came into it... leaping on top of them, throwing them about, countering their swipes and kicks, dodging their fire, finishing them in style... its just awesome! The layout of the bottle ship feels a bit linear at times, but as I'm continually seeing items and paths I know I will need to come back for -- it also seems like a vintage Metroid layout. It feels no more linear to me than Fusion. It feels like there are a lot of save points in the game, and I don't like how it shows you were to go after almost every save, but I can live with that. I wish the rooms had names on the map screen too.

Overall, I'm loving it...

The ONLY thing thats pissed me off, and I mean *really* pissed me off - has been the forced-first-person investigation scenes. It requires you be way too precise - which I don't really understand. Switches, buttons and enemies in this game lock-on in first person mode just fine -- but the discoveries you have to make in that investigation mode can easily be missed!
The creatures in the dark purple-lit room before the wasps mini-boss. The Galactic Federation badge on the space pirate. The green blood on green grass.
They easily represent the worst game design decision in this game,
Socreges said:
Your original post that I replied to was trying to invalidate individual evaluation because it's subjective. You said that saying something is a bad design choice is "an easy way out for people who dislike the game or certain design aspects". Bullshit.

No, it wasn't. "People are dressing their opinions up as facts"? That is what I have a problem with. I don't care what you think of the game so long as you're not running around telling people (sorry - retards) what to think as if the game commits sacrilege against the tenets of gaming something.

Most of the people have made their own minds up anyway. That's fine with me.

Socreges said:
Gah. Get over it already.

Get over it? I see, it's only a gaming forum. I can't be butthurt when people twist my words or act without a sense of propriety. Okay.

MadOdorMachine said:
This is such a cop out excuse for what the developers have confirmed by their own admission.

This is bullshit. Do all developers have to the consumer's kiss ass or something? You don't hear a director say 'sorry I fucked up on that, I'm doing it better next time - promise!'. You don't get a writer coming out with an 'alternate' version of a book because someone didn't like it; no, they stand by their vision. Why should a game designer be any different? Why should anyone compromise their vision of their art for you or anyone else? Bullshit.

Misinterpret this as you please. I'm done with this thread.


MarshMellow96 said:
No, it wasn't. "People are dressing their opinions up as facts"? That is what I have a problem with. I don't care what you think of the game so long as you're not running around telling people (sorry - retards) what to think as if the game commits sacrilege against the tenets of gaming something.
Yes, it was. I just quoted you! It's RIGHT THERE. :lol I don't think you realize the implications of your own words.

Anyway. With respect to your central problem. What are you even referring to? What constitutes "people dressing their opinions up as facts"? Examples?

MarshMellow96 said:
Get over it? I see, it's only a gaming forum. I can't be butthurt when people twist my words or act without a sense of propriety. Okay.
You even admit that you're butthurt. I love that.

But that's not what I'm referring to. It's you treating the expression of negative opinions as a lack of civility. You de-legitimizing people's criticisms by acting as if the sole source of their disappointment is that they "aren't giving the game a chance", thereby suggesting that the REALITY is that everyone should enjoy this game. And you expressing ridiculous, contrived concern for the poor innocents that will enter this thread, none the wiser that the opinions they see are, in fact, not absolute truths. NOTE: They're going to see people saying things like "This game is awesome", too. Should I be fearing people potentially spending hard-earned money on a game they might not enjoy?

So when I say "Get over it", that is in reference to your grave concern with, and complete intolerance of, people's criticisms.


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MarshMellow96 said:
This is bullshit. Do all developers have to the consumer's kiss ass or something? You don't hear a director say 'sorry I fucked up on that, I'm doing it better next time - promise!'. You don't get a writer coming out with an 'alternate' version of a book because someone didn't like it; no, they stand by their vision. Why should a game designer be any different? Why should anyone compromise their vision of their art for you or anyone else? Bullshit.

Misinterpret this as you please. I'm done with this thread.
Directors do admit it when they make a mistake. Miyamoto has said several times when he thinks he made a mistake. That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about Sakamoto threatening to pull the plug on the project if Team Ninja couldn't make it Wii remote only. They tried to use the nun chuck but he said no. Remember, this was after he went to them for help. They knew there weren't enough buttons with the single Wii remote to use all the features they wanted (missiles) and created the 1st/3rd hybrid we got as a solution. They did the best they could, but it's pretty clear Sakamoto's lack of experience in creating 3D games has hurt the title.


Jealous Bastard
_Alkaline_ said:
I didn't even realise it was possible to hate Zero Mission.

i think it's an excellent game, but--likely BECAUSE of how much more agile and capable samus is, and because of the streamlined, more guided movement between areas--i'll still play the original over it. zero mission is an amazingly polished, excellent experience, but it's polished and accessible to a point of being almost insubstantial. that probably makes no sense, but i play the game, and i enjoy it, but it doesn't stick with me the way other metroid games do.


_Alkaline_ said:
I didn't even realise it was possible to hate Zero Mission.
I knew there was disappointed folks and then folks that didn't enjoy the post end. But to hate it? Sheesh :lol You keep clinging to that archaic Metroid there Mael.
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