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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


hatchx said:
It's funny reading everyone trying to come to terms with their Other M experience. It's like we need to come to terms with why there is a sub-par outing in an otherwise excellent series.

Let me remind you of:

Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy 13
Super Mario Sunshine
Devil May Cry 2 (and 4)
Luigi's Mansion
Donkey Kong 64
Syphon Filter for PS2
Sonic after Dreamcast

Lots of series slip up. Atleast when Metroid 'slips up', it keeps an 80% on metacritic.

One of these games does not belong.


heringer said:
I wonder for how many pages will you guys be able to keep recycling the same discussion over and over again. :lol

Huh, what are you talking about? We have only yet scratched the surface. Now, lets talk some more about that story.


AzureJericho said:
I really love that post of yours Boney, especially the point on the RE4 style over the shoulder sections. It really just seemed as though someone wanted to try something really interesting with it, but got told to scrap the ideas before the game got finalized. Also, on a more humorous note, I am so OCD in my games sometimes. There was a second bathroom with a door that seemingly wanted to be opened similarly (or so I thought as I played), but no matter what I tried, Samus wouldn't interact with it. It took me a few minutes to realize that this wasn't meant to be explored any further and I got all D: about it. :lol
Thanks, I had fun typing it. And I totally did the same thing on going back to the first bathroom to check on the door, not on OCD but on thinking there was a secret there. It's a darn shame, I bet these aspects were dropped because they didn't wanted to stray from regular metroid gameplay because they already did with the cutscenes.

Oh and MGS2 is awesome.


hatchx said:
Let me remind you of:

Metal Gear Solid 2 - 96 on Metacritic
Final Fantasy 13 - 83 on Metacritic
Super Mario Sunshine - 91 on GameRankings (apparently doesn't exist on Metacritic?)
Devil May Cry 4 - 84 on Metacritic
Luigi's Mansion - 79 on GameRankings (I guess the Gamecube just didn't exist according to Metacritic)
Donkey Kong 64 - 87 on GameRankings (neither does the N64)

Lots of series slip up. Atleast when Metroid 'slips up', it keeps an 80% on metacritic.

So yeah.

Other M has a 79 on Metacritic, so of the games you listed as examples of bigger slip ups than it, it's only rated higher than DMC2, Syphon Filter, and Sonic.


Dragging Metacritic into the discussion is definately something I wouldn't advise. Although I don't entirely disagree with the aggregate score (I'd rate it higher, but that's another point), there is no actual point of contempt. Many reviews border the 5's while many other are in the 9 region, and making an aggregate isn't really reflective of the overall quality of the game.


I am Korean.
MadOdorMachine said:
If you're going off of that logic, then just about every Wii game is a GC game. TP was delayed on GC so it could be released on Wii as well. You still have 2 titles on N64, GC & Wii. I don't really count the DS titles because they play so much differently. The gap between SMB3 to SMB64 to SMS to SMG is probably a better example.
Yeah... They delay a GC title to put it on the Wii, but the new Zelda coming out years later is somehow being milled out with no regard to quality?

I guess that makes sense? :lol


Okay, one too many "You have to read the manga to really appreciate Other M's story stuff!" pushed me over the edge and made me dedicate to reading both volumes of the Zero Mission manga in its entirety.

And... uh... Before I get into specifics, I need to ask one question.

... Exactly how much involvement did Sakamoto have in this? Because if the Zero Mission manga really is canon, Other M created an absurd amount of plotholes and retcons single-handedly.


MechaX said:
Okay, one too many "You have to read the manga to really appreciate Other M's story stuff!" pushed me over the edge and made me dedicate to reading both volumes of the Zero Mission manga in its entirety.

And... uh... Before I get into specifics, I need to ask one question.

... Exactly how much involvement did Sakamoto have in this? Because if the Zero Mission manga really is canon, Other M created an absurd amount of plotholes and retcons single-handedly.
Hmm, Don't know if appreciate is the word :lol but it definately gives it some context. And as far as I know he wrote it. What plotholes and retcons though?

I agree there's a retcon of character from previous games, but I'm curious.


MechaX said:
Okay, one too many "You have to read the manga to really appreciate Other M's story stuff!" pushed me over the edge and made me dedicate to reading both volumes of the Zero Mission manga in its entirety.

And... uh... Before I get into specifics, I need to ask one question.

... Exactly how much involvement did Sakamoto have in this? Because if the Zero Mission manga really is canon, Other M created an absurd amount of plotholes and retcons single-handedly.

According to the guys over at the metroid database he supervised it. The only moments I really remember from the Manga are Ridley attacking K2L and Samus freaking out at Ridley later on so I'm curious as to what in Other M creates plotholes or retcons from the manga.


I am Korean.
Boney said:
Hmm, Don't know if appreciate is the word :lol but it definately gives it some context. And as far as I know he wrote it. What plotholes and retcons though?

I agree there's a retcon of character from previous games, but I'm curious.

Samus froze in the manga because she remembered finally that Ridley ate her parents in front of her. (Which is damn impressive given that her dad blew himself up well before that.) Freezing caused her surrogate father to die. She vowed to never let that happen again.

The next time she faced Ridley, she popped him like a zit with no hesitation. She got over it. So why is she freezing in Other M? That's easily the stupidest most nonsensical "call out" ever.

Samus is also much more self confident in the manga. No GI Jane bullshit. She barely even served under Adam.


Boney said:
Hmm, Don't know if appreciate is the word :lol but it definately gives it some context. And as far as I know he wrote it. What plotholes and retcons though?

I agree there's a retcon of character from previous games, but I'm curious.

Hoo boy. I tried to keep a mental tally of things that were different, so let's see if I can recall them all accurately.

- First off, Samus's entire escapade with Adam's military unit is a problem in of itself. At the beginning of the manga's second volume, Samus and two other aliens are essentially a Federation Police Squad that typically do not meddle in the affairs of the military. After liberating a Space Pirate strong hold that triggers the snowball leading up to Zero Mission itself, Adam comes in and Samus and her squad really don't know who he is (or at the very least, do not react to him in any way shape or form). So the problem is, when in the world did the flashbacks of Samus w/ Adam's squad even take place? There's only one real place where that could have happened...

- And that brings me to my next point: Samus and her squad goes to Zebes (How she even got to Zebes is another problem, but I'll get to that in a moment) after Ridley and his forces take it over, capturing the Chozo that are left (and the Space Pirate grunts end up being brainwashed by Mother Brain). Suffice to say, this mission doesn't go over that well and Samus is forced to flee from Zebes. However, Samus liked the feel of going rogue and doing things on her own regardless. She explicitly states that this was the reason she left the Galactic Federation and became a bounty hunter and not over some dispute with Adam. Some years pass between this incident and the start of Zero Mission, which is the only place her military career could have started outside of the possibility of her joining the military first, the crap with Adam happens, and then somehow going down the police. That theory is a bit problematic when considering Samus doesn't react at all to Adam's presence when he shows up. Plus...

- Adam and Samus are actually on a fairly friendly level up to the events of Zero Mission regardless, not the rather terse level that Other M implies. Hell, at one point Samus raises the price of her bounty hunting services to a point where Adam finds it obscenely expensive and makes it a point to get the job done before the military came up. Hell, Adam even cracks a couple jokes with Samus (Other M goes far and beyond to show that Adam is SUPERSERIAL at all times). At this case, it's just out of character-ness.

- The Chozo who raised her and even Mother Brain explicitly state that Samus was notorious for being a lone wolf and disobeying orders from virtually everyone, something that they note has not changed when she was in the Federation to when she got out of it. This makes it pretty hard to swallow that Samus would be fine with Adam's authorization in Other M regardless.

- Speaking of Adam, I find these scenarios pretty odd. The first example is from the manga, the next two are from Other M.

Samus: I know that Zebes was attacked by the Space Pirate mothership with a black hole cannon, that there will be absolutely no back-up, that the Space Pirates already have Mother Brain and vastly more significant forces, and that this is essentially a suicide mission. But damnit, I'm going to try to help them any way, save the survivors, and beat the Space Pirates since I have the best chance of doing so. So me and my alien crew are going rogue with this police ship.
Adam: Okay, sure. You have two days to get this done.

Samus: Your brother is in this part of the ship and you're planning on detaching it? I have the most technologically superior power suit known in the galaxy and there's at least a good chance that I can get him back!
Adam: No. You might die and duty comes first.

Samus: There are unfreezable Metroids in Sector Zero. But when considering that I still have the best shot of taking out the Metroids with my plasma gun than you do with your Assault Rifle, I think I should probably go in and take care of this.
Adam: No. You might die, duty comes first, and I must sacrifice myself.

Seriously, kinda weird that Adam doesn't even deliberate on the first option despite how there was a significantly less chance of success than the other two and the first plan didn't even work in the first place.

- Samus goes through a traumatic event much worse than she did in Other M when seeing Ridley. She passed out and even went into a suicidal wreck after learning that Ridley probably ate the bodies of her parents. But... Samus kinda bounces back, goes into a rage, taunts Ridley during the fight, and even finishes with a hot-blood Conan the Barbarian-esque battle cry after he died. With all her talk about how she "was a different person from before," kinda weird that she kinda... lapses back in a rather odd moment in Other M.

- Some one on GameFAQs tried to bring up that the Prime series wasn't canon because Space Pirates (Zebesians) were only intelligent under the direct influence from some one like Mother Brain. This isn't really true when considering that before the Pirates even meet Mother Brain, a captured Space Pirate was pretty intelligent enough to try to sway Samus's alien teammates by recounting instances of Federation prejudice against their species. And then taunts Adam because he fell for an extremely obvious decoy meant to distract the Federation from Zebes. Plus, Pirates typically talk too.

- Not a plot hole/retcon exactly, but the manga stresses that the top-brass and leaders of the Galactic Federation are actually mostly aliens. In fact, the Chozo admit that they were in part responsible for the creation of the Federation in order to unite alien races. Kinda strange that all we've seen from the Galactic Federation in Other M, Fusion, and Prime 3 are humans.

There was probably more than this, but this is what's coming to mind right now. Unless some one has good reasons for the contrary, Other M and the manga have some pretty big conflicts with each other.


Freshmaker said:
Samus froze in the manga because she remembered finally that Ridley ate her parents in front of her. (Which is damn impressive given that her dad blew himself up well before that.) Freezing caused her surrogate father to die. She vowed to never let that happen again.

The next time she faced Ridley, she popped him like a zit with no hesitation. She got over it. So why is she freezing in Other M? That's easily the stupidest most nonsensical "call out" ever.

Samus is also much more self confident in the manga. No GI Jane bullshit. She barely even served under Adam.

wow, really? I tried to read the manga and found it terrible, so I never finish it.

It's obvious even the canon of Metroid's story is a complete mess.
The unfreezable Metroids are virtually invincible, a plasma gun wouldn't do anything. Keep in mind that Metroids are invulnerable in Metroid games (the jokes in Prime don't count) unless frozen. Chances are Samus wouldn't have been able to do anything either.


_Alkaline_ said:
The unfreezable Metroids are virtually invincible, a plasma gun wouldn't do anything. Keep in mind that Metroids are invulnerable in Metroid games (the jokes in Prime don't count) unless frozen. Chances are Samus wouldn't have been able to do anything either.

Super Missiles work on them in Zero Mission and Super Missiles and Power Bombs work on them in Super. Unless I'm getting the power bomb thing crossed with Prime.

Edit: Nix the Zero Mission part.

Double Edit: Yeah, nothing but the freeze method works in Zero (plus, you don't get the Power Bombs at that point in the game), but you can definitely beat Metroids with the Super Missile and Power Bombs in Super.
MechaX said:
Super Missiles work on them in Zero Mission and Super Missiles and Power Bombs work on them in Super. Unless I'm getting the power bomb thing crossed with Prime.

Edit: Nix the Zero Mission part.

I've played these games about a billion times and never thought to use super missiles before freezing them. Huh. Guess Sakamoto stuffed that one up then.
You can't kill Metroids with Super Missiles in Super Metroid without freezing them first. The only way to kill them in that without freezing them is to use a few Power Bombs.


Get Inside Her!
And while you have to freeze the larval Metroids in Metroid II, you kill every single one of their evolved forms just with straight missiles.


not tag worthy
hey gaf,I think I may be stuck again
I have got to the part where samus can use her space jump and Screw attack to get over the busted walkway, I cannot get her to stay up for long enough, any advice?

Worst Metroid Player ever

EDIT d'oh just done it now :D


jufonuk said:
hey gaf,I think I may be stuck again
I have got to the part where samus can use her space jump and Screw attack to get over the busted walkway, I cannot get her to stay up for long enough, any advice?

Worst Metroid Player ever

EDIT d'oh just done it now :D

Yep once you get the timing right you'll never really have a problem with it again.


not tag worthy
Kard8p3 said:
Yep once you get the timing right you'll never really have a problem with it again.
I am
on the gravity section
any advice and thanks for the reply :D

just done that too i think it is the timing i need to get down pat.


jufonuk said:
I am
on the gravity section
any advice and thanks for the reply :D

just done that too i think it is the timing i need to get down pat.

That part is the only section where you really don't need to time it. I tried timing it and always fell. Once I just repeatedly pushed it over and over I got past it fine. That's really the only time it works that way though.


No additional functions
Freshmaker said:
Yeah... They delay a GC title to put it on the Wii, but the new Zelda coming out years later is somehow being milled out with no regard to quality?

I guess that makes sense? :lol
We aren't talking about quality though. We're talking about too much of a good thing. Although a lot of people love the Zelda games, I think a bigger gap between titles would help prevent people from tiring of the series. Metroid (not the Prime games) is too big of a gap though. I don't want to wait another 8 years to play the sequel to Other M.


MadOdorMachine said:
We aren't talking about quality though. We're talking about too much of a good thing. Although a lot of people love the Zelda games, I think a bigger gap between titles would help prevent people from tiring of the series. Metroid (not the Prime games) is too big of a gap though. I don't want to wait another 8 years to play the sequel to Other M.

Yeah I'm hoping we don't have to wait too long for the next Metroid. I don't think we'll ever have to wait as long as we did before getting Prime and Fusion again but seeing as they've said they don't really know what direction they want to take the next game it still could be awhile.


Three years is too short for Zelda? That's a fairly typical length to wait for the series on consoles. LttP -> OoT was the only big aberration in that regard.


I am Korean.
MadOdorMachine said:
We aren't talking about quality though. We're talking about too much of a good thing. Although a lot of people love the Zelda games, I think a bigger gap between titles would help prevent people from tiring of the series.
Aside from Darksiders, there's nothing else that Zelda competes with. It's hardly getting over exposed.


Freshmaker said:
Aside from Darksiders, there's nothing else that Zelda competes with. It's hardly getting over exposed.

True and in all honesty I can't get enough of Zelda (same goes for Metroid) so I don't really care how often they release games in the series as long as it isn't an incredibly long time.
Nobody said it was. It's just that you neglected to mention Okami while that is even more of a Zelda clone than Darksiders is.

Also on the handheld front: Rocket Slime and Elebits on the DS are pretty blatant Zeldavanias. And that also has an Okami sequel coming out soon.


Just finished Other M and while I have to agree with some of the complaints in this thread, I was pretty happy overall with the game. I've been wanting a 2D type of Metroid since Super Metroid (not counting the GBA ones) so I was happy when this was announced. I could never get into the Prime games.

I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but I can't say I walked away dissatisfied.

Biggest flaws:
- Anything involving pointing/shooting/looking with the Wiimote in the first person. It just didn't feel good and felt forced.
- Sector 0. I was so hyped so see what that looked like... but I got a huge cock block instead.


Something funny I found at the metroid database. It contains spoilers so don't click if you haven't played the game.


Look at the name plate on his shoulder. Everything is a lie.
hatchx said:
It's funny reading everyone trying to come to terms with their Other M experience. It's like we need to come to terms with why there is a sub-par outing in an otherwise excellent series.

Let me remind you of:

Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy 13
Super Mario Sunshine
Devil May Cry 2 (and 4)
Luigi's Mansion
Donkey Kong 64
Syphon Filter for PS2
Sonic after Dreamcast

Lots of series slip up. Atleast when Metroid 'slips up', it keeps an 80% on metacritic.

I will admit however, the 'where's waldo' sections are so incredibly dumb. So, so incredibly dumb. One more time: incredibly dumb. It's like Team Ninja took notes from the 1st gen wii mini game title. This is a flaw, and as I see it, the only unquestionable flaw in the whole game.

The other 'flaws' like the over-the-shoulder segments, the story, the controls....nothing is as offensively unplayable and immaturely designed as these where's waldo sections.



Dabookerman said:

I don't understand? Regardless of the rave reviews MGS2 got based on hype and the first 15 minutes, is it not regarded as the worst in the mainline series? I love the MGS series but MGS2 was painful to play. I'd take Other M over it any day of the week.


hatchx said:
I don't understand? Regardless of the rave reviews MGS2 got based on hype and the first 15 minutes, is it not regarded as the worst in the mainline series? I love the MGS series but MGS2 was painful to play. I'd take Other M over it any day of the week.
It had some serious backlash that went on to adversely affect the sales of MGS3, but it's still regarded as a well-made game that attempted something very different to normal storytelling in gaming.

The actual worst game in the series is Portable Ops, anyways.


erotic butter maelstrom
hatchx said:
I don't understand? Regardless of the rave reviews MGS2 got based on hype and the first 15 minutes, is it not regarded as the worst in the mainline series? I love the MGS series but MGS2 was painful to play. I'd take Other M over it any day of the week.

It's my favorite MGS and one of my top games of the forever. <3

Anyways, I need to get back to Other M. I've been preoccupied with other games so I haven't played it since I finished the story but I'm not complete as a human until I have 100% and do the final thing. It's a neat game.


Snuggler said:
It's my favorite MGS. <3

Anyways, I need to get back to Other M. I've been preoccupied with other games so I haven't played it since I finished the story but I'm not complete as a human until I have 100% and do the final thing. It's a neat game.
Be sure to check Hard mode as well.
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