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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Celine said:
But it was showed just only from that little segment onward.
That's how I knew it.

To me it felt as a inner joke about their bullshit idea of why you can't use your full powers from the start just like Samus joke about it before enabling the screw attack.

Don't know you but I've felt as Sakamoto wanted a piece of Famicom Tentei inside its last console game ( first in ages I believe ).

If Sakamoto is willing to let a little joke turn the climax of his game into such a dreadful mess then he's a pretty shit game designer. I liked Other M, but I don't think I've ever played a Nintendo game that fumbled it's finale in such an infuriatingly basic way.


I found it on the second try.
And I like to know if there someone who kill the boss in the heat of the battle.
But that was really interesting.


Throughout the entire Metroid Queen battle I was going “Okay, when can I [power] bomb the fuck out of this bitch (and all these dumb little metroids floating around)?” After the incredibly frustrating task of trying to freeze all the metroids in one shot and then seeker missile them to death, she swallowed me and I knew exactly what to do. Unfortunately the game didn’t like that and decided to kill me anyway.
Good news everyone, I fired it up again and to my surprise the menu unlocked theater and gallery mode, so it saved my win even with the disc error. I went to theater mode and tried to watch the credits again, just in case there's something there, and got the error again. Watched it on youtube real quick, then hit start game and it let me do the end sequence. It was great! MadOdorMachine, you're right; it is the best part of the game.


I just 100%:ed this game (I always do this with Metroid games). It wasn't good. As a Metroid game it's right at the bottom of the list, there's really nothing here that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as masterpieces such as Super and Prime. What a disappointment :(


Ledsen said:
I just 100%:ed this game (I always do this with Metroid games). It wasn't good. As a Metroid game it's right at the bottom of the list, there's really nothing here that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as masterpieces such as Super and Prime. What a disappointment :(

Sums up what I did and how I felt pretty well.

Good thing there weren't unlockables for speed runs or hard mode; I never have to touch the game again.


Mzo said:
Sums up what I did and how I felt pretty well.

Good thing there weren't unlockables for speed runs or hard mode; I never have to touch the game again.

Even if there were, if you hated the game so much why would you go back to it? No one is forcing you to play something you don't like.


giggas said:
Even if there were, if you hated the game so much why would you go back to it? No one is forcing you to play something you don't like.

Completion purposes?
I know I finished it 100% for that...and well outside of showing off the game to people I know I'm certain it'll never leave its box again before I sell this.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
theultimo said:
The story is absolute garbage.

I've played about 5 games where the story wasn't complete and utter rubbish. Did you really think a Team Ninja Metroid was going to have a story worth bothering with? Obviously it was detrimental to the game and shouldn't have been done the way it was, but come on. Next you'll be telling me the story in Kingdom Hearts is shit, too. We know.


Ushojax said:
I've played about 5 games where the story wasn't complete and utter rubbish. Did you really think a Team Ninja Metroid was going to have a story worth bothering with? Obviously it was detrimental to the game and shouldn't have been done the way it was, but come on. Next you'll be telling me the story in Kingdom Hearts is shit, too. We know.

Kingdom Hearts's story is like the works of Victor Hugo & John Milton rolled into one compared to what I had to suffer in this 'game'
Mael said:
Kingdom Hearts's story is like the works of Victor Hugo & John Milton rolled into one compared to what I had to suffer in this 'game'

Hyperbole much?

KH anything is at least 2 - 4x more convoluted and bullshitty than whats here. How many different types of fucking clones are there of one character in that pile of horse shit. There's also a female clone, and a heartless clone, and a because we couldn't come up with anything better clone.

Seriously to say this is worse than KH is just trying to troll and start up shit. I don't think I can take anything you say seriously after that one.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Mael said:
Kingdom Hearts's story is like the works of Victor Hugo & John Milton rolled into one compared to what I had to suffer in this 'game'

Let's not go nuts. If you take out Samus's ramblings to herself this would have been a serviceable Alien rip-off with a dash of romantic/fatherly tension between Samus and Adam. What ruined it is that Samus' internal dialogue was world-endingly terrible and told us nothing that the high quality animation didn't already. If you take out the monologue it's decent.


I don't really get the hate for this game, but whatever. I really liked what there was, but that's the biggest problem... the game is way too short. If it was like 20 hours on the first time through, it would've been awesome, but for me it was only about 13 hours for 100% :(

Anyway, I enjoyed the story, and it was one of the reasons I found it so enjoyable. The game was challenging enough, and man it felt great when you were fully powered and just blasted through enemies like in the old days.

I'd say the game is decent 7 or 8 out of 10 as it is.


Mael said:
Completion purposes?
I know I finished it 100% for that...and well outside of showing off the game to people I know I'm certain it'll never leave its box again before I sell this.

Ehh yeah I guess, but if I didn't like a game that I finished I wouldn't waste my time getting more stuff outside of that. I mean, I'd rather spend that time playing a game I enjoyed.

I don't get the hate with the story here either. It's a poorly told story. It has poor dialogue. Most games suffer through this. I can't think of a story in a game where I'd be willing to, I don't know, watch a movie of it or something. And actually, it's not a bad story, I mainly like what they did with it, it's just told poorly. I don't think the story detracted any more than the story in another game. It's a standard video game story.

Though I hated the amount of dick teasing the game did.
Like when you're about to go into New Tourian and Adam shows up and goes inside instead with his big mellow dramatic exit. . I wanted to go inside! I wanted to fight Metroids and mother brain. Oh, and then you get further cock blocked when you don't actually get to fight a real genuine final boss. You just shoot MB in the face. Great. Though the Phantoon sorta made up for that.


100%'d it yesterday on a whim (was at like 70% or so beforehand)

Rankings still haven't changed.

Super Metroid > Metroid Prime 3 = Other M > Prime 2 > Prime 1.

Gunna have to disagree with the masses on this one. Said it so many times before and i'll say it again: If the majority of Metroid fans prefer prime over this then the majority of prime fans have bad taste.

cheers :)


ShockingAlberto said:
I like how it's no longer a game.

When something called a game is not entertaining, that's when our friends Mr ' and Mrs ' come into play.

Shin Johnpv said:
Hyperbole much?

KH anything is at least 2 - 4x more convoluted and bullshitty than whats here. How many different types of fucking clones are there of one character in that pile of horse shit. There's also a female clone, and a heartless clone, and a because we couldn't come up with anything better clone.

Seriously to say this is worse than KH is just trying to troll and start up shit. I don't think I can take anything you say seriously after that one.

It's way way better told, the author in KH comes up with some pretty stupid shit BUT at least he doesn't take the viewer for the stupidest moron to ever grace the earth. Seriously I don't think I've seen anything as condescendingly badly told as Other M. And I watch anime and shit

Ushojax said:
Let's not go nuts. If you take out Samus's ramblings to herself this would have been a serviceable Alien rip-off with a dash of romantic/fatherly tension between Samus and Adam. What ruined it is that Samus' internal dialogue was world-endingly terrible and told us nothing that the high quality animation didn't already. If you take out the monologue it's decent.

If you take the monologues you're still left with the horrid storytelling, the awful cast and the mindnumbingly stupid retread of something that was better done nearly 10 years ago on this very serie.
To boot the mechanic between Samus and Adam is so fucking stupid, condescending and just downright horrible it makes any couple in the Transformer movies seems like a work of art in interaction between characters.

Seriously the only upside I have of coming off Other M is how fucking fantastic everything else seems.


_Alkaline_ said:
Queen Metroid
really is a massive fuck-up. It's an extraordinary bit of fanservice, and for the most part the fight is enjoyable and challenging, but the final stage of the battle is beyond obscure. It's the kind of thing you just don't see in a Nintendo game, so to see it in Metroid of all franchises was very disappointing.

Try it again though. The post-game sequence is fantastic.
I feel that many parts of the game the testers had their closed or didn't notice the flaws:
"Well... this sucks it isn't fun at all"
"But the guy made Super Metroid"
"Yeah... we better not bring this up"

My guess is everyone on the team was like: "OMG Sakamoto" and no one actually gave him good advice. They just nodded and went along for the ride but the guy had little experience making 3D games like these. Team Ninja didn't translate the 2D artwork to 3D in a convincing way and the music was sub-par. All this shows that the game is a horrible mess that could've been much better. Also, they introduce like 10 subplots and are like :"Yeah I'll blow myself up with the Space Station because this level was too hard to make" or "the deleter, he died or something... I dunno" "OOOH it's that sound.... it's nothing, wow this was totally pointless." "Yeah I didn't die I pulled some anime/matrix shit and survived or something." They try to make you care but there's really nothing to make you care about.

Show the space city Samus is in being invaded and bombed or whatever and people care. They don't cry when a sterile floating copy/paste spacestation is crying like a baby.
Mael said:
It's way way better told, the author in KH comes up with some pretty stupid shit BUT at least he doesn't take the viewer for the stupidest moron to ever grace the earth. Seriously I don't think I've seen anything as condescendingly badly told as Other M. And I watch anime and shit

I'm sorry I have to completely disagree with this. I don't think the story in Other M takes you for the stupidest moron to ever grace the Earth. It has it's weak points but at least its believable as a Metroid story. It also doesn't involve clones. Anything involving clones always gets extra levels of fail. I'm sorry but the KH story is not good, and does not shit all over Other M. I'm not gonna lie and say Other M has an amazing story but you're blowing things way out of proportion.

KH is the epitome of convoluted, stupid, bullshit. Clones man, CLONES! A clone that's fucking female, how is that even a clone. A clone has the same DNA, if its female it doesn't have the same fucking DNA.


Shin Johnpv said:
I'm sorry I have to completely disagree with this. I don't think the story in Other M takes you for the stupidest moron to ever grace the Earth. It has it's weak points but at least its believable as a Metroid story. It also doesn't involve clones.


Cloning was the whole central point of the story, were you even paying attention? that's how Ridley came again into the picture, and the pirates, the metroids, everything...


Ushojax said:
Let's not go nuts. If you take out Samus's ramblings to herself this would have been a serviceable Alien rip-off with a dash of romantic/fatherly tension between Samus and Adam. What ruined it is that Samus' internal dialogue was world-endingly terrible and told us nothing that the high quality animation didn't already. If you take out the monologue it's decent.

This was my biggest problem with the cutscenes. From her first monologue I started imagining how the scenes would look if they'd simply taken out all of her speech. I found myself realizing the story would've been every bit as clear thanks to the editing and visual cues, the only thing missing would've been whiny emo crybaby Samus.

Threi said:
100%'d it yesterday on a whim (was at like 70% or so beforehand)

Rankings still haven't changed.

Super Metroid > Metroid Prime 3 = Other M > Prime 2 > Prime 1.

Gunna have to disagree with the masses on this one. Said it so many times before and i'll say it again: If the majority of Metroid fans prefer prime over this then the majority of prime fans have bad taste.

cheers :)

Prime, and I say this as a Metroid fan since the first game, was the perfect realization of a Metroid game in 3D. To me it's the greatest game of all time. Most likely, no game will ever top the perfect combination of amazing visuals and music, unparalleled atmosphere, stellar level design and masterful pacing. To me it goes like this:

Prime 1 > Super > Fusion > Prime 3 > Zero Mission > Metroid 1 > Prime 2 > Other M

Haven't played II.

[Nintex] said:
the music was sub-par.

Wait a minute... Other M had music?
Shin Johnpv said:
I don't think the story in Other M takes you for the stupidest moron to ever grace the Earth.

No? I certainly felt insulted, and I consider myself pretty well inured thanks to the current game climate.

I can't comment on Kingdom Hearts since I've never played it, but if it's possible to lower the bar any further than Other M sets it, I don't want to know.
mantidor said:

Cloning was the whole central point of the story, were you even paying attention? that's how Ridley came again into the picture, and the pirates, the metroids, everything...

Sorry I should have been more specific. I meant clones of humans. Its not like Anthony was a clone of Samus.


JodyAnthony said:
if people think other m has the worst game story they ever played, they haven't played many games.

The worst story of the year, sure. But I still think that Other M doesn't approach the level of the worst game story ever.
Beat the game a few weeks ago and got 100% the following week.
The fight with the Metroid Queen was top notch fan service but a bit too easy. Good thing I didn't mind spoiling myself a bit here and there for the game so I knew how to finish her off from the get go. The power bomb fiasco is just unprofessional game design any way you cut it. The "fight" with MB was a lame finale. You just sit there stuck in aim mode locking on to her bug soldiers, whatever they are, until another cutscene finally kicks in where she gets frozen and blasted to bits by the GF troops (at first I thought she'd imploded on purpose, worst done story sequence in the game) OKAY. Oh and Anthony, lived, WHOO! Thankfully I hadn't spoiled myself for the battle with Phantoon, which blew me away. Best boss battle of the game IMHO.

So my top 5 ranking is now: Super, Prime I, Zero Mission, Other M, Metroid I. All the controversial bits have been covered well by other folks, I still really like the game overall and could see it being the basis for (in a much more refined form) for the next sequel.

ShockingAlberto said:
I like how casually accusing people of racism is just completely allowed here.

Especially since Sakamoto has mentioned how much he liked the Prime series, how much he enjoyed being a part of it, and how he wants Retro to do another one.

Where did he say he wants Retro to do another one? Link please if you have it still.


I am Korean.
MechaX said:
The worst story of the year, sure. But I still think that Other M doesn't approach the level of the worst game story ever.
It is up there if you consider it the most disappointing story ever.


I thought the power bomb thing was pretty obvious.

I went in there, tried regular bombs like in Metroid 2, and when that didn't work I tried charging. I didn't get it off before dying, so I came back and did it. I actually felt a little dumb for not getting it in one try.
Mzo said:
I thought the power bomb thing was pretty obvious.

I went in there, tried regular bombs like in Metroid 2, and when that didn't work I tried charging. I didn't get it off before dying, so I came back and did it. I actually felt a little dumb for not getting it in one try.

That's part of the problem though. Hey, it's the final boss of Metroid II! Let's kill it like we did in that game! Oh wait, that doesn't work and I die! Great!

More than anything though, the game simply should have told us power bombs were activated. That's all they needed to do and it would have been clear. For every other upgrade they transitioned to the menu and detailed how to use it. For the power bomb they gave us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

I'm a Metroid veteran who without hesitation would consider himself pretty damn good at the series, and I was totally caught out by this. Shitacular game design.

Fortunately the majority of the game is sweet nuggets.


Agent Unknown said:
Beat the game a few weeks ago and got 100% the following week.
The fight with the Metroid Queen was top notch fan service but a bit too easy. Good thing I didn't mind spoiling myself a bit here and there for the game so I knew how to finish her off from the get go. The power bomb fiasco is just unprofessional game design any way you cut it.

How is it a fiasco?
You're told from the very beginning that the Power Bomb will incinerate any living thing. Samus has been shown to break the rules more than one time in activating her own powers.
Are games supposed to explicitly spell out the answers to any dilemma you find yourself in? I figured itself out on my own, first try without being spoiled. I thought it was pretty obvious after trying a couple regular bombs that did nothing.
Giolon said:
How is it a fiasco?
You're told from the very beginning that the Power Bomb will incinerate any living thing. Samus has been shown to break the rules more than one time in activating her own powers.
Are games supposed to explicitly spell out the answers to any dilemma you find yourself in? I figured itself out on my own, first try without being spoiled. I thought it was pretty obvious after trying a couple regular bombs that did nothing.

No. There is simply no excuse that can be made for this.

Every single time you acquire a new item, there is a transition to the menu that provides information on the item and how to use it.

This does not happen with the power bomb. There is no sign whatsoever that power bombs were now activated.

If we were told in some way prior to the fight (or even during the fight) that we now had access to the power bomb, there would be no problem. Granted, for Metroid II veterans it would still be a bit complicated since Samus had to use morph ball bombs in that game, but the solution would still present itself either immediately or after the first death. But the game gives the player NO INDICATION AT ALL that they now had access to power bombs.

The only way one can find out they have power bombs is either by going to the menu themselves or attempting to use one, both of which are a ridiculous expectation of the player on behalf of Sakamoto and Team Ninja.
_Alkaline_ said:
both of which are a ridiculous expectation of the player on behalf of Sakamoto and Team Ninja.

I don't know about "ridiculous" in and of itself. You're in ball mode, there's not much you can do, so it's a fast process of elimination and no one should be stuck for long. It's poor design, but not catastrophically bad from that perspective.

What pushes it over the line, though, is the distinct impression that they thought they were being clever by designing this "puzzle" around how to defeat her. "Instead of that boring old process of finding a weakness or pattern, let's just see if they notice that they've gained an ability. That's original, so it must also be engaging and fun!"

I got the same impression with the couple of really blatant powerups placed in plain sight behind invisible walls (the one in the hangar and the one at the far end of the map). Making the player figure out how to reach a visible item is a timeless classic design. I really felt that they think it's fresh and clever to use an invisible wall instead of actually placing it out of reach, but in fact it's cheap, lazy and stupid.
Giolon said:
How is it a fiasco?
You're told from the very beginning that the Power Bomb will incinerate any living thing. Samus has been shown to break the rules more than one time in activating her own powers.
Are games supposed to explicitly spell out the answers to any dilemma you find yourself in? I figured itself out on my own, first try without being spoiled. I thought it was pretty obvious after trying a couple regular bombs that did nothing.

What Alkaline and Leondexter said. There's no defending this decision and it's really uncharacterisitic not to mention poor form compared to how player progression is handled not just in most Nintendo made games, but professionaly done games, period. There's no satisfying logic or "Aha!" type of feeling to this part of the game at all. So, you figured it out on your first try because you had
the ultra vague power bomb info that was rattled off waaaay back in the demo room scene at the very beginning of the game
lodged in your memory up until that time? Seriously? Go to youtube and search for "Other M training with Dan Owsen." The instructor NEVER says anything like
"It will incinerate any living thing." He just says "Allow adequate room around around you during power bomb play."
So excuse those of us who thought it was one heck of a reach not to mention really hypocritical and poor form when the entire rest of the game has been structured differently.

I get to the end of the game and it doesn't feel clever at all and at no time do I think to myself, "Oh wow, why didn't I think of that?" It feels like Sakamoto and Team Ninja basically going, "Should we take a little more time to put in a room or a corridor where Samus is forced to use the
power bomb
to proceed before she reaches the
Metroid Queen
and then the player will be able to guess later on in the battle? *shrug* Mmmm, nah. Let's just finish the game. We had them put up with the authorization system the whole time, so instead let's force them to figure out what's she's thinking in this case and that Samus will just use the
power bomb
at the last moment! lolz We're so ironic and clever!" The parts where Samus
disobeys Adam and activates the space jump/scew attack or is forced to use the gravity suit when Sector Zero is disengaging
at least make total sense and fit in with the flow of the game's progression perfectly. Again, glad this is one part of the game I spoiled myself for.

Oh and speaking of the game being hypocritical in other matters, not to beat the dead Ridley horse again but a direct quote from Other M's opening recap:


Samus: "And the explosion that followed destroyed Planet Zebes, along with the remains of Mother Brain, the Space Pirates, and my long-standing nemesis Ridley."

So yes,
it is dumb for her to freak out since even if you ignore the Prime series' existence, she is still seing Ridley again for the THIRD time and right here in the game's opening aknowledges him as a bothersome, recurring enemy. And "Oh, but it's supposed to be that way because the thing she thought she'd eradicated has been cloned so because of that it's a different feeling for her this time" is some mighty apologetic reasoning. She should be indignant and angry in that scene. Still a bit scared maybe sure, but not having a complete mental breakdown like this is a huge surprise. And when you consider how much approval and power Sakamoto had over Retro story and character wise (more on this in a bit) when the Prime games were being made, things like this make it seem even more like he was deliberately taking a slap at them.

And one more gripe while I'm on the subject of the game's movies,
Other M was endlessly hyped by Sakamoto as "finally revealing Samus' backstory" yet he never gives us any scenes involving her childhood/how she survived Ridley's attack on the colony, and worst of all, no scenes at all showing Samus growing up and training with the Chozo. Very disappointing.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the game but it is really rough around the edges in places and aforementioned things like that are disrespectful towards the fans, the series' legacy, and Retro themselves. And Sakamoto saying that the Prime games are just side stories and not real or 'perfect Metroid experiences' is incredibly rude. In his own words:


YS: The series has been abroad for a while, and has now returned to its roots. In Japan, the game comes out tomorrow; I think that many followers of the Metroid saga are eagerly anticipating it and will be satisfied with the series's return to Japan (what does he mean by this? For fans to be satisfied to him it was crucial the next game be made in Japan?). Regarding “the Samuses”, it is a complicated question. Nearly everybody has asked about the Prime series, which are part of the Metroid timeline, but are completely different. It has nothing to do with it, but it could be a way to represent other facets of Samus's personality. I don't want to create divisions between the Samus from the east and the Samus from the west; to me, the real Samus is the one you will meet in Metroid: Other M.


To aid him in this challenge, Tanabe sought the advice of Metroid series creator Yoshio Sakamoto, who had very strong opinions about who main character Samus Aran, a space bounty hunter, really was, and how she might behave in certain situations. "[We asked him], what would Samus do if Space Pirates took someone as a hostage and said, while pointing a gun to their head, 'Samus, back off!' How would Samus react?" explains Tanabe of some initial design planning. "What we heard from him was that she would not say, 'Hold on!' or show any emotions. She would just bring up her gun and shoot a head shot at the Space Pirate."


So to him, the Prime games are just unofficial ways of repesenting Samus's more "fierce/stoic" personality which is 'not really who she is' yet as we see from exhibit A above, that's EXACTLY how he himself officially portrayed her character to Ken Tanabe and Retro during Prime's development! So it is definitely unfair to act like the major revisionism he did with her character in Other M is not real and just a product of fan overreaction.

And Sakamoto could learn from Miyamoto how to talk about his fellow Nintendo partners:


"IGN: I was interviewing them earlier, and even though you weren't directly involved you were definitely very inspirational in making sure certain things were done in that game correctly. I'm wondering, which parts of Donkey Kong Country did you like versus not like? And what did you address with them?

Miyamoto: The first point that I want to make is that I actually worked very closely with Rare on the original Donkey Kong Country. And apparently recently some rumor got out that I didn't really like that game? I just want to clarify that that's not the case, because I was very involved in that. And even emailing almost daily with Tim Stamper right up until the end."

Now that's class.


Probably late as hell, but i'm watching Aliens on AMC, and just realized Ridley's scream = Xenomorph scream (at least in past Super Metroid, Zero Mission, and Fusion). Sounds almost the same.


I just assumed power bombs were activated because
Adam died
so everything was fair game. Beat it the first time with no problems.


ShockingAlberto said:
That's not actually how it works, no.

Come on, there's barely any choice in the game AND it's not even fun at that.
Calling it a game would be reaching.
I mean
wikipedia said:

Shin Johnpv said:
I'm sorry I have to completely disagree with this. I don't think the story in Other M takes you for the stupidest moron to ever grace the Earth. It has it's weak points but at least its believable as a Metroid story. It also doesn't involve clones. Anything involving clones always gets extra levels of fail. I'm sorry but the KH story is not good, and does not shit all over Other M. I'm not gonna lie and say Other M has an amazing story but you're blowing things way out of proportion.

Hell no, Other M takes you for the most stupid guy ever because it narrates everything as if the player doesn't have eyes to see what's happening. the relationship with Adam is just fucking stupid and doesn't make sense AT ALL.
You have a grown woman who has actually gone into a planet infested with the most vicious creatures alive, not only came back alive BUT actually destroyed every fucking threats there was to be on that planet....not ONCE but TWICE.
Went to a planet with fucking head suckers and went onto a genocide because no one else could do the job.
And now she can't take a decision for herself UNLESS she's on the brink of being sent into outer space?
And let's not even get into how fucking horrid it was presented, even in how KH2 actually butchered the Atlantica world it was less offensive than what Other M did to the story.
The worst part being that now that they've made sure that Samus is the monstrosity that's presented in that game, you can perish the thoughts of expecting any future games depicting anything different.

Shin Johnpv said:
KH is the epitome of convoluted, stupid, bullshit. Clones man, CLONES! A clone that's fucking female, how is that even a clone. A clone has the same DNA, if its female it doesn't have the same fucking DNA.
Didn't finish Days yet, so I can't comment on that.
But for that specific clone, it's shown that its appearance was function to who was actually watching the character.
So actually it's exactly female, it's more that the appearance it's given is female because that's how the characters see it. I thought that was pretty clear.
Heck nothing in BBs is as fucking stupid or badly told, it's even actually enjoyable...
Compared to Samus in Other M, Terra is actually of mild intelligence.

leroidys said:
I just assumed power bombs were activated because
Adam died
so everything was fair game. Beat it the first time with no problems.

Which would make sense, except for the part that there's quite some time between
his death
and when
you're allowed to use them

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
To this day I can't get over the fact that the INTERNET is so transfixed on the story sequences of Metroid: Other M. But the again, what are we talking about here, it is the INTERNET, the wasteland of hyperbole and opinionated experts. Personally, I really don't have any qualm with the story. Not because I thought it was well written or distractingly bad. Because for the most part I just watched in curiosity, I didn't feel the need to psychologically match up my assessment of the 8-bit and 16-bit Samus as some type of watermark as to who the character was. I've seen some diatribe about how sexist the game is because Samus takes orders (Metroid Fusion doesn't exist? Neither does Aliens aka the original inspiration of Metroid neither? All the Samus taking orders stuff derived there), or how Samus isn't supposed to be scared of Ridley and it ruins the game (wasn't that a flashback anyway?). And truthfully, how can anyone particularly claim to attain any deep characterization of a character that wasn't characterized because of the medium available at the time. It's like comparing present day Solid Snake to 8-bit Solid Snake. I think the problem is that Samus is presented as such a complex and conflicted character, she isn't a generic fearless soldier.

Regardless, Metroid: Other M is a very ambitious project. Yes, Metroid Prime was an excellent piece of software but it also wasn’t treading any unfamiliar waters. It is in essence, taking the Metroid concept and applying it to a tried and true first-person shooter archetype. Ultimately, I felt Samus lost much of her abilities in the transition. The same engine could have been used and delivered an awesome Robocop game, that’s how mobile Samus felt to me in the “Prime” games. Her acrobatics and platforming were lost in the translation. I wish people spent more time discussing how cumbersome and frustrating the gameplay of Metroid: Other M is. I mean, that is, and should be the main discussion point. But I feel that gets overshadowed in favor of internet banter over Samus experts discussing the imposing rules they have on the “story of Metroid” against the creator’s wishes. Sakamo wanted the game 2.5 dimensional and accessible to anyone with the Wii remote, but Hayashi’s compromise found us playing a 3D space with a D-pad, with one of the most awkward first-person shooter pointer functions ever. Not too mention the level design from Team Ninja felt empty and uninspired. It’s a good game that is flawed; an ambitious game that needed more time in the oven. A game that will forever be lured of controversy and arguments amongst video game debaters.


If that directed at me, that's my qualms on the story but believe it's NOTHING against what I have against the game part of the whole trainwreck.
I would have excused the story if the progression, controls, general structure or even the music were not complete garbage.
The story is just the spit glazing in the shit sunday that is Other M.
It's not a long game unless you plan on collecting shit, so I say march on even if you're unimpressed. For every 1 great moment there's like 3 embarrassing ones but I don't regret buying and playing Other M (got it for $26)


Gryphter said:
It's not a long game unless you plan on collecting shit, so I say march on even if you're unimpressed. For every 1 great moment there's like 3 embarrassing ones but I don't regret buying and playing Other M (got it for $26)

Yeah, I got it pre-order from Amazon so I got a $20 game credit.
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