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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


I actually didn't mind the experimentation with combat, automatically recharging missiles and energy made sense in the context of the sense move stuff and the controls implemented. it could have been implemented better than just spamming the dpad though, direction had no relevance besides affecting Samus' animation (which were pretty amazing, I'll give the game that), enemies that attack you from both sides in a 2D corridor and that make you either use the right or left dpad to dodge would have made the combat better and deeper.

The rest is what many of us agree on, there's so much glaring, obvious flaws that even though your post seems like a repeat I think is necessary, even if it's just to vent.


This scene is basically the poster child for most people's complains with the game along with the thumbsdown.jpg so I thought it'd be nice to chat about it.
From what I can see, this causes an extreme disconect between the player and your avatar. People can't understand how somebody would purposely gimp themself and be in a position of danger while it could easily be avoided. People can understand how purposely blocking your weaponry *might* make sense, but defensive gear is absolutely dumbfounding.

What happens here is that there's basically two Samus, gameplay and cinematics one. Gameplay is built around for the player comfort. Being able to do whatever one wants and move around effortlessly. I'm sure all of us are happy with this one.

So this scene was basically built with gameplay in mind. Have Samus run around in a high heat zone reaching safe zones. First time it's mandatory for the 2d series, and similar to MP2 Dark World. It's a fun set piece from a gameplay standpoint.

Now cinematics Samus is the one we all love to hate. And the inconprehensible power up system to some. Now, everyone on the station was restricted by the authorization system, and I guess that's how the GF operates, unless you're in a situation of inmediate danger. And that's the whole point. Samus (the character) isn't in any danger while exploring the lava zone, and was quickly hunting down Ridley Jr. Basically in and out. No danger involved, and no reason to authorize added abilities, just like any comando in real life doesn't do whatever he pleases, he follows the order he's given. I guess this is enmasculating in a videogame kinda way.

I guess my beef is that, instead of being looked as, sweet, I get to rush down lava filled place, bringing a good spice of variety for a set piece, it's frowned upon and wished it didn't exist. I guess I feel this way because I've never felt inmersed with a game. Ever.

edit: I want to clarify that there is fault to this scene. Because even if I didn't feel it, the fact that so many did, means there's something wrong. I just putting it out there that's not entirely so senseless.


Bought this the other day.

Played a couple of hours maybe? Picked up the Dispersion Beam not too long ago.

I really don't know what to think about this game. The best I can offer at this point is that it feels like I'm playing Robotron. Also, the enemies feel insignificant. It's not bad by any means... but it just feels like some soulless Ninja Gaiden-style game. No atmosphere to speak of. The puzzles/hidden items are no-brainers. And why is Samus investigating intergalactic bathroom stalls? I was expecting to see some nude pin-ups a la Metal Gear.

Prime and Super are two of my favorite games of all time, but I wasn't opposed to shaking up the formula. But this doesn't fill that space with anything innovative or exciting. The cinematics are nice in theory, but the presentation is terrible (why can't we have a decent title screen?). The dialogue is ridiculous. I was prepared to defend it after reading everyone's comments but I gave up at the "thumbs down" diatrible 5 minutes in...


GregLombardi said:
Metroid: Other M is the best game on Wii not because its a perfect game, but because the direction of the series was changed in a demonstrable, superior manner to the Prime games.

Reading replies like this one make me feel quite unconfortable. I seriously fear for the future of the franchise now.


beelzebozo said:
were i any less busy, i'd have probably succumbed out of curiosity by now. but a game designed seemingly from the ground up to be antithetical to what i like about the series in the first place certainly doesn't inspire me to go out of my way to make the time for it, haha. it may be an extreme comparison, but i almost feel like the devoted star wars enthusiast who has only seen the original trilogy, has seen his friends' memories of it sullied by the prequels, and now must choose whether to subject himself to them at all.
I liked Other M. ^_^

Made me happy just seeing Samus animated so beautifully. Moving around feels really good and all the essential classic power-ups are there, look and feel cool. It does have a lot of flaws, terrible dialogue and some questional design decisions.... but its strengths outshone its weaknesses for me. I immediately went for 100%ing it after finishing a first run through.
Ok, so that was half because the ending cinematic was so damn shitty and half because I wanted to play and explore the levels more, you got me.

I think if you're a Metroid fan, you owe it to yourself to check it out, no matter on which side of the coin your opinion might fall later on.

edit: my personal tip for a much improved game experience would be to mute Samus in the monologue cinematics. :lol Especially since they're well designed visually, so they're easily understandable anyway!


JodyAnthony said:
if people think other m has the worst game story they ever played, they haven't played many games.
The best comparisons I can muster for the story and non-gameplay presentation are those early cinematic jRPG attempts in the PS1 era. Like, 1997-1999.

Which sounds about right for the level of experience Nintendo (ok, so Sakamoto is the main culprit here) has in making a serious, cinematic, story-driven 3D game with CG cutscenes. :lol
Boney said:
My interpretation of the Varia Suit bit
I agree it's a clash between gameplay Samus and cinematic Samus (or just gameplay and cinematic). But still even rationalizing that cinematically it was just Samus going from a to b with no dangers so no reason to don the varia suit (which makes sorta sense) it still clashes with the gameplay when the part is supposed to be a rush run.

It could have been executed much better; Authorizing the varia suit earlier and then have some creature or machine increase the heat beyond the Varia suit's capacity. Then the gameplay and story would have made sense together.

I really dig Samus' voice. I think it suits her perfectly, but I'll agree with Garcia that the Samus portrayed in Other M isn't exactly what I imagined her in the other games. And I think it again clashes with the characteristics of the 'gameplay Samus' (whom is the Samus we've seen 95% of the time until now).


I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of a cinematic and a gameplay Samus because that's precisely the thing you actually feel while playing throughout the game. The problem here is that because of these inconsistencies, her persona has not only taken the characteristics of a submissive woman who likes/enjoys being mistreated and lectured by a dominant man, but she's also portrayed as the most bizarre schizophrenic bounty hunter.

You're telling me that the same Samus that quite graphically anihilates every single being inside the Bottle Ship, the one that can easily rip off the wings out of every foe she encounters in the most sadistic way, who stands right above the head of a monster to blow its brains out, the same Samus that puts her gun inside the mouth of any motherfucking monster just to finish him off is also the very same woman shown in the cinematics?

Either Samus is schizophrenic or Sakamoto. I'm inclined to think the later.

If anyone called the gorish Samus we've all known for years a "princess", I'm pretty sure she would immediately raise her gun and point directly into the head of that individual.

The character of Samus could, AND should be one of the most interesting in videogames. She's an orphan who saw both of her parents' heads being crushed by her archinemesis when she was 3 years old. She lived surrounded by wisemen/humanoids who thought of herself as a weapon and she had to survive being surrounded by the most vile predators on Zebes. Watching Sakamoto's approach to show who Samus really is is just..... utterly pathetic and nonsensical.


Garcia said:
The character of Samus could, AND should be one of the most interesting in videogames. She's an orphan who saw both of her parents' heads being crushed by her archinemesis when she was 3 years old. She lived surrounded by wisemen/humanoids who thought of herself as a weapon and she had to survive being surrounded by the most vile predators on Zebes. Watching Sakamoto's approach to show who Samus really is is just..... utterly pathetic and nonsensical.

I completely agree, it's painful as a Samus fan to see her portrayed this way. Even "dudebro" Samus would've been more interesting and appealing.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Garcia said:
4 hours in and I just have to say:

This isn't a Metroid game. It's a fucking rail shooter.


Finished it...

Why did it all of a sudden turn into a somewhat true Metroid game as soon as the credits quit rolling !?! There's something seriously wrong with the overall design of the game. I'll rant on that later, gotta get some sleep.
Some of the best games ever are rail shooters, stop dissing them.

K' Dash

Ledsen said:
You're in for a real shock if you think this game is anywhere near as good as Super. Everything is worse; the level design is linear "go down this series of corridors and come back" style, the environments are unimaginative, bland and ugly, there is almost NO MUSIC at all (literally), the atmosphere is non-existent and they added a story that's so bad the only thing it accomplishes is ruining Samus as a character. Basically for me as a lifelong Metroid fan (I've 100% all games except II and Echoes and played most of them multiple times) it's a huge disappointment on all levels and barely worth playing through once.

This makes me a sad panda :'(


Garcia said:
I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of a cinematic and a gameplay Samus because that's precisely the thing you actually feel while playing throughout the game. The problem here is that because of these inconsistencies, her persona has not only taken the characteristics of a submissive woman who likes/enjoys being mistreated and lectured by a dominant man, but she's also portrayed as the most bizarre schizophrenic bounty hunter.

You're telling me that the same Samus that quite graphically anihilates every single being inside the Bottle Ship, the one that can easily rip off the wings out of every foe she encounters in the most sadistic way, who stands right above the head of a monster to blow its brains out, the same Samus that puts her gun inside the mouth of any motherfucking monster just to finish him off is also the very same woman shown in the cinematics?

Either Samus is schizophrenic or Sakamoto. I'm inclined to think the later.

If anyone called the gorish Samus we've all known for years a "princess", I'm pretty sure she would immediately raise her gun and point directly into the head of that individual.

The character of Samus could, AND should be one of the most interesting in videogames. She's an orphan who saw both of her parents' heads being crushed by her archinemesis when she was 3 years old. She lived surrounded by wisemen/humanoids who thought of herself as a weapon and she had to survive being surrounded by the most vile predators on Zebes. Watching Sakamoto's approach to show who Samus really is is just..... utterly pathetic and nonsensical.
I can really. Because when Samus is fighting, she's acting via instinct and more primitive responses. Similar to doing sports, you're not thinking about stuff, you just act. It is after all this, when someone has the ability to introspect is that you act with hesitation regarding your past actions, that's when you act "weak". And it's important it's only to herself.

And going along the lines of sugesting she's a submisive woman seem like such an over the top assesment. The whole Adam / Samus awkward relationship is based on Adam's kid brother thing. Adam made the right decision, but Samus won't admit it to herself and won't forgive Adam for not taking the chance at saving him. That's why she wants to protect everybody now, even with the whole emotional ditachment toward people. The problem is that there's a ton of anime interactions between the characters and Sakamoto was hell bent in not having a good localization.

I think Haunted has it right with the PSX JRPG comparison. I mean, a game like Bayoneta is way more chatty, and has way more cutscenes ridled throughout. But separating it between chapters makes the cutscene distibution more bearable. Not to mention you're not bombarded with a huge exposition dump in the begining and the end.

And regarding the bathroom stalls, I think that investigation parts, held a much more important part in early development. Linking both to the ereaser subplot and MB. But was later dropped for not trying to alienate fans with gameplay elements so foreign to past Metroids and/or not going well with the deadline.

Metroid Killer said:
I agree it's a clash between gameplay Samus and cinematic Samus (or just gameplay and cinematic). But still even rationalizing that cinematically it was just Samus going from a to b with no dangers so no reason to don the varia suit (which makes sorta sense) it still clashes with the gameplay when the part is supposed to be a rush run.

It could have been executed much better; Authorizing the varia suit earlier and then have some creature or machine increase the heat beyond the Varia suit's capacity. Then the gameplay and story would have made sense together.
Yeah, I agree it could've been handled better. And yeah, the distinction between the two personas is one of the main faults. It could be told as theoretical (or movie/gameplay) avatar, and the player oneself controlling it. Similar to the Power Bomb debacle. Similar to a Kojima type of deal, it separates the player from the character. Samus knows that the power bombs will work, but not the player. My guess is that it's trying to create the feeling of "Oh Samus is so clever, she can work around so many situations", but instead creates a frustrating experience, and in a way takes control away from you by not presenting the universe clearly.

Similar to the lava scene, on the script, Samus is suposed to nimbly go through the area chasing Ridley until she's ordered to do something else, any perchance that happens in this scene is the player's fault. And that right there is one of the worst game design elements ever incorporated in a game.

Haunted said:
edit: my personal tip for a much improved game experience would be to mute Samus in the monologue cinematics. :lol Especially since they're well designed visually, so they're easily understandable anyway!
Man the japanese voice acting was superb and spanish subtitles was natural dialogue. English localisation is horrible.


I think the problem that happened with the Adam relationship was that they also tried to portray him as a no-nonsense military commander. In other words, while he was on the job, he couldn't play favorites or do anything inappropriate. Since the only time we see Samus and Adam together, they're on the job, we couldn't possibly see any "close relationship" between them. So, it could be consistent with something that makes sense; they just chose the wrong things to show.


Garcia said:
If anyone called the gorish Samus we've all known for years a "princess", I'm pretty sure she would immediately raise her gun and point directly into the head of that individual.

I don't make my hatred of this game and its idiotic story subtle, but this is something I didn't have an issue with. Playful ribbing is something you'd expect from a military unit. The fact that she's a woman is a pretty easy target, since she was the only one in her squad.

Though the fact that she just stood there with all the emotion of cardboard and took the "Princess" remarks without throwing something back at Anthony was pretty fucking stupid.

oh god i just defended something in other m's story what have i done


KevinCow said:
I don't make my hatred of this game and its idiotic story subtle, but this is something I didn't have an issue with. Playful ribbing is something you'd expect from a military unit. The fact that she's a woman is a pretty easy target, since she was the only one in her squad.

Though the fact that she just stood there with all the emotion of cardboard and took the "Princess" remarks without throwing something back at Anthony was pretty fucking stupid.

oh god i just defended something in other m's story what have i done

Someone get this man to a hospital immediately. We need to make sure he hasn't been fully corrupted.
I picked this up for $20 and have put a few hours into it. I have to say I'm enjoying it so far. As for the story and cutscenes, I really don't give a shit. It's not like Metroid games have really had fantastic stories to begin with, IMO.

The gameplay seems like a cross between Metroid and Ninja Gaiden, which makes sense, of course. I think I like the fact that it's pretty different than earlier takes. Maybe I'll hit a point where I hate it but so far that hasn't happened. Seems pretty easy so far, which is fine because as I age I tend to like my games easier anyway. But maybe this varia section you guys are discussing is the turning point. I guess I'll see.


People trying to defend Other M's storyline remind me of people trying to find subtle hints at characterization in the Star Wars prequels - WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET.


mattx5 said:
People trying to defend Other M's storyline remind me of people trying to find subtle hints at characterization in the Star Wars prequels - WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET.
If you're talking about me, I'm not defending. I'm just rationalizing it.

I didn't like it, but it wasn't as insulting as it was to others. And this approach with the game can be executed nicely, just let translator do their work and hire an editor. And don't rush the game.


mattx5 said:
People trying to defend Other M's storyline remind me of people trying to find subtle hints at characterization in the Star Wars prequels - WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET.

I'm not going to defend it, but I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it on some level. At the end of the day isn't that all that matters?


Really, the gameplay and the graphics fucking SUCK in this game. I resent that I have to point to fucking things at certain points in the screen to proceed. It's so fucking dumb. I spent like 20 minutes searching for some small thing on the screen to lock onto to proceed. That is TERRIBLE gameplay.


CrankyJay said:
Really, the gameplay and the graphics fucking SUCK in this game. I resent that I have to point to fucking things at certain points in the screen to proceed. It's so fucking dumb. I spent like 20 minutes searching for some small thing on the screen to lock onto to proceed. That is TERRIBLE gameplay.

Gameplay wise its great, but that specific gameplay mechanic was a bit stupid. I finished with 57% but i was told to try to get everything because a new boss would appear?
The graphics are functional....they not that bad....but coming from prime series well...they dont really shine i suppose.


I thought the graphics and animation looked good. A real shame the game lacked a sense of atmosphere due to the combination of artificial environments and mostly ambient music.

I don't know how Sakamoto and Team Ninja could screw up the Metroid Prime scanning so badly. Those forced scanning sections not only hurt the pacing of the gameplay, but they were confusing, dull, and pointless. Then there's
how the game uses it at the end of the final boss is just lame as hell.

Out of the new features in Other M, the seamless, cinematic camera is the best in my opinion. The QTE melee attacks are fun but the game makes you rely on them too much. It just didn't feel very Metroid-like.


The look-for-a-thing modes were stupid, yes. Just like the non-combat modes. They both slowed things down and didn't really do anything good.

But I wasted a whole lot more time walking around slow as a snail with the arm cannon raised than I did searching for some little thing to scan. It seems backwards to me that that's what gets the complaints.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
ZAK said:
The look-for-a-thing modes were stupid, yes. Just like the non-combat modes. They both slowed things down and didn't really do anything good.

But I wasted a whole lot more time walking around slow as a snail with the arm cannon raised than I did searching for some little thing to scan. It seems backwards to me that that's what gets the complaints.

The 3rd person RE4 camera sequences were intended as bridges between side scrolling action and big cut scenes or NPC dialog sequences. In other words, the game was slowing down on purpose rather than going back and forth between side scrolling, huge cutscene, side scrolling. They were also intended to build tension for some encounters.

This isn't conjecture; Sakimoto stated in a late interview that's what their intent was.

I think the problem, much like the "scan to advance the story" aka Where's Waldo sequences, is that they seemed to be added in late in the process and weren't tweaked and edited as well as the flow of the game's layout and camera system were.

A few of the shoulder cam sequences did work very, very well for their intended purpose. The biggest offender though, was the extremely long one (longest one in the game) at the midway point when you're in the research center.

Like a lot of things in Other M, the problem is just lack of polish.

I still think though, that most of the reaction and overreaction to Other M is fanhurt. If this was not Metroid game, the quality of its story would pass by unremarked or even get a nod for being above average. There's craploads of games with stories far worse in every way: dialog, plotting, basic logic, and coherency. Including some big series and franchises, such as Gears of War.
Kaijima said:
I still think though, that most of the reaction and overreaction to Other M is fanhurt. If this was not Metroid game, the quality of its story would pass by unremarked or even get a nod for being above average. There's craploads of games with stories far worse in every way: dialog, plotting, basic logic, and coherency. Including some big series and franchises, such as Gears of War.

If you replace Samus with No Name Guy, then sure, it matters less if he's stupid or wets his pants. It makes a big difference when it's a developed character. And if this weren't a Metroid game, the entire game would pass by unremarked, not just the story. It'd have to stand on its quality, which isn't there.

And Gears' story, terrible as it is, is Shakespeare next to this atrocity.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Leondexter said:
If you replace Samus with No Name Guy, then sure, it matters less if he's stupid or wets his pants. It makes a big difference when it's a developed character. And if this weren't a Metroid game, the entire game would pass by unremarked, not just the story. It'd have to stand on its quality, which isn't there.

But Samus isn't a developed character. Mostly due to the fact that the original development team has produced games on inferior hardware and storage medium for the majority of the life cycle. I mean, we know what Samus' looks like. And that Sakamoto had amibitions of a cinematic Metroid since Metroid 3 and Metroid Fusion. But that's about it.

And Gears' story, terrible as it is, is Shakespeare next to this atrocity.

Hyperboles get you nowhere. Neither story is worth talking about. Gears of War story is just as cliche and ridiculous as any. Metroid: Other M's story is cliche video game story work. It really doesn't deserve all this discussion. It's just as ridiculous as the Zelda time line arguments. But you have to be honest, the people who pay ridiculous mind to Metroid are nerds, and some are going to be liberal and others conservative. Some will be open minded to change and weirdness, and others just are going to type pages of hateful rants. I guarantee you Nintendo will never dare to do voice acting for Zelda now. The long standing Nintendo series will just live with such objective skeptic obligations that nerd fanboys will impose upon.


The whole Metroid: Other M story discussion is so asinine. People clamoring about "oh the story is so sexist", "oh the story is soo stupid because samus is scared", it is absolutely ridiculous. The real issue of the game is the absolutely clumsy and cumbersone control that Nintendo SPD Group No. 1 (Sakamoto / Hosokawa) and Team Ninja (Hayashi) somehow agreed upon. I mean people should be discussing the game's fault which is the control scheme, and some of the empty level design. I mean i still think it is a good game, just not worthy of being this HUGE METROID game we all deserve. The story is not bad or insulting by any means. It isn't good or memorable. But it definitely is not the issue of why you shouln't enjoy a video game.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Metroid: Other M's story is cliche video game story work.

Other M's story isn't cliche. I wish it was cliche. Cliche would be better than the actively, offensively awful atrocity that we got.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
KevinCow said:
Other M's story isn't cliche. I wish it was cliche. Cliche would be better than the actively, offensively awful atrocity that we got.

Japanese-English cliche that is. Japanese action story lines equal long monologues about your feelings. American action story lines are one liners and explosions with a helicopter waiting to grab you.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
KevinCow said:
Other M's story isn't cliche. I wish it was cliche. Cliche would be better than the actively, offensively awful atrocity that we got.
I'll give Other M this: it didn't telegraph every plot twist in the first half hour. Sure, the plot twists that occurred were cliche, but I was left wondering which of the many and varied cliche plot twists they would use right up until the reveals. Just about all that was obvious was that
Madeline was evil somehow


I got almost to the end of sector 1 and then got really tired of the stupid fucking pixel hunt bullshit and turned it off. Glad I didn't buy this piece of shit.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
But Samus isn't a developed character.

Sure she is. Not by the standards of other mediums, but by videogame standards, we know plenty about Samus. We know what she's lived through and accomplished, who she chooses to work for and what she does, how she approaches situations. We know she's confident and competent, intelligent, motivated and tough. Else how did she/we do everything we've done through the course of the series? Actions speak louder than words.

If Samus wasn't a developed character, then Other M's presentation of her wouldn't get the reactions it did. James Bond may never have been specifically stated to be straight, but if in his next movie, it was revealed that he's bisexual, you can expect a strong negative reaction.

Shikamaru Ninja said:
The real issue of the game is the absolutely clumsy and cumbersone control that Nintendo SPD Group No. 1 (Sakamoto / Hosokawa) and Team Ninja (Hayashi) somehow agreed upon. I mean people should be discussing the game's fault which is the control scheme, and some of the empty level design. I mean i still think it is a good game, just not worthy of being this HUGE METROID game we all deserve. The story is not bad or insulting by any means. It isn't good or memorable. But it definitely is not the issue of why you shouln't enjoy a video game.

The story is awful and yes, insulting. But I agree, it's not the real reason to hate this game. If the game were good, I could forgive the story. But they seem to have come from the same source of terrible ideas.


I still don't know whether to get this. Some people really, really seem to hate it and some like it.

Meh... Maybe when it goes down in price?
My first experience with the game was watching the "theater mode" on YouTube, and I found the story to be terrible at best and offensive at worst.

It was $20 on Amazon, though, so I figured I'd give the gameplay portion of it a chance. The cutscenes aren't skippable, but it's easy enough to just dick around on the internet while waiting for them to finish, so if the gameplay was good, I could ignore the plot.

That said, I'm having trouble even forcing myself to start. The controls are a goddamn mess. Fast-paced action in three-dimensional space doesn't work with a d-pad, and none of the assists make up for that. Running in a blind circle while letting the overly-generous auto-aim handle the heavy lifting is no fun. They had to enable so much assistance to make the game playable that it feels like my input barely matters.

It would be bad enough if it was all third-person action, but it's complicated even further by the first-person aiming mechanic. Switching views is cumbersome, and stapling Samus's feet to the floor seems like a really lazy way of balancing something that just really wasn't very well thought-out in the first place.

At least the Club Nintendo survey system allows me to be clear that I love Metroid, but hate this specific game.

God, I hope they get this series back on track on 3DS. Keep Team Ninja the fuck away from it. And honestly, keep Sakamoto the fuck away from it.


ivysaur12 said:
I still don't know whether to get this. Some people really, really seem to hate it and some like it.

Meh... Maybe when it goes down in price?

You shouldn't pay attention to anyone's opinion on this game. You'll have no way of knowing if you'll like it till you play it. You could end up loving it like me and Boney did or you might hate it like Etiolate an KevinCow did. One thing that I can guarantee is you'll likely hate the story. It just isn't good at all but if you accept that then you can still get entertainment out of it.


Kard8p3 said:
You shouldn't pay attention to anyone's opinion on this game. You'll have no way of knowing if you'll like it till you play it. You could end up loving it like me and Boney did or you might hate it like Etiolate an KevinCow did. One thing that I can guarantee is you'll likely hate the story. It just isn't good at all but if you accept that then you can still get entertainment out of it.

I mean, that's a given at this point. As long as it plays well, I'll wait for it to drop in price.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Sharkington said:
God, I hope they get this series back on track on 3DS. Keep Team Ninja the fuck away from it. And honestly, keep Sakamoto the fuck away from it.

You mean the same guy who brought you Metroid 3, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Metroid Fusion should be removed from the series? Without him, I doubt there would be any driving force from Nintendo to ever see a 2D Metroid again. You would probably get a Metroid Pinball and a Metroid Quake Arena somewhere down the line.
I found the gameplay, the controls and all of that perfect. I never had any issues with pulling off what I wanted to do. Once you master all the different ways of killing enemies (ie besides just spamming the fire button) Samus turns into a complete and total bad ass in the game. I'd give it a third play through already if I didn't have a bunch of other games to play as well.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
KevinCow said:
Other M's story isn't cliche. I wish it was cliche. Cliche would be better than the actively, offensively awful atrocity that we got.
Yeah, this is not cliche. The (superb) analysis posted on the last page explains why this is a highly dangerous narrative. It deserves all of the hate it gets, and not only because they destroy Samus as a character.


This thread got bumped?

GAF gives the best christmas presents <3

Kard8p3 said:
Opinions and all that.
I wouldn't say it's an opinion though. The game just plays differently from other Metroid games. But it offers a good deal of combat zones, enviromental puzzles using your abilities, amazing set pieces the like gravity portions. And a really well linked world.

And if anybody has problems with combat. Try standing still, and shooting regular beams. Works so much better. And dodging and inmediatly shooting makes Samus shoot with one hand on the ground, such a cool animation. And use those overblasts and lethal strikes.
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