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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

Boney said:
it's the worst review of the bunch.

Game Informer gave a 6.25/10 and G4 gave a 2/5 right? And G4's review read like a rant that was based off of some misguided notion that self-doubt and defaulting to authority is somehow sexist.


MattKeil said:
I'm not sure it's even that easy to lay blame, though. Jessica Martin, the voice of Samus, is an extremely experienced stage actor with a couple of decades of work on her resume. She most certainly knows how to act with her voice, but none of that comes through in Other M. In my opinion the blame for the bad English voice acting can be laid at the voice director's feet, and possibly whoever was calling the shots above him.

Bad voice direction by the director and a bad script can easily foil the world's most talented voice actor when combined. A voice actor can overcome a bad or unnatural sounding script in some cases (for the most part, I think the translator for MGS2, for example, found the script absolutely terrible, but the actors managed to pull through regardless), but not so much bad voice direction. In my opinion, you hit the nail on the head here.

Moreover, like in many of Kojima's works, you probably have staff from Japan that approves of certain voice acting/script things and it sounds cool to them despite how to the native English speaker it really doesn't sound good at all. I'm betting this was the case for Sakamoto and his staff in overseeing Other M's dub.

AceBandage said:
Off Topic but I find Yu Yu and One Piece's (Funimation of course) English dubs superior to the Japanese ones.

Funimation really turned things around after their extremely hokey Dragonball dubs. I think that Yu Yu Hakusho had one of the best anime dubs along side of the likes of Cowboy Bebop, the Ghost in the Shell SAC seasons, FLCL, Big O, and Full Metal Alchemist (sometimes). With the exception of the last one here, I felt that the other dubs eclipsed their Japanese versions in every way.


mugurumakensei said:
Game Informer gave a 6.25/10 and G4 gave a 2/5 right? And G4's review read like a rant that was based off of some misguided notion that self-doubt and defaulting to authority is somehow sexist.
I'm not talking about score. I couldn't give a shit about that. GI didn't even know how to play. I said earlier, that could very well be the problem of the game by not teaching the basics in a correct way, and other reviewers have stated that doing overblasts is a bit tricky sometimes. But the guy said the game basically was about running in circles, waiting for your shot to charge and shoot, repeat endlessly until you kill the guy.

That's just wrong.

MattKeil said:
What a strange thing to say. There are dozens of exceptional English voice actors who easily stack up to their Japanese counterparts. It's just that none of them were used in this game. I'm not sure it's even that easy to lay blame, though. Jessica Martin, the voice of Samus, is an extremely experienced stage actor with a couple of decades of work on her resume. She most certainly knows how to act with her voice, but none of that comes through in Other M. In my opinion the blame for the bad English voice acting can be laid at the voice director's feet, and possibly whoever was calling the shots above him.
I have to admit, I'm no expert on the subject, but I too blame the casting director for the actors performances. They're not up on par with the Japanese delivery. That along with the script, it feels literally translated, or as close as it can as the japanse delivery that it makes it feel unnatural and alienating.

I really think that one of the major issues is not the story, but the translation.

Many people have the idea that Nintendo cannot and shouldn't delve in any way in modern day cinematics and stuff. But from this, the Mother games and a few other examples, it seems, they just way too conservative on altering the script and stuff for the western audience. BK:Origins apparently had a good english delivery though.


Neon_Icarus said:
Ok, now that we know that the game isn't entirely successful (and that some people really hate it), does anyone feel Nintendo deserves some credit for trying something new with one of their most important franchises?

Or would it have been better if we had gotten just another sequel?

Eewww. Nah man, no more Prime games, 3 was enough. I'm glad Nintendo did something different. Props.


For what it's worth, I don't think the voice acting is bad, and I think her voice matches her appearance pretty well. I don't look at Samus and think "that's totally not how I thought she sounded." I think they did fine with the casting.


SYNTAX182 said:
Eewww. Nah man, no more Prime games, 3 was enough. I'm glad Nintendo did something different. Props.

Yeah as amazing as the prime games are 3 is enough. I too am glad they changed things up and I think they have something really good here. Now that we have a fusion like game with this engine I'd like to see them make a more open game next with the Other M engine. At that point everyone could be happy.


AceBandage said:
Off Topic but I find Yu Yu and One Piece's (Funimation of course) English dubs superior to the Japanese ones.
I literally can not watch Yu Yu Hakusho in Japanese. Yusuke without Justin Cook doing the voice is just not Yusuke to me.


Probably CGI. It had Samus in some tunnel, and a bunch of little Zoomers running after her. I know i've seen this somewhere....unless it was Gamecube?


brandonh83 said:
Finally-- time to listen to some of the music isolated from the game.

It's kind of weird listening to it isolated from the game. It's good but it's obvious this music needs to be heard in game to be effective.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So, this music pretty much sucks.


Dacvak said:
So, this music pretty much sucks.

Eh. For me, it seems more like FFXII's music. It goes pretty good while actually playing the game in an ambient sort of way, but really all that good when listening to it by itself. There was one track that was almost exactly like "Ripley's Rescue" from the Aliens OST interestingly enough. But so far, I would definitely say that the Prime series & Super Metroid has Other M beat in the music department.


Gravijah said:
Disagree x 999999999

heh, I'm just saying, they're catchy tunes or ambient sounds engraved to particular moments. Sure there are exceptions, but not the rule for me. And I love them.
Boney said:
I have to admit, I'm no expert on the subject, but I too blame the casting director for the actors performances. They're not up on par with the Japanese delivery. That along with the script, it feels literally translated, or as close as it can as the japanse delivery that it makes it feel unnatural and alienating.

The discussion about voice acting and dialogue reminds me of an episode of TalkRadar where they discuss Nolan North's presence in several, several games, but it seems that the voice director for the Uncharted, whoever he or she is, seems to get the most out of him compared to something like Dark Void or Shadow Complex -- their examples, not mine. It's strange what directors apparently want out of their leads. I can't really comment on the acting in Other M, though, since I've yet to play it and watch a cutscene.


MechaX said:
Eh. For me, it seems more like FFXII's music. It goes pretty good while actually playing the game in an ambient sort of way, but really all that good when listening to it by itself. There was one track that was almost exactly like "Ripley's Rescue" from the Aliens OST interestingly enough. But so far, I would definitely say that the Prime series & Super Metroid has Other M beat in the music department.
I really don't get the thought process that went into not requesting Kenji Yamamoto's services again, especially since the guy is responsible for a good chunk of the franchise's most memorable music.


scitek said:
Man, it's so stupid how Samus recharges her health and missiles in this game. It's so much more realistic when dead enemies turn into health orbs and save stations just beam missiles into you instead.
Fusion actually had a good system for acquiring health/missiles/bombs that was practical and didn't compromise the gameplay like Other M's does. It depended a lot on the storyline, though.

Speevy said:
Team ICO should make the next Metroid game. REALLY get in on the sense of isolation, no suits, no guns, just a girl stuck in a cave with the occasional monster.
Samus should still have her suits and guns. The mode of progression (acquiring new abilities) shouldn't be taken out. But otherwise I think that'd actually be an excellent fit. Ueda/Team Ico is excellent at creating a feel of isolation and very good at making puzzles that have an organic feel. Someone else might have to do the controls and combat system (SIMPLISTIC pls), though.

CVG review:

As an indicator, we stormed through Other M in ten hours with just 42% of the pickups found.

Other M is a forgiving Metroid. Or rather, the most finely tuned. Nintendo hit that sweet spot: empowering without nannying. Digging out energy tanks takes the edge off the few difficulty spikes, but the natural rate of ability unlocks is expertly synchronised
with the task at hand.

Snuggler said:
Reading the last few pages of this thread, you'd think the game was universally panned and shat on but that's definitely not the case.
A series like Metroid comes with high expectations. The fact that there are a number of things that Other M does worse than previous Metroid games (whatever the explanation) is inevitably going to lead to a focus on those aspects.
Kard8p3 said:
It's kind of weird listening to it isolated from the game. It's good but it's obvious this music needs to be heard in game to be effective.

To me good music is good music. Prime, Super, and other Metroids have fantastic music that I find to be a great listening experience even outside of the game. I'm just eager to see how this fares, and so far I actually like what I'm hearing. I haven't really heard any great atmospheric level tunes yet, however.


erotic butter maelstrom
A series like Metroid comes with high expectations. The fact that there are a number of things that Other M does worse than previous Metroid games (whatever the explanation) is inevitably going to lead to a focus on those aspects.

This is very true, but I guess it all comes down to your expectations. I expected it to be good but with it being developed outside of Nintendo, I wasn't expecting that unmatched Nintendo quality. Either way, I'm happy, I hope that most of us can enjoy the game.
Call me crazy but I love the monotonous voice of Samus. I think it works very well with the character. SMH over the complaining here but I guess thisineogafdude.
schennmu said:
Call me crazy but I love the monotonous voice of Samus. I think it works very well with the character. SMH over the complaining here but I guess thisineogafdude.

Same here.
With everything she's been through in her life, being detached fits her persona pretty well.
schennmu said:
Call me crazy but I love the monotonous voice of Samus. I think it works very well with the character. SMH over the complaining here but I guess thisineogafdude.

Yeah. I'm indifferent on Samus speaking, but I'm glad they didn't make her into something repulsive/annoying/bitchy like they easily could have did.


Starting from Stage 1 in the playlist and at 3. So far the music is probably perfect for the atmosphere in game, but like most...Resident Evil tracks, you probably wouldnt want to listen to it outside the game. Excluding a few themes of course.

Its like Fusion to the next level, which isnt really a bad thing...just that we probably wont get any memorable themes aside from some boss tracks/ classic remixes.
Teknoman said:
Starting from Stage 1 in the playlist and at 3. So far the music is probably perfect for the atmosphere in game, but like most...Resident Evil tracks, you probably wouldnt want to listen to it outside the game. Excluding a few themes of course.

I'm hoping for at least a couple of Brinstar/Norfair levels of awesome. I don't expect it, but we'll see.

I do appreciate that most of what I've heard is relatively creepy, in that dark sci-fi sort of way. So far though it's pretty forgettable and kind of


through the whole thing.


Teknoman said:
Starting from Stage 1 in the playlist and at 3. So far the music is probably perfect for the atmosphere in game, but like most...Resident Evil tracks, you probably wouldnt want to listen to it outside the game. Excluding a few themes of course.

Its like Fusion to the next level, which isnt really a bad thing...just that we probably wont get any memorable themes aside from some boss tracks/ classic remixes.

Yeah it's more movie-esque than game-like. So while it doesn't stand on its own well at all. It's works really well in game. A shame considering how Metroid was in the past. But be damned if it doesn't set the mood while you're playing it.
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