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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

DancingJesus said:
And I didn't even mention the fact that you have to take the orientation of Samus's direction into account. You have to line up your character in the exact direction you want to be facing, otherwise you will be facing in a completely unintentional direction in first person away from enemies in a frantic battle.

Well how the fuck is the game going to read your brain and know which way you want the character looking when going into first person view unless you're facing the direction you want to be looking before you go in it? I mean come the fuck on now. I've heard some stupid complaints but this takes the cake. You should get an award for that.


DancingJesus said:
Easily, if you could move in first person you could very easily fix the orientation you were facing and dodge any incoming attacks based on this inconvenience. It would not be a problem.

That didn't answer my question at all. Right now, when you switch to first person in Other M, you are facing the direction Samus was looking when in third person. It's completely logical. Where would you want her to look? How could they have approached her orientation better?

DancingJesus said:
As for the limitations comment. I don't have a problem with games if the limitations are balanced correctly, but in this case they aren't because fumbling to kill an enemy before it shoots you on a constant basis in first person is not fun.

It is balanced correctly in Other M. I never had to fumble to kill an enemy while he shot me, let alone suffered through such nonsense "consistently."

DancingJesus said:
It's very similar to the case in Lost Planet where the knocking down animation become troublesome in boss fights because by the time the animation finished and you could stand up again - the boss would instantly knock you down once more, repeating a vicious cycle of frustration.

I despise Lost Planet and it's woeful sequel partly because the controls were not balanced with the game design. Like you said, knock downs were common, and bosses were able to take advantage of this limitation, resulting in cheap deaths. It was awful game design and still gives me nightmares.

Other M is nothing like that.

DancingJesus said:
There is no excuse for not having two control schemes packaged with this game. If you enjoy that - fine. But give the option for analog support as well. Multiple review sources noted this problem and expressed frustrations they faced because of these design issues. It's not like they don't exist.

Very few games have multiple control schemes because it's really hard to balance a game to two vastly different setups. That's why you rarely see games that go beyond letting you map buttons.
Shin Johnpv said:
Well how the fuck is the game going to read your brain and know which way you want the character looking when going into first person view unless you're facing the direction you want to be looking before you go in it? I mean come the fuck on now. I've heard some stupid complaints but this takes the cake. You should get an award for that.

Try reading my response to that question in the second post.

Gigglepoo said:
It is balanced correctly in Other M. I never had to fumble to kill an enemy while he shot me, let alone suffered through such nonsense "consistently."

Very few games have multiple control schemes because it's really hard to balance a game to two vastly different setups. That's why you rarely see games that go beyond letting you map buttons.

Well, I'm getting conflicting reports from multiple reviews claiming it is a problem - and you are claiming it isn't. We'll see soon enough I guess.

As for the multiple control schemes. At the very least, don't allow movement in first person but still allow an analog setup where the switch between the two perspectives are much more seamless and efficient.


Penguin said:
Not to distract from this oh so fun control debate, I'm just quite perplexed by the complaints about how you recharge your health/missiles in this game.

In a medium, where people eat stuff off the floor or just hide behind a box for 3 seconds, why is holding up a controller to regain health... seen as a bad thing?

I'm sure enemy drops would have been appreciated, but its kind of the same idea, you risk some things to regain missiles/health in the heat of a battle.

Wait, do you point up on the controller or up with the controller? If it's up on the D-pad then that's no problem at all, and I think makes for an appropriately tense situation.

Can't say I like it more than finding health but for the more action-oriented direction this game's taking, it's not a bad thing.
Penguin said:
Not to distract from this oh so fun control debate, I'm just quite perplexed by the complaints about how you recharge your health/missiles in this game.

In a medium, where people eat stuff off the floor or just hide behind a box for 3 seconds, why is holding up a controller to regain health... seen as a bad thing?

I'm sure enemy drops would have been appreciated, but its kind of the same idea, you risk some things to regain missiles/health in the heat of a battle.

My only complaint with it, is that it seems you can only recharge your health by 1 bar and only when you're down to like 25 units left. It would be nice if you could recharge your health by how ever much and when ever you wanted to that way. Like you can with your missiles.


erotic butter maelstrom
I just can't wait for the next 3 days to be over with so we can just play the goddamn game and stop bickering over what we've heard or seen about the controls and sexism and all that other stuff. The anticipation (and this thread) is killing me.

Wait, do you point up on the controller or up with the controller?

You point the wiimote up, it's sort of a less suggestive version of recharging your sword in No More Heroes.


Shin Johnpv said:
My only complaint with it, is that it seems you can only recharge your health by 1 bar and only when you're down to like 25 units left. It would be nice if you could recharge your health by how ever much and when ever you wanted to that way. Like you can with your missiles.

You find tanks that allow you to regain more that one bar of health
AniHawk said:
Wait, do you point up on the controller or up with the controller? If it's up on the D-pad then that's no problem at all, and I think makes for an appropriately tense situation.

Can't say I like it more than finding health but for the more action-oriented direction this game's taking, it's not a bad thing.

Point up with the control. Motion control for the win!

Up on the D-pad is for movement in a 3D environment. Great idea right?
DancingJesus said:
Try reading my response to that question in the second post.

That's something completely different though. This isn't a FPS, this isn't the Prime series.

Gigglepoo said:
You find tanks that allow you to regain more that one bar of health

Does it ever allow you to fully recharge your life? Also do you ever get the chance to do at times other than when you're almost dead?


DancingJesus said:
Try reading my response to that question in the second post.
I'm sorry, but that solution is just stupid. You really don't see how terrible this idea is? You think that giving the player the option to play the game as a first person shooter would be a good thing?

DancingJesus said:
As for the multiple control schemes. At the very least, don't allow movement in first person but still allow an analog setup where the switch between the two perspectives are much more seamless and efficient.

Ok. That's a complaint I can relate to. If only it was coming from someone who genuinely have concerns and not someone who are deliberately searching for flaws to justify the hate.


DancingJesus said:
Point up with the control. Motion control for the win!

Up on the D-pad is for movement in a 3D environment. Great idea right?

Seems to work fine according to most. I'll rely more on people like Gigglepoo instead of people that have never played it.


Shin Johnpv said:
Does it ever allow you to fully recharge your life? Also do you ever get the chance to do at times other than when you're almost dead?

I'm not sure how many of those special energy tanks are hidden. I finished the game being able to recharge half of my life.

You can only use this technique when you're almost dead. I rarely did it because it takes a while to pull off. The whole risk/reward thing, and I usually failed. My coworker who beat the game was able to recharge during boss battles, though, so it is possible.

DancingJesus said:
Point up with the control. Motion control for the win!

Up on the D-pad is for movement in a 3D environment. Great idea right?

It is a great idea. There's a finite number of buttons, after all, and pointing the screen up was a clever solution to that problem. Granted, I didn't use it much to regain my health, but I used it often to get more missiles and thought it felt good. And I'm not a proponent of unnecessary motion controls.
heringer said:
I'm sorry, but that solution is just stupid. You really don't see how terrible this idea is? You think that giving the player the option to play the game as a first person shooter would be a good thing?

Ok. That's a complaint I can relate to. If only it was coming from someone who genuinely have concerns and not someone who are deliberately searching for flaws to justify the hate.

Love it. No, I'm just a sincerely disappointed Metroid fan who disagrees with some of the choices they made in producing this game. And don't get me started on the story. :lol

You've seen posts I made that express my adornment towards the Prime series. Hell, it's even listed on my list of favorite games of all time on GiantBomb.


I Push Fat Kids said:
The polarization is just feeding my hype. Can't wait :D

Isn't that odd?

The more mixed reactions this game gets, the more I actually want to play it.

If it was all negative or all positive, it wouldn't really matter.

But now its like... its like you actually get to make up your own mind on how you feel about it. :lol


Hello there, gaf. Today I went to pre-order the game at my local EB Games. I asked if I was still eligible for the art folio, and to my surprise the guy not only said yes but also gave it to me then and there. I thought they only gave out these bonuses when you picked up the game, but whatever. I HAVE THE BEAUTIFUL ART FOLIO.

Pictures linked below (they are too big to be posted here).

#1: http://i33.tinypic.com/260qy6d.jpg

#2: http://i36.tinypic.com/2yjo3nk.jpg

The packaging is really pretty. The material is nice. The card themselves aren't all that. Some are great, such as the one you can see in picture #2 above (another great one is a snazzed up in-game picture of Samus holding down a creature). The rest range from good to passable. I was expecting something a bit more, I don't know, artsy. Like sketches or what have you. But I can't complain; it's free, looks fancy, and the great ones would look amazing in a frame.


DancingJesus said:
Love it. No, I'm just a sincerely disappointed Metroid fan who disagrees with some of the choices they made in producing this game. And don't get me started on the story. :lol

You've seen posts I made that express my adornment towards the Prime series. Hell, it's even listed on my list of favorite games of all time on GiantBomb.
Hey, I do believe you are a Metroid fan. But it's already pretty clear that now you are just trying to dig up flaws that aren't there so you can better justify why you are right to hate the game.


DancingJesus said:
You've seen posts I made that express my adornment towards the Prime series. Hell, it's even listed on my list of favorite games of all time on GiantBomb.

So, would you think that Metroid Prime is broken because you can't walk and aim at the same time? Or do you recognize that the game was built around this limitation?
Gigglepoo said:
So, would you think that Metroid Prime is broken because you can't walk and aim at the same time? Or do you recognize that the game was built around this limitation?

Sure, and it was properly and perfectly balanced. As I said in an above post, I don't mind limitations, with the strong caveat that they must be done correctly. Based on what GameInformer, Destructoid, Giantbomb and even the hideous G4 review said, it wasn't done properly. I'm not criticizing your Gamespot review, I normally generally agree with most of your stuff. I'll reserve right to make final judgement when I play it for myself. I'll be renting it, so I'll let you know.


Koodo said:
Hello there, gaf. Today I went to pre-order the game at my local EB Games. I asked if I was still eligible for the art folio, and to my surprise the guy not only said yes but also gave it to me then and there. I thought they only gave out these bonuses when you picked up the game, but whatever. I HAVE THE BEAUTIFUL ART FOLIO.

Pictures linked below (they are too big to be posted here).

#1: http://i34.tinypic.com/29ofupi.jpg

#2: http://i36.tinypic.com/6ymsyv.jpg

The packaging is really pretty. The material is nice. The card themselves aren't all that. Some are great, such as the one you can see in picture #2 above (another great one is a snazzed up in-game picture of Samus holding down a creature). The rest range from good to passable. I was expecting something a bit more, I don't know, artsy. Like sketches or what have you. But I can't complain; it's free, looks fancy, and the great ones would look amazing in a frame.
I'm so fucking jealous. Here I can pay a bit more and go to a more expensive store to get a mouse pad :/


Since Other M is more action game than shooter, doesn't the static first-person aiming make sense? Like first person view in, I don't know, something like Mario. It's used mainly to get a better feel for your surroundings. It's not meant for combat, more for puzzle solving.
Holy shit, I did not know how fucking awful Nintendo threads are. (New Wii owner here)
This makes PS360 comparison threads look like intelligent unbiased conversations.


Bluemercury said:
is that the same girl who said mario galaxy 2 is too kiddy so she cant have fun with it or something....also what's with the follow up do they really have to re-confirm the review???
Nope, not the same one.


Penguin said:
Isn't that odd?

The more mixed reactions this game gets, the more I actually want to play it.

If it was all negative or all positive, it wouldn't really matter.

But now its like... its like you actually get to make up your own mind on how you feel about it. :lol


It's rare for such a high-profile game to be such an experiment. Curiosities like this don't come around too often.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
No matter how good/bad the aiming system is balanced, I'll have to play it for myself - I will not trust any "pro" reviewers on this for the simple reason:

I don't trust ANY OF THEM to not gnom gnom on the wiimote with drool oozing around it while wondering why they can't run around and jump and shoot like mister chef. Because DUR HUR it is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER when in visor mode!! THAT'S HOW YOU PLAY A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER!

Even if there was, say, a particular boss pattern that was built entirely around knowing when you had a window to use visor mode for a missile attack, I don't trust these guys not to entirely miss that and struggle, wondering why they can just circle strafe the boss like every other "correctly made" video game.


DancingJesus said:
Sure, and it was properly and perfectly balanced. As I said in an above post, I don't mind limitations, with the strong caveat that they must be done correctly. Based on what GameInformer, Destructoid, Giantbomb and even the hideous G4 review said, it wasn't done properly. I'm not criticizing your Gamespot review, I normally generally agree with most of your stuff. I'll reserve right to make final judgement when I play it for myself. I'll be renting it, so I'll let you know.


I should've known better than to go to the Metroid boards at gfaqs. I was in a topic about the digital chumps review and someone blurted out the final boss.


Kard8p3 said:
I should've known better than to go to the Metroid boards at gfaqs. I was in a topic about the digital chumps review and someone blurted out the final boss.
that sucks man.


DancingJesus said:
Sure, and it was properly and perfectly balanced. As I said in an above post, I don't mind limitations, with the strong caveat that they must be done correctly. Based on what GameInformer, Destructoid, Giantbomb and even the hideous G4 review said, it wasn't done properly. I'm not criticizing your Gamespot review, I normally generally agree with most of your stuff. I'll reserve right to make final judgement when I play it for myself. I'll be renting it, so I'll let you know.

I understand that other people have had complaints. I just want to make sure you (and everyone else) go in with an open mind. Just like you could easily rip Prime for having bad controls since it doesn't conform to traditional schemes, you could do the same with Other M. But both work really well within the context of their games.
I can't say I'm shocked by the very mixed reception. From the very first trailer, one could tell it would be a very polarizing game.

I'm anxious to get my hands on it and decide for myself.
Gigglepoo said:
I understand that other people have had complaints. I just want to make sure you (and everyone else) go in with an open mind. Just like you could easily rip Prime for having bad controls since it doesn't conform to traditional schemes, you could do the same with Other M. But both work really well within the context of their games.
Fair enough.

Bring it on Tuesday.


erotic butter maelstrom
heringer said:
Why do you have a different avatar for each post? I don't like that. I think I might kill you.

yeah, that drives me crazy. He should just stick with the fluffy pokemon cat thing, I like that one the best.


Prime Blue said:
Hey guys, have we determined yet if this game sucks or not?
We know for sure the story and controls suck and it expresses a directly sexist and patriarchal social message.
Crunched said:
We know for sure the story and controls suck and it expresses a directly sexist and patriarchal social message.

Not for SURE though

I mean, maybe the controls might be... POLARIZING, but it's not for sure, really


brandonh83 said:
Not for SURE though

I mean, maybe the controls might be... POLARIZING, but it's not for sure, really
My positive charge is pulling me toward the negative charge of G4 graaAAAGH


Crunched said:
We know for sure the story and controls suck and it expresses a directly sexist and patriarchal social message.

I would say we know is not for everyone. Like i said it will divide the fan-base, some would like it, some would hate it. Wich i guess is a big thing for a Metroid game ? Like someone said before this just gives me more incentive to play the game, the fact that its not universally praised makes me excited about having to make my mind about it, im down for experimenting with IPs, a lot of those guys who say stuff like "nintendo always plays it safe" should be glad about this, right ?


SalsaShark said:
I would say we know is not for everyone. Like i said it will divide the fan-base, some would like it, some would hate it. Wich i guess is a big thing for a Metroid game ? Like someone said before this just gives me more incentive to play the game, the fact that its not universally praised makes me excited about having to make my mind about it, im down for experimenting with IPs, a lot of those guys who say stuff like "nintendo always plays it safe" should be glad about this, right ?
I've stated my thoughts earlier in the thread. I'm pretty much with you. There are a few serious problems I take issue with, really basic and fundamental flaws I believe exist within the game
within the narrative, specifically
, but I don't think they'll be what I take away from it in the end. It looks enjoyable for what it is, which I think many of us here agree.

I think the biggest obstacle for this game is that the expectations for it were so high.


After all this is over, Nintendo is probably going to assign Sakamoto to desk duty.

A preview of the next Itawa Asks:

Iwata: What happend?

Sakamoto: I don't know. I just don't f***ing know.

Iwata: Who was in charge of making the box art ?

Sakamoto: ...

Iwata: Hey, bring in Miyamoto. (Miyamoto walks in). Slap this fool! Now get the hell out of my sight.


Hiltz said:
After all this is over, Nintendo is probably going to assign Sakamoto to desk duty.
I heavily doubt it. I don't think anyone at Nintendo, including Iwata, gives a fuck about reviews in general and G4 in particular. Especially if the game actually sells. Other M also lays the foundation for Metroid V. And I want to see that - by the same team, in the same style.


Crunched said:
I've stated my thoughts earlier in the thread. I'm pretty much with you. There are a few serious problems I take issue with, really basic and fundamental flaws I believe exist within the game
within the narrative, specifically
, but I don't think they'll be what I take away from it in the end. It looks enjoyable for what it is, and I think many of us here agree.

I think the biggest obstacle for this game is that the expectations for it were so high.
Well to be honest

My two worries about the games were control and narrative, story. so accordingly i did not expect much from those aspects. I am really interested in the structure, level design and combat though. so if the game delivers on those parts im all good.
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