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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him


MiniDitka said:

Buffalo soldiers


levious said:
might help if you play with an M+ wiimote? Or even the mario kart wheel?

I actually do use the Wii Wheel from time-to-time and did for NSMB as well, I just hate the tiny d-pad of the Wii Remote mostly. I have Cerebral Palsy as well as arthritis, so the dexterity in my left hand is about 50% that of my right. I have a lot of issues with my thumb slipping into the A button.

Anyways, off to try it out, hope I don't get frustrated. Couldn't get into the Prime games, but love 2D Metroid.
brandonh83 said:
eh. I prefer its simplicity.

oh music wise,
the ending credits music is fucking beyond incredible. like, I am seriously mindblown by how great it is. it is just simply beautiful and with WELL-DONE orchestration unlike many games with orchestrated tracks. it's seriously on par with sweeping Hollywood compositions that you'd hear from John Williams. no joke.

I don't really consider that much of a spoiler but I thought I'd tag it anyway for the sensitive impaired.
Alright, now
truly beat the game and enjoy the ending sequence. =)

And as I think I've past the midway point on hard mode, it's been really fun looking for new ways to dispatch enemies as quickly as possible. Some enemies that took me around a minute to take out in my initial run I can take out in several seconds now. Combat also keeps you on your toes more as getting hit takes out sooooo much of your health, which is coupled by the fact that there are no e-tanks to pick up. Good times. ^^

Another note, this game needs an Anthony Higgs mode. :D
donkey show said:
Alright, now
truly beat the game and enjoy the ending sequence. =)

Oh I will. I'm such a big music fan though, I had to give it a listen. Seriously boggled at how great it is (the track I pointed out).


bryehn said:
I actually do use the Wii Wheel from time-to-time and did for NSMB as well, I just hate the tiny d-pad of the Wii Remote mostly. I have Cerebral Palsy as well as arthritis, so the dexterity in my left hand is about 50% that of my right. I have a lot of issues with my thumb slipping into the A button.

Anyways, off to try it out, hope I don't get frustrated. Couldn't get into the Prime games, but love 2D Metroid.
Hmm I was gonna suggest this.


But I guess it doesn't have a pointer right? And no B button as well...
Beautiful game. Possibly the best looking Wii game I've ever seen. I'd actually like to see what this engine could do on the 3DS...
I love the gameplay and controls. It was a little rough at first switching between the NES mode and the first person mode, but some new Wiimote batteries fixed that right up. I love how you don't have to specifically aim at all the cannon fodder enemies as they zoom all around you in 3D space. Samus just twirls her gun around and blasts away while she runs. Neat effect.

Samus's voice acting is good when she is speaking, but her internal monologue voice is so strange. It's almost like there were two different voice actresses. There was one voice that was so bad in the opening cinema that I almost cried. You'll know it when you hear it. :X

Just as I expected, I have already seen and heard things that are foreshadowing and making sense of some of the spoilers people were bitching about. 


How do I make Wii games look on my 32" HDTV? People are saying this game looks good but on my TV it looks like a PS2 game.

Standard cables from the box, widescreen mode. Should I change it to 4:3 mode?
hamchan said:
How do I make Wii games look on my 32" HDTV? People are saying this game looks good but on my TV it looks like a PS2 game.

Standard cables from the box, widescreen mode. Should I change it to 4:3 mode?

well, for starters you don't want to playing on a 32" HDTV. not kidding. that size in HD just magnifies the graphical problems of the Wii and its tough to get around it at that point.
hamchan said:
How do I make Wii games look on my 32" HDTV? People are saying this game looks good but on my TV it looks like a PS2 game.

Standard cables from the box, widescreen mode. Should I change it to 4:3 mode?

First off, component cables are a must.

Lower sharpness to 0.

Set your Wii and your TV to 16:9. If you are playing a Wii game that has underscan, enable overscan on your TV. Otherwise let it be.

Also, Wii games tend to look better on plasmas than LCD.

well, for starters you don't want to playing on a 32" HDTV. not kidding. that size in HD just magnifies the graphical problems of the Wii and its tough to get around it at that point

Some Wii games look terrific on a HDTV. Galaxy and the Prime trilogy for instance really come alive on the big screen, with improved colours and clarity plus the added benefit of widescreen.

Obviously it depends on the visual quality of the games themselves, but with a bit of tinkering many Wii games can be made to look more than respectable. That said, some Wii games (eg: RE4) are hopeless on the big screen, though in RE4's case it's more to do with poor optimisation.
robor said:
Alright guys, if you could be as brief as possible, how is the platforming in this game?
It's good. People will complain about invisible walls and whatnot, but with the controls and 3D space, it does its job well.

Oh I will. I'm such a big music fan though, I had to give it a listen. Seriously boggled at how great it is (the track I pointed out).

Agreed. Kinda wondering why they didn't go with something like that throughout the game. The environmental music most of the time felt like background noise. =/


thecouncil said:
well, for starters you don't want to playing on a 32" HDTV. not kidding. that size in HD just magnifies the graphical problems of the Wii and its tough to get around it at that point.

No other way, SD TV is not in a very convenient spot.

_Alkaline_ said:
First off, component cables are a must.

Lower sharpness to 0.

Set your Wii and your TV to 16:9. If you are playing a Wii game that has underscan, enable overscan on your TV. Otherwise let it be.

Also, Wii games tend to look better on plasmas than LCD.

Alright I'll try these settings.

Official Nintendo component cables or any?


Aw crap, had no idea about the existence of the Art Folio. I know I won't be able to get to Gamestop today before they close, so I can pretty much kiss any extras they might have gotten goodbye. Ebay scalpers are already listing them for $40+. Wish I had a friend that could score me one. =/

tim1138 said:
Yeah I got the same email from them about it being delayed. Did they update your order yet with a new delivery estimate?

Nope, still says they're preparing the item for shipment. I'm sure it'll go out today, and I'll get it tomorrow. Still blows ass.
hamchan said:
How do I make Wii games look on my 32" HDTV? People are saying this game looks good but on my TV it looks like a PS2 game.

Standard cables from the box, widescreen mode. Should I change it to 4:3 mode?

Yes, you really want to get a component cable to display in progressive scan. I have to say the image quality of this game is really really good. Everything is sharp and crisp, nice lighting, high poly Samus 3d model and good animation. One of the Wii games that does NOT look like a PS2 game.


El Pescado said:
Samus's voice acting is good when she is speaking, but her internal monologue voice is so strange. It's almost like there were two different voice actresses. There was one voice that was so bad in the opening cinema that I almost cried. You'll know it when you hear it. :X

I knew ittobetruebutI didn't think it would be this bad, almost shitty, even.
Just some quick impression from about an hour and a half in.
So far, love it.
The cutscenes are a bit long at first, but it's nothing too bad.
The combat is very well done and quick. There's even some fairly difficult enemies (like the damn rollers).
The scenery so far is beautiful.

My only complaint so far is the tank controls for the over the shoulder parts (luckily, they aren't action oriented so it's not a big deal).


robor said:
Alright guys, if you could be as brief as possible, how is the platforming in this game?

It's better than the Prime's for obvious reasons, I just wish there was more verticality to it. Hopping from platform to platform hasn't been difficult at all though.


erotic butter maelstrom
Metroid Other M aquired.

Hell yeah. The only problem is that I can't play it for another 10 hours or so. At least it's mine.


No additional functions
BlueMagic said:
You people are seriously not liking this game? I'm really liking it, the fluidity and moves make it a very immersive game. On the other hand, this will probably be the first Metroid that I actually finish.
I like the game, it just has some pretty glaring flaws. I can't speak for others, but I'd like to see a sequel that fixed the main issues people have with this one because it has some great features it brings to the table.

gogojira said:
I still say "Yay," it's just almost Prime like in that there are a lot of Metroidy things about it paired with some decidedly un-Metroidy design elements. I'm not saying the two share similar gameplay mechanics, just that they each have the "oh, so Metroidy" and "wait, why is this in Metroid?" moments.

The d-pad controls aren't nearly as awkward as I feared. The only time they feel little clumsy is with the RE4 over-the-shoulder view. Aside from that, Samus is on such a tight grid that even when in a roaming 3D environment, they work.

Oddly enough, I'm enjoying the story for what it is. Ideally there would be no forced story with dramatic cutscenes, but it's been some time since we've had our ideal Metroid. I've come to enjoy some of the goings on at the Bottle Ship, even if it makes me cringe a little every time Anthony refers to Samus as princess (fuck I hate that).

It's weird though. The game definitely has its blemishes and as a huge advocate for 2D Metroid and the promise that Other M brought with Sakamoto behind it, I'm not convinced the Bottle Ship will be as memorable or well laid out as Tallon IV.

Edit: Wanted to add that item placement is better than expected, too. I think some reviewers were under the impression that every item is clearly labeled on the map, which it's not. Super Metroid had a similar mechanic.

It's a shame they've removed the classic item jingle though.
I agree that the story isn't bad, I just wished they would have presented it a little bit differently. The supporting cast are fine, but something about the way they presented Samus doesn't quite gel.

wsippel said:
Compare it to the bow in Ninja Gaiden. Same mechanic, same limitations. And no, you have to switch to first person mode to use the grappling hook as well.
You can shoot the bow and arrow in both first and third person in NG.


gogojira said:
Nope, sorry. This is old school rules, buddy. That means no map either.


actually, I probably won't get around to playing this today anyways, because I'm taking the GRE tomorrow and I have to study for that.



Oh who am I kidding? :D


MadOdorMachine said:
I agree that the story isn't bad, I just wished they would have presented it a little bit differently. The supporting cast are fine, but something about the way they presented Samus doesn't quite gel.

Can't disagree. I find it ridiculous that someone calling Samus "princess" has made it into a fucking Metroid story and presented as if it's important. It's stupid, and honestly, I don't know what Sakamoto was thinking.

It's that she's presented as so emotionally driven, that's what's throwing it off. It stands opposed to what the common belief of Samus has always been: a bad motherfucker you don't mess with.

But the whole
little furry dude that's turning into a beast thing is interesting, and so is the shit going down on the ship

That's not to say I wouldn't prefer a cutscene and dialogue free (save for maybe an intro) Metroid, because I would. I'm just taking Other M for what it is, and some of the narrative is interesting.


No additional functions
robor said:
Alright guys, if you could be as brief as possible, how is the platforming in this game?
Not bad at all. There's some slight alignment problems when jumping because you're using the d-pad, but once you adjust to the way Samus moves on a plane it actually works pretty well. Her jump feels real a bit slow and heavy unlike her dodges which are light and super fast.



These are the times I hate living in Central America. Hurry the fuck up Amazon and deliver that shit to my courier :mad:


Picked it up at Best Buy today, the problem is I can't decide whether to keep playing DQIX's post-game or this.

I tried to find that @Gamer magazine for the coupon, but no luck. I guess my location was just out.


Ok, 4-5 hours in, and i dont know GAF, but im loving it.

Im gonna go the same way other went with first impressions:

Story: Not as bad as some of you may think. I appreciate the fact that it tries to do something original with the IP, i much rather have a different story at this point than the same old thing again and again. Cutscenes arent really that bad, Samus´s voice doesnt realy annoy me. In fact, the part of the cutscenes that i find cringe-worthy is the whole squad and their generic speech, specially Anthony. The whole part where they are
introduced by Adam calling their names and the whole power ranger-like moment was horrible :lol
. Also, i dont really get the "sexist" complains. I mean i think the game IS trying to show Samus as a weak person in some aspects. Sure she is a badass bounty hunter with a huge arsenal of moves under her sleeve, but that doesnt mean she´s not human. She´s like a teenage girl with her first crush on Malkovich, and its pretty pathetic, but i think the game realizes that, i think the whole point is to see Samus in a new light. At this point in time i certainly expected a bit more of character progression than say.. Master Chief, and im glad we got it.

Gameplay: Tight as hell. Metroid tight. Platforming IS precisive, it feels as good as ever, if you ask me. The d-pad doesnt bother me at all. Sure maybe the analog stick would have worked better, but other aspects of the overall control scheme wouldnt work that way. Fact is that you dont even have to walk diagonally that much, youll be using only 4 directions most of the time. Going from third person view to first works wonders for me, even in the middle of combat, as i said before. The game gives you a couple of slow-motion seconds during the change that gives you just the right amount of time to aim. Auto-aim in third person hasnt let me down yet, and most of the time (if not all) Samus shoots at what i want her to shoot.
All the other stuff people are complaining about (items showing up in the radar (i dont get this btw, previous metroid showed you the items as dots in the minimap), charging missiles/life with the press of a button, etc) just make complete sense inside the game. The game´s layout works in a way that this is a godsend, and really the only way they could pull it off. Previous methods for getting life from enemies for example would be a pain in the ass and unnecesary with this type of gameplay. The game is still challenging, even if you can replenish your life bar when you are about to die. This takes some time and if something hits you you are back to 0 again. The game is specially challenging in this regard early on, when you are not as accustomed to the new combat.
Finally, melee moves are awesome and Samus is more badass than ever.

Presentation: Game looks great, already mentioned what i think about the cutscenes earlier so not much else can be said here. It looks really good, it sounds really good, and the music is what youd expect. Some new tunes along with new versions of old metroid themes.

The only thing that i can think of right now that really bothers me is the parts of the game when you are stuck in first person view until you notice and scan something the game wants you to, before you are able to keep going. This works really bad, and ussually there isnt enough incentive to let you know what it is exactly you need to scan. Seriously, i spent like 10+ minutes in each of this parts (except the ones that were in trailers) trying to figure out what the hell the game was trying to show me.

Overall, a great game, and im loving it. It feels like Metroid.
Staff credits transcribed for those who care.

Cheer up, haters! Now you've got some names to channel your grudge to.

SalsaShark said:
The whole part where they are
introduced by Adam calling their names and the whole power ranger-like moment was horrible :lol
Oh yeah, that was cringe-worthily stupid. :lol

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Game on board!

Thanks Mejilan, found the store. Can't believe I never went in there before.

I tried J&R first, no dice, but bingo.

Will have to put Starcraft 2 down tonight to load it up!
I'm not reading impressions anymore till I have my own - everytime I watch video of the game, I think it looks super exciting so I'm plenty stoked.
gogojira said:
But the whole
little furry dude that's turning into a beast thing is interesting,
Just wait. :D

The more I play this game and look back on it, I definitely want more out of it. Having completed it 100% and being halfway through hard mode has me feeling like this game is a tease of what could have been. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but damn... it could've been soooooooo much more. The next installment definitely needs this combat though (in combination with full on Prime-esque FPS controls), it's so fun. And please give me an
Anthony Higgs mode =P

But basically, Other M is Metroid Gaiden, and I mean that in a good way. :D


erotic butter maelstrom
The art folio is pretty nice. It's classy.
I feel like I shouldn't touch it though since I might crinkle the edges or get chocolate stains on it or something.


donkey show said:
Just wait. :D

Based on how things are already going, I'm sure it's turning into a raging psycho. I don't want any spoilers, but I have a feeling some people were right when they guessed it'd be Ridley, or some derivative of him. It's funny how fast it turned from cute and cuddly, to rabid furball, to a grotesque semi-hair covered purple beast thing.
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