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Miami Woman Has Her Headshots Sold To A Stock Photo Site And Now She’s On The Cover of an Erotic Novel



That typo though.
Totally missed this one! It's awesome as well!


Chapter 2
Choosing Between Two Lovers.

Kanjo had never been one to shy away from a challenge, but he had never been faced with a decision like this before. He loved both the bear and the monkey in different ways, and he couldn't bear the thought of hurting either of them.

As he sat by the fire that night, with the bear snuggled up next to him and the monkey perched on his shoulder, he knew he had to make a choice. He couldn't keep leading them both on, pretending that everything was okay.

But how could he choose between them? The bear was his first love, the one who had awakened something deep inside him. But the monkey was so playful and carefree, always making him laugh and helping him forget his troubles.

He spent the night lost in thought, his mind racing as he tried to find a solution. In the end, it was the bear who made the decision for him. As they were walking through the woods the next day, she stopped and turned to face him.

"Kanjo," she said, her voice deep and rumbling. "I know you're struggling with your feelings. And I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what you choose."

Kanjo felt a lump form in his throat. He had never known love like this before, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing it. But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the pull he felt towards the monkey.

As they continued to walk, he found himself lost in thought once again. But this time, it was different. This time, he felt a sense of clarity that he had never felt before. He knew what he had to do.

When they reached their campsite that night, he took both the bear and the monkey by the hand. "I love you both," he said, his voice shaking. "But I have to be honest. I can't choose between you. I want to be with both of you, together."

The bear and the monkey looked at each other, then back at Kanjo. For a moment, there was silence, as they all tried to process what he had just said. But then, to his surprise, they both smiled.

"Okay," said the bear. "We'll give it a try."

And with that, Kanjo felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He had found a solution that worked for everyone, and he knew that with the bear and the monkey by his side, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they settled in for the night, Kanjo felt a sense of contentment that he had never known before. He was no longer torn between two loves. He had found a way to make it work, to create something new and beautiful out of the chaos. And for the first time in his life, he felt like he had finally found his true home.

Stay Tuned For Chapter 3, we all know jealousy will rear it's ugly head. 👀

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Chapter 2
Choosing Between Two Lovers.

Kanjo had never been one to shy away from a challenge, but he had never been faced with a decision like this before. He loved both the bear and the monkey in different ways, and he couldn't bear the thought of hurting either of them.

As he sat by the fire that night, with the bear snuggled up next to him and the monkey perched on his shoulder, he knew he had to make a choice. He couldn't keep leading them both on, pretending that everything was okay.

But how could he choose between them? The bear was his first love, the one who had awakened something deep inside him. But the monkey was so playful and carefree, always making him laugh and helping him forget his troubles.

He spent the night lost in thought, his mind racing as he tried to find a solution. In the end, it was the bear who made the decision for him. As they were walking through the woods the next day, she stopped and turned to face him.

"Kanjo," she said, her voice deep and rumbling. "I know you're struggling with your feelings. And I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what you choose."

Kanjo felt a lump form in his throat. He had never known love like this before, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing it. But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the pull he felt towards the monkey.

As they continued to walk, he found himself lost in thought once again. But this time, it was different. This time, he felt a sense of clarity that he had never felt before. He knew what he had to do.

When they reached their campsite that night, he took both the bear and the monkey by the hand. "I love you both," he said, his voice shaking. "But I have to be honest. I can't choose between you. I want to be with both of you, together."

The bear and the monkey looked at each other, then back at Kanjo. For a moment, there was silence, as they all tried to process what he had just said. But then, to his surprise, they both smiled.

"Okay," said the bear. "We'll give it a try."

And with that, Kanjo felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He had found a solution that worked for everyone, and he knew that with the bear and the monkey by his side, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they settled in for the night, Kanjo felt a sense of contentment that he had never known before. He was no longer torn between two loves. He had found a way to make it work, to create something new and beautiful out of the chaos. And for the first time in his life, he felt like he had finally found his true home.

Stay Tuned For Chapter 3, we all know jealousy will rear it's ugly head. 👀
You should seriously put this up on amazon as a free ebook.

"Bear Hugs and Monkey Business: A Wildly Entertaining Romance"

Does this book explain how he ended up in Diddy Kong Racing? I know Banjo and Diddy are "friends" but how "friendly"?
A brief but passionate gay tryst is the perfect dramatic twist for such a novel. Chapter title: Enter the Twink
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Maiden was a large woman and had always dreamed of meeting Voyage. He was the most famous and richest man in the world, and she was just an ordinary journalist who had been assigned to interview him for her magazine. She had prepared dozens of questions, but when she saw him in person, she forgot them all. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. He greeted her warmly and invited her to sit down in his luxurious office.

She tried to act professional, but she couldn't help feeling nervous and flustered. He seemed genuinely interested in her opinions and stories, and he made her laugh with his witty remarks. He asked her about her hobbies and passions, and she told him how much she loved writing fiction. He said he admired creative people, and he asked if he could read some of her work. She blushed and said she didn't have anything good enough to show him.

Voyage smiled and said he would love to read anything she wrote, even if it was just a draft. He said he had a proposition for her: if she agreed to send him one of her stories by email, he would send her one of his own in return. He said he also enjoyed writing fiction as a hobby, but he never shared it with anyone. He said it would be fun to exchange feedback and ideas.

Maiden was surprised and intrigued by his offer. She wondered what kind of stories he wrote, and what they would reveal about him. She felt a spark of attraction between them, but she also felt intimidated by his status and power. She didn't know if he was serious or just playing with her.

Maiden hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a chance. She agreed to his proposition and gave him her email address. Voyage thanked her and said he looked forward to reading her story soon.

They finished the interview shortly after that, but they kept talking for another hour until his assistant reminded him of his next appointment. He apologized for keeping her so long, then walked her to the elevator. He held out his hand and said it was a pleasure meeting her.

Maiden shook Voyage hand and felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. She looked into his eyes and saw something flicker in them: curiosity? admiration? desire?

Voyage leaned closer to her ear and whispered: "I hope you'll write me something romantic."

Voyage winked at her then stepped back into his office.

Maiden stood there speechless as the elevator doors closed.

She realized she had just met the man of her dreams. And together they would be Maiden Voyage.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Maiden was a large woman and had always dreamed of meeting Voyage. He was the most famous and richest man in the world, and she was just an ordinary journalist who had been assigned to interview him for her magazine. She had prepared dozens of questions, but when she saw him in person, she forgot them all. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. He greeted her warmly and invited her to sit down in his luxurious office.

She tried to act professional, but she couldn't help feeling nervous and flustered. He seemed genuinely interested in her opinions and stories, and he made her laugh with his witty remarks. He asked her about her hobbies and passions, and she told him how much she loved writing fiction. He said he admired creative people, and he asked if he could read some of her work. She blushed and said she didn't have anything good enough to show him.

Voyage smiled and said he would love to read anything she wrote, even if it was just a draft. He said he had a proposition for her: if she agreed to send him one of her stories by email, he would send her one of his own in return. He said he also enjoyed writing fiction as a hobby, but he never shared it with anyone. He said it would be fun to exchange feedback and ideas.

Maiden was surprised and intrigued by his offer. She wondered what kind of stories he wrote, and what they would reveal about him. She felt a spark of attraction between them, but she also felt intimidated by his status and power. She didn't know if he was serious or just playing with her.

Maiden hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a chance. She agreed to his proposition and gave him her email address. Voyage thanked her and said he looked forward to reading her story soon.

They finished the interview shortly after that, but they kept talking for another hour until his assistant reminded him of his next appointment. He apologized for keeping her so long, then walked her to the elevator. He held out his hand and said it was a pleasure meeting her.

Maiden shook Voyage hand and felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. She looked into his eyes and saw something flicker in them: curiosity? admiration? desire?

Voyage leaned closer to her ear and whispered: "I hope you'll write me something romantic."

Voyage winked at her then stepped back into his office.

Maiden stood there speechless as the elevator doors closed.

She realized she had just met the man of her dreams. And together they would be Maiden Voyage.
Is this Fifty Shades of Gaf?


King of Gaslighting
I mean, it's a fantasy romance novel. No different than the stories about the mousey housewife starting an impossible affair with a wealthy and well traveled younger man or some shit. Of course them big ol' women in Austin also want an improbable exotic adventure.

. . . as to the main story, we're slowly getting to the place where speculative scifi always said we were headed. You don't own "you" and it's only going to get worse.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Maiden was a large woman and had always dreamed of meeting Voyage. He was the most famous and richest man in the world, and she was just an ordinary journalist who had been assigned to interview him for her magazine. She had prepared dozens of questions, but when she saw him in person, she forgot them all. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. He greeted her warmly and invited her to sit down in his luxurious office.

She tried to act professional, but she couldn't help feeling nervous and flustered. He seemed genuinely interested in her opinions and stories, and he made her laugh with his witty remarks. He asked her about her hobbies and passions, and she told him how much she loved writing fiction. He said he admired creative people, and he asked if he could read some of her work. She blushed and said she didn't have anything good enough to show him.

Voyage smiled and said he would love to read anything she wrote, even if it was just a draft. He said he had a proposition for her: if she agreed to send him one of her stories by email, he would send her one of his own in return. He said he also enjoyed writing fiction as a hobby, but he never shared it with anyone. He said it would be fun to exchange feedback and ideas.

Maiden was surprised and intrigued by his offer. She wondered what kind of stories he wrote, and what they would reveal about him. She felt a spark of attraction between them, but she also felt intimidated by his status and power. She didn't know if he was serious or just playing with her.

Maiden hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a chance. She agreed to his proposition and gave him her email address. Voyage thanked her and said he looked forward to reading her story soon.

They finished the interview shortly after that, but they kept talking for another hour until his assistant reminded him of his next appointment. He apologized for keeping her so long, then walked her to the elevator. He held out his hand and said it was a pleasure meeting her.

Maiden shook Voyage hand and felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. She looked into his eyes and saw something flicker in them: curiosity? admiration? desire?

Voyage leaned closer to her ear and whispered: "I hope you'll write me something romantic."

Voyage winked at her then stepped back into his office.

Maiden stood there speechless as the elevator doors closed.

She realized she had just met the man of her dreams. And together they would be Maiden Voyage.
Gentlemen, I think we're on to something here.



Parody of actual AJUMP23
Dropping my new short romance novel now. Con_Z_ǝdʇ Con_Z_ǝdʇ and 22:22:22 22:22:22 are the focus here.

ConZ had always been insecure about her size, feeling that her weight was a barrier to finding true love. But one day, while shopping at an upscale boutique, she met TwentyTwo, a charming and handsome millionaire who was immediately drawn to her beauty and confidence.

Despite her initial reservations, ConZ allowed herself to fall for TwentyTwo, and the two quickly became inseparable. They would spend hours talking and laughing, sharing their hopes and dreams for the future.

TwentyTwo and ConZ had been dating for several weeks and decided it was time to take their relationship to the next level. They had planned a cozy night in, with TwentyTwo cooking dinner at his penthouse apartment. As they sat on his balcony, enjoying the stunning view of the city, they sipped on champagne and talked about their dreams and aspirations. ConZ was amazed at how down-to-earth and caring TwentyTwo was, despite his wealth and status. After dinner, they danced to their favorite songs and laughed the night away. As the night progressed, they realized they didn't want the night to end just yet. So, they made a spontaneous decision to stay the night at TwentyTwo's apartment.

The next morning, they woke up feeling happy and content. They decided to cook breakfast together, with TwentyTwo showing ConZ how to make his famous blueberry pancakes. As they cooked, they playfully teased each other and shared intimate moments. It was a simple and romantic morning, with the two of them enjoying each other's company and the delicious breakfast. It was a moment that they both cherished and would never forget.

But their relationship was not without its challenges. ConZ's family disapproved of their relationship, and often made snide comments about TwentyTwo's wealth and social status. Additionally, TwentyTwo's friends and colleagues were skeptical of his decision to date a larger woman, and some even suggested that he was settling for less than he deserved.

Despite these obstacles, ConZ and TwentyTwo remained committed to each other. They stood up to their detractors, and refused to let anyone come between them. Over time, they learned to trust and rely on each other in ways they never thought possible.

As their love deepened, they faced a new challenge when ConZ was diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Although the news was devastating, TwentyTwo remained by her side, providing unwavering support and encouragement. He helped her find the best doctors and treatments, and made sure that she felt loved and valued every step of the way.

Together, ConZ and TwentyTwo overcame every obstacle that stood in their way, proving that love truly knows no bounds. They knew that they were meant to be together, and nothing could ever change that.

ConZ and TwentyTwo could hardly believe it when they were selected to be among the first humans to colonize Mars. It was a dream come true for both of them - ConZ had always been fascinated by space and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, while TwentyTwo had been searching for a new challenge after making his fortune on Earth. Life on Mars was tough, but they were determined to make it work. They spent their days tending to the colony's crops, conducting research on the Martian terrain, and exploring the planet's rocky landscape. But no matter how difficult things got, they always had each other to rely on.

Years went by, and the colony grew larger and more self-sufficient. ConZ and TwentyTwo grew older, but their love for each other never faded. They spent their evenings watching the stars and reminiscing about their life on Earth, but they both knew that this was where they truly belonged. As their health began to decline, they knew that they didn't have much time left. They made the decision to spend their final days together, alone in their tiny habitat on the Martian surface. They held each other close, watching as the sun set for the final time. In the end, they were at peace. They had lived a long, full life together on a distant planet, and they had each other until the very end. Their legacy would live on, not just in the history books, but in the very soil of Mars.
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Dropping my new short romance novel now. Con_Z_ǝdʇ Con_Z_ǝdʇ and 22:22:22 22:22:22 are the focus here.

ConZ had always been insecure about her size, feeling that her weight was a barrier to finding true love. But one day, while shopping at an upscale boutique, she met TwentyTwo, a charming and handsome millionaire who was immediately drawn to her beauty and confidence.

Despite her initial reservations, ConZ allowed herself to fall for TwentyTwo, and the two quickly became inseparable. They would spend hours talking and laughing, sharing their hopes and dreams for the future.

TwentyTwo and ConZ had been dating for several weeks and decided it was time to take their relationship to the next level. They had planned a cozy night in, with TwentyTwo cooking dinner at his penthouse apartment. As they sat on his balcony, enjoying the stunning view of the city, they sipped on champagne and talked about their dreams and aspirations. ConZ was amazed at how down-to-earth and caring TwentyTwo was, despite his wealth and status. After dinner, they danced to their favorite songs and laughed the night away. As the night progressed, they realized they didn't want the night to end just yet. So, they made a spontaneous decision to stay the night at TwentyTwo's apartment.

The next morning, they woke up feeling happy and content. They decided to cook breakfast together, with TwentyTwo showing ConZ how to make his famous blueberry pancakes. As they cooked, they playfully teased each other and shared intimate moments. It was a simple and romantic morning, with the two of them enjoying each other's company and the delicious breakfast. It was a moment that they both cherished and would never forget.

But their relationship was not without its challenges. ConZ's family disapproved of their relationship, and often made snide comments about TwentyTwo's wealth and social status. Additionally, TwentyTwo's friends and colleagues were skeptical of his decision to date a larger woman, and some even suggested that he was settling for less than he deserved.

Despite these obstacles, ConZ and TwentyTwo remained committed to each other. They stood up to their detractors, and refused to let anyone come between them. Over time, they learned to trust and rely on each other in ways they never thought possible.

As their love deepened, they faced a new challenge when ConZ was diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Although the news was devastating, TwentyTwo remained by her side, providing unwavering support and encouragement. He helped her find the best doctors and treatments, and made sure that she felt loved and valued every step of the way.

Together, ConZ and TwentyTwo overcame every obstacle that stood in their way, proving that love truly knows no bounds. They knew that they were meant to be together, and nothing could ever change that.

Damn. Bravo sir. Bravo indeed.

That was quite the twist at the end.

I'm tearing up...

Sad Michael Jordan GIF


Parody of actual AJUMP23
D Days like these... and GymWolf GymWolf I am adding a little more complexity to the story, blessings and romans.

DLThees, an alien, and a researcher, was conducting a study on the various forms of life that had once existed on Mars. During the course of the research, he stumbled upon the graves of ConZ and TwentyTwo. As he read the epitaphs, he realized that they had been two of the first humans to establish a permanent settlement on the red planet. They had lived out their days on Mars, exploring its rugged terrain and relishing its stark beauty.

DLThees found himself strangely moved by their story, and he decided to pay his respects to the couple by blessing their graves. He hoped that his small gesture would bring some measure of peace to their souls. As he stood there, he reflected on the fact that ConZ and TwentyTwo had been pioneers, just like his own people, the Reseters. They had come to this inhospitable world, seeking to expand the boundaries of their knowledge and experience.

In that moment, DLThees felt a sense of kinship with these two humans. He realized that, despite their differences, they shared a common purpose and a common destiny. And as he looked up at the crimson sky, he knew that their spirit would endure, even as their bodies returned to the dust from which they had come.

DLThees was an explorer from the planet Resetera, the first of his kind to make contact with the human race. He had always been curious about the inhabitants of Earth, but it wasn't until he met Gwolf that he realized just how much he had been missing. It was a chance encounter, one that could have easily been overlooked, but fate had other plans. DLThees was on a reconnaissance mission, studying the surface of the moon when he saw her. She was sitting on a rock, looking up at the sky, lost in thought.

DLThees was immediately drawn to her, captivated by the way the moonlight played across her face. He flew closer, landing softly on the ground, and approached her. Gwolf was startled at first, but when she saw the alien standing in front of her, she was intrigued. As they talked, they found they had much in common. They both loved exploring new places and had a deep appreciation for the unknown. They spent hours talking and getting to know each other, and as the night wore on, DLThees knew that he had fallen in love with Gwolf.

For Gwolf, it was a little more complicated. She had never met an alien before, and the idea of being in love with one was both exciting and terrifying. But as she spent more time with DLThees, she found that he was unlike any creature she had ever met. DLThees was gentle and kind, and he had a way of making her feel special. They spent the next few days exploring the moon together, and as they did, they fell deeper and deeper in love.

Eventually, they realized that they couldn't bear to be apart. DLThees decided to leave his mission and live on the moon with Gwolf. They built a home together, using materials they found on the moon's surface, and spent their days exploring, laughing, and learning from each other. For a time, they were blissfully happy, but as time went on, they realized that they were aging differently. Gwolf's life was short, but DLThees was practically immortal. They knew that eventually, they would have to say goodbye. Despite this, they made the most of the time they had. They lived every day to the fullest, making memories that they would cherish forever. And when Gwolf finally passed away, DLThees knew that he would never forget the love they shared.

As he looked up at the stars, DLThees felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that Gwolf was watching over him, and he was grateful for the time they had together. And as he turned to leave, he saw a group of Reseters watching him from afar. They had seen the love between DLThees and Gwolf and had come to bless them. As they approached, DLThees felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He knew that his love for Gwolf had brought his people and hers together, and he was grateful for the gift of love that they had given him.

With a renewed sense of purpose, DLThees returned to Resetera, and he spent the rest of his life sharing the lessons he had learned about love and connection. And as he looked back on his time with Gwolf, he knew that their love had changed the course of history, forever.


Gold Member
D Days like these... and GymWolf GymWolf I am adding a little more complexity to the story, blessings and romans.

DLThees, an alien, and a researcher, was conducting a study on the various forms of life that had once existed on Mars. During the course of the research, he stumbled upon the graves of ConZ and TwentyTwo. As he read the epitaphs, he realized that they had been two of the first humans to establish a permanent settlement on the red planet. They had lived out their days on Mars, exploring its rugged terrain and relishing its stark beauty.

DLThees found himself strangely moved by their story, and he decided to pay his respects to the couple by blessing their graves. He hoped that his small gesture would bring some measure of peace to their souls. As he stood there, he reflected on the fact that ConZ and TwentyTwo had been pioneers, just like his own people, the Reseters. They had come to this inhospitable world, seeking to expand the boundaries of their knowledge and experience.

In that moment, DLThees felt a sense of kinship with these two humans. He realized that, despite their differences, they shared a common purpose and a common destiny. And as he looked up at the crimson sky, he knew that their spirit would endure, even as their bodies returned to the dust from which they had come.

DLThees was an explorer from the planet Resetera, the first of his kind to make contact with the human race. He had always been curious about the inhabitants of Earth, but it wasn't until he met Gwolf that he realized just how much he had been missing. It was a chance encounter, one that could have easily been overlooked, but fate had other plans. DLThees was on a reconnaissance mission, studying the surface of the moon when he saw her. She was sitting on a rock, looking up at the sky, lost in thought.

DLThees was immediately drawn to her, captivated by the way the moonlight played across her face. He flew closer, landing softly on the ground, and approached her. Gwolf was startled at first, but when she saw the alien standing in front of her, she was intrigued. As they talked, they found they had much in common. They both loved exploring new places and had a deep appreciation for the unknown. They spent hours talking and getting to know each other, and as the night wore on, DLThees knew that he had fallen in love with Gwolf.

For Gwolf, it was a little more complicated. She had never met an alien before, and the idea of being in love with one was both exciting and terrifying. But as she spent more time with DLThees, she found that he was unlike any creature she had ever met. DLThees was gentle and kind, and he had a way of making her feel special. They spent the next few days exploring the moon together, and as they did, they fell deeper and deeper in love.

Eventually, they realized that they couldn't bear to be apart. DLThees decided to leave his mission and live on the moon with Gwolf. They built a home together, using materials they found on the moon's surface, and spent their days exploring, laughing, and learning from each other. For a time, they were blissfully happy, but as time went on, they realized that they were aging differently. Gwolf's life was short, but DLThees was practically immortal. They knew that eventually, they would have to say goodbye. Despite this, they made the most of the time they had. They lived every day to the fullest, making memories that they would cherish forever. And when Gwolf finally passed away, DLThees knew that he would never forget the love they shared.

As he looked up at the stars, DLThees felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that Gwolf was watching over him, and he was grateful for the time they had together. And as he turned to leave, he saw a group of Reseters watching him from afar. They had seen the love between DLThees and Gwolf and had come to bless them. As they approached, DLThees felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He knew that his love for Gwolf had brought his people and hers together, and he was grateful for the gift of love that they had given him.

With a renewed sense of purpose, DLThees returned to Resetera, and he spent the rest of his life sharing the lessons he had learned about love and connection. And as he looked back on his time with Gwolf, he knew that their love had changed the course of history, forever.
Dafuq is this?


I know you guys have been eagerly awaiting Chapter 3!

Feeling Left Out

Kanjo woke up early the next morning and noticed that the bear and the monkey were not beside him. He got up and looked around the campsite, but they were nowhere to be found. As he began to worry, he heard some strange noises coming from a nearby bush.

Feeling curious, he quietly approached the bush and peered through the leaves. What he saw made his heart sink. The bear and the monkey were wrapped around each other, making sweet love without him.

Kanjo felt a mixture of emotions. He was sad and hurt that they had left him out, but also jealous that they were able to experience such intimacy without him. He didn't know how to react, so he quietly walked away and sat by the river, lost in thought.

After a few minutes, he heard footsteps approaching. It was the bear and the monkey, looking at him with concern. Kanjo didn't know what to say, so he just looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry," said the bear, her voice low and gentle. "We didn't mean to hurt you. We just got carried away."

The monkey chimed in, "Yes, we're sorry, Kanjo. We were just caught up in the moment. We still love you just as much."

Kanjo couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt. Could they still love him the same way after what he had witnessed? But as he looked up into their eyes, he saw the sincerity in their expressions.

"We're a family now, Kanjo," said the bear, wrapping her massive arms around him. "We love each other in our own way. We can be together, and we can also have our own moments with each other. It doesn't change how we feel about you."

The monkey added, "Exactly. We're all in this together. We love you, Kanjo. We're sorry we hurt you, but please don't doubt our love for you."

Kanjo felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had been so caught up in his own feelings of hurt and jealousy that he hadn't realized the bigger picture. They were all in this together, and their love for each other was strong enough to overcome any obstacles.

With a smile, Kanjo hugged both the bear and the monkey tightly. "I love you both," he said. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I know we can make this work."

And with that, the three of them returned to the campsite, stronger and more united than ever before. They knew that challenges would arise, but they were ready to face them together, as a family.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
I know you guys have been eagerly awaiting Chapter 3!

Feeling Left Out

Kanjo woke up early the next morning and noticed that the bear and the monkey were not beside him. He got up and looked around the campsite, but they were nowhere to be found. As he began to worry, he heard some strange noises coming from a nearby bush.

Feeling curious, he quietly approached the bush and peered through the leaves. What he saw made his heart sink. The bear and the monkey were wrapped around each other, making sweet love without him.

Kanjo felt a mixture of emotions. He was sad and hurt that they had left him out, but also jealous that they were able to experience such intimacy without him. He didn't know how to react, so he quietly walked away and sat by the river, lost in thought.

After a few minutes, he heard footsteps approaching. It was the bear and the monkey, looking at him with concern. Kanjo didn't know what to say, so he just looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry," said the bear, her voice low and gentle. "We didn't mean to hurt you. We just got carried away."

The monkey chimed in, "Yes, we're sorry, Kanjo. We were just caught up in the moment. We still love you just as much."

Kanjo couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt. Could they still love him the same way after what he had witnessed? But as he looked up into their eyes, he saw the sincerity in their expressions.

"We're a family now, Kanjo," said the bear, wrapping her massive arms around him. "We love each other in our own way. We can be together, and we can also have our own moments with each other. It doesn't change how we feel about you."

The monkey added, "Exactly. We're all in this together. We love you, Kanjo. We're sorry we hurt you, but please don't doubt our love for you."

Kanjo felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had been so caught up in his own feelings of hurt and jealousy that he hadn't realized the bigger picture. They were all in this together, and their love for each other was strong enough to overcome any obstacles.

With a smile, Kanjo hugged both the bear and the monkey tightly. "I love you both," he said. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I know we can make this work."

And with that, the three of them returned to the campsite, stronger and more united than ever before. They knew that challenges would arise, but they were ready to face them together, as a family.
Beautiful ending.

And it also just hit me that I’m being slandered even more than I already was with your stories.
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As a photographer, ill be honest this is the first time I see someone deceive someone like this in the contract. Also since its only $100 and we are talking about the US here, Id say she probably dove into some random agency that churns out this stuff like an indian call center. So they put the rights on all your photos so they could make the cash elsewhere. Definitely not a singular photographer.
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