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Miami Woman Has Her Headshots Sold To A Stock Photo Site And Now She’s On The Cover of an Erotic Novel


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Question the thread get your own Romance. Power Pro Power Pro for his questions and anthony2690 anthony2690 for support.

PowerP had always been a bit hesitant when it came to love. Being a plus-sized woman, she had struggled with insecurities and often felt like she didn't fit in. But one day, fate intervened in the form of a stuck elevator. PowerP was on her way to a job interview when the elevator suddenly jolted to a halt. She was feeling nervous and anxious, but then she heard a voice. It was the voice of Ant2690, a man who had also been trapped in the elevator.

They struck up a conversation, and before long, PowerP found herself opening up to Ant2690 in a way she had never done before. He listened to her with kindness and empathy, and before she knew it, she was feeling more comfortable and at ease than she ever had before. As the hours ticked by, PowerP and Ant2690 grew closer and closer. They talked about everything under the sun, from their favorite movies to their hopes and dreams for the future. And as the elevator repair crew finally arrived to free them, PowerP knew that she had found something special in Ant2690.

They exchanged numbers and began dating, taking things slow but steadily falling more in love with each passing day. Ant2690 was always there to support and encourage PowerP, helping her to see the beauty in herself that she had been too afraid to acknowledge before. They faced challenges along the way, like judgment from some of PowerP's family and friends who couldn't understand why a man like Ant2690 would be interested in a plus-sized woman. But they didn't let that stop them.

Eventually, Ant2690 proposed to PowerP on a quiet evening under the stars, and they got married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by loved ones. They continued to face life's ups and downs together, always supporting each other and finding joy in the simple moments. PowerP had never believed in love at first sight, but she knew that the moment she met Ant2690 in that elevator, something special had happened. And as they grew old together, she knew that she had found the kind of love that would last a lifetime.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Keep it together Maiden, keep it together.
Proud Mama Africa GIF by CAF


Question the thread get your own Romance. Power Pro Power Pro for his questions and anthony2690 anthony2690 for support.

PowerP had always been a bit hesitant when it came to love. Being a plus-sized woman, she had struggled with insecurities and often felt like she didn't fit in. But one day, fate intervened in the form of a stuck elevator. PowerP was on her way to a job interview when the elevator suddenly jolted to a halt. She was feeling nervous and anxious, but then she heard a voice. It was the voice of Ant2690, a man who had also been trapped in the elevator.

They struck up a conversation, and before long, PowerP found herself opening up to Ant2690 in a way she had never done before. He listened to her with kindness and empathy, and before she knew it, she was feeling more comfortable and at ease than she ever had before. As the hours ticked by, PowerP and Ant2690 grew closer and closer. They talked about everything under the sun, from their favorite movies to their hopes and dreams for the future. And as the elevator repair crew finally arrived to free them, PowerP knew that she had found something special in Ant2690.

They exchanged numbers and began dating, taking things slow but steadily falling more in love with each passing day. Ant2690 was always there to support and encourage PowerP, helping her to see the beauty in herself that she had been too afraid to acknowledge before. They faced challenges along the way, like judgment from some of PowerP's family and friends who couldn't understand why a man like Ant2690 would be interested in a plus-sized woman. But they didn't let that stop them.

Eventually, Ant2690 proposed to PowerP on a quiet evening under the stars, and they got married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by loved ones. They continued to face life's ups and downs together, always supporting each other and finding joy in the simple moments. PowerP had never believed in love at first sight, but she knew that the moment she met Ant2690 in that elevator, something special had happened. And as they grew old together, she knew that she had found the kind of love that would last a lifetime.

Chapter 2: Ant2690's Friends Come to the Rescue

Ant2690 loved spending time with his wife, PowerP. They were happy together and always found ways to make each other smile. But there was one thing that Ant2690 struggled with when it came to their relationship - PowerP's insatiable appetite.

PowerP loved to cook and bake, and she had a tendency to want to share her creations with Ant2690 every chance she got. While he appreciated her efforts, he also wanted to have time for his own hobbies and interests, like playing video games with his friends.

One afternoon, as Ant2690 was settling in for a gaming session, PowerP appeared with a tray of freshly baked cookies. Ant2690 smiled and took one, but before he could get back to his game, PowerP started telling him about all the other treats she had in the kitchen.

Ant2690's stomach sank as he realized he might be stuck there for hours, listening to PowerP talk about food. He loved his wife, but he also loved his video games, and he didn't want to have to choose between the two.

In a moment of desperation, he reached out to his friends - maiden voyage, Ajump23, Kanjo Bazooie, and 22°22 cowboy hat edition round. He explained the situation to them and asked if they could come over and help him escape PowerP's clutches.

To his relief, they all agreed to come over right away. When they arrived, Ant2690 quickly explained the situation and asked if they could distract PowerP so he could sneak away to play video games.

At first, the plan seemed to be working. Maiden voyage started chatting with PowerP about her latest cooking adventures, while Ajump23 and Kanjo Bazooie engaged her in a friendly game of cards. Ant2690 slipped away and settled in for a gaming session.

But just as he was getting into the groove, PowerP appeared behind him, holding a plate of freshly baked brownies.

"Ant2690, you have to try these," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Ant2690 felt a pang of guilt as he saw the disappointment on his friends' faces. He knew he had to find a way to balance his love for his wife with his love for his hobbies.

Taking a deep breath, he put down the controller and turned to PowerP.

"Sweetheart, I love your cooking, but I also love spending time with my friends and playing video games. Can we find a way to balance both?"

PowerP looked at him for a moment, then nodded.

"Of course, Ant2690. I want you to be happy too. Let's work on finding a way to balance our hobbies and interests."

And with that, Ant2690 felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had found a way to overcome his insecurities and communicate his needs to his wife, all with the help of his friends. Together, he and PowerP would find a way to make their relationship work, with plenty of cookies and video games to go around.

Oh man, chatgpt won't allow anything remotely negative and lectures you, chatgpt is a big fan of happy endings 🤣
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