harry mason 1989
The deal will be completed on June 29 according to the newsWhen should we hear anything official when it comes to the ABK deal?

The deal will be completed on June 29 according to the newsWhen should we hear anything official when it comes to the ABK deal?
Not really. GTA is not the same as COD.T2 would absolutely be blocked/investigated the same as ABK with GTA being the focus like COD is.
EA wouldn't be worth it because the bulk of EA's income comes from sports franchises that come with multiplatform license agreements. (Unless you want to wanted to keep them running 3rd party).
Not really. GTA is not the same as COD.
The reason COD is big is the yearly releases and MTX it brings. You have 20m people buy the game every year. That is more 1b sales yearly from copy sold, not counting mtx sales.
The fact that the MLB basically forced Sony to become a 3rd party dev for Xbox and Switch just to keep their MLB The Show license is proof that EA would be a terrible acquisition target. The NFL wouldn't let anyone take Madden exclusive either, and the same applies for The Franchise Formerly Known As FIFA because of the labyrinth of licensing that surrounds world pro soccer.T2 would absolutely be blocked/investigated the same as ABK with GTA being the focus like COD is.
EA wouldn't be worth it because the bulk of EA's income comes from sports franchises that come with multiplatform license agreements. (Unless you want to wanted to keep them running 3rd party).
It's like, when one goes down, a new contender enters the ring.Was this a saved post from 500 pages ago or something?
If Microsoft was denied the ABK acquisition based on concerns of how that would impact the console space, it would give Sony a reference point for the likelihood of success in, instead, acquiring EA or T2. Both of which have highly valuable franchises. More to the point, it may create a situation where they could come to the reasonable conclusion that Microsoft would likely be allowed to pick up one, but not both. As both would probably be more damaging than ABK alone. If I'm Sony, this is valuable information to plan my moves. With ABK being allowed based on consoles, no such reference exists yet.
Also, don't be a dick.
I'm not a dick, you just have no idea what you're talking about, and it's clear as day.
The idea that a merger worth nearly 70 billion dollars would have a definitive impact on deals that would be worth less than half of that... It reflects that you just don't understand the gaming market or regulatory bodies or history.
I'd love to see some of your historic evidence to back up your entirely made-up assumptions of how regulatory bodies see future M&A and how companies react accordingly.
Regulatory bodies don't care about Red Dead Redemption or even Grand Theft Auto, they barely care about Call of Duty. They care that ABK deal is worth 70 billion dollars and that it's the largest 3rd party publisher in a growing entertainment segment. They care about the relative size of Microsoft compared to Sony and the impact that Microsoft's deep pockets could have on the industry. No one bat an eye over Zenimax and no one would bat an eye with EA or T2. Much of their profits come from annual sports game revenue that would never be able to become exclusive because the leagues would not allow the foreclosure and the impact on revenue.
Gaming is still an infant in terms of overall entertainment revenue, but regulators know it is growing into a bigger business, but almost all regulators allowed this deal and they would certainly allow the smaller ones (significantly smaller companies). There was never any question of that.
Somehow gamers have convinced themselves that T2 and EA are in the same category as ABK, but the reality is they're not even close.
No one cares who buys mint mobile. T-Mobile and sprint were allowed to merge but ATT wasn't allowed to buy T-Mobile, even though the Tmobile Sprint deal made them the 2nd largest telecom in the US.
I'm not a dick, you just have no idea what you're talking about, and it's clear as day.
False. They don't care none of that crap shit. Disney is clear example of that.They care that ABK deal is worth 70 billion dollars and that it's the largest 3rd party publisher in a growing entertainment segment. They care about the relative size of Microsoft compared to Sony and the impact that Microsoft's deep pockets could have on the industry. No one bat an eye over Zenimax and no one would bat an eye with EA or T2. Much of their profits come from annual sports game revenue that would never be able to become exclusive because the leagues would not allow the foreclosure and the impact on revenue.
False. They don't care none of that crap shit. Disney is clear example of that.
The only reason why CMA and FTC are blocking this deal, is because MS is a giant tech company. That is all.
CMA used the effect way to kill it, which was the cloud. The fact that they didn't kill the deal on merit of console SLC should tell you their decision.
But the most factor of block come from MS desire not to share those revenues and making half assed remedies. Had MS being smart about that, CMA would have likelihood approved this deal.
Did the FTC really claim that PC's and Nintendo are not in the same market as PS and Xbox as it is written in the opposition motion on Page 9?
I don't see how the FTC wins this one, they are trying to split imaginary hairs to make this a purely MS vs. Sony thing, which it isn't. CoD is staying on PS and its coming to more systems, it a win for gaming as a whole in that aspect.
As for Cloud no one brought that up as a big issue until the CMA did and I didn't hear or read Sony complain about that. It feels like too big of a "What if" argument from the FTC and CMA on cloud gaming and to a point seem too certain that cloud gaming is going to be a thing and that MS will dominate it when in reality it wouldn't be the first time they failed to capitalize as being at the forefront of a industry before falling off.
You know that's hearsay and cannot be used in court, right?So looks like Microsoft are using his quote as ammunition in the FTC thing? Hmmmm, as I said, I’m sure Jim Ryan was delighted!
High-end console market, you're joking right that is the first time I have ever heard of that term and probably the funniest as well. At no point was Nintendo separated from the console fight through all their generations it always been a pillar and competed with Sega, PS, and Xbox and since the Xbox One and PS4 PC has been fully absorbed into it too as well the only hurdle for developers and publishers is if it is a fiscally responsible move by them to develop for all of the platforms. We have games that are literally online cross play on PC, Xbox, PS, and Switch, making up arbitrary classes to classify things to suit a narrative is silly especially in this case.The high-end console market has always been largely separate from PC gaming and Nintendo has left that market since the Gamecube... The Wii was released in 2006, almost two decades ago and Nintendo's absence from this market since the N64 has had little to no impact on gaming.
It's like saying we should compare the Honda Accord to the Tesla Model S just because they are both cars.
Cloud has always been a concern since this deal was announced. Everyone knows that cloud could very well be the future of gaming. We've talked about it at length here on this forum. If they're able to solve for latency, it allows you to without hardware (that you take a loss on) get gaming into almost any home and on almost any device... That's huge for gaming and technology changes rapidly.
The first iphone came out after the Wii and in that time span has completely altered day to day life across the planet. The next two years will be unmistakable from the previous 20.
I'm curious if you're one of those people who thinks the laws of physics are more like guidelines or what. How exactly do they "solve for latency" short of putting a network of servers around the world every 50 miles or so? And how would that be cheaper than gamers just buying the hardware if they play games?Cloud has always been a concern since this deal was announced. Everyone knows that cloud could very well be the future of gaming. We've talked about it at length here on this forum. If they're able to solve for latency, it allows you to without hardware (that you take a loss on) get gaming into almost any home and on almost any device... That's huge for gaming and technology changes rapidly.
Did the FTC really claim that PC's and Nintendo are not in the same market as PS and Xbox as it is written in the opposition motion on Page 9?
I don't see how the FTC wins this one, they are trying to split imaginary hairs to make this a purely MS vs. Sony thing, which it isn't. CoD is staying on PS and its coming to more systems, it a win for gaming as a whole in that aspect.
As for Cloud no one brought that up as a big issue until the CMA did and I didn't hear or read Sony complain about that. It feels like too big of a "What if" argument from the FTC and CMA on cloud gaming and to a point seem too certain that cloud gaming is going to be a thing and that MS will dominate it when in reality it wouldn't be the first time they failed to capitalize as being at the forefront of a industry before falling off.
MS already said that Sony would have 10 years to create their own COD alternative.So Jimbo basically knew that Microsoft won't forclose Call of Duty from Playstation and yet he was still spreading PR bullshit.
I'm shocked
The regulators would be all over the scenario you suggest.This ABK deal would have been by far the largest deal in the history of gaming, nearly 10 fold the zenimax deal. You compare that to say the T2 Zynga deal which was truly more of a merger with much of the deal coming via stock swap and it was obvious that regulators would take a strong look at this deal with the odds of them blocking it being high.
You look at Disney's competitors even after the Fox deal, and you can see that they don't really have outsized leverage like Microsoft does.
Disney has a market cap of 166 billion. Who are Disney's biggest competitors? Universal/Comcast, Netflix, Amazon, Sony, Discovery Warner, and Paramount.
Universal/Comcast - 171 billion
Netflix - 192 billion
Amazon - 1.29 trillion
Sony - 123 billion
Discovery Warner - 31 billion
Paramount - 10 billion
So you look at Paramount and Discovery and they're obviously entirely too small to compete.
They'll be bought out within 10 years and regulators won't stop it as long as there is a general balance in the market.
Microsoft buying the biggest 3rd party publisher with their deep pockets was always going to make regulators think twice, especially with their history and their tentacles.
Sony could buy Discovery Warner, Paramount Pictures, and T2 and regulators probably wouldn't bat an eye even with total sum of those being larger than ABK.
Ah you changed your avatar? What happened to the blocked version?You know that's hearsay and cannot be used in court, right?
That wasn't me. I have had this avatar since April, I guess.Ah you changed your avatar? What happened to the blocked version?
There are 3 consoles: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo.High-end console market, you're joking right that is the first time I have ever heard of that term and probably the funniest as well. At no point was Nintendo separated from the console fight through all their generations it always been a pillar and competed with Sega, PS, and Xbox and since the Xbox One and PS4 PC has been fully absorbed into it too as well the only hurdle for developers and publishers is if it is a fiscally responsible move by them to develop for all of the platforms. We have games that are literally online cross play on PC, Xbox, PS, and Switch, making up arbitrary classes to classify things to suit a narrative is silly especially in this case.
As for cloud gaming, I didn't hear any large concerted efforts from either Sony or the internet in general about cloud gaming being a huge factor or concern in this merger until the CMA's decision even EC didn't consider it a big enough concern to block the merger. Also cloud gaming itself is very speculative, we have been trying to figure it out for over a decade now and still struggling with the same issue which is latency and it is something we won't be able solve with out brute internet speed if at all, which is out of MS hands.
For me personally there is a bigger chance that handhelds and Smart TV's will have a bigger impact than cloud gaming in the next 10 years. The affordability and advancement of ssd's, fold-able screens, CPU's, and GPU's will only ramp up as AI can have a direct advancement impact on those technologies.
That's the whole point, if a console can't survive without cod how do you explain the switch. That's the whole reason for the high powered console breakdown to remove that data point.You're measuring the impact of COD's exclusivity on consoles, so why would you measure it on a console that doesn't even have COD to begin with?
High-end console market, you're joking right that is the first time I have ever heard of that term and probably the funniest as well.
Different dynamics and target audience and geographical markets.That's the whole point, if a console can't survive without cod how do you explain the switch. That's the whole reason for the high powered console breakdown to remove that data point.
That's the whole point, if a console can't survive without cod how do you explain the switch. That's the whole reason for the high powered console breakdown to remove that data point.
High-end console market, you're joking right that is the first time I have ever heard of that term and probably the funniest as well. At no point was Nintendo separated from the console fight through all their generations it always been a pillar and competed with Sega, PS, and Xbox and since the Xbox One and PS4 PC has been fully absorbed into it too as well the only hurdle for developers and publishers is if it is a fiscally responsible move by them to develop for all of the platforms. We have games that are literally online cross play on PC, Xbox, PS, and Switch, making up arbitrary classes to classify things to suit a narrative is silly especially in this case.
As for cloud gaming, I didn't hear any large concerted efforts from either Sony or the internet in general about cloud gaming being a huge factor or concern in this merger until the CMA's decision even EC didn't consider it a big enough concern to block the merger. Also cloud gaming itself is very speculative, we have been trying to figure it out for over a decade now and still struggling with the same issue which is latency and it is something we won't be able solve with out brute internet speed if at all, which is out of MS hands.
For me personally there is a bigger chance that handhelds and Smart TV's will have a bigger impact than cloud gaming in the next 10 years. The affordability and advancement of ssd's, fold-able screens, CPU's, and GPU's will only ramp up as AI can have a direct advancement impact on those technologies.
I'm curious if you're one of those people who thinks the laws of physics are more like guidelines or what. How exactly do they "solve for latency" short of putting a network of servers around the world every 50 miles or so? And how would that be cheaper than gamers just buying the hardware if they play games?
Let me be the first to assure you that if we ever became a civilization advanced enough to break the speed of light, we will be so advanced at that point that the concept of cloud as known today would be something you read about in the history books. Not that such a civilization would use something as primitive as books, knowledge would likely simply be installed into your brain directly. Assuming we even still used biological material at that point, the idea of a brain made of organic matter would itself probably be quaint.
Its funny that we are sharing the guy who is obssesed with Xbox/MS himself.
The fact that you are arguing with me by bringing up bandwidth and even AI when I'm talking about immutable issues of latency because it quite literally takes time for data to travel hundreds of miles is proof that you don't have the slightest idea about what I'm talking about.Maybe you haven't been alive very long, but in just 1997 56K modems were a standard.
Less than 20 years later and we had 1-gigabit download speeds...
That's nearly 20x faster.
The combination of better data compression, faster internet speeds with lower latency, as well as AI will certainly get us to a future where cloud gaming is the norm...
all without breaking the speed of light :/
Yep. It’s just the colteastwood of the other side.Its funny that we are sharing the guy who is obssesed with Xbox/MS himself.
And what is worse is that these guys are adults who are 30+ years old. At that age, the last thing I would want to do is simp for a plastic box.Yep. It’s just the colteastwood of the other side.
I agreeI'm fine if we ban him like we did Florian.
I agree![]()
This is what I found so far. If anyone wants to continue, click Alt F and search "banned". Though, you will need to click every page, which is too long.
@Bernd Lauert
@Punished Miku
@Captain Toad
@Ash Sparrow
@Kagey K
@Ass of Can Whooping (He wont stop)
@Ozzy Onya A2Z
@Phil Spencer CarSales Man
This is what I found so far. If anyone wants to continue, click Alt F and search "banned". Though, you will need to click every page, which is too long.
@Bernd Lauert
@Punished Miku
@Captain Toad
@Ash Sparrow
@Kagey K
@Ass of Can Whooping (He wont stop)
@Ozzy Onya A2Z
@Phil Spencer CarSales Man
Came across this
Says the guy who had no qualms about posting tweets from the likes of Foss and that sloth dumbass.Now that's a hall of fame if I ever saw one.
Your first mistake was subscribing to the red shitter's twitter feed in the first place![]()
Nope. They will lose money.I have a question, say if the CMA appeal goes well and they are no longer blocking, since the block was for cloud games and not console and since Sony hasn't signed a 10 year deal with Microsoft, could Microsoft make Call of Duty exclusive then?
Your first mistake was subscribing to the red shitter's twitter feed in the first place![]()
Says the guy who had no qualms about posting tweets from the likes of Foss and that sloth dumbass.
The fact that you are arguing with me by bringing up bandwidth and even AI when I'm talking about immutable issues of latency because it quite literally takes time for data to travel hundreds of miles is proof that you don't have the slightest idea about what I'm talking about.
Again: humanity does not possess the technology needed to transfer data faster than the speed of light. As long as this is the case, there are permanently unsolvable latency issues in any cloud gaming network which doesn't place a nearly infinite number of servers outside each gamers house to reduce latency to the same level as simply owning console hardware themselves and having it in their house.
That's the whole point, if a console can't survive without cod how do you explain the switch. That's the whole reason for the high powered console breakdown to remove that data point.
I have a question, say if the CMA appeal goes well and they are no longer blocking, since the block was for cloud games and not console and since Sony hasn't signed a 10 year deal with Microsoft, could Microsoft make Call of Duty exclusive then?
We have to reach that stage first.If the CAT overturns the block, it goes back to the CMA to fix whatever the CAT found was wrong with their process. It doesn't change the outcome necessarily.
I do believe it would allow Microsoft to renegotiate with the CMA and probably offer better concessions, but the CMA may not be looking for concessions other than divestiture.
I have a question, say if the CMA appeal goes well and they are no longer blocking, since the block was for cloud games and not console and since Sony hasn't signed a 10 year deal with Microsoft, could Microsoft make Call of Duty exclusive then?