lmao. I literally fucking said this. There is no way Sony can survive without COD. 55% of console gamers play cod and even if half of them moved to xbox, sony would lose 35% of its PS+ subs, 35% of its digital store revenue, and god knows what else as a knock-on effect. At least not without significantly downscaling and turning into a different company. Like Nintendo which had to essentially turn itself into a handheld only company.
MS knew this. There was no other reason to spend $70 billion on one publisher when they couldve spend half that and gotten ubisoft, capcom, square-enix and take2. It wasnt about games or gamepass or providing value to their users. It was to put sony out of business first and foremost. I cant believe people here who see everything with a lens of system wars didnt see the biggest system wars flex ever.
Jim Ryan saying MS’s intention is to turn Playstation into Nintendo wasn’t out of the blue. People keep gaslighting but so far MS talking heads are the only ones consistently lying and deceiving when it comes to this merger.
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