CliffyB's Cock Holster
That's your guess. The most likely possibility is that MS promised Disney to increase the size and production values of the game compared to what would be only with the funds of Zenimax and that would be more interesting.
If they could afford the license then they had money for a AAA budget.
If they changed the deal Disney would have been well compensated for it either/or up-front or via back-end points.
Make no mistake losing the incumbent market-leading console paltform is going to cut their sales by millions. And no doubt the day-1 GamePass treatment will cut sales even lower, especially at retail.
It might make MS more money by cutting out the competition, but all things being equal its not nearly so beneficial to anyone else.
So yeah, they got paid more or similar concessions were made. Like for instance it maybe becoming a one-game deal instead of a multi-game one. Because lets face it, just like MLB publishing The Show on Xbox... The IP holder sets the rules.