I keep seeing this stuff...and I just don't get it.
The GP model, while having its benefits, is not the only way to do something like that. And there is proof of that, its called the PS+ model. The ony difference between the two models are day1 releases.
Thats it.
With PS+, if you decide to spend as little money as possible, you wi still end up having access to a great vast number f games, spanning first-party and third-party. And I dare say it would be even easier for third-party games to end up there because they have already gone through a 1-2yr period where they were only available to buy. Absolutely nothing stops MS from adopting a similar system. Games get their usual run-in on the market, and when sales slow down, they end up as rentals on the services. Everybody wins.
But that is not what MS wants, MS wants the priority to be GP, wants that people don't even need to buy games at all, but instead, just pay for GP and that's it. Why do you think that is? And the byproduct of that is that they have to make GP something you have to be stupid to not have. That's where Activision comes in, but I don't even have a problem with Activision and COD, my problem, is that I know if this deal goes through, it would just be the start. Technically not even the start cause its is the second major such purchase they have done.
And I rue the day or the period where MS is the biggest payer or the authority in the gaming market. And the people saying this is all ok now and is good for them now.... are basically skipping and singing their way into such a future. And I don't understand why anyone would willingly want to give that much power to anyone company... especially when that company is MS.
I really don't get it, is it that people really don't see just how bad GP will ultimately be for the industry as a whole? Or is it they don't just care, are cheap or short-sighted or a combination of any and or all of that three?