wut? You seriously need to see some hands on dial videos.that shit is game changer for artists. I cant imagine why it took someome this long to come up with it.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving."
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and picking the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and picking the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
Another thing i noticed is that she has to lift every time the colour is changed. So technically it isn't as fluid as what i first thought.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and pressing the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up, set down, and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
iMacs have pretty decent resale values.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and pressing the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up, set down, and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
Just checked my Surface Book on Craigslist that I got at launch.Yeah which unfortunately this thing won't.
I had a SurfaceBook and that thing had a ton of stupid issues. It took MS months to address them.
This new PC of theirs looks really cool and "future" like but I wouldn't trust them with that much money.
No. That's just the program.
People can utilize the dial however they want. Look at how adobe is using it.
Ya know, no matter your preference in OS or price, there really seems to be a lot of amazing options in for computing devices right now.
Between cheap Chromebooks, premium Chromebooks, the iPad Pro, Surface Pro 4, Surface Book (with dedicated GPU), Razer Stealth/Blade/Blade Pro, the Dell XPS line, the iMac 5K or the Surface Studio, we're really at this awesome time when pretty much every single computer being released by a major brand and with decent parts is a truly premium, somewhat cutting edge device.
I mean, just five or six years ago, I felt like every one of my family members and friends were still buying nasty-ass beige boxes or clunky-as-fuck 8lb DVD-drive laptops with 2hrs of battery life and a 3 degree viewing angle on a 720p display blown up to 18 inches.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and pressing the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up, set down, and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
Looking at that colour wheel I cannot help but notice a lack of colour selection. For an artist, they will need far far more colour available to pick. I guess maybe that particular software she is using doesn't allow for a lot of colour compared to say Photoshop?The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and pressing the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up, set down, and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
The dial is so convoluted.
Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/8BJisE80wAc?t=50s
She's like "I can change color on the fly. As I'm drawing I can change color...it's even better than paint. I don't have to dip into a new color of paint, I can just keep my line moving." As she's rotating this color wheel thing randomly.
You know how else you can achieve that exact same thing? Having a palette grid on the screen and pressing the color with your left hand. And that way you don't have to pick up, set down, and rotate a fucking dial to get the color you want.
Looking at that colour wheel I cannot help but notice a lack of colour selection. For an artist, they will need far far more colour available to pick. I guess maybe that particular software she is using doesn't allow for a lot of colour compared to say Photoshop?
That's better. Now, if I am Microsoft, I will make sure the puck can support slight tilts given that you can push down on it for an action. If you allow for small tilts, then you can use that to help select colour as well without lifting your pen. Further more, that should allow all Windows 10 stations to be able to support the puck. Baring some crazy usage of the puck that I'm not aware of, a tilt feature for the puck should be able to mimick every functions for non-tablet Windows 10 stations. That will open it up for more mass consumer usage in my mind.I think you can choose diff colour wheel options if you watch the ad the it shows it off.
I'm sure Microsoft knows that and a stand alone monitor is coming in the future. That is the only way in which I can justify such a purchase myself and probably many other people as well. They stand to make a lot of money by selling a standalone monitor like thatThe hardware looks really great, but I would have really preferred if it was just a screen instead of an all in one.
It's not only the unit price and the fact that I have a better PC at home already, it's that AIO are generally impossible to upgrade and hard to maintain.
A screen like that could easily last me a decade (my wacom tablet is like 8 years old and still doing fine) and that would make it easier pill to swallow for me.
I'm sure Microsoft knows that and a stand alone monitor is coming in the future. That is the only way in which I can justify such a purchase myself and probably many other people as well. They stand to make a lot of money by selling a standalone monitor like that
Yeah which unfortunately this thing won't.
Going in hard on Apple's iMac marketshare. I love it. I have no reason to buy one, but I support Microsoft's Surface line and its new philosophy. They're trying new things, and Apple is releasing in my opinion tepid products.
I want to see a 5k display on the next gen, though. And a thunderbolt port. But other than that it seems like a great piece of tech.
This reminds me of the Vaio LX. I wanted one so bad when it came out.
I really hope this thing turns out great and gets into my price range in the next 5 years.
I had one.
At this point, I just assume you have owned every single computer with a pen input ever made.
How was it?
I mean, it's the same form factor, but you can tell one of them is much sleeker.
This is just MS telling manufacturers again to step the fuck up. It's the features what will sell it anyway. Nobody has anything fully comparable to it, just like Windows 8 tablets/hybrids couldn't compare to the first gen Surface.
Hot damn, Microsoft has been really crushing it with hardware innovation recently.
And now they are going for Apple's core target, the creative industry.
I own an all-Mac creative agency, but I won't lie - Apple really needs to pick up the pace if they intend to stay in the game.
Hello brother. I had the PL500 too.The digitizer was same as the Wacom PL-500 15" pen display (which was immediate precursor to the very first Cintiq, 15X which was also know as PL-550). So the pen action was great. Screen was also pretty good, especially for the time (2001). Low res (1024x768) but good viewing angle. Probably MVA and not IPS, but still nice.
The Achilles heel was the computer it was attached to via a proprietary cable (so perma married to it). It was a Pentium III 1GHz with terrible built into Northbirdge GPU which was not even Open GL capable IIRC. It has one PCI slot open for upgrades and had only 2 DIMM slots which meant 1GB of PC133 SDRAM max at the time. Such a great screen handicapped by already outdated CPU (Pentium 4 was already out at the time).
But I was so enamored by the screen (this is before Cintiqs, and PL500 was $4000 while the entire LX900 was $3000) that I put it on CompUSA credit card and bought it. Used it as much as I could before the 1GHz P III became too painful to use with Painter and Photoshop.
I mean, it's the same form factor, but you can tell one of them is much sleeker.
This is just MS telling manufacturers again to step the fuck up. It's the features what will sell it anyway. Nobody has anything fully comparable to it, just like Windows 8 tablets/hybrids couldn't compare to the first gen Surface.
Hello brother. I had the PL500 too.
Shit, I still have it.
I found the owl image in the screen shot. I love owls so I had to get my detective on.