Not a bad thing... just unnecessary. "Skeuomorphic design philosophy" was needed when computers just entered everyday usage and were gaining popularity. The design was meant to make the transition from real-life objects to virtual ones easier to handle. For example, for someone who hold an ebook for the first time in his life it was easier to understand how to use it if it looked and acted like a real book.
Nowadays you don't need that, because people generally are familiar enough with computers, tablets etc. to know how things work. Flat design allows you to focus on the important UI elements while making everything else (background, less important UI elements) just be a background - simple and minimalistic. For example, for an ebook collection you don't need an image of a shelf hanging on a wall, filled with virtual books (like in the old version of iOS Newsstand app). A collection of book covers floating above an abstract background is enough. It allows users to easily focus on the interactive elements. It also allows designers to easy prepare applications that will fit devices with various screen sizes or to give apps an universal look.
That kind of attitude toward design is based on a pretty flawed interpretation of the very purpose of design, which is why I find it surprising that so many designers are behind it.
Skeumorphism as a trend didn't begin with the computer age, it's as old as the very first human cultures, and for good reason.
It's not just about making it easier for luddites to transition from old to new tech. It's also about acknowledging that the focal point of good design shouldn't be maximizing bare information, it should be presenting information formatted in whatever way that makes it most effective for human brains to process and integrate.
In order to do so it's necessary to take into account how we perceive the world through all our senses in parallel and how we rely on subtle physical cues to create an internal functional representation of that world which is ideally uniformly spread out across different methods of cognitive processing in a way that minimizes the workload on our brains. That's what makes an interface feel seamless.
And just as importantly a good designer should understand that this seamlessness usually comes from generations of trial and error. That's not to say a more seamless interface doesn't exist, in particular one that takes into account the changes made to a device since it's previous incarnation, but that arriving at this new form is going to be a long process, dependant on feedback from millions and millions of hours of use by tens of thousands of people.
Once you realize that, it makes very little sense to have as your starting point a design that was quickly put together in a lab over the course if a year and tried out by at most a few hundred people.