SP1 bug: doesn't remember when I check "connect automatically" in WiFi. Anyone else have this issue?
SP1 bug: doesn't remember when I check "connect automatically" in WiFi. Anyone else have this issue?
Also, I feel stupid for asking, but where do I submit feedback like this? Also preparing myself eventually for when I get the WP10 preview.And an Xbox preview please
What about Chromebook users?
I just for the love of god, that they don't follow the stupid IE idea of adding each opened tab as a window in the taskbar (only a problem when you combine buttons, but still). It's specially bad when you have plenty of tabs opened and they change the order in that list in comparison to the tabs actual placement, just to annoy the user XD
SP1 bug: doesn't remember when I check "connect automatically" in WiFi. Anyone else have this issue?
Also, I feel stupid for asking, but where do I submit feedback like this? Also preparing myself eventually for when I get the WP10 preview.And an Xbox preview please
People who combine buttons are the worst people on the face of earth and deserve all the misery they get.
Huh. I actually really like making the tabs a separate item on the taskbar while combining buttons. It lets me minimize, then switch to another tab from the taskbar.
I used to think like that when all I used were desktops with big ass screens... But as I switched to a laptop, and then a tablet like surface pro as my mainly driver, having buttons combined becomes almost a need on those form factors.
But even then the feature is not useful as it sorts the tabs on a particular manner that doesn't match the tabs position XD
But as I switched to a laptop, and then a tablet like surface pro as my mainly driver, having buttons combined becomes almost a need on those form factors.
Ok, well, that makes sense, they are definitely more "touchable".
Have you tried connecting it to a different USB port?
I found a wired keyboard in my closet and that doesn't work either.
I forgot to mention that my mouse is also not working.
Christ those look bad.I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
Is there no way to configure OneDrive syncing in Windows 10? I have 17GB of files I really don't want on my SSD. It seems like the "make online only" option is completely gone, and I cant find any settings anywhere.
Is there no way to configure OneDrive syncing in Windows 10? I have 17GB of files I really don't want on my SSD. It seems like the "make online only" option is completely gone, and I cant find any settings anywhere.
It doesn't look THAT bad.
I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
So many versions leak, and even though we are on the "fast" channel, there's barely ever any new build there.
Why do they update it so slowly to the public? I'm not even sure our input is that important because we're always one or two trains late.
Yeah, known issue that wifi sometimes doesn't reconnect. Not sure what causes it, but it happens on 2/4 of my PCs and doesn't happen on the other two.
I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
Those icons are obviously not final,looks very rudimentary. I do wonder why did they even bother changing them when the other placeholders looked more pleasing to the eye.
Fall 2015 at the very least.Anybody got a release date/sensible estimation on this?
So guys my dad's girlfriend is using the preview as her main OS right now (she deleted her Windows 8...I have no fucking idea how). What happens when the preview ends? Does it delete itself or lock you out or something?
I hope for the love of God that the icons shown here are just from a really crappy 3rd party shell installed.
I mean, they can't possibly think any of those new icons look any good, right?
talk about gaudy uh. I'm not so sure about that being placeholder, they've actually made these and integrated these, why even bother if it's placeholder? there were already placeholders, old icons. :\
There's probably a running project for devs of teams get picked to make icons for different builds, so no one gets tired of job responsibility.
Not everyone is a great drawing artist.
I refuse to believe that's final... it does nothing to match the aesthetics of other near final UI icons elsewhere such as the task bar, system menus, control panel or notification center. There's no way they would launch with such a design inconsistency. NEVER!
http://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-trademarks-windows-365Microsoft has recently filed for a trademark for 'Windows 365', which adds a bit of fuel to the subscription based version of Windows. While this trademark could be a defensive claim, to make sure it is not taken by another company, if and when Microsoft does announce a subscription version of Windows, 'Windows 365" would likely be the name.
As of right now, it does not seem like Microsoft is planning to release 'Windows 365' in the immediate future, as they are pushing Windows 10 at every possible instance. For now, know that Microsoft has claimed this branding right, but as for what they will do with it, only time will tell.