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Microsoft Announces Windows 10

Microsoft be like...



Could somebody explain to me why people have such an attachment to the Start menu? What does it do that the Start screen doesn't do better?

But it really isn't complicated at all. Once you clear out all the stuff you don't use, it just becomes a nice, clean screen with quick access to all the programs you use, and it's only one key or click away.

I feel like people who complain about the Start screen have never actually used it.

ITs just people holding onto a relic of the past

you can tell by people who keep bringing up the start menu as "large blocks" if they knew anything about windows 8 they would know that that is only for the most utilized of program shortcuts
Further note, the Windows 10 preview program appears to be taking precedence from the XO program.

We've never done this before. Hopefully you become an Insider, you'll see things you haven't seen before. There will be forums available for discussions amongst insiders, and our engineering team will be available.
Same guys who came up with "Xbox One". They need to be fired. Why not windows 8 million? That would be a million times better *snickers*


Well everything they announced is what Windows 8 should have been. But nonetheless an actual unified flexible os that goes across all device types is something exciting.

As for Windows 10 though? That's just nonsense.


Considering that 7 and 8 weren't the seventh or eighth versions of Windows, people are really attached to that numbering system.


Interesting to see the Xbox in that picture.... Are they going to change it's operating system half way through?

Having a OS that works across everything sounds good but that also means heavy encapsulation and more work. Will be interesting to see how it works... if I buy a phone app will I get it instantly on my Xbox with the different UI paradigm built in?

Tough challenges ahead.


How is this unreadable, unusable, or slow? It's basically like having a second desktop that you can access without having to minimize everything.


Organize and arrange things in less space. Less wasted space between items, high contrast between font and background, thus more readable. A larger array of commands in a smaller, more efficient space and with a linear intelligible order, hence more usable. As well, not separated from the desktop.

But if you like the Start screen the new Start menu is a hybrid with panels next to the menu.

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