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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


I just want windows to look like windows. No metro shit. Its one of the ugliest things I've ever used,on any platform. Just ditch it already.
I just hate tiles in general, i wish this trend would go away. It makes my eyes oddly uncomfortable, as if the image is too busy and there's nowhere to focus your eyes.


They invented DirectX but apparently they can't even count properly (Or maybe they just wanted to avoid the 'Windows Nein!' gags, since after 'Xbone' we know joke nicknames hurt their feelings).

Oh well, look forward to not bothering with this iteration of Windows just like the last I guess.


I want .gif wallpapers Microsoft.

Would that even be possible?

That'd be so annoying. Vista had "deskscapes" I think, and I think 7 might have canned them or made them an external tool.

I will wait on how games will perform on it. Right now that's the main reason i'm using W7

Windows 8.1 performs pretty much universally better than 7 so that's a pretty embarrassing reason right there

Mr Git

Oh Microsoft, dat name. Having the same OS across all platforms is pretty sly/clever; might be a way to soft launch the new OS in China, what with the One being released there - also since I'm fairly certain China banned Windows 8. Return of the start bar will likely help them shift business units as well. Most businesses particularly in this country still use 7 or XP, mainly because people are unable to learn new things on computers.


So they canceled the update for Windows 8 that they promised would have brought a start menu by now in favor of the next version of Windows. And now we're finding out the next version of Windows doesn't drop until late next year. Good job reeling me in to install Windows 8 with the bait and switch, guys.

Also, I love the explanation that they're calling it 10 because "it's so different from 8." Clearly that's not the real reason seeing as this looks exactly like Windows 8 with Start8 and ModernMix installed. Oh, and you get a clone of Exposé, Ctrl+V works on the command line (something that should've been done ages ago), and multiple desktops. So the UI is pretty much the same, functionality gets some minor additions, but for the most part it just addresses the glaring issues in 8.

Wow, what a total game changer.


Microsoft has this futuristic time travel tech.

They looked into the future and saw that Windows 9 sucked.

They decided to forge ahead with 10.

The question is if Microsoft is capable of time travel, why can't the make a decent os?


I thought it was 4? That's why people said PS4 wouldn't be called that.
Jup, looks like he somehow confused 9 with 4.
Looks like colored backgrounds are added. Not sure what else I see that's changed though.
Different sizes for tiles, new tiles, top left and right icons are different, tabs appear to be gone, what happened to the now playing tile, etc. About the only thing that looks the same, to me, is the existence of the tiles.


A whole lot of mentions of the Windows store in the announcement... I wonder if/how much they will try to route all software through its marketplace.
Microsoft has this futuristic time travel tech.

They looked into the future and saw that Windows 9 sucked.

They decided to forge ahead with 10.

The question is if Microsoft is capable of time travel, why can't the make a decent os?

Why does it take you so long to get to a burn?

8 is fine.
No, no you didn't.

I wish I could upgrade to Windows 7 after my work computer was forced to "upgrade" to Windows 8.

Granted, it's a shitty Lenovo T430, but it ran totally fine on Windows 7. Ever since Windows 8 it has slower and a lot less stable. Task Manager alone likes to take 3-4 times longer to open, which I find myself using a LOT because of how often programs like to hang or freeze entirely. Most of the Microsoft Office programs have been like that since the move to 8.

On Demand

Much as people like to bitch, MS has been pretty good with UI design though they haven't always iterated that quickly, that's a fairly recent change. "service pack" was a naughty word on XP.

I prefer PS products but i'm not afraid to admit MS has them beat on software.

Honestly the Blue Background kinda makes it looks like an organised Ps4 UI already.

Pretty sure you'll be able to change colors.

That's not a shock seeing as Microsoft has far more funds at it's disposal than Sony could ever imagine.

Nothing to do with money. MS is just better at software.

You can give Sony $1 billion to design the best UI and features that all works seamlessly together and i doubt they'll be able to come up with something good.


I don't see the issue with the Windows skip but glad to hear they're making strides toward a universal OS system across all device.


A whole lot of mentions of the Windows store in the announcement... I wonder if/how much they will try to route all software through its marketplace.

I seriously doubt this. They didn't all but cancel the Surface RT line because they have faith the Windows Store can completely replace all software.


Saw this on Twitter.



Junior Member
I like how even if you consider all those versions, naming the new one 10 still doesn't make sense :))

Yeah, I know. I don't get their naming scheme, but even moreso I don't get the people claiming there is some problematic counting going on when it's clear they haven't followed it much and just name things as it suits them.


Idk why people continue to say that in this thread. It's just that they got the actual version number wrong. I'm fairly certain the free upgrade still stands.

So you really believe Microsoft are going to give away W10 for free to current W8.1 users ?
That seems completely unthinkable to me but I'm probably not a very good businessman.
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