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Microsoft Announces Windows 10


Junior Member
Previews opening tomorrow. They are looking for power users whom want to provide feedback as they iterate similar to XO. You also must fit the following description:


That is pretty awesome. I'm definitely down for it, if it helps shape a better product in the end, it'll be worth it.


Seems XB1 UI will change again?

This has been planned from the beginning. Ever since the first rumor of Threshold (Windows 10), they were positioning it as a company wide OS overhaul so everything was running on pretty much the same thing.

We won't hear more about the consumer side of things and how it is changing WIndows Phone and the Xbox One UI/OS until early next year though.
Xbox 360
Xbox One

Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10

Microsoft don't understand numbering confirmed.

In all seriousness I don't quite understand the idea behind it, but I look forward to trying it. I'm finding 8 pretty tedious.


So when we found out "Windows 9" will be free for those with Windows 8, did that mean "Windows 10"? Or did it really mean an imaginary Windows 9 that doesn't actually exist.


Glad the touchy stuff is being iterated on too, I actually rather like it on the surface pro 3. Will gladly take that hybrid start menu for the desktop though. I only ever use the start screen on it for search, and there's no earthly reason search should be fullscreen.

Will grab the preview build for a separate partition for desktop. Not brave enough to put a preview OS on the surface. Don't even know how that'd work since firmware is pushed through windows update.

Sony can take some lessons from this.

And yeah, it does look like the XB1's UI will use this. It's crazy that the XB1 is evolving so much faster than the PS4.

Much as people like to bitch, MS has been pretty good with UI design though they haven't always iterated that quickly, that's a fairly recent change. "service pack" was a naughty word on XP.


Would love to try the preview, but I'm guessing it will be incompatible with a ton of programs?
Sorta need most programs to be working for Uni stuff... probably not a good idea then?


Drunky McMurder
It's a great name. Get over it peoples!

No, it's not. Not at all. It's Windows Flibadeedooo. The name is complete bullshit that means nothing, it's just called 10 because some asshole who gets paid too much held way too many meetings to determine that 10 sounds nicer than 9. Calling it Windows 10 serves as a constant reminder of Microsoft's completely backwards corporate culture.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What's this control+v in command thingy people are talking about and why is it so important?

Say you want to "run autobat.exe" from a browser window talking about the cmd/command prompt.

You start->run->cmd (or start->cmd now a days)

Command Prompt shows up.

You've CTRL+C/X (copy/cut) to CTRL+V (paste) into the cmd window.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT: Windows 8<- won't let you do that. Because of stupid reasons despite this being able to be done in OS X and *NIX for a while.

Now with Windows 9--er--"10" you'll be able to CTRL+V directly instead of having to "right-click->paste" context menu.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Would love to try the preview, but I'm guessing it will be incompatible with a ton of programs?
Sorta need most programs to be working for Uni stuff... probably not a good idea then?

Well most stuff should work... but there's usually stability issues with early releases

It's not advisable to run the preview on a primary PC


But... they didn't take away folders. You still have Windows Explorer. You can still have 20 tabs, docs, files, and pdfs open at once. What does the Start screen have to do with this?

How is it any of these things?

Here's my Start screen:

How is this unreadable, unusable, or slow? It's basically like having a second desktop that you can access without having to minimize everything.

I need to minimize everything because each files are for different client, and to generally navigate with alt+tab through all the files+clicking inside folders.
I need the task bar to ensure that I am in the right folder or on the most recent data file.
I need to have access to the desktop since all the drafts/folders, random confidential files/links are there for quick access.
And with so many docs, drafts, presentations, and files, I need to use the search bar+open file location to quickly get there.

I don't want clean icons.
I want detailed information on my folder, doc, file with their names in front of me.

It looks like you are talking about using Win 8 for personal use, and that is fine since it looks great to have a couple of icons on the desktop.
But for business, well...it is inefficient.

Luna Sy

Neo Member
Mindgames. They caught on the idea that some people skip every other version of Windows so they decided to skip as well.
However, I thought the odd numbered Windows' was supposed to be the good ones...

It blew my mind when someone posted about the Windows VIsta name.


Windows 10 already?

Damn...I'm still with Windows 7. Two of my newer machines were Windows 8, but I upgraded to Windows 7.


I have a feeling that Microsoft is moving to making Xbox a platform where you can crossbuy games on PC and Xbox. Ori for example would be purchased once on your Microsoft Account and you would be able to install it on your PC or XB. Making everything one cohesive OS would just make that future even easier to implement.


I don't know if it was part of the intent or not, but I do look forward to the possible death of the "even versions" meme

I have a feeling that Microsoft is moving to making Xbox a platform where you can crossbuy games on PC and Xbox. Ori for example would be purchased once on your Microsoft Account and you would be able to install it on your PC or XB. Making everything one cohesive OS would just make that future even easier to implement.

Wouldn't get my hopes up quite that high, but I suspect there will be an Xbone section in the Windows store eventually. I guess Spartan Assault could be a crossbuy test, since it's on windows, xbone and win phone (I think?)
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